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Minneapolis Police Chief Fired Over Justine Damond Shooting

“The chief of police in Minneapolis has resigned at the request of the city’s mayor, Betsy Hodges (above right), after Hodges said she had ‘lost the confidence of the people,'” reports. The leadership change comes after the police shooting of Justine Damond. “as well as previous killings going back to 2013.”

Hence the protests by African Americans at the press conference [click on the link above to watch], at least one of whom called for the Mayor’s resignation. After the room was cleared, Mayor Hodges announced Janeé Harteau’s replacement.

Hodges nominated assistant chief Medaria Arradondo to be the next chief. Nicknamed “Rondo”, he served as the department’s public face after Damond’s shooting while Harteau was on personal leave. Arradondo, who is African-American, has been with the department since 1989.

Before the announcement, Mr. Arradondo said Ms. Diamond’s shooting “shouldn’t have happened.” Ya think? Here’s the outgoing chief’s resignation statement:

“Over the 30-plus years that I’ve served as a police officer in the City of Minneapolis, moving up through the ranks to police chief, I have woken up every day knowing that this job is not about me. It is about the members of the communities that we serve and the police officers who protect our residents. I am proud of the great work the MPD [Minneapolis Police Department] has accomplished…

“However, last Saturday’s tragedy, as well as some other incidents, have caused me to engage in deep reflection. The recent incidents do not reflect the training and procedures we’ve developed as a department.

“Despite the MPD’s many accomplishments under my leadership over these years and my love for the city, I have to put the communities we serve first. I’ve decided I am willing to step aside to let a fresh set of leadership eyes see what more can be done for the MPD to be the very best it can be. The city of Minneapolis deserves the very best.”

145 thoughts on “Minneapolis Police Chief Fired Over Justine Damond Shooting”

  1. We need to know more about what led to the shooting, and how it might have been prevented.
    The police in most cities are generally not well trained in how and when to use a deadly weapon, and when not to do so. The prioritizing of force protection over public protection has brought too many tragedies. Police need to wait until they are fired upon. No shooting on suspicion that someone has a weapon.

        • You won’t get any proof because he just made it up and is trying to pass it off as a fact.

        • The proof is in the event itself.
          Shooting an unarmed citizen who is seeking help is a sign of utter incompetence, or cowardice maybe.

          The fatal police shooting of an unarmed woman in Minnesota was committed by one of five Somalis that Minneapolis recruited as part of its affirmative-action plan, according to new reports.

          “The city’s affirmative-action program requires it to give preferential treatment to minorities, not only those hired by the city but by all contractors awarded contracts of more than $100,000,” reports World Net Daily.

          Minneapolis police Ofc. Mohamed Noor is accused of shooting and killing Australian Justine Damond, 40, who was engaged to be married in August. The local Star Tribune boiled the July 15 incident down to this:

        • World Net Daily ? That’s your source ? Hahahahahaha. Wow, that’s a reputable source. NOT !

        • Affirmative action alien cop working for an affirmative action Chief chick who is not replaced by an affirmative action bro.

          The major problem with the entire demtard “affirmative action” project of the last 40yrs is one is “safer”/more likely to be correct, to assume that “minorities” got their position as a gift to to unqualified, than by hardwork or competency. But they still love their massa the dems.

          • Kind of like when rich kids get jobs or get accepted to colleges just because of their rich daddy even though the kid is not qualified or doesn’t have the grades. The door swings both ways. Prime example, GW Bush was a C average student yet somehow gets accepted to Yale and then to Harvard.

          • Obama was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. They don’t give that position to just anybody. Only top students are even considered for that position. GW Bush wouldn’t even be allowed to clean the toilets for the Harvard Law Review.

        • Please F-Bomb. do tell us of the important insightful articles penned by the Marxist. He wrote all of one – which was kinda of a joke, especially when subjected to any scrutiny.

    • And just how many dead officers are you willing to accept before realizing the stupidity of your ways? 1? 2? 8? There is a war on the police going on now. Last year was extremely deadly for police everywhere. Just lately an NYPD woman was shot dead at point blank range in her vehicle for no reason other than she was an officer. A single mother left behind 3 children. And you say they aren’t supposed to shoot until shot at? Fracking moron. Realize if you were an officer under those orders, and I approached you, you would be dead before you could even clear your weapon! GET IT? That officer was wrong! He should be prosecuted for his actions. But many times, they do follow the rules before engaging and are still wounded or killed.

      • Bitch deserved it, walking out there in her PJs like that. The F! she expect? We’re COPS, damnit. We shoot first and ascertain our target later.

        Is that what you meant? Cause that’s what it sounded like. You want a “war on cops?” That’s how you get one.

      • I knew there’d be at least one.

        Larry, It’s been a bad year for cops, in fact the worst in a decade. I think they’ve finally cracked the top ten of “most dangerous” jobs on the BLS list. Displacing ‘Landscape Managers’. But far behind driving a truck, working in a warehouse, or other jobs held by tens of millions of Americans.

        The ‘dangerous job’ propaganda gets dragged out every time they want a raise, and the gullible eat it up. Not to mention creating an atmosphere where utter bullsh1t like this shooting happens, with edgy rookies being told ‘the most important thing is they go home at night’. And trained for black swan events, which seldom happen to officers in actually dangerous ‘hoods.

        • Yeah, I don’t hear roofers, farmers, drivers, factory workers, commercial fisherman, etc., all of whom’s jobs are more dangerous than cop’s, boo-hooing incessantly about how dangerous there jobs are and what heroes they are for going to work like cops do.

        • Over the years, almost all of the jobs I’ve seen on “most dangerous” lists were jobs that involved operating or working near heavy machinery of some kind. (Cars, forklifts, boats, construction equipment, etc.). Maybe being a cop would be much safer if they obeyed half the traffic laws they enforce.

        • Twice as many Americans died making war material during WW2 than died fighting in the war, but you never see any movies or go to any monuments to honor their service…. i think it has to do with the fact that we universally recognize violent service professions as more honorable. I think firefighters are the most highly regarded because fire doesn’t file complaints when it gets put out. But my favorite is pizza “delivery guy”….. most violence prone job, making minimum wage, and bringing me yummy pizza. My hat off to you pizza guys.

        • Here Here Mr/Ms Pizza delivery person….. You keep the country licking its chops with your goodies!!

      • Most of the deaths of cops would not have been prevented by a policy of “shoot to kill at the first suspicion the other person might be armed”. Most were ambushes, with no opportunity to shoot first. I am talking about gunning down a child carrying a toy gun.

        My first salaried job was as a martial arts instructor, both armed and unarmed. Some of my students have included police. Had to flunk some of them, not for poor marksmanship but for an unprofessional temperament. I have prevailed in a confrontation with an armed mugger, without using a firearm, but very advanced skills.

        Now it is not reasonable to expect all police to acquire such skills, but they can improve a great deal. I know many cops who have never had to shoot, but who solved the problem without having to do so.

        Some of the comments suggest it is acceptable to shoot everyone in sight with a weapon. Even the innocents trying to defend themselves and others? Even an off-duty cop? Think about it. What is needed is judgment and professional composure, not being trigger-happy.

        • Stop using rational thinking and common sense Jon. That kind of behavior will get you nowhere on here.

        • “Police need to wait until they are fired upon. No shooting on suspicion that someone has a weapon.”
          “Most of the deaths of cops would not have been prevented by a policy of “shoot to kill at the first suspicion the other person might be armed”.”

          Your statements above indicate that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Waiting to be fired upon? So, as a police officer standing/sitting there watching someone approaching with a firearm aimed at me, I must wait until he fires before firing back?? If I were you, I wouldn’t try that out.

          There’s not an agency in the country that has a policy allowing shooting someone “at the first suspicion that the other person might be armed.” Have individuals f’d up and shot someone that shouldn’t have been shot? Yes. But if, as a general rule, leo’s shot folks on the mere “suspicion” they were armed, there would be ten’s of thousands of such shootings. I was on the job for 32 years and interacted with thousands of individuals who I suspected of being armed. Never shot any of them. Took precautions. Absolutely. Pulled the trigger based on a suspicion? Nope.

        • Sorry Ken. Citizens have the right to be armed. If a cop has the privilege of pointing a weapon at a citizen, then the citizen has the right to point a weapon at the cops. The life of a citizen is more important than the life of a cop.

          There are way too many “He was reaching for his waistband” shootings by cops for it not to be policy.

        • If the standard for cops regresses to “shoot only when fired upon”, then you will find that standard applied to society at large including all the “experts” here who fight for the right to KBA for self defense. If someone brakes in to your house, is raping your daughters, and sets your house on fire,… sorry, but you weren’t fired upon first….. at what threshold are PEOPLE (cops included) justified in the use of deadly force? “Only when fired upon” is an idiots argument.

          • The “only if fired upon” rule is for confrontations between a cop and an armed suspect on the street, without violence on the part of the armed citizen. That does not mean one needs to be fired upon before using a firearm to make an arrest, protect an innocent person, or stop a violent crime. Merely having possession of a firearm is not yet a violent crime. People have a right to have a firearm for innocent purposes.

        • Most of the deaths of cops COULD HAVE been prevented by keeping them on the sidewalks and away from cars. Failing that, if they knew how to drive.

      • If there is a war on police going on its because they started it. When police make a habit out of shooting people, it’s only a matter of time before people start shooting back. I’m not condoning shooting cops. My father is a retired cop. It’s just the way it is.

        • Sounds like your father has blood on his hands for all the woes of society according to the discourse here. Even if he was a (quote, un-quote) “good cop”, at the very least he’s partially responsible those problems. Apparently, your father kicked in doors and oppressed the rights of the innocent, planted evidence, killed unarmed women and children, was an uneducated/illiterate family dog killer, and participated in the “blue wall of silence” allowing cops to “get away with it”….. what ever “it” is? He drove awful and put pedestrians at risk, didn’t know how to street fight, was an unprofessional matial artist, and routinely broke the law and regulations (more so than a CCW permit holder).

      • There is no “War on Cops”. There is a war by cops against the American people. Better 1000 dead cops than one citizen having his rights or safety harmed by a cop.

      • As many as it takes for the popo to stop being incompetent ass clowns playing urban commando. Quite frankly, the police force in general needs a swift kick in the ass in most urban jurisdictions. They act more as tax collectors than law enforcement.

        • +1 for the tax collector thing. Government collusion with the insurance companies and unions is out of control. The rest of your comment is crap.

      • Yes, cops get shot. But guess what? That is against the law, and the shooter can be pretty certain he will be captured and prosecuted, or killed. When a cop shoots a woman trying to get some help, that should also be against the law, and he should expect to be captured and prosecuted, or killed. When cops like this goof get a 30-day paid vacation, or maybe need to find a new job, that makes thinking people very angry.

      • A “war on police”, or a war BY police?
        * Abner Louima
        * Patrick Dorismond
        * Amadou Diallo
        * Michael Pleasance
        * Karolina Obrycka
        * Kathryn Johnston
        * Emma Hernandez
        * Margie Carranza
        * David Perdue
        * Akai Gurley
        * Levar Jones
        * Charles Kinsey
        * Oscar Grant
        These are just a few of the victims of the war BY police on the rest of us.

      • First if it’s dead cop vs dead INNOCENT civiallian im going dead cop. They have to accept a certain level of risk with the job. The job is to protect the public not endanger the public. But they don’t need to wait until shot at. They do need to wait until they SEE a weapon. Especially in a situation where they are not dealing with a person known to be armed and dangerous. The fact that anybody could be armed and dangerous does not give reasonable justification. To treat them that way.

        Second this is almost all bad policy. This cop should have been taken off the street already given the history of complaints of violence against him.

        Also there seams to be a training issue with MN police. This needs to be looked into.

        • the role of police is only for law enforcement, not to serve or protect. looks good on a car fender,but not truthful in reality.

      • > And just how many dead officers are you willing to accept

        That question has a very simple answer. As many as it takes for the number of law-abiding citizens killed by police officers freaking out to become zero. Because that’s kinda the whole point of police – to protect the rest of us from violence.

    • Just remember that the whole “don’t fire until fired upon” mentality WILL then be applied to private citizens after the next Zimmerman incident. The BLM folks will tote the line, “well if it’s good enough for cops, it’s good enough for these gun people.” I don’t think most of us who carry are ok with just standing there waiting to be shot at before we return fire.

      • There is big difference between government employees who are armed as a privilege of employment and citizens who have the right to be armed. The King’s men should always have very restrictive rules of engagement if not being disarmed all together. Citizens should be armed, not government employees.

        • In America, government employees have the same right to bear arms that you do. This is America, not Great Britain. Incase you didn’t realize.

        • Hank, I have to agree with Chris that police (or any government actor) should be held to a higher standard than a citizen in the use of deadly force (or anything, for that matter).

        • We shouldn’t. But when the government caters to their demands, they start calling the shots.

      • It already IS applied to private citizens and it WAS applied, illegally, to Zimmerman in a trial that was politically motivated and utterly unconnected to the elements of the crime.

        • Yeah, I kept on waiting for someone to explain how “stand your ground” is a factor when a thug is sitting on your chest and slamming your head into the concrete.

      • You don’t just stand there waiting to be shot. I used to teach students how, when unarmed, to defend against an armed assailant. Nothing guaranteed, but ducking and taking cover usually work. I once prevailed against an armed mugger using only psychology. (I was also prepared to disarm him.) Most criminals are not skilled with a gun. From more than 30 feet he will probably miss. Even if you are hit you can still overcome. Police need to take some risks to avoid harming innocent citizens.

        • I’ve been legally justified to shot someone at least twice, maybe three times, that I can think of when I had a gun. I’ve never shot anyone.

        • Do you all not seem to realize y’all are making the exact same arguments the gun controllers make about us as gun owners? Why they don’t need guns! They just need to hit the gym! Or use pepper spray! Or ju jitzu! You don’t need a gun if your attacker isn’t using a gun! You must use the use of force continuum! You should’ve fired a warning shot first! … listen, I’m not defending this POS murderer. But y’all need to quit pontificating about how much of a badass you are and how you can wait to be shot at or use some sick disarming technique. I’ve been in a life or death struggle with just my hands before. I don’t plan on doing that again. I’m simply telling y’all how politics works. Just because it doesn’t apply to you now doesn’t mean the masses won’t vote to apply it you, after it’s applied to the people you hate.

      • Hank, you’re right. This is America. At the very least, citizens should have the same rights and privileges of government employees.

        Citizens should enjoy the relative freedom, paid vacations and no out of pocket legal representation after a shooting. Wouldn’t it be nice if citizens in non gun friendly locations could own magazines of any size, choose a firearm regardless if they’re on a ban list, discounts on firearms, accessories and permits. Not to mention concealed or open carry in places which non government employees aren’t permitted.

        Did you mean that America?

  2. “The recent incidents do not reflect the training and procedures we’ve developed as a department.”

    No, I think they do. That’s why you’re out on the curb.

    • Does the department train its cops to blindly fire into the nearest citizen when they hear a loud sound? Does this guy have an ignored history of doing that?

      If not, I’m not sure why we should be spreading the blame so fast.

      • Yup. More cops behaving badly. I think I need to set up a website to chronicle the literally daily LEO misadventures. Oh wait, there are already dozens if not hundreds if these websites? Never mind. BACK THE BLUE! Or else.

  3. Hodges either knew and approved that unsuitable candidates were accepted into the police force, or she didn’t know. In the former case, she’s just as culpable as the ex-chief. In the latter, she’s not competent to be mayor. Hodges needs to fall on her sword, too.

    • I don’t see the mayor being culpable at all given the size of the city unless she directly oversaw some personnel action involving the cop (other than simple hiring).

      • A lesbian police chief, and a Somali cop.

        As Dirty Harry once observed, “That’s a helluva price for being stylish”.

  4. Chiefs aught to be elected positions, like sheriffs, so they’re at least held accountable to the people regardless of city politics.

    • That’s an absolutely terrible idea. So any clown could become Police chief ? Why does a Police Chief have to be elected to be accountable ? He/she is payed with tax dollars. Isn’t that enough ?

      • Not saying they need to be elected or not. But no, being paid with tax dollars is not always enough to make one accountable. There are unjustified and even criminal shootings by police often enough that go unpunished and the officers remain on the payroll, that’s proof that being paid with tax dollars doesn’t equate to accountability.

        • I’m not saying it equates to accountability. I was simply stating that a person does not have to be an elected official to be accountable to citizens.

      • Right now, they’re appointed by the mayor. Is that any better? Plus, sheriffs across the country are done so in every county. It’s not some novel concept to give power to the electorate. But continue to choose the path of blind ignorance and obedience if that’s what suits you’re retarded liberal mind you fat ass crack. We live in a Republic if you didn’t realize.

        • Yes, being appointed by the mayor is better. MUCH better than just letting a bunch of people who don’t even know who they are voting for choose.

        • LAPD and LASD are very similiar. The sheriff’s deputies patrol unincorporated areas of the county, are contracted to some cities, and help out other cities with major operations.

      • No. It’s a good idea. Anybody in an upper management position in .gov should be subject to the peoples vote.

      • Being paid with tax dollars has the exact opposite effect. It makes them almost completely unaccountable. Hell, the cop who shot the woman is still walking around. See if you can shoot someone (even in a for real self defense situation) and both refuse to make a statement and not go to jail. Bet you can’t. Unless you’re a cop or elected official, that is. In that case the bet’s off.

        • You’re right, but it’s not because they are paid with tax dollars. It’s because they are cops and elected officials. If they were getting paid by someone else it would still be the same.

        • A statement sure will be interesting. First off, to find out if he speaks English, second, to find out WTF he thought was happening. My guess is the administration heard his explanation and ordered him to STFU.

      • And in Apartheid Chicago, “any clown” HAS been superintendent:
        * Cline
        * Wiess
        * McCarthy

    • I don’t see any evidence that elections result in anything even approaching a meritocracy. Of course, appointments by “blue ribbon” committees don’t either.

  5. There ya’ go Minneapolis! All better…anyone know if Sharia Po-leece are prowling Moose-lim neighborhoods in Minnesota?!? I’ve heard it’s going on in Hamtramk,MichiGUN ?

    • I live in metro Detroit. Nothing of the sort is going on in Hamtramck. While Hamtramck is a majority Muslim population now, it is not under Sharia law. STOP SPREADING LIES.

      • That may be but.. metro Detroit doesn’t need any of that to be the wasteland it already is.

      • F bomb, So, magically the Hamtramck Muzzies aren’t going to do there what they’ve done in every other place ON PLANET EARTH that they’ve infested.

        They perform FGM in the good ol’ USA. They perform all the usual child rape that Muslims do everywhere. Many have the stated goal (you know, the ones who are actually in charge of the group) of an Islamic America.

        This is a cultural invasion, nothing less. The left has whack-jobs like Linda Sarsour out there telling the lies that apparently you like to hear. Wake the F bomb up, they are invaders, nothing less.

        • If I believed you had an actual clue what you’re talking about I might accept your premise. But I don’t.

        • Study the Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, learn world history especially vis-a-vis Islam, and what’s going on in Europe right now, especially London and Paris. Learn what ex-Muslims know, there’s plenty out there.

          Get back to me when you have some vague idea what Islam is actually about.

        • Another drive by commenter. Stick around for a few years like the guys you are criticizing. Maybe we will give a duck at that point.

        • TGP, thanks. I would just offer that everybody is/was ‘new’ sometime. I wasn’t the first poster, it took me a coupla weeks to move from TTAC in the early days (and a coupla years to abandon it completely). All that I care is if he/she has a provable retort, or even an argument.

          Which leaves the ball in his/her court. I’m always happy to engage anyone with an actual opposing position on Islam, that’s up for a debate anyway….

      • I grew up around & between Hamtramck, Delray, and Utica; finally left when the blow-molding shop I worked for closed, and Sept. 11th happened.

        Over the years, starting in ’91, I’ve seen a variety of haji come different waves. Originally, I remember the scattered middle-eastern families from neighborhoods were Lebanese, Jordanian, Egyptian, Iraqi, with a few from the Caucasus.

        Hell, my long-term highschool girlfriend was Chaldean (very orthodox, I was watched very closely), her family left during the Iran-Iraq War. That was an enlightening experience on a lot of levels (along with her murder during college by a Mexican kid from our old school).

        Anyhow…. then came the first Gulf War, and a bunch more Iraqis; along with a steady trickle of Palestinians. After that it was the Bosnians who took over all my favorite shops & bars in Hamtramck.

        I knew all kinds of muslims; observant, strict, MINO, etc. I’ve always been polite with ’em, but early on learned not to trust ’em…. especially if addressed/referred to as “my friend” first. Even casual muslims know that it’s permissible to lie/cheat Christians; the Pakistani clan who bought my favorite old Polish liquor store even made sport of it.

        It’s only a matter of time before their spawn decide to make sport of infidels, other than taking their money and providing poor customer service. More and more of them are becoming quite blatant about giving white people that extra special stinkeye, which I first saw in Baghdad.

        • That’s right…I got some half Lebanese cousins after my uncle married one. Nominally Christian in Flint,Michigan. And RICH(owned grocery stores)…

        • Exactly. Anybody who isn’t an old friend (and generally referring to you in the third-person) is using that phrase to tell you, up front, in no uncertain terms, that he’s gonna screw you.

          Inherently corrupt cultures like Islam, or places (like anywhere in the old Soviet Union), use that phrase often. It’s a survival tool for primitive and/or uncivilized peoples and places.

    • When did I wander into the gun store with the guy behind the counter that’d rather talk shit about brown people than actually sell a gun?

      I thought I’d put all those places on my “drive right by” list.

      • It’s not about them being brown. It’s about them being child raping terrorists or supporters there of.

  6. This cop was the mayor’s boy. He’s the 1st Somali cop in the 5th precinct. She pulled him through and he was not fit to be a cop but the mayor is a radical leftist who cares more about image and retaining power than protecting the public. It’s an election year so she had to throw the chief under the bus. Plus the mayor and chief have been fighting for a while. There’s a lot more to this story.

    MPD is a good department, my son is starting his career with them and I have friends on MPD. I’ve done ride alongs with them, they are a great bunch of officers. This guy is an exception to the rule.

    • I wish him and his more ethical and competent and ethical fellow officers much luck. I fear they will need it.

    • MPD is a good department…

      Beyond executing friendly dogs and unarmed women in pajamas, do tell what else they’re good at. Because they certainly aren’t good at keeping the garbage in their own ranks in line.

      Yeah, I know how the system works. I also know that if you have a garbage recruit, and the line-level cops truly care, there’s a million ways to cut his career really short. I don’t care if it’s the mayor’s son,let alone some trash affirmative action hire, he’s got a well-padded jacket after only 2 years on the job, and he was obviously unsuited to work in the civilized word.

      I wish your son the best of luck.

    • Don’t. Minneapolis is your typical D-run city. The people there couldn’t be bothered to vote for anybody else. Clearly they LIKE what’s going on. Hodges’s has far more issues than the recent officer-involved shootings, being as left of center as the former mayor of London. The city is being slowly run into the ground, and nobody has a problem with that, so they are not deserving of sympathy.

  7. I read an article elsewhere that the Somali officer involved in the incident got through on some fast training program or quick training. Anyway he didn’t get the full length of time of training. On top of that, being the first Somali officer on that force, he became a poster child and did events with the mayor and other propaganda mumbo jumbo.
    What it appears is he wasn’t fully trained and becoming a poster child probably compromised a lot of training.
    I’m as pro cop as anyone, but there has to be accountability. I just don’t see how a woman in pj’s and umarmed could appear a threat. Until something comes out that she had some object in her hands, I’m betting the officers fire arm went off unintentionally.

    • I have not done an intensive study of this incident, but what I did find indicated that the woman approached the police car on the driver’s side to follow up on her call regarding a possible rape. Mohamed was sitting on the passenger side.

      For some reason Mohamed had his pistol out of his holster and on his lap POINTED TOWARDS THE DRIVER AND THE WOMAN! Violation of Rule #2. At some point during this conversation Mohamed squeezed the trigger of his service weapon sufficient to discharge a round, which went PAST HIS PARTNER, penetrated the driver’s side door, and hit the woman in the abdomen. Violation of Rule #3.

      There was some discussion that the officers for some reason may have believed they were being set up for an ambush, but it was an upscale neighborhood and the woman who approached was a middle-aged blond with an Australian accent. Barring any other revelations, and no cameras were running at the scene, this was pure negligence on officer Mohamed’s part and he should be prosecuted for his negligent discharge of his pistol that caused the death of this woman.

      • Later update claimed the round went through the open driver’s side window, which, if true, sounds more like an aimed shot than an ND. I really do not see how the jackasses who call themselves reporters can report something so wrong, either way. Either there is a hole in the door or there is not.

    • A) She didn’t deserve to die.

      B) She was a big supporter of “Australian Style” gun control ( via Daily Mail ) and probably thought only police and miltary should carry firearms.

      C) She didn’t deserve to die.

        • Unless you are saying that anyone who likes gun control should die, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

        • I’m pretty sure that is exactly what Serge is saying. It’s not that un-American of a position as many would have you think. The American Revolution went hot win the British attempted to seize the Colonists’ arms.

          I’m not as extreme as Serge, but I can see where he is coming from.

        • Pwrserge says:

          July 23, 2017 at 08:07

          #2 puts doubt to #1 and #3.


          avatar Big Bill says:

          July 23, 2017 at 11:38

          Unless you are saying that anyone who likes gun control should die, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

          Hey Bill that is exactly what Pwrserg is saying. The only redeemable thing about this sadistic and outrageous post is that we can use people like him as examples to teach our younger generation how far yet we have to go to become a civilized country that does not hate minorities or other religions or people who have a different political view. Especially a woman who came from a different country and a different culture. Perhaps I should buy up all of Pwrseg’s arm bands, white hoods and his picture so I could hang them up as disturbing examples and to be used at various educational seminars as historic teaching tools where civilized people meet to improve race relations and tolerance of other people and their political view points.

  8. Any evidence of affirmative action hiring?
    Somalia: what is the average IQ?
    Somalia Avg. IQ: 68
    Mohammad Noor was Somali.

  9. The chief of police and the mayor did not shoot any one, why should they quit??? The person who pulled the trigger should be in prison and tried for murder.

    • If their recruiting, promotion, training, and rules of engagement policies and practices foreseeably led to this outcome, then, yes, they should resign or be fired. In fact, that mayor is in a tough re-election battle right now and is about to be fired. Moreover, if you’ve been following Minneapolis current events for the last few years, you’ll know that both of these two have been at the center of serious controversies centered on their competence to hold their respective jobs.

    • Under international law it is sometimes referred to as the chain of command rule. I’m sure it is irrelevant and doesn’t apply but there it is.

  10. Larry C
    “That officer was wrong! He should be prosecuted for his actions.”

    Button Gwinnete
    “Bitch deserved it, walking out there in her PJs like that. The F! she expect? We’re COPS, damnit. We shoot first and ascertain our target later.
    Is that what you meant? Cause that’s what it sounded like. You want a “war on cops?” That’s how you get one.”

    This, in a nut shell, is what is wrong with many who discuss a subject with this amount of emotional capital invested in the opposing positions, when one side or both fail to even try to understand, much less listen to a contrary opinion.

    Emotion is not an argument.

  11. This is the result of Libtards devouring their own to misdirect away from any truth-finding which would reveal the incident resulted from their own failed policies and crackpot governance.

    • Just remember that “devouring their own” is not a trait reserved for those on the other side of the aisle. I’ve pointed it out many times right here in this little ‘ol comment section, to say nothing of the wider world.

      • The main point was about misdirecting attention from the failure of Democrat Rule in Minneapolis via the Police Chief’s “resignation” drama. “Devouring their own” could have been “throwing under the bus”, “scapegoating”, “stabbing in the back” or some such other metaphor. Misdirection for political deceit is currently such a common practice among all political factions because it works so well with the stupidified American Public who cannot distinguish what is really endangering them or how they are chronically being misled away from the actual issues by focus on minutiae.

  12. What do you get with 2 Muslim Cops who do not understand nor conform too American Law , but they understand Sharia law, and thought this lady was a lady of the evening and was disrespecting them! so blamo legal under Sharia law. ( Lady of the Evening and a Heretic so OK too cap)

  13. I don’t understand what this entire contretemps is about. The cop who did the killing isn’t white and the woman who did the dying isn’t black, so it’s no big deal.

    Right, #BLM? Right, George Soros? Right, racial arsonists?

  14. “I have to put the communities we serve first.” – I think this is part of the problem. The population is too big for government to be a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

    If a local government employee treats me poorly in anywhere in the county I live in, I’m pretty sure I could get a face to face meeting with their boss(es). The only government employees who ever treated me poorly (in my current county) were teachers and administrators when I was in high school, and my mom did speak to one of their bosses.

    Minneapolis has a larger population than most counties in America. That is just too big for local government to be responsive to the needs of individual citizens. The only way to get serious attention at that point is to be part of a group, so you either have to go with interest groups or identity politics.

  15. Reviewing her background, that Chief seems like a lightweight who should never have been in such a position of power. Because she’s a lesbian, a woman, and a Native American? Yes, but not in the way you think I think. She should never have been affirmative-actioned up through the ranks, because her failures attach an asterisk beside the name of every other woman, lesbian, and/or Native American who actually is capable in their respective professions. Others will be considered first in terms of their particular identity group, if ever in terms of their own individuality, and their accomplishments and potential discounted as just so much guilty white liberal freebies and liabilities.

    • What are you talking about. She was a 25 year veteran of the force and had done almost every job on the Minneapolis police force. She is also highly educated for the job. She may have screwed this incident up but she is definitely not a lightweight who didn’t deserve the job.

      • Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that she’s all that, and a bag of chips qualified.

        This “highly qualified” chief let a complete piece of garbage onto her force because she was “forced” to by the mayor’s office? Or did she believe she needed more non-CIS non-whites? Or did she know he was a POS, and didn’t have the guts to get rid of him?

        Which one is it? Because I don’t see any other options.

        • You don’t have to assume anything I said because they are FACTS. Look it up. Also, I said she messed this situation up. You said she didn’t deserve her position. That is not true.

        • You don’t have to assume anything I said because they are FACTS. Look it up. Also, I said she messed this situation up. You said she didn’t deserve her position. That is not true.”

          For starters, I didn’t have to say anything, Jonathan-Houston did. I merely posited a series of questions which you are ignoring, and dodging.

          So, once again,this “highly qualified” chief let a complete piece of garbage onto her force because she was “forced” to by the mayor’s office? Or did she believe she needed more non-CIS, non-whites? Or did she know he was a POS, and didn’t have the guts to get rid of him?

          Answer one of the questions if you can, or suggest another relevant answer to why the “highly competent” chief allowed that Somali POS to be a cop in her department.

          • I don’t know. And neither do you. But at least I admit that I don’t know, FLAME DELETED

        • So, at this point, you answered my question again by dodging it with a logical fallacy, which is the best you can do apparently.

          I have never claimed to know the answers, I just know what the facts have manifested themselves as. Pretty typical given the participants. I guess you’re looking to make excuses for them, or something. Or believe there’s some ‘magical’ reason that hasn’t been suggested already.

  16. to Thomas R

    Quote———————The fatal police shooting of an unarmed woman in Minnesota was committed by one of five Somalis that Minneapolis recruited as part of its affirmative-action plan, according to new reports.————–Quote

    Thanks Herr Hauptman Thomas R for insinuating the tragedy was caused by a minority and not by insufficient training or periodic psychological testing for delayed stress syndrome that other civilized nations already have had for years. I am sure none of this ever crossed your mind, it was too occupied reading your copy of “Mein Kampf”

    Excuse me now while I barf all over your post.

  17. I find it disturbing that it was only after a beautiful White Woman got gunned down that “now” suddenly we have a police problem of lack training and psychological testing for stress on the job.

    Its also ironic that this woman stated “I do not feel safe living here in America with all the guns and violence.” Shortly after she was then senselessly killed. How prophetic and how thought provoking when some one from another country makes us take a real in depth look at ourselves and the uncivilized way we live here in the U.S.

    Of course creatures like Thomas R make outrageous insinuations it happened because the cop was a Somali minority and not because of lack of training or testing for job stress both of which would have prevented the tragedy. I used to think that we as Americans had made progress in improved race relations but alas blatant racism just went underground for awhile only later after Trump to emerge like a sewer rat from the gutter with a Nazi swastika on its tail.

  18. to 16v

    quote—————-Answer one of the questions if you can, or suggest another relevant answer to why the “highly competent” chief allowed that Somali POS to be a cop in her department.————quote

    I often wonder if people like you even realize how normal civilized people view your response. As a civilized person I realize it was lack of training and testing for delayed stress that was the reason for the tragedy. Be honest how many pictures of Adolf do you have hanging on your wall at home. And please when you go out in public do not forget to wear your arm band, heaven forbid anyone would not know what you believe in.

    • “I often wonder if people like you even realize how normal civilized people view your response. As a civilized person I realize it was lack of training and testing for delayed stress that was the reason for the tragedy. Be honest how many pictures of Adolf do you have hanging on your wall at home. And please when you go out in public do not forget to wear your arm band, heaven forbid anyone would not know what you believe in.

      If your response that I’m somehow Hitlerian is the “normal civilized people’s” view, then frankly, I don’t care how “they” view it. He is acknowledged an “affirmative action” hire – which means that he didn’t make the cut, unless others who were more qualified, were discriminated against. People who are a bit more civilized understand that societies (and civilizations) fall, when the Gauls invade.

      The reality is that I couldn’t care less what color the man is, my concern is his qualifications. The average IQ of a Somali is 68 (look it up, I’m tired of posting the link). Even if he”s the pick of the litter, he’s barely average. OTOH, Nigerian immigrants make more than white natives, and have more advanced degrees. Somalis immigrants don’t even register. I’m just fine with Nigerians, they actually contribute. Not to mention Noor was a Muslim – and all that entails for women’s (and human) rights.

      Go to your safe space.

      • to 16v our resident racist and paranoid Muslim hater.

        Quote———————The reality is that I couldn’t care less what color the man is, my concern is his qualifications. The average IQ of a Somali is 68 (look it up, I’m tired of posting the link). Even if he”s the pick of the litter, he’s barely average. OTOH, Nigerian immigrants make more than white natives, and have more advanced degrees. Somalis immigrants don’t even register. I’m just fine with Nigerians, they actually contribute. Not to mention Noor was a Muslim – and all that entails for women’s (and human) rights. ————————-

        So you claim your not a rabid racist. Your reply not only proves it you even contradict yourself in it. Your so wacked out your totally oblivious to your racism. I dare say Hitler believed he was not a racist either. That is no proof he was sane or anti-racist as his actions and rants proved otherwise, ditto for your rants as well. You just proved it.

  19. I think too that as long as we have juror’s who many, many times have stated they would not and could not ever convict a cop of any wrong doing we will continue to have senseless shootings, and that and lack of training, and lack of on going stress testing and most important sever vetting before hiring to vet out the racists, and sadists that are often drawn to this profession. Corrupt Courts and their procedures also make it almost impossible to convict cops of any wrong doing. Almost 50 years ago I learned that the people in power are most reluctant to prosecute the sadists that are often hired to protect them. Its not about protecting the community, they are always expendable, its all about protecting the people in power.

  20. This entire situation is just all around bad. If you do some Googling there’s an interview with Officer Noors neighbor where he describes him as jumpy, detesting women, yelling at children, and having an air of superiority. All kinds of traits to make a horrific police officer. It seems from the mayor down most of the public servants in Minneapolis are just awful. This also comes on the heals of the shooting and killing of an unarmed man. Minneapolis needs a top down overhaul and I’m so glad I don’t have their type of law enforcement in my town.

    • detesting women, yelling at children, and having an air of superiority

      So, a very typical Somali Muslim.

      God bless affirmative action hires, and the cultural enrichment they bring!

      • to 16v our resident rabid racist and paranoid Muslim hater

        quote——————–detesting women, yelling at children, and having an air of superiority

        So, a very typical Somali Muslim.

        God bless affirmative action hires, and the cultural enrichment they bring!——————

        Ahh Yes Herr Hauptman there are not any corresponding White Cops that would ever exhibit the exact same behavior and even if they all were it would pale in comparison to anyone who was a Somalia or a Muslim. I am sure you will tell us this has to be fact since your God Adolph told you so and he could never be wrong now could he?

        Tell me Herr Hauptman are you second in command to David Duke, your new God and leader.

        quote———————God bless affirmative action hires, and the cultural enrichment they bring!——————quote

        To bad we could not enrich our culture and deport racists like you. You sicken me. Too bad man holes to sewers do not have locks on them as we could at least keep you from crawling out of it and infesting the general civil population.

      • to 16v our resident racist and paranoid Muslim hater

        16V says:

        July 25, 2017 at 23:42

        detesting women, yelling at children, and having an air of superiority

        So, a very typical Somali Muslim.

        God bless affirmative action hires, and the cultural enrichment they bring!——————quote


        avatar TS says:

        July 26, 2017 at 05:29

        Really, how many Somali Muslims do you know ?

        Hey TS, of course 16v does not know any. If he would put on his glasses when peering out from under the man whole cover of his residence in the local sewer he would see Muslim Doctors, Dentists, Postmen, Teachers and yes City Administrators, one Michigan town council is run entirely by Muslims. I would say they have assimilated very well into our society. Of course 16V is running through the streets pulling his hair out yelling “the end is near”.

        Of course when dealing with nut cases like 16V they could not see the truth if the truth walked up and stomped on their foot. 16V wants America to ascribe to the “Master Race” mind set. Every one must be blonde , blue eyed , Christian, and of Aryan Descent. All others are sub-human and are out to “get him” as he quivers under his bed armed to the teeth with his M16 and a couple of thousand rounds of ammo for the apocalypse. But fear not he will tell you he will be saved by Aryan Space Men who will soon land and take him to his ideal planet of “the chosen ones”.

  21. The gun is almost certainly either a Glock or a S&W M&P and Noor’s lawyer will blame the lack of a real safety for the shooting. The police chief will be blamed for the choice of weapons, maybe already has. She has already been sacrificed that’s certain. Noor won’t skate but his guilt will be mitigated if a jury buys it.

    Does this tactic have merit? Well there have been a hell of a lot of ADs with Glocks and other striker autos without safeties. Keeping one’s finger off the trigger stops most of them (not all) but we’re talking about a nervous rookie cop here. His lawyer is probably lining up expert witnesses now. 120 ADs in the Washington DC police department’s first decade with the Glock won’t look good to a jury if the case gets that far.

    I know that is the course I would take if I were Noor’s lawyer. What else can he do? He has to shift blame. Nervous rookie cop sent out with an unsafe weapon and another rookie for a partner at a time police were fearing assassination attempts. It’s better than just saying he made a mistake.

    Oh, I know it is PC here to call them NDs not ADs but I am not a PC person. I even call those things on the muzzle silencers.

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