Merry Christmas from TTAG

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Shotgun shell wreath
Courtesy ShotgunshellwreatArt at

Here’s hoping the jolly old elf left something nice for you under the tree last night. To the most knowledgeable, dedicated, and engaged readership in the gunblogosphere, have yourself a merry little Christmas.

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    • You could alway have Christmas here in Australia.

      Yesterday was cold by local standards only 94 F.
      110 to 120 has happened previously.

      • Sydney warned up to 30c on the coast and 34c in the western suburbs.

        Looks like this for a few more days.

  1. “To the most knowledgeable, dedicated … in the gunblogosphere,”

    and then there is the opposite of dacian and Miner49er and Albert Hall and the other trolls like them.

    Merry Christmas to the rest of you.

  2. Merry Christmas to all and may your government never succeed in destroying your rights!

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may your season be blessed with the love and warmth of family and friends.

  4. Merry Christmas Dan!!! Thank you for the help earlier this month.

    From your friends at

    Excited Dan, my website should be up running by the end of the week.

    Gregg Kielma
    [email protected]

  5. Merry Christmas to all. To the military and police, thank you for putting your lives on the line for us. To those who stay engaged in the fight against the gun-grabbers, thank you.

  6. Merry Christmas Bruce Willis and family. I pray you are ok and dealing w/ things as best you can, and I wanted to Thank you for a countless amounts of laughs and quotes that made us POTG’s laugh and be entertained for years to come. “Welcome to the party pal ” was one of my favorites! I cried when we found out you were shot in the Sixth Sense (what a great flick). Red’s 1 and 2, Die hard (all), My sister just got me a Merry Chrstmas from Nakatomi Plaza 1988 Tee shirt this year (it’s a fave now!). God bless and Thanks again Brother. May we all have a better year in 2023, with victories continuing over the Left and their insanity.
    POTG you people ROCK! Be safe and don’t take any shit!

  7. A belated Merry Christmas to all of the folks (Staff and Reader/Commentators) who inhabit TTAG. You’re a good bunch. And… Here are Best Wishes to you all for a Happy and Prosperous New Year

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