Mine's is real (courtesy youtube.com)
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JWT reckons we should have trademarked “operators operating operationally.” Oh well. At least TTAG added to the gunblogosphere’s lexicon with OFWG. And there’s always the chance that can stumble upon a new catchphrase that will catch the imagination of The People of the Gun. I’m hoping “Mine’s is real” will do just that. Preceded by “Oh well” s’il vous plait. Check out the video below for context . . .

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  1. “Mine is Real” is a good one. It also constitutes the rare situation in which Mine is Real beats Mine’s bigger.

  2. ‘Am I shot?’

    ‘Fuck yeah, you’re shot.’ Priceless.

    Man steps thru the door and shoots both of them. No tag lines. Just shoots.

    See how well a revolver works in the hands of a no nonsense fellow. He should have been working for Broward County.

  3. TTAG needs to strike while the iron is hot, where’s the merch? I’m imagining t-shirts, hoodies, moral patches, challenge coins, etc… I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t buy a “Mine’s is real” morale patch, you know….just for the range bag of course.

    • I want to know when and where the heck this was! Who out there is LEO and still carries a revolver?!?

      Last time i saw any on duty Officer packing a revolver was about 6-7 years ago at Mardi Gras….. I did a double take then when i saw that guy….

      • Could have been security. A lot of those companies are still using revolvers.

        • Not gonna research it, but very likely true. Hell, in MO, the armored car guys are still only allowed a .38 revolver. That’s it.

        • Looked like a security patch on the shoulder.

          Man after my own heart. Wheelguns are real guns……

      • He is a security guard

        There are some LEOS who carry revolvers, often ones with limited jurisdictions (peace officers, typically, sometimes court officers).

  4. “It’s fake! It’s fake!”
    “Oh, well. Mine’s is real.”

    Remember when Hollywood used to write dialogue that good?
    Yeah, me neither.

  5. WTF Was this staged? A cop shoots somebody then stands around and doesn’t dial an ambulance or back up? Or was that a cop, I can’t see this phone screen that well. If it was a cop, just another instance of law enforcement getting in the way of someone’ doing their job. You do know ‘THEM” bangers refer to robbing as a job. You got a job? “Oh yeah, I rob convenient stores”.

    • did you watch or listen to the video?

      The gunner (security guard, not a cop), opens the door, shoots the bad guys and tells the clerk to call 911 while making sure the bad guys remain contained.

      I’m not sure what more you want him to do…that’s about all that anyone would require of a non-LEO.

      • Okay security guard, no I can’t see this phone screen that well and I’m half deaf from shooting guns and running a chop saw without earplugs

  6. if i remember correctly he’s a security guard on his way home from work, was only there by coincidence and good timing. I think he got fired? maybe, this happened a while ago.

  7. A better posting would be the Mother and daughter duo in Oklahoma at the liquor.

    Call me when that is posted.

  8. Oh hell yeah. Excellent. Too bad those thug wannabe, s#ithead, hoodie wearing mf’ers didnt die on the spot. Just another drain on society. Been seeing a lot more signs saying NO HOODIES, NO HATS, NO SUNGLASSES at banks and liquor stores. They need to add OR YOU WILL BE SHOT.

  9. OK, I have to say this security guard is going to have remedial training. He should have learned the “Mozambique drill”, two to the body and one to the head. Or maybe at least a double tap. I got to give credit, he was cool and in control.

  10. Saw this when it first came out. love it.

    “its fake its fake!!”
    “oh well, mines real” “Lay there and die like i give a fuck” LOL

  11. On a side note . . .

    I think it is borderline hilarious that prior to coming to America, many Indians have a near Disneyland-view of this country. Then they proceed to set up shop in the most ghetto or redneck places in this country. And that view shatters drastically in under a week. Nothing like working a gas station or liquor store in about a 1/3 of this country to make you wonder how America ever became a super power 🙂

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