Moms Demand Action angry
She isn't at all happy with the state of Georgia right now. (AP Photo/John Hanna)
    • Permitless carry legislation would allow a person to carry loaded handguns in public without a background check, dismantling Georgia’s culture of responsible gun ownership.
    • Permitless carry laws significantly hinder law enforcement’s ability to prevent people with dangerous histories — including extremists and white supremacists with criminal histories — to carry firearms, putting public safety in jeopardy.
    • States that have weakened their firearm carry permitting system have experienced a 13-15 percent increase in violent crime rates and an 11 percent increase in handgun homicide rates.
    • Permitless carry has been staunchly opposed by law enforcement across the country, including in AlabamaTennesseeTexasLouisiana, and South Carolina.

— Everytown for Gun Safety press release


  1. If our elected officials and fudd populace had a shred of their collective balls left, these whiny twatwaffles would merely be a mild annoyance rather than a formidable political powerhouse.

    • Instead of Gun Control everytown should organize to ban the importation of foreign firearms. After all everytown would garner support from those on this forum who ignore well written reviews and instead trip over each other to “review” the firearm based solely on its origin such as the firearms Made In Turkey, etc. Never mind component quality being “crucial.” According to one forum member I had a discussion with it’s where the firearm was made defines, “crucial.” Such drama.

      Frankly people who see something wrong with the freedom for an individual to wear a coat over a firearm for self defense and those who see wrong with the freedom that gives every manufacturer and their employees and their distributors a chance at bat deserve each other.

      On the other hand…My view of elephants changed forever after yesterday’s meme. Today it’s twatwaffles which accurately describes busy body foot tapping Gun Control busy bodies. Nonetheless I’ll be having something other than waffles for breakfast.

      • Zenith Z43, TISAS Hi Power, H&K, Glock, etc., are all foreign made. Hell no I won’t support a ban on foreign made firearms. I am however all for stripping the citizenship from those that lobby for gun control.

      • While I too refuse to purchase caliphate wannabe Turkey firearms, my hat is off to you for finally making a post that doesn’t go on some ignorant bullshit ramble about racism.

  2. Constitutional Carry is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment is all states and DC, in all places a person can go. All Law Abiding US Citizens are entitled to protect themselves, their families, their friends and other American Citizens from danger/crimes/gangs/terrorists/BLM/Antifa – without any government restrictions! So happy America is finally getting rid of outdated ignorant gun laws. Let’s Make America Great Again!

  3. Yeah they tried that here. It didn’t work. But GA has a different composition so who knows?
    Wish y’all luck on it

  4. “Permitless carry laws significantly hinder law enforcement’s ability to prevent people with dangerous histories — including extremists and white supremacists with criminal histories — to carry firearms, putting public safety in jeopardy.”

    100 % false.

    Even with a very strict permitting system bad people still commit violent acts placing public safety in jeopardy.

    • Not to mention that constitutional carry doesn’t stop a cop from detaining a known prohibited person he discovers is carrying.

      • BINGO!! Or, phrased slightly differently, ‘If we were to enforce the laws we already have, crime would drop drastically.’ Unfortunately, Soros funded prosecutors only want to charge innocent teens who defend their lives, and allow criminals with long rap sheets to walk free after yet another heinous crime.

      • As someone that has never even been arrested, prohibited person sounds a lot like bootlicker talk. Criminals need to be shown the rope or imprisoned until they’re ready to rejoin society again. No more of this two tier citizenship nonsense. They’re either safe enough to be released back into the public or not.

  5. Interesting concept: “Permitless carry laws significantly hinder law enforcement’s ability to prevent people with dangerous histories — including extremists and white supremacists with criminal histories — to carry firearms, putting public safety in jeopardy.” Exactly what law is preventing them from carrying now? Doesn’t just about every street thug do that now? MDA & E needs to wake up instead of being Woke. Just put on their big boy pants and admit they have been wrong all along.

    • Question: If we were to tally up the victims of every mass shooting since 2000, and blamed all of them on white supremacists, would they equal the number of dead in Chicago in one year?

      To answer my own stupid question: Blacks kill more blacks than whites have ever thought of killing.

    • Imagine all those “people with dangerous histories” waiting on a pertmitless or constitutional carry law to be passed so that they can carry concealed!
      Dangerous person # 1 says, “man I sure wish they would pass a law like permitless carry so we could carry our guns in under our coats.”
      Dangerous person # 2 replied, “yeah, me too, I’m tired of carrying knowing it’s against the law!

  6. Do these clueless moms need a permit to talk in public? I don’t think so. Why should law-abiding citizens need a license to exercise their rights?

  7. “States that have weakened their firearm carry permitting system have experienced a 13-15 percent increase in violent crime rates and an 11 percent increase in handgun homicide rates.”

    This is false as implied. Although there has been an overall increase in crime across the whole nation the areas with the highest rates of crime are states with may issue strict permitting while the most lives saved due to gun carry by law abiding people coupled with the lowest crime rate are in those states with constitutional carry.

    Also, correlation does not equal causality.

    • Also, states without constitutional carry with a may issue struct permitting system have, in the aggregate, seen an over 93% crime rate increase and an over 80% increase in homicide just from gangs and other criminal elements alone, yet for people with permits and armed in these states they have the lowest injury or death rate due to crime at 7% vs people not armed at over 88%.

      • .40 cal Booger,

        While statistics/data may support our goals, please keep something in mind: the primary (and arguably only) focus of our advocacy should be advancing our right to keep and bear arms both in the short term as well as the long term. Of course that begs the question, “How do we do that and what role, if any, would statistics play into an effective strategy?”

        The down side to statistical arguments is threefold:
        1) Many people glaze over when you present statistics.
        2) Many people will deny or counter your statistics.
        3) Appealing to statistics is a social-utility argument.

        That last point–appealing to social utility arguments–is particularly troublesome for a multitude of reasons. For example I could easily make a factually true social utility argument to compel women to submit to rape (and make rape legal) based on actual physical health benefits, a reduction in harm to society, and the benefit of adding more people (from resulting pregnancies) to our nation. Of course 98% of the population should resoundingly reject such an initiative for the simple fact that rape is wrong and emotionally devastating to the victim.

        We can “get lost in the weeds” ad nauseum on social utility debates. Insisting on our inalienable right to self-defense, which necessarily requires effective self-defense tactics such as keeping and deploying firearms, provides no room for debate other than for an opponent to argue that his/her desires outweigh your inalienable right to self-defense and therefore life. At that point, I simply tell my opponent (and any onlookers) that such a position is evil and cannot be reconciled–and I walk away.

        And that brings up a final important point: a LOT of people reject inherent human dignity and inalienable rights. Such people want what they want and do not care whether their desires exploit, abuse, harm, or outright kill anyone standing in their way. You cannot persuade or win-over such people. All you can do is be prepared to use force to push-back when they attempt to use, abuse, exploit, maim, and/or kill you.

        • .40 cal Booger,

          You are advocating–and you frequently emphasize statistics when doing so. I am encouraging you to de-emphasize statistics and emphasize our right to self-defense based on the simple fact that our right is inherent and inalienable which does not leave any room for uncertainty, distraction, nor debate.

          When you insist that you have an inherent, inalienable right to self-defense, all a naysayer can do is shout that you do NOT have an inherent, inalienable right to self-defense. At that point your detractor has revealed that he/she has a criminal mindset, that your life has no value, laid out for the whole world to see.

          As you almost certainly know instinctively, arguments of social utility (including statistics) mean nothing to the criminal mind. The criminal mind wants what he/she wants and will take whatever he/she wants if he/she can get away with it. Once a person has revealed that he/she has a criminal mindset, there is nothing more to talk about.

    • You can be sure that stat is 1000% bull sheet especially with all the Soros DA’s that have been doing their equity sheet over the past years.

    • I was looking at that supposed factoid too, .40, and found it interesting that the liar in this case neglected to even finish his lie, as in, “in what time period?” Were those increases in one day, one year, or since the beginning of time? Dumb.

      • The stat comes from the study I’ve linked at the bottom of this post (it’s in the original post linked in this story).

        The time frame is 1991-2015.

        I’m not going to bother running the equation they provide in the paper but I will note a quite glaring issue: They never actually define the word *homicide* or the phrase *gun homicide*. That’s not a small thing in any regard. It’s central to their *thesis*, so far as they have one, yet they don’t do it.

        Glancing at their data, because I honestly don’t give that much of a fuck here since I’ve done enough of this that at a glance I know this is bullshit, it seems rather obvious that *homicide* meets the dictionary and legal definition of killing another human being and *gun homicide* means the person was shot to death. They’re pulling the data from sources that aggregate data in this manner, so there’s no real reason to think this is a major mistake yet.

        However, they never actually define the terms vis-a-vis situation, nor do they even attempt to. They’re pulling data from various states with entirely different methodologies and then saying that they normalized them without really telling you how they normalized them outside of math. Math’s great and all but G.I.G.O. is a fuckin’ thing and stats pros know it. Fuck, everyone past middle school know it.

        IOW, at no time do they make any actual effort at all to determine if the killing was legal, accidental or overtly criminal in nature. In fact, parts of their abstract strongly suggest that they are specifically looking for people who got shot to death regardless of reason. People, whom they suggest otherwise would not have been shot without *easy access to concealed firearms*, even when that person fucking-well deserved to get blasted into the hereafter. The authors would probably try to tell you that they didn’t want to address *moral* questions but that’s obvious bullshit since they spend a paragraph talking about how important disentangling things and getting to reality is.

        So, a guy getting shot to death in a road rage incident while swinging a tire iron as a weapon is something they consider, seemingly, without regard to the fact that in all likelihood that guy would have committed a murder/aggravated assault with a deadly weapon if he wasn’t shot. And, interestingly, it’s damned certain from their methodology that Mr. Tire Iron wouldn’t be considered within their cohort if he had, in fact, been successful in killing someone via bludgeoning them to death. He only matters because his life was ended by a bullet or bullets. What he was doing at the time is irrelevant because he’s not using the *right* weapon and he’s in the cohort basically because he died due to a GSW or complications thereof.

        While it’s easy to pick a quote or two on statistics and lies the real issue here is far deeper. This paper is being cited as a scientific paper but it is NOT science. It’s purely observational and statistical. There’s no experiment and, in fact, no hypothesis either. I’m rather confident the authors would float their *findings* as the hypothesis but that’s a load of bullshit even under the best of circumstances because it means you started from the conclusion, which again, ain’t fuckin’ science.

        This has been an increasingly problematic thing in the sciences for decades because actually doing science is hard and, often, difficult to get funded because no one wants to fund a study that finds that the hypothesis wasn’t correct. However, that’s mostly the way real science works.

        Easiness of Legal Access to Concealed Firearm Permits and Homicide Rates in the United States
        Michael Siegel MD, MPH, Ziming Xuan ScD, SM, MA, Craig S. Ross PhD, MBA, Sandro Galea MD, DrPH, MPH, Bindu Kalesan PhD, MPH, MSc, Eric Fleegler MD, MPH, and Kristin A. Goss PhD, MPP (2017)

        • “…but that’s a load of bullshit even under the best of circumstances because it means you started from the conclusion, which again, ain’t fuckin’ science.”

          Gun control is nothing but a single, gigantic exercise in the ancient logical fallacy of begging the question.

  8. I’m beyond elated that man-desperate organization is horrified. I sure hope GA does a better job of it than Texas did. This “permitless carry” is a damn joke as is the lobbyist organizations is corrupt that sold Texans out.

    • Say what? Being licensed in TX, I haven’t been following closely, what is wrong with the ConCarry that just went into effect in Texas?

  9. “Permitless carry has been staunchly opposed by law enforcement across the country, including in Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, and South Carolina.”

    So? These are public servants, they don’t get to decide what and how constitutional rights are exercised. There are just as many if not more law enforcement across the country that fully support permitless constitutional carry,

    • I’ve seen somewhat different stats published, where most law enforcement supports 2A rights, support permitless carry, support constitutional carry, etc ad nauseum. Those stats may or may not have been published by people with an agenda – but clearly, the stats you quote from the article were written with an agenda.

      Where, oh where, could we ever find an impartial polling agency that could find the REAL statistics?

      While my dealings with law enforcement is limited, just about all the cops I know support 2A rights. They are happy to take weapons from convicts and gang bangers, otherwise, they just don’t give a smalldamn what you might have.

      • Paul,

        Read my responses above to .40 cal Booger about statistics.

        As interesting as statistics may be, they are not an effective strategy to advocate for our inherent, inalienable right to keep and bear arms. (A lot of people tune-out when we bring up statistics. Perhaps even worse, detractors can argue about your statistics and present statistics of their own. Now you are into an endless debate about data, statistical methods, etc.)

        Statistics are a social utility argument which is the king of all “Red Herrings” in a debate. Don’t fall for that. Simply insist that you have an inherent, inalienable right to self-defense and make the other person explain why you do not have that right. And when they inevitably trot out a social utility argument, simply tell them: whether or not your life really does have value is NOT a function of data or another person’s opinion of your life.

      • Paul,

        Depends on whether you do an actual poll of street cops, or “poll” police chiefs and sheriffs (often elected, ALWAYS politicians). “Management” opposes gun rights, because “management” are a bunch of political whores, doing the bidding of their political superiors.

        Street cops often know something about the real world. Just like most military don’t agree with their “superiors”, like that diseased t*** Milley.

        It’s always the “elite” vs. real people. Most street cops are real people – some of them are @$$holes, but they’re mostly real people.

    • I absolutely agree with you. I also view the ATF as public servants yet we see how power-hungry and abusive they been the past few decades. I hate to say it but I agree with others whom state the ATF obviously learned nothing whatsoever from their debacle in Waco, Texas.

  10. They always hint that the real problem is minorities will have the same rights and all the racists should oppose constitutional carry. And the racists do oppose it, but there are just not as many racists as the Moms and Towns wish. Let freedom ring!

  11. ‘States that have weakened their firearm carry permitting system have experienced a 13-15 percent increase in violent crime rates and an 11 percent increase in handgun homicide rates.’

    As opposed to the states that haven’t ‘weakened’ their firearm carry permitting systems that have had a 100% increase in violent crime.

  12. They are against guns…period…they don’t care how they are carried (concealed OR open).
    Their goal is to eliminate ALL guns. Period. Stop.
    They themselves are extremists.

    • Their goal is in no way to eliminate all guns.

      Their goal is to eliminate all guns outside of the hands of approved government officials within a government that *they* control.

      That’s not a distinction without a difference. They want RightThink enforcers armed to the teeth and everyone else entirely defenseless against the state.

      It’s a form corrupting the “monopoly on violence” argument.

  13. What amazes me is that these people are SO concerned about me and my fellow law abiders might be carrying a gun, possibly to save one of their lives one day, but they don’t seem to give a rat’s a** about the thousands of rapes, beatings, killings, etc. of the same people they’re claiming to want to protect. You tell me…..just delusion, stupid, or evil?

    • You forgot one possibility, that they have been indoctrinated from birth, do not even understand their intense programming to obey their masters.

    • Fundamentally they don’t care about you.

      Across a great many fronts the quintessential Lefty is entirely self-centered and you can see this in their language on a host of topics.

      Pro-2A people think that maybe you should carry a gun because they’re concerned about YOUR safety. Anti-gunners want only .govers to carry guns because they’re concerned about THEIR safety.

      Your wife raped and strangled doesn’t play into the equation. It’s not about you and yours or anyone else, it’s entirely about them.

  14. Law enforcement being against something does not mean anything. Be it guns, weed, voting, fishing, driving, or anything else in life.

    It isn’t states that go permitless carry that see increases in criminal gun use. It’s liberal run states and cities that see that. Failure to make that distinction does not mean people should not be allowed to carry firearms.

    Criminals have always carried guns. Allowing everyone else to legally carry will never change that one way or the other.

  15. “Putting more guns on Georgia streets while lowering the bar for who gets to carry them is not only a terrible idea – it’s an unpopular one, too,” said Elaine DeSimone, a volunteer with the Georgia chapter of Moms Demand Action.

    The best they could come up with for their press release was to quote themselves??? How embarrassing.

    Let me see if I understand these people. They are perfectly fine with me conceal carrying a firearm as long as I have a permit? If everyone got their permit, they would leave us alone, right?

    “…including extremists and white supremacists with criminal histories…”

    Are white supremacists considered to be extremists? Redundant much? What about black supremacists? If you knew nothing else about Everytown, here’s where you can see that they’re a joke, pushing the lie of white supremacy being some sort of major threat. Why did the media reflexively make excuses for the terrorist, Darrell Brooks? Why didn’t they mention his comments about white people or his black supremacist history? Compare and contrast the coverage with Dylan Roof. Darrell’s wiki page doesn’t even show a picture of him. It shows a picture of a street instead. It never mentions anything about race. Why do you think that is?

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          “…birthing persons?”

          According to them, men can now bear children.

          Correspondingly, it’s now “Front-Hole” people.

          Please, keep up… 🙂

        • Geoff, I thought like that, too, but recently I finally figured out what they’re talking about. They’re discussing TRANSGENDER men can give birth, as well as “some” non-binary persons with confused pronouns. You’ll be able to understand better if I translate into “old fart speak”, which is, biological women can give birth. Regardless of their woke line of bullshit.

    • “……why is the pic of a guy???”

      Guy? I thought that was Buella Ballbricker.
      The HS coach that grabs the dong sticking thru the wall in the woman’s shower in the movie Porkies. 🤔

      She can identify that dong in a lineup too. 😃

  16. The diatribe from these anti-gun organizations is getting like a mantra and notice that none of the legislation they are backing do ANYTHING to prevent or discourage a criminal from using or obtaining a gun illegally. Data can be had now in real time from these cities that have DAs that fail to back up their sheriffs and boys in blue when they make arrests. The crime is only getting worse in those places not because guns are looking around to cause crime, but prohibited persons are making choices to obtain firearms however they can get them. And don’t fall for the BS that so-called “ghost guns” are flooding the streets. Very likely the majority of these guns had their serial numbers filed off.

    • Firearms that have the serial number modified or ground off to where it can not be raised again by acid or however are illegal. Many guns with serial numbers before 2002 can have worn serial numbers, because the stamping procedures were much lighter. Guns manufactured before 1968 did not have to have serial numbers on them, but most of them did.

      An intentionally modified gun is contraband and I do not want it, unless I could raise the number – it would be in my collectors’ book just like that. Many guns manufactured overseas before WWII did not have serial numbers, we have Nazi Germany to thank for all the lists of anything they manufactured or took over production.

      • Serial numbers were applied to assist in recovering stolen guns, can never possibly do ANYTHING to prevent a gun shooting someone. The entire issue is not just a red herring, it is a really stupid one.

  17. There are an awful lot of naysayers coming here to ridicule these concerned middle-aged unattractive women and the effete metrosexual men that cling to them, but there is much truth in what they say.

    In every jurisdiction where people have been allowed by their benevolent Masters in government to wantonly carry firearms in public without let, hindrance, or so much as a by-your leave, let alone a 100-hour class administered by a neck-bearded Oakleys-wearing baseball-capped Former Operator Who Operated Operationally, a marksmanship test, a permit, and liability insurance, the general public has rued the very day that such abominations have come to pass due to the hip-deep rivers of blood flowing in every gutter, the minor traffic collisions turned into The 3rd Day of Gettysburg (about 2PM EST), coroners, mortuaries, and grave-diggers on mandatory overtime,, new cemeteries opening every other week, babies, minorities, and puppies being gunned down, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

    It’s true! And, in Georgia, it’d be like Sherman’s March, just every DAY!

    Or Chicago on a normal weekend.

  18. Clutch those pearls, you nutty squirrels! Meanwhile, as many states give way to such things as allowing us our constitutional rights, how long until we revisit national concealed carry reciprocity? Gun sales are jumping in Chicago amid violent crime spikes, so the leaders in such places must be collectively wetting themselves. I think what WE THE PEOPLE want is abundantly clear.

  19. Judging by the picture, I can see why that “Mom” is demanding action. She’s obviously not getting any.

    • Umm, that’s because she is a he with the “thing that goes up” around his neck to hide his adams apple.

  20. States with weaker gun laws have higher rates of firearm related homicides and suicides, study finds

    Once again Robert Reich is vindicated when he was quoting much older studies that came to the same conclusion years ago i.e. more guns means more homicides. European laws also proved that less guns and tougher laws meant less homicides.

    California had the strongest gun laws in the country. Hawaii topped the list with the lowest rate of gun deaths in the country while Mississippi led the country with both the weakest gun laws and highest rate of gun deaths. “What this project does, is show what we’ve been saying for years: Gun laws save lives,

    The analysis, first reported by CNN, put California at the top of the list for gun law strength — a composite score of 84.5 out of 100, with a low rate of 8.5 gun deaths per 100,000 residents, and below the national average of 13.6. Hawaii has the lowest rate of gun deaths in the country with the second strongest gun law score. It also has the lowest rate of gun ownership, with firearms in 9% of households, the data shows.

    “Gun laws work, and we need them across the board to ensure that felons, domestic abusers, and those with mental health issues can’t simply go to the next state over to circumvent the very laws meant to keep guns out of their hands.”

    Mississippi has the weakest gun laws with a score of 3 out of 100 and has a rate of 28.6 gun deaths per 100,000 residents — the highest of all states, the research shows.
    Massachusetts has adopted 37 of the 50 policies and has the second-lowest rate of gun deaths, while Missouri has only eight of the gun safety policies and the fourth highest rate of gun deaths in the US. Louisiana and Wyoming are among the top five states with the highest gun deaths and the weakest gun safety laws.

    A list of five foundational laws that have proven to be the most effective in lowering gun violence rates. These include requirements for a background check and/or permits to purchase handguns; a permit to carry concealed guns in public; the secure storage of firearms; the rejection of ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws; and the enactment of ‘extreme risk’ laws that temporarily remove a person’s access to firearms when there is evidence that they pose a serious risk to themselves or others,

    • It’s sad how “domestic abusers” get lumped in with crazies and felons. It escapes the notice of left wingnuts that it takes two to tango. Probably half the time that “domestic abuse” happens, she started the fight, and he finished it. You know, like, self defense. But left wingers don’t recognize that women can be abusive, or that they might assault or batter their mates. One scratch, one bruise, one drop of blood, and the cops arrest the man involved, give the poor damsel in distress a hug, and go their merry way.

      Bite me, arsehole.

      • little d
        Your quoting homicide numbers means squat because those numbers lump together all gun homicides.
        Justified self defense and accidents do not mean illegal gun use.
        Even most shootings by leo don’t count as illegal.
        Suicide doesn’t even count if they had the gun legally. Except for suicide itself being illegal.

        • quote————–Suicide doesn’t even count if they had the gun legally. Except for suicide itself being illegal.————–quote

          Actually more than one study has proven that suicides go up when gun ownership goes up because the gun makes it so easy to commit suicide and that there is way less chance the person will survive the attempt.

          As on first responder told me years ago “I have saved people who tried to hang themselves, drown themselves, deliberately overdose on drugs, slit their wrists, leave the car running in a garage etc, etc but I have never saved a person who blew his brains out.

          End of story.

        • Actually more than one study has proven that suicides go up when gun ownership goes up…

          Exactly! Gun ownership is the problem. We need less gun ownership. If we could get zero gun ownership, that would be ideal, and we could fight each other with hugs. 🤗🤗🤗

          …because the gun makes it so easy to commit suicide and that there is way less chance the person will survive the attempt.

          We should ban suicides. Why we don’t just a make a law to ban it – I don’t know! If a person commits suicide, they should go to prison!

          As on first responder told me years ago “I have saved people who tried to hang themselves, drown themselves, deliberately overdose on drugs, slit their wrists, leave the car running in a garage etc, etc but I have never saved a person who blew his brains out.

          Agreed! Everyone’s “free-dumb” and “gun rights” need to be curbed because some people are killing themselves. And this country was founded not on individual free-dumb, but on social engineering of the collective! Happiness isn’t about your individual choices, decisions, or individual rights. It’s about the system, collectively, how the system operates institutionally! It’s about the average of the citizenry, not “individuals.” This is why libertarians and advocates of individual free-dumb are selfish. They need to STFU and give up everything they hold dear, for the greater good. End of story!

    • I agree! More people should believe CNN. Why people don’t believe CNN is just a mystery to me.

      States with weaker gun laws have higher rates of firearm related homicides and suicides, study finds.

      And I agree with this too! Because what matters is how you die. Not why you died. Not what flaw in behavior that led to your death. But if that physical instrument was a gun or not. If it was a shovel, or a knife, or a rope. Shit happens. But a gun is unacceptable! #BanGuns.

      …more guns means more homicides.

      I agree with this! More “Free-dumb” of any kind, means more homicides. If we could lock the entire populace in padded white rubber rooms, taken care of by robots, where no one could hurt themselves or others, that would be ideal. You can’t have too much safety. And if it saves one life… we should do it.

      California had the strongest gun laws in the country. Hawaii topped the list with the lowest rate of gun deaths in the country while Mississippi led the country with both the weakest gun laws and highest rate of gun deaths. “What this project does, is show what we’ve been saying for years: Gun laws save lives.

      Yes! It probably helps that there are zero gun factories in Hawaii, and it is a small isolated island in the middle of nowhere, and they can precisely monitor what is being imported in there. Gun laws save lives! Because saving lives is worth more than “free-dumb.”

      …a background check and/or permits to purchase handguns; a permit to carry concealed guns in public; the secure storage of firearms; the rejection of ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws; and the enactment of ‘extreme risk’ laws that temporarily remove a person’s access to firearms when there is evidence that they pose a serious risk to themselves or others…

      Exactly! Sprinkle gun laws of such a great variety and complexity on the citizenry, and they will have no choice but to avoid their ownership. Because any such law is a land mine to their ownership, storage, transportation, distribution, and usage. We are always going to need more gun laws. You simply can’t have… too many gun laws! If we had 50,000 gun laws, it wouldn’t be enough. Only when everyone in the USA is disarmed of firearms, do we have enough gun laws. #SaveLives. And the real problem here isn’t people’s impulse to kill, it’s gun availability, and gun violence.

    • OOH, lookie, lookie, dacian the stupid quoting CNN (and NOT linking to an actual study) as a supposedly credible source. dacian the stupid, you are a never-ending source of merriment, with your idiotic, fact-free, unintelligible rants. Tell us, again, all about your “education” you pathetic fraud. Oh, and go visit the cable. You are too stupid to insult.

    • Dacian, Chicago is seeing record homicides and shootings, the highest since 1960.

      The Daily Wire noted last month, “ In 2021, Cook County, Illinois has had more than 1,000 homicides — including 777 in Chicago — according to CBS Chicago.

      The staggering figure is the highest number of murders recorded for the county since 1994, which recorded 1,141 homicides that year.”

      Almost every blue city in America has seen an increase in shootings and murders, COINCIDING WITH SOFT ON CRIME POLICIES.

      Your “study” is clearly flawed.

  21. When I attended my concealed carry class 9 years ago I was shocked by the lack of knowledge of even the basics of gun handling safety.

    I was also shocked that people thought there would be no civil suits against them if they were not charged with a crime by the police. Most did not know when they were legally allowed to shoot someone either.

    Only the ignorant uneducated hillbillies of the Far Right would advocate Constitutional carry.

        • Probably tried to take over the class with his superior intellect and sesquipedalian loquaciousness.

        • @Southern Cross

          Hope you’re having a great Sunday. Supposed to snow here tomorrow (Sunday). Minus 6C for a high today.

          (got me with that one…sesquipedestrianalian)

        • Still summer. 30 C here. Watching my son compete in athletics against other local clubs.

          But Australia has no real winter anyway. Just a long autumn followed by a long spring.

      • How many believe anything dacian the nazi says? If he told me it was saturday I’d have to get two sources to confirm it.

        He’s a product of higher education. Even though he can’t tell you what degrees he has.

        • Jethro I seldom pander to demented ignorant assholes like you. Sorry I will not be bated. And besides you would howl from the rooftops that my degrees are not valid anyway even if a copy of them were presented to you from a notary public.

          What is even more bizarre is that you are so ignorant you keep mistaking me for some prior poster you seem to hate with a vengeance.

        • Jethro I seldom pander to demented ignorant assholes like you.

          Anyone that grew up outside the city, are morons. Anyone that doesn’t want to move into the city, are morons. Anyone that doesn’t see the greatness of inner city articulate civil people, are morons. And of course – anyone that doesn’t have a degree, is a moron.

        • dacian the nazi. You can’t show what you don’t have. You are simply too low iq to have a degree in anything but basket weaving.

          What a sad little male you are.

        • Yeah, dacian the stupid, THAT’S the ticket!!!! Your mythical “degrees” are simply too important pearls to cast before us swine. That degree in “Gender Studies” (studying to find one, I suppose) that you never completed from Northwest South Dakota State Teacher’s College at Rainpuddle is a BIG deal.

          Go visit the cable, you pathetic fraud. No one believes ANY of your bulls***, no one cares about your stupid, pathetic opinions, and no one find you anything but useless and annoying. Go bother some of your fellow Leftist/fascist idiots and leave the rest of us alone.

        • jwm, dacian the dunderhead is not a product of “higher education.” He barely got out of kindergarten.

      • Impossible.
        lil’d would’ve been taken out by “friendly” fire in the first moments of the first range training session.

      • Oh, he’s clearly had “training” in debate – he’s a master debater.

        dacian the stupid is too stupid to insult.

    • darcydodo…Yes the class you attended was incompetent. Because if the class were competent they would have spotted a twerp like you on day one and booted you pathetic slanderous libelous politically inept history illiterate closet kkk nazi Gun Control behind out of the class.

      • Imagine being the unfortunate man that has resigned himself to sharing a bed with this miserable, hate filled harpy.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          Unlike you, she gets sex on a regular basis from someone who loves her.

          While you, on the other hand, spend your (apparently ample) free time in TTAG getting kicked in the nads over, and over again.

          What sane person does that? 🙂

        • Hey, nameless, brainless troll!!

          I would ask “how’s it hangin'”, but . . . y’all ain’t got nothin’ to hang.

          You are too stupid to insult.

      • Lil’ds white knight defends him from debbie while getting cum on by an ignorant, uneducated Communist? 🤔
        He better clean up that basement. If not, his mom won’t be making him bagel bites while he trolls ACTUAL gun owners.

    • My first attempt at a reply went down the wormhole, so I’ll make another brief attempt.

      Your argument that many people are ignorant on firearms and firearms safety is not a valid argument that we should ignore the Constitution but it does make a very valid argument that firearms handling and safety should be taught in our public schools.

      • As should basic contracts(rent/buying a car/applying for a credit card, etc.), rules of the road(behind the wheel training, hopefully), shop, kitchen, first aid. “All under Health and Safety 101” class that should be a required class in high school as well as required for any A.A. or further degree, at least some lip service in a tradesman class.

        Learning from video games does not make you a hunter any more that they can make you a pilot.

        • Video games would be an improvement from where most non gun owners get there firearms education – Hollywood. This is why you get politicians like the one in CO that thought that magazines couldn’t get reloaded. She obviously never saw a magazine being loaded in a movie or on TV. Come to think of it I don’t think I have either.

          Also, parents should be able to opt their children out, as should be the case with sex ed.

    • Lol
      That’s because those classes are NOT training. Gun owners need training. THAT ain’t it. THAT was never meant to be training.

    • Dacia is a convicted sex offender. The info is out there if you look around a little bit.

      • He claims to be a member of an organization that recruits from NAMBLA. Of course antifa needs it’s useful fools, err shock troopers. But they will be eliminated once their usefulness ends after the revolution.

        • Southern Cross,

          Even by the pathetic standards of ANTIFA, dacian couldn’t qualify as a “useful idiot” – he’s got the idiot part down to a science, but . . . he fails completely on the “useful” part of the equation.

    • When I attended my concealed carry class 9 years ago I was shocked by the lack of knowledge of even the basics of gun handling safety.

      I was also shocked that people thought there would be no civil suits against them if they were not charged with a crime by the police. Most did not know when they were legally allowed to shoot someone either.

      Only the ignorant uneducated hillbillies of the Far Right would advocate Constitutional carry.

      Exactly! Free-dumb bad! Government oversight good! Personal responsibility bad! Firearm regulations good! Hillbillies bad! Inner city articulate civilized gentlemen good!

    • If you attended any firearms course that lacked safety then you did not attend a certified course. That would make your supposed carry permit invalid. Intelligent people would highly doubt your commentary of the class.

      If you say I must have training to own or carry firearms, then let’s make being able to vote you must present you have passed a certified Constitutional course and limit your vote to an arbitrary number of how many Offices you can vote for. Then is the class fee, your vote application fee, and the waiting period to run a background check before the vote is counted.

      The difference between RTKBA and voting? Voting is not part of the BoR. However, for a Republic to operate, fair voting must occur. We hope people make intelligent choices rather than voting for a Party.

    • Dacian, most of those thugs in Chicago causing the highest murder rates since 1960 have no training, and none of them are legally carrying.

      That’s the same for almost every blue city in America, which have seen an increase in shootings and murders. This is because of progressive soft-on-crime policies which fails to warehouse criminals in prison, where they cannot shoot each other, the police, or victims.

      Constitutional carry still doesn’t allow felons to carry, although they will regardless of gun laws.

  22. A good link for a summary of what the GA bill would do:

    Now we just need to get the corrupt Speaker of the GA House to let this go through. And yes I will keep renewing my GWCL because reciprocity and here in GA it is a get out of NICS free card.

    Guess that makes me an uneducated hillbilly of the Far Right!

  23. What part of the 2nd requires training? It is a good idea, learning how to use and maintain a firearm is important. The other skills(cleaning and dressing your kill, tanning hides, cooking it, first aid for blisters, frostbite, keeping your powder dry, etc. is all learned behavior) should also be taught at some point.

    • That is precisely why the classes that people take for a concealed license is not training. That class only touches on a small handful of basics. Most of which deal with law. Even that isn’t much at all.

      These are learned skills and that comes with time, practice, and application.

    • You volunteering to ‘take one for the team’, possum????

      ‘Cause I wouldn’t do that with someone else’s d***.

  24. Uh, “Moms Demanding Action”? Where can one find these moms, who are demanding some action? Asking for a friend…

  25. I love guns period, the laws make no difference to me because there is only one law, thad B da 2nd mendment man, you know what I bea saying? I carry openly and concealed, it just depends on what I be dressed up in. I do as I please under the constitution, no cop has ever asked me to produce a permission slip that allows me to carry.

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