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“Federal authorities warned local law enforcement authorities across the US on Friday that Islamic State sympathizers were continuing to call for attacks on churches and other holiday gathering sites,” reports. Same as it ever was. Only this time there appears to be credible intel for a 2016 attack . . .

The federal US warning was issued after a publicly available list of US churches was posted on a militant social media site.

“As part of the continuous dialogue with our law enforcement partners, the FBI routinely shares information about potential threats to better enable law enforcement to protect the communities they serve,” FBI spokesman Andrew Ames said.

Ames added that citizens were advised to maintain awareness of their surroundings and report suspicious activity.

For those of you who realize that the police are second responders, a word of [I’m sure unnecessary] advice: stay armed my friends.

And not to put any more of a damper on Christmas cheer (much), I’d also like to remind you that terrorists often use an initial attack to drive victims to secondary carnage. So if the S hits the F terrorist-wise, be very careful about your escape route.

Separately on Friday, police in Australia detained five men suspected of planning a series of Christmas Day attacks using explosives, knives and a gun in the heart of Melbourne.

See what I mean?

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  1. I only go to churches for funerals and weddings. And I try to avoid both. Terrorists will have to come to my house over the holidays if they want a shot at me.

      • I find those all around, where ever I go. I don’t need a boring sunday listening to a guy of suspect intent telling me what God says. If God wants to deliver me a message he can do it himself.

  2. My very old story is better than your very old story, so I’m going to go to the places where your story is told, and blow it up, or shoot people. Or stab people. Or run them over with trucks.

    Tell me any of that makes sense to any degree.

  3. GOD willing I’ll be in the most heavily armed large church I’ve ever seen-Hammond 1st Baptist. Cops,CC carriers and open carry galore. Merry Christmas!????

  4. Australia? All weapons are banned there, it can’t happen in a weapons free utopian paradise. And to think that the Hideous Rotten Criminal wanted US to be just like them. She’s supposedly been drinking heavily, hope she has plenty on hand. I knew people who drank themselves to death & were found in their own vomit.

    • “I knew people who drank themselves to death & were found in their own vomit.”

      Which is slightly better than people who drank themselves to death and were found in somebody else’s vomit.

    • I live a couple of hours from “little Mogadishu” aka the Twin Cities. It’s a sad commentary that I feel I have to show up on Christmas like I am in Bastogne.

  5. I just returned from Christmas Eve service at my church. I may or may not have been armed with a large handgun and 45 rounds of ammunition and a Kel-Tec SUB-2000 carbine on standby with another 80 rounds of ammunition. And I may or may not have been on over-watch duty.

    • Precisely. One night we went on lockdown because of 3 criminals who had just done an armed robbery about 5 miles away. I say it over & over again, “it is better to have it & not need it than to need it & not have it”. This also applies to all of the emergency gear carried in the vehicles & all of the other stuff I am prepared (hopefully) for. Recently friends of mine were out of their house a good 3 months because of a kitchen fire; I asked him he had any fire extinguishers: NO. Told him I had one in every room & every storage shed. Said he was going to fix the problem, I doubt it.

  6. .>> ..police in Australia detained five men suspected of planning a series of Christmas Day attacks…

    Of course, we don’t know if that’s five out of five, or five out of 50…


  7. Just two days ago checked to make sure I can carry concealed in church in Kentucky and it is legal unless the church has a no carry sign. Kept reading stuff online that individuals could not carry in churches, only pastors/ministers with CC license. Apparently that is not correct. Went to Christmas Eve pageant this evening and felt much better carrying given it’s probably another soft target.

      • I strongly recommend that if you show up at a church that has metal detectors and/or physical searches that you seek another address for your salvation.

        • True, I agree. Referring to anywhere where you are searched, just avoid them. A sign should not stop a person from exercising their right to self defense, and if any venue wants to rob me of that right, it will not receive my patronage.

  8. The US government has done it’s job well. They have got the sheeple so scared that they see a threat around ever corner. They did this in the 50’s and it worked. It get to me that people who are educated and knowledgeable are believing this dren that the government is give them. I have looked at all the “attack” they are all false flags and the sheeple are running scared.

  9. Not expecting any attacks here today. Even the mountain lions and wolves are hunkered down in shelter somewhere. We’re having a blizzard, so I expect to be snowed in for several days.

    I’m always armed anyway, of course. 🙂

  10. “using explosives, knives and a gun in the heart of Melbourne.”

    Everyone was on high alert because the gun in their possession was an Adler, right? Nothing more effective for a terror attack than a lever-action with 5 rounds….

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