is as anti-gun rights as any mainstream media outlet. Actually, more. As evidenced by their headline In Other News, TheBlaze is Now Seemingly Handing Out Free Guns. True story. The Blaze is running a gun giveaway contest with the usual caveat: the winner must be of age and not a prohibited person. In fact . . .

The Blaze is “sending winners a check for $891 to purchase the gun of their choice.” A gift certificate perhaps? Whatever.

And wouldn’t you know it, Lindsey Ellefson knows it! The writer for Us Weekly, the Mary Sue, the Tempest, xoJane, Bustle, Puckermob, LawNewz, Sports Grid, Raleigh & Drake, Fembot, Skirt Collective, Abortion Gang, Bedsider, Crustnation, Have U Heard, From Your Big Sister and Excordent admits that no free guns are being handed out! In writing!

But not before this . . .

Unfortunately, the email [blast] doesn’t really say anything about delivery or any restrictions. Is Glenn Beck sending the guns to winners via UPS? Can any-old-body just win a gun that makes supposed criminals run away from them? Can felons? Can the mentally ill? Can people on no-fly lists?

Is there some kind of background check process that goes along with this type of giveaway or are we going to start stuffing the pistols into t-shirt canons and launch them into the crowd during halftime at Madison Square Garden?

Again, the article goes on to say that NONE of that is even REMOTELY true. Hence the word “seemingly” in the title.

The only thing that Ms. Ellefson’s snarky opus proves is that anti-gun rights writers never let the facts get in the way of a baseless dig at Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. As if you didn’t know.


  1. Wait, there’s a media outlet called Abortion Gang? What, was Goat F*cker Weekly already taken?

    Don’t answer that.

    • Apparently so…and I’m going to go way out on a limb and surmise they’re about as Pro-2A as they are pro-life.

      • More to the point, it’s probably as much against a clearly enumerated RKBA as it is for an unenumerated right to an abortion.

  2. Anti’s gotta anti, hoplophobes are scared of the word gun, target….etc…

    Seen an anti against children and guns and the response.

    “Of course children and guns are a bad idea. You average firearm is unwieldy for a child to operate in a safe manner.”
    “Children are much better suited to crew served weapons. The semi stationary condition of a mortar or heavy machine gun rely less on the child’s strength and stamina yet builds teamwork.”

        • Now Strych, I’ve been known to throw a few… ok, way more than a few, bucks at the Junior-Varsity Stripper Squad from time to time. They appreciate it more and can pull off the “No, really! I’d sit here half naked on your lap even if you weren’t tipping me and buying drinks!” more convincingly than most of the A-squad.

          TL;DR I’d buy a lap dance.

        • Tim,

          I appreciate you helping all those aspiring doctors, lawyers and veterinarians pay their tuition and she’s got a decent face but how do you know she doesn’t have a butt-do? (Where her gut sticks out farther than her butt do.)

    • According to LinkedIn her FT job is “Manager Pink Sands Airbrush Tan & Salon May 2013 – Present Employment Duration 4 yrs LocationGreater New York City Area” so not exactly burning up the journalistic landscape…

  3. In 2006 when I inherited my grandfathers 1960’sd smith and Wesson special (a 5 shot revolver), and I was living in DC, I was regularly reading in the media that “no one wants to ban guns.” They still repeat it. hundred and hundreds of news stories on gun control in the past couple of years repeat it. In fact DC forbid me from bringing that in even to keep in a safe, even if I had a background check and a safety training course. They don’t want those things, they want total bans. Mediaite itself actually has stories saying “no one” wants a total ban — AND stories of gun control advocates advocating total bans! They don’t even read their own stories? What gun control group did not oppose Heller??? (answer: they all opposed Heller and supported DC, ie all supported total bans)

    There is literally no subject in the US media with more “fake news” than the reporting on gun control. You don’t need to parse whatever story by the particular idiot from mediate who is writing a story on gun law without knowing one iota of gun law (as is the rule in reporting on the subject).

    • I do this on my Facebook timeline frequently: Post a link to the latest “We don’t want to take your guns”, then a Google search on that person’s past instances of saying, “We want to take your guns.”
      Hillary was always good for one a month, at least.

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