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  1. Merry Christmas from the Great White North. That tree is cool, but I’d rather find those guns under the tree!

  2. Getting to see Christmas through the eyes of my 5 year old granddaughter.

    Merry Christmas to all.

  3. Merry Christmas everyone!

    TTAG staff: please consider a post where readers can share descriptions/photos of firearms related gifts that they received for Christmas.

  4. Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate the holiday.
    To those that don’t, Happy Day Off Work. 🙂

    My niece and nephews are going to go NUTS when they see what they’re getting.

    • And to you, Derry. TTAG is a gift in itself that keeps giving all year round. I am very glad RF gave me the opportunity to contribute.

  5. To those that don’t, Happy Day Off Work

    And to those who do have to work today (emergency services, armed forces, etc.), thank you…and a very Merry Christmas to you as well!

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