Minneapolis Police riot mostly peaceful
(AP Photo/John Minchillo)
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A 12-year-old boy was shot and killed by Philadelphia police nearly two weeks ago.

Did this make your nightly news? Did basketball teams boycott their games? Was there performative outrage across the country accompanied by violent riots?

Local reports explain Thomas Siderio Jr. was fleeing police when he was shot in the back. It is undetermined whether Siderio was armed.

Siderio is white, like most Americans shot by police, by the way, so he will not be revered like other victims of police shootings.

Folks like Siderio are killed by police at nearly double the rate each year as black people.

Dead Caucasians, however, do not score political points for perpetually angry left-wing bigots. The activists and media usually ignore their deaths because facts interrupt the outrage machine’s Big Lie that police are “systemically racist.”

— Ari Kaufman in Philadelphia Child Shot, National Media Silent For Specific Reason

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  1. Media silence, like not talking about the meeting between Pestident Biden and Xi Jinping and grandpa trying to promote why China should stick with us and screw Russia, and then minutes later Joe gets a comptelative stare, poops his diaper then doze’s off a couple minutes.
    We’re not going to hear about that I betcha

    • Black Americans are killed at a much higher rate than White Americans. Although half of the people shot and killed by police are White, Black Americans are shot at a disproportionate rate. They account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of White Americans. Hispanic Americans are also killed by police at a disproportionate rate.

      On its face, this means marxist style inequality. Since white people aren’t dying enough per capita, this means inequality exists. Discrimination. Because all cultures are equal, there is no difference between the different people living in the US, we are all the same, and thus, this must be contributed to systemic racism. When a store gets flash looted, or there is another walgreens <900$ grab and walkout, that doesn't cause systemic racism, that is a result of systemic racism! When investors redline a black neighborhood, they aren't doing it because a calculation and statistics determined a storefront will probably get looted, or get vandalized, or some gang signs spray-painted on its face and side, no – that is because those investors are racist. When a store, like walmart, locks up the black beauty products, that is not because people keep stealing them, that is actually because of racism. So as you can see, a culture of theft, from a particular demographic, is the result of racism, not the cause of it! Further with this article – Black people are killing more disproportionately to whites, not because they disproportionately commit more crimes, but because white people are getting away with more crimes! In order to properly look through this lens, one has to first create the axiom, that all people are the same, thus equal. Thus any disparity, any disparity at all, must be the result of racism/bigotry. And some cultures are not the cause of their own problems, but are the victims of racism. And obviously, you can solve systemic racism, by marxist style funding of schools, of healthcare, of universal basic income, and other left leaning ideas. So in order to have an acceptable result of a statistic that would indicate no systemic racism, either fewer black people need to die, or more whites need to die. If we can get around 9x more whites dying, then there will be no systemic racism in this area. The problem isn't that black are killing each other at disproportionate rates, its that white people aren't. Thus more whites need to die.

      • Take a breath Nancy. Then STFU and go away.

        At 914am you should be in school anyhow, not annoying the adults with yiur prog drivel.

      • Lil’d very conviently ommitted that when the shooting %s are looked at by the number of interactions by race, whites are FAR more likely to be shot than blacks. This is FACT!

        There was a G Floyd type incident where a white 20something died here in Texas, no media coverage. I wonder why?

      • “…blacks are shot at disproportionate rate….” Ya just gotta love those little over achievers. Never say quit, do they?
        Maybe, just maybe, blacks and Hispanics are doing things that attract police attention and require deadly force ( so the police get to go from their day job to another job before going home to their families) at disproportionate rates as whites. Being highlighted on the evening news in your mug shot is not a positive brand enhancer. Don’t like how your brand is perceived, do something to change that rather than enhance that negative positioning. Don’t be doing something, somewhere that attracts LEO attention requiring a contact, matching the profile of those likely to shoot at said LEO. don’t actually resist said contact, shoot at said LEO, run, Yada,yada, yada. Don’t breed ’em, throw ’em on the streets sans love and direction and proper mentoring.

        • So what your saying to all non whites is to stop existing? Just our existence alone can cause police interaction. Like hey look at that mexican or black, they must be up to something! Just because we simply exist. So if you have never experienced anything along those lines, you have no clue what racism is. Why do i have to change my appearance to not look suspicious to law enforcement? Law enforcement need to change their way of thinking to think just because a person is non-white doesn’t mean they’re guilty of a crime.

      • What is the proportionate rate of black criminals compared to the rest of society? I would bet that the street crimes(where a LEO might just shoot a fleeing suspect) would be in line with those shot.
        Those white kids selling drugs from their home or car are not in this mix, but the street crimes are.
        I am not saying they deserved the shooting, I am saying that LEOs policing the bottom of society will shoot whether the perp is black, white or purple.

    • Reading the posts below from the forum’s resident leftist democRats one can see the race based atrocities attributed to the democRat Party are the furthest thing from their small self serving minds.

      There they all are marching in lockstep supporting the party that owns the legacy of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching, the kkk, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities.

      What needs to come from such blowbag democRats should not be hot air, it should be long past due Monetary Reparations direct from democRat Party coffers.

  2. At this point, I will not defend the police or be part of their opposition either. I will give them their due respect and even a ‘thank you’ where appropriate though. But the less interaction I have with them the better off I am.

    The fact that a cop shot someone is not enough for me to instantly feel sorry for the one that got shot. I’m left asking why. Too many people are actively trying to provoke death-by-cop. Age is irrelevant.

    It is obvious that there are serious problems on both sides of this from socialist power hungry police chiefs to lunatic criminals and camera hogging race-baters. This will reach a head at some point and until it does, more death is likely to occur.

  3. A significant part of media bias is not just how they report (slant) a story, but whether they choose to report it at all.

    MSM is outright propaganda, primarily for progressive Democratic agendas.

  4. Anyone giving you anything has an agenda whether it’s a tray of samples at the grocery store or news packaged and presented by some source. They’ve decided what you hear and see. They’ve written the script and edited the video. Even the best of cases with the impossible caricatures of objectivity and honesty being held above all what you will see, hear and read is not a pure representation of actual events. Only a facsimile.

    The reporter has an agenda. The outlet the reporter works for has an agenda. The police have an agenda. The municipality that employs the police have an agenda. Ari Kaufman has an agenda. His employer has an agenda. TTAG has an agenda. I have an agenda. If you feel yourself having an emotional reaction to a thing it’s propaganda.

    Were Iraqi soldiers tossing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators in 1990?
    Did the US bomb a chemical weapons factory or a pharmaceutical manufacturer in 1998?
    Was Iraq stockpiling WMD’s in 2003?
    Were the COVID vaccines 90% effective?
    Did Russia bomb a shelter or did Ukraine blow a garrisoned building full of human shields in 2022? Depends on who you decide to trust. If anyone. It’s always easier to take comfort in some tribal jingoism than not. Especially when everyone around you is screaming “traitor!.”

    • “edited the video”

      Remember how long it took to get the complete video of the Floyd interaction? The one where they tried to put him in car and he wasn’t having it? The one where he said he ate too many drugs and couldn’t breathe long before he had a knee on his neck? The revolution was well underway, and most people never saw the complete video or heard all of the facts. There’s a reason for all things.

  5. I am outraged by this post that is being published bringing attention to this. It should be taken down immediately. I am just furious that an article is being published here that indicates that white people are being shot by cops, too, AND this article bringing attention that it went unnoticed by the mainstream media. Take it down now Zim! I was going to talk about systemic racism and the cisgendered heteronormative white male patriarchy this morning, but how can I talk about that now???!!! Take this article down now!

  6. Disregarding the juvenile rants of our above Fake Dacian.

    quote————–Folks like Siderio are killed by police at nearly double the rate each year as black people.————–quote

    This is an out and out falsehood. All the stats prove that black people are shot and killed ,harassed and arrested and stopped in traffic stops way out of proportion to white people.

    • The real question is – why? Is it because they are committing crimes at a higher disproportional rate, indicating a probability that they will commit more crimes, thus need a greater police presence? Or is it just because whites are getting away with more crimes, thus systemic racism?

      • An even better question is – When is any of this NOT the result of systemic racism? Is a person never responsible for their actions? Or is everyone’s actions to be framed as a product of their environment?

        The left wants you to believe that everyone is a product of their environment, so they can advocate for sweeping changes on grand scales. No personal responsibility. No good decisions or bad decisions. Is this a way to avoid responsibility? Or do they think some demographics can’t get out of the hole that they have dug themselves into? And is marxism (forced sharing) going to really fix this?

    • I’m still waiting on a citation about your recent claim that a 6yo was executed in Texas for stealing bread.

  7. Yes, it does seem that there are no protest about this 12-year-olds killing that the media can report on.

    Why don’t the white folks get out and protest the killing of this young person, as the Black people do when a member of their community has been killed?

    I’m guessing there are no protest because the white community just doesn’t give a shit about their kids…

    After all as most people on TTAG would post, he was nothing but a young gang member, a thug who deserves what he gets, that’s what they all say about the black kids who show up on the pages of TTAG as a victim of police shooting.

    Tamir Rice is an example…

    As many have recently posted, rehabilitation in the incarceration system doesn’t work at all, it’s just a waste of time so this 12-year-old is worthless because of his moral failings It should be discarded just like young black kids who commit violent offenses.

    Of course, I disagree with all that, I don’t think anyone at any age is beyond rehabilitation into a productive member of society.

    • White folks don’t go out and protest because this was a case of someone taking out the trash. Black folks will riot for ANY black person that dies in police custody, no matter how much they asked for it (Michael Brown, Trayvon, etc) or how little the cops actually had to do with it (George Floyd, Trayvon again, etc). I am no cop supporter but I support thugs even less.

      From the article;
      ““This happened less than a mile from where I live, and I did not know about it until you emailed me,” a Philadelphia resident told me on Tuesday morning. ”

      How? Do you live under a rock? We heard about it in Lebanon. It may not have been on national news but it has been on local news multiple times, and all over social media. The kid was a thug. Either his biological father or his step father is in jail. Reports are unclear which one. He already had a criminal record. He posted photos to facebook with his step father with both of them wearing their ankle monitors and both displaying guns, clearly illegal for them both. The night he was killed he was hanging out with with a 17 YO who also has a criminal record. One of both of them shot at the cops.

      If someone is culpable for this it would be his momma and his 2 daddies who failed to raise him in anything resembling a decent manner. I am not responsible for his dumb ass, and he does not represent or resemble me at all. Sharing a skin tone doesn’t make us the same.

    • Why would white people protest a 12 year old gang member lookout? Plain clothes police were made while on surveillance op, activates emergency equipment on UC car and identifies as police. Kid then shot into police car striking head rest. Then got shot while still armed and attempting to run away. “Oh he was running away and wasn’t a threat” Well to those people I’d say maybe you should look up Tenn v Gardner

      • Per local ABC6 news “According to Philadelphia police, the four plainclothes officers were in an unmarked car were conducting surveillance at 7:20 p.m. on March 1 as part of a task force responding to social media posts involving a gun. The officers said they saw two young males on a corner – one of whom appeared to be carrying a handgun – and recognized the older one as someone wanted for questioning in that firearms investigation.

        According to police, the officers moved the car near the two youths and turned on their emergency red and blue lights. A short time later they heard a gunshot and the shattering of glass as a bullet entered their back window and ricocheted through several surfaces in the car. An officer was stuck by glass in the face and eye and was treated for his injuries.

        Witnesses had given conflicting accounts of the officers not identifying themselves as police or turning on the vehicle’s emergency lights. But at the conference Tuesday, Outlaw said she had reviewed corroborating evidence that had confirmed for her that the officers had turned the lights on prior to the gunshot that came through their rear window. She declined to elaborate on what that evidence was.

        • Continued from ABC6 “Two officers exited the vehicle and fired two shots toward Siderio who they said was still holding a gun, police said. Siderio began to run down the street and one officer chased him and fired two additional shots.

          Siderio was struck once in the back. The bullet exited through his chest. Police rushed the boy to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

          Questions have been raised about whether Siderio still had the gun in his possession when he was shot. Original reports from police said they recovered the gun, which had been reported stolen. Outlaw said Tuesday that she could not comment on where the gun was recovered or whether Siderio had tossed it prior to being shot.

      • Exactly.
        A person who has fired at ANYONE, then runs to avoid apprehension is a deadly threat to the public.
        This was a good shoot. Facts matter.

    • Why don’t the white folks get out and protest the killing of this young person, as the Black people do when a member of their community has been killed?

      Well. You are from West Virginia. That means you are white. Don’t you have a street corner and a placard to get to?

      I’m guessing there are no protest because the white community just doesn’t give a shit about their kids…

      And by “their kids” you mean not really “their” kids, but their people’s kids, and by “their people” you mean their race. Because we aren’t talking about parents here, we are talking about a race – white people. And you are from West Virginia, and that means you are white. So why don’t you give a shit about your race’s offspring?

      After all as most people on TTAG would post, he was nothing but a young gang member, a thug who deserves what he gets, that’s what they all say about the black kids who show up on the pages of TTAG as a victim of police shooting.

      Tamir Rice is an example…

      Tamir Rice is not a good example. Tamir Rice was not a gang member. He was an unsupervised child, carrying around a bb gun that looked like a pistol, and another person in the park called it in, saying there was a possible juvenile, carrying a gun that looked fake, and was pointing it at people in the park. Dacian would call this kid a latchkey kid, who was a victim of systemic racism, rather than bad parenting. And if it was bad parenting and not systemic racism, then that bad parenting was a result of systemic racism. And if that bad parenting was a result of bad parenting itself, then that was a result of systemic racism. In other words, it’s never these people’s fault. Ever. It’s societies’ fault. Always. They have no responsibility, ever, whatsoever, and they are victims, always, forever.

      As many have recently posted, rehabilitation in the incarceration system doesn’t work at all, it’s just a waste of time so this 12-year-old is worthless because of his moral failings It should be discarded just like young black kids who commit violent offenses.

      I don’t know where this rehabilitation idea ever came from. Prisons were never a place for rehabilitation. They are a cage. A cage where you are locked up to keep you away from the rest of us. It is really that simple. And it is up to you, to rehabilitate yourself. Period. If you don’t want to rehabilitate yourself, you will stay in this cage forever. The fact of the matter, is people are bigoted towards criminals. And you may, personally, sympathize with the criminal or condemn them. All of the laws that put a person in a cage are morally debatable. Even murder itself. But this is the psychology of people. Everyone is a bigot. Everyone.

      Of course, I disagree with all that, I don’t think anyone at any age is beyond rehabilitation into a productive member of society.

      What about serial killers? What about twice recidivist murders? I guarantee you are a member of the bigoted class that has no problem locking people in a cage their whole life, or even having the state execute them. Especially if you are the victim of their crimes.

      • So for you it’s a binary choice, either the parents are responsible or society is responsible.

        For me, I think both the parents and society are responsible for raising the children in the society, as the old saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child”.

        “I guarantee you are a member of the bigoted class that has no problem locking people in a cage their whole life, or even having the state execute them.”

        Your guarantee is void, I am opposed to capital punishment because the courts get it wrong far too often and there is no do over after an execution.

        It seems your motto is ‘better that 10 innocent men suffer then one guilty man go free’, weird moral value that I don’t share.

        • Miner. If the village raised the child, that child would be a latchkey kid with increased proclivities towards criminality in the future. Just ask dacian.

        • So for you it’s a binary choice, either the parents are responsible or society is responsible.

          No is not what I was saying at all. I was proposing that the left blames the inequities of the impoverished on society, rather than their personal decisions.

          Your guarantee is void, I am opposed to capital punishment because the courts get it wrong far too often and there is no do over after an execution.

          What if you witnessed someone stabbing your kid to death? You want them locked in a cage or not? What about serial killers? What about twice recidivist murderers? You want them walking around free? How would you propose they are dealt with?

          It seems your motto is ‘better that 10 innocent men suffer then one guilty man go free’, weird moral value that I don’t share.

          We are talking about people that are murderers, some we know are guilty. If 20 witnesses sees a guy murder several people, are you going to challenge them on and say, “He could be innocent!” No you aren’t. LOL. So what would you do with these people?

    • “because this was a case of someone taking out the trash“

      Thank you for instantly confirming my point about most people on TTAG.

      So much for “compassionate conservatism”, apparently they ain’t no such animal.

      Needless to say, I’m not prepared to write off anyone, especially a 12-year-old child, as being beyond rehabilitation.

      • Wow!

        Just re-read my comment.

        I am a malodorous self-righteous prick.

        Why hasn’t anyone at TTAG told me this?

        Is this compassion?

      • You’re welcome Miner. I don’t have different standards for different races or religions or anything else. A thug is a thug. Black, white, whatever.

        I wish this kid’s family had not failed him. I wish he had not chosen to fire a gun at other people, and cops no less, that night. But their failure and his poor choices do not obligate me to shed a tear for him, or ask that his victims not shoot back. And it does not obligate me to pay for his dumb to sit in prison and learn from other thugs how to be a better thug.

        He already had a criminal history and was surrounded by people who encouraged criminality and preying on others. History, psychology, and criminology all indicate his chances for rehab were so small he would have a better chance of winning the lottery.

      • As for compassion, an excess of compassion is what got us into this mess. Rather than punish those who harm others or their property we have cradled and mollycoddled criminals. This has only encouraged and emboldened those determined to prey on others. Compassion for the incarcerated has resulted in prisons where all needs are provided for at taxpayer expense and any real punishment is forbidden. This leaves criminals with no fear of going to prison. Now we see the final stage of it with criminals released before the arresting officers can complete the paperwork and then the criminals are re-offending within hours. Getting arrested does not mean anything to them, and they get away with, literally, murder.

        We can’t take much more compassion.

    • “Why don’t the white folks get out and protest…”

      Miner, why would you say white folks? Is the race the important part? “White folks” routinely protest when black criminals are shot. You missed the point of the article. It isn’t necessarily about the race. It’s about the narrative and the propaganda. They aren’t protesting because they weren’t told to protest. Now ask yourself why.

    • How about “cop’s aren’t your friend”. Keep that in mind when you run from them. In Chiraq they just proclaimed the po-leece “justified” in killing 2 Spanish boyz. One was 13. No riots. Whut the young teen was doing running around shooting for days hasn’t been explained by mamacita…

  8. Gasp! White people having been victims of “systemic racism” all this time isn’t MSM worthy?

    I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!

  9. the media ply is bias(ed), the reality a wide oval all things being radial in regards to semi- pneumaticism.
    road kill nightmare. possums should keep a low profile to maintain their aspect ratio.

  10. Facts Matter, Your Feeling Don’t

    It’s an uncomfortable truth but blacks commit crimes at nearly three times the rate that whites do. Blacks commit 36% of the violent crime in the US even though they are only 13% of the population.

    Blacks in England commit crimes at nearly three times the rate of their population rate.
    The parity in black crime rates in the US and black crime rates in the UK prove that there is no systemic or institutional racial bias in the US, and that the judicial system is not unfairly targeting blacks.

    There is no systemic racism in US Judicial System. There is no racial bias that unfairly targets innocent blacks in the US Criminal system.

    The cycle of black crime begins with the breakdown of family values that has 72% of black pregnancies creating low-income single parent households. Black children growing up in single-parent low-income situations are likely to repeat this cycle unless they raise children in a married two-parent household with more stability.

    White privilege isn’t creating a system that unfairly arrests and prosecutes blacks, the black parents making bad life choices are creating situations that increase the likelihood of bad outcomes happening are the ones responsible. White privilege isn’t real and isn’t responsible for blacks committing more crimes, black adults making poor life choices are the ones responsible.

    Black pregnancies that create single-parent households, that are more likely to live in a poverty or low-income situation. This low-income situation creates an environment that produces children that have a higher rate of dropping out of school or are more likely to engage in criminal behavior. Creating a repeating cycle of low-income single parent households that remain uneducated and more likely to commit crimes in the future.

    • Mauser6863,

      The cycle of black crime begins with the breakdown of family values that has 72% of black pregnancies creating low-income single parent households. Black children growing up in single-parent low-income situations are likely to repeat this cycle unless they raise children in a married two-parent household with more stability.

      I agree emphatically. And several/most prominent voices in the Psychology community HAVE to know this as well, which means the Ruling Class policy makers also know this. And yet the Ruling Class continues to suppress that truth and push destructive policies.

      As I mentioned in my comment below, I have concluded at this point that the Ruling Class is intentionally suppressing that truth and pushing destructive policies simply because they are evil and delight in causing as much misery and suffering as possible.

  11. Has it dawned on anyone yet that the devolution of society that we are seeing is intentional rather than accidental or due to incompetence?

    I am absolutely convinced that major elements of the Ruling Class are intentionally pushing destructive policies. The only remaining question in my mind is their motive. Do they see some sort of profit motive? Or are they simply evil and delight in causing as much misery and suffering as possible? Or is it both?

    I am incredibly sad to say that I think those elements of the Ruling Class (who are intentionally pushing destructive policies) are just plain evil and delight in causing as much misery and suffering as possible. While that may incrementally enrich themselves and increase their power a bit along the way, it pales in comparison to how much more they could enrich themselves and increase their power if they pushed constructive policies. If you don’t believe that, just compare the absence of widespread prosperity in communist Russia from the 1940s to the 1980s with prolific widespread prosperity in the U.S.A. from the 1940s to the 1980s.

  12. That “12 year old child” fired a gun at police, he went looking for trouble, found it. His parents should be apologizing to the police that they raised a little dirtbag.

  13. Whomever is shredding Lil D and making him argue with faux himself is doing God’s work 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. “jwm March 17, 2022 At 10:20
    How can you tell? Oh, that’s right. Fake dacian isn’t a fascist. herr dacian the nazi is. Obviously.”
    even a more stupid post than the one he/she was commenting on.

    • Another fascist that gets offended when I lump herr dacian in with them.

      It really is very simple. The left doesn’t exist anymore. It was bought out by corporate billionaires. Just because herr dacian and miner are not smart enough to see that they are playing the fascist line doesn’t mean they aren’t.

      Even china is no longer communist. If they ever were. Just another weird blend of fascism.

      • Liberal and Progressive Democrats simply cherry picked the most effective parts of Fascism necessary to implement their Ideology. Political Correctness, Cancel Culture, along with the Indoctrination of children in the education complex. To the prescribed doctrine of revisionist history and the removal of history that does not conform to Dogma. As was done in the creation of the Hitler Youth. History has been repeating itself right before our eyes for the last 50 years. Which has been their plan of playing the “Long Game” to transform society to their Ideology. Unlike the Nazi’s who accomplished the transformation in less the a decade. Many people/parents have finally become Woke to the dangers inherent within the Liberal Progressive Democrat Ideology and are now rising up against it’s effect on their children. Oddly many of those people/parents were once children of that Indoctrination. Only to see the dangers after seeing it’s effect on Their children. There is still hope that the influence of the fascist wing of the democrat party can be defeated in our nation. It will require much the same resolve that was needed to defeat it during WWII. It may well require the same bloodshed. Because, as with all Evil it cannot be negotiated away. It must be destroyed.

      • Understand that Mr. ‘Hitler was just misunderstood’ jwm here is an authority on fascism…

  15. The latest FBI data shows that Legally armed citizens shoot and kill more criminals. Than are shot and killed by law enforcement. Regardless of race, creed, sex or age. Bad consequences come from bad choices. Lesson for the day: Make Better Choices. Arm Up Carry On.

  16. A person firing a pistol at the police, or anyone else who is openly armed should expect the person they fire at to return fire in defense to stop the threat. Age is just not a relevant consideration. Back in several of the military conflicts we have been involved in, children were sent out with arms and encouraged or directed to fire upon or detonate explosives at American troops. With the expected results of the child being shot by soldiers. Such shootings were exploited by propagandists to charge our people with being baby killers.
    Many of those in the inner-city low-income communities, of any race, are taught from early childhood that the police are the enemy. As well as not being taught respect for any authority figure, adults in general, or even themselves.
    This is not systemic racism, white privilege, or classism. It is a culture of poor decisions, poor choices and poor parenting. Ask why a kid, is running wild, carrying a firearm they are not allowed by age, by law, or by rights to have, and committing acts of violence, or just going along for the ride with other criminals. Why have these children or young adults not been taught respect? Why have these children not been taught that theft, assault, murder, drug use, etc. are not acceptable, or appropriate behavior?
    And anyone wonders why most of us on the right don’t get our rage on when such a shooting happens? Anyone over the age of 5 should have been taught such actions could and likely will result in injury, death or incarceration. Anyone who gives a damn about their offspring should have schooled their children that to get respect they must not only give it, but earn it. Such are the harsh realities of life for those who choose to not live within the rules of a civil society. Without such basic rules, we descend into complete anarchy.

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