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Hurricane Irene is making a bee-line for the New England coast. By all accounts, the massive storm will force parents to entertain their children non-electronically. For days. In other words, high winds will knock down power lines and disrupt communications. My internet connection is doomed. As Captain Oates famously warned, I may be gone for some time. During my absence, Dan, Brad, Nick, Chris and other TTAG writers will continue to provide firearms news, reviews and schmooze. Please cut them the same slack you cut me. In other words, none. That which does not kill us makes us stronger. In theory. In practice, I may be all wet.

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  1. “By all accounts, the massive storm will force parents to entertain their children non-electronically. For days.”

    Duct tape. 10 rolls of duct tape. It now comes in many attractive decorator colors, to help coordinate with your furniture and your children’s outfits.

    My deepest sympathy, hombre.

  2. “Adama: Starbuck, what do you hear?
    Starbuck: Nothing but the rain.
    Adama: Then grab your gun and bring in the cat. ”

    God bless…

  3. Southern New England is getting less-than-hurricane-force winds and a lot of rain. Tree and electric-line blowdowns have caused a lot of power outages. It’ll get a bit more dicey when the rivers crest, but that happens even when we don’t have to deal with a hurricane. All things being considered, the media hoodwinked us again with their constant doomsday table-thumping.

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