Roswell, New Mexico’s famous for all kinds of next level phenomena. But the latest and greatest is one we wouldn’t mind seeing spread throughout the land. We get the spooky details from “‘I have personally never heard of this in 13 years,’ said Sgt. Jim Preston of the Roswell Police Department.” Another alien sighting? Nope, just an Albertson’s grocery store employee who found that a case of frozen ribs he was unpacking came complete with a RIA 1911 and ammo. “There are a couple clues to the mystery. According to the police report, the meat package came from the Swift Packing Plant in Greeley, Colo., and the date on the package is June 8, 2011.” So that leaves only two questions: 1) which meatpacker slipped his heater in the box of babybacks and 2) why would you want to buy 18-month-old meat at Albertson’s?


  1. why would you want to buy 18-month-old meat at Albertsons?

    Hello? Because it comes with a .38 Super, that’s why. Who wouldn’t buy a nice pistol for only $6.98 a pound?

  2. “why would you want to buy 18 month old meat at Albertson’s? …… Well if it comes with a RIA 1911 , I would buy it , though the meat might be a little old .Lol

  3. Makes me think of the episodes of M*A*S*H where Radar is slowly packing up and mailing a Jeep home.

    But this is much better.

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