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Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America: All You Need Is Love


“IT’S ALL THAT MATTERS,” Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s Facebook page proclaims, referring to the favorite saying of Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung. That’s the Sandy Hook Elementary School principal Adam Lanza shot and killed on Dec. 14, 2012. MDA’s asking its Facebook followers to like, share and join their civilian disarmament jihad while honoring Ms. Hochsprung’s homily. Because all you need is love. Not those icky guns. C’mon, I hear you mutter. Really? Well now that you mention it . . .

Really. The antis believe that creating a society of peace, love and understanding is the key to eliminating “gun violence” – indeed all violence. They dream of a happy, safe society – without guns. Because people don’t need firearms in the caring, sharing community of tomorrow. In fact, civilian disarmament is one of the most important steps for creating this utopia. Or, at the very least, moving us closer to its realization.

A sensible person would think, yes, well, first you create the peaceful society and then we’ll lay down our arms. M’kay?

Here’s the really weird bit: the people of Sandy Hook thought they’d done just that. Before Adam Lanza shot his mother in the head and headed for Sandy Hook Elementary School, the lilly-white Connecticut suburb had a crime rate so low a snake couldn’t have slithered under it. But a snake did just that, and murdered 26 people.

There’s horrible irony in this.

Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were meeting with other faculty members when they heard, but did not recognize, gunshots. Hochsprung, Sherlach, and lead teacher Natalie Hammond went into the hall to determine the source of the sounds and encountered Lanza. A faculty member who was at the meeting said that the three women called out “Shooter! Stay put!” which alerted their colleagues to the danger and saved their lives. A teacher hiding in the math lab heard school janitor Rick Thorne yell “Put the gun down!” An aide heard gunshots. Thorne survived. Lanza killed both Hochsprung and Sherlach.

Hochsprung didn’t recognize gunfire because she lacked knowledge of, or preparation for, firearms-related violence. You could even say her naïveté – reflected by her favorite saying – led to her death. And, it must be said, contributed to her failure to take more effective countermeasures against the spree killer in her school.

That same pro-passivity gestalt defines Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Shannon Watts’ mob are adamantly opposed to citizens protecting life by force of arms. Not that they say it straight out. Because that would be unpalatable to people who A) own guns to protect life and B) have common sense. As always, MDA’s followers clarify the mothership’s memes in the comments section. Here’s Facebook supporter David Perkins’ take:

The gun crowd would say “being armed makes us nice to each other”. I strongly disagree. I say “being civilized makes us nice to each other”. All a gun does is make us less civilized!

There’s no arguing with that. But there is organized resistance. I suggest you continue to do your part to help it. Do it for the children.

74 thoughts on “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America: All You Need Is Love”

    • …and yet, I never see MDA marching in South Chicago, Stockton, Oakland, Camden, Newark, the South Bronx, Capital Heights and other cities where gang rules and yearly body counts are high.

      Last I checked, those white suburb’s that she is asking to lay down their guns are not the ones with the high body count that need help. I am going to bet there are some suburban or rural neighborhoods where there is not even a single instance of murder or serious violent crime — but those are the same ones she is talking to. How does that make sense?

      • It does not, but they are not marching for anything other than the cameras carried by the MSM who will dutifully push her/their meme.

      • it is a trap. . . . they are trying to disarm the white suburbs so the mere threat of urban sprawl/migration/unrest will have desperate homeowners agree to surrender personal liberties, pay for increased police protection thru the nose and ultimately, lead to overreaching political patronage systems.

    • They are trying to breed slaves….

      PS This is why we need Stingers..I would have downed that plane..

  1. “Be nice to each other” from the crowd that regularly hurls death threats and wishes of harm to anyone who carries a gun.

    • Thank you for getting that out there. On this site and partially cobbed by National Review Online, supporters for MDA proved that the real name of the organization is Mom’s Demand Assassination of Gun Owners in America.

      I’d say Shannon, start by policing your own, but I know better the type of mindset since I live in Wisconsin. The hatred and rage go down to the core. Some like Shannon, have just enough emotional control to keep in from escaping to the public, some of the time, but she believe just as her violence prone followers state. They like that sort of bomb throwing, which is fine, I’d rather they be honest as opposed to trying to find some catch line of bull like above.

    • If only they understood the irony of their position. Alas, they don’t. Or they conveniently ignore it.

  2. I recently heard a quote in a Hollywood hack-em movie. It went “all we have to judge the future is the past” I ask; show me this disarmed utopia of a community that has worked anywhere since the beginning of time to present. Surely MDA isn’t the first group to propose such an idea.

    • I turn to Switzerland, while they like to remain neutral, they have a lot of guns to back up their desire to be neutral.

      if there were no guns, men would use swords and knives as we have seen so many times happen in China and Korea. If there were no swords, men would use pointy sticks. If there were no pointy sticks, they would use rocks. If there were no rocks their bare hands.

      Evil, for all the talk to remove it, has and will forever exist. Criminals, murders, wacko’s those who wish to rule by force will always and forever exist and they only understand one thing, force.

      Peace is a choice, but unless there is force to back it up, there can be no peace.

  3. I love to carry a fine firearm. And when I’m not carrying a classy Smith revolver, I’ve got a hideous GLOCK loaded with pretty hollow points in nickel-plated cases. Why? I love my life and my family, and I have the stones and the means to protect them. Returning fire is a lot more combat effective than singing Kumbaya.

  4. CCW Holders have been proven to be more civilized than non-CCW holders. Less likely to be arrested for many types of rimes. Many fold less so.

    The MOMMY guns SCARE ME guy is wrong. He is spreading disingenuous lies. An armed woman is the safest and has best chances of survival when facing an attack. This has been documented many times over.

    But the scared folk only deal with made up “studies” that serve their emotional fallacies and misinformed agenda.

  5. Even from the back of a rainbow unicorn I’d still want to go shoot some 3 gun, so yeah, I’m gonna need to keeps guns no matter how huggy everyone gets.

    Violence is a culture issue not an inanimate object availability issue

    • “Even from the back of a rainbow unicorn I’d still want to go shoot some 3 gun,”

      *That* is worth a quote…

    • Heard an explanation on why all the beheading videos ISIS likes to do.

      Recruitment. They need a steady stream of noobs to fill the ranks. I found it darkly amusing that one of the Brits they chopped on camera recently had joined them a few months earlier.

      “Lone-Wolf” ISIS attacks are coming to a town near YOU…

      And when it happens, the dunces will video it and post it to YouTube.

  6. “The gun crowd would say “being armed makes us nice to each other”. I strongly disagree. I say “being civilized makes us nice to each other”. All a gun does is make us less civilized!”

    Ughh so much liberal derp today its making my brain hurt. If youre a D-bag, youre going to act like one regardless. I really enjoy how people use the term “civilized” to infer that humans have somehow magically changed over time and were now living in a Utopia. NOPE, were just humans with technology.

    Im sure he is going to worry about how civilized he is while getting robbed at gunpoint ( I know I didnt)..

    • They also use the term “civilized” to put a positive connotation on their position and the negative connotation for anyone who disagrees.

      “I, the gun control zealot, am civilized. You, the armed masses, are the barbarians.” is what I read when I see them talk about civilized society.

      I also see a heavy dose of cognitive dissonance.

  7. Being civilized means leaving others the Hell alone.

    Threatening someone with a gun is not being civilized, it’s being stupid.

    • CCW holders don’t threaten anyone with a gun, criminals do, sometimes sensible CCW holders get the matter corrected, still no threats made, just simple action.

  8. I was raised with a single house rule: Be Nice. It was all I knew when I was a child, the only truly important rule of behavior. Everything I did centered around it, all of my interactions with those around me colored by it.

    I defended this rule in college to a professor who said there are no absolute rules by which we can create a universal code of ethics. I expanded upon it: Do not cause pain to another except in exact measure required to teach a lesson. In four years, the professor, along with others he enlisted, were unable to disprove my premise. This is indeed a universal rule by which a universal code of ethics can be made.

    But the existence of a code of ethics presupposes the existence of those who do not adhere to it, those who do not believe in following it. If such did not exist, there would be no reason FOR a universal code of ethics, for you only create a binding set of rules for those who do not already have them. The universality of this idea is in how it can be applied, not in how many can or ever will agree to live by it. Therein lies the problem: What does one who believes in “be nice” as the core of their life do when confronted with someone who does not share that rule, and seeks to do one harm?

    Answer: You cause pain, in exact measure required to teach a lesson. You defend yourself from the attack, and you stop the threat. Period.

    This is precisely what responsible gun owners do. They do not seek out people to punish or to hurt. They do not wish to shoot anyone, ever, if given the choice. But when the choice is thrust upon them by someone who does not share their personal sense of responsibility and ethics, it is necessary to stop that person from causing harm. If the person stops immediately, they can live past the application of force and learn to live a better life. If they press the issue and continue to seek harm even after being so schooled, it may be necessary to repeat the process until they DO stop. This may in fact be fatal to the attacker.

    What ends violence is acting in a responsible fashion to stop it. Responsible gun owners do not commit violence. They end it. They take action to stop a threat and cease acting when the threat has stopped. That is not violence, that is the antithesis of it, that which neutralizes violence. Self-defense violates nothing. It prevents violation.

    These shrill, illogical persons who claim that controlling you is the way to bring peace are incorrect in their assumptions. Their logic is flawed. Their arguments are specious.

    • I pretty much agree with you, but I’m not sui sure about the “exact measure” add it obtains to a defensive shooting. I may fire six rounds in an adrenaline dump when three would have been the exact measure and I dint believe doing so is unethical.

      I will concede that one must split hairs rather finely to find room for disagreement, though.

    • “Be nice” reminds me of a movie that actually states the principle very well. I think it was “Road House”, and the point was made by the head bouncer, to always be nice… until it was time to not be nice.

      People who won’t admit that there comes a time to stop being nice aren’t civilized, they’re barely even human.

  9. Love is what you get to help you accept the a_ _ – rape that’s coming.

    “Peace and quiet is what you get a little-of from the firing squad, before they give you an eternity of it.” -TERMS, J.M. Thomas R., 012

  10. Well lets just take the thought experiment as far as it will go.

    Lets say you waved a wand and all firearms disappeared tomorrow. Would that get rid of the criminals? Would it stop the next murder? What do you do when the bad people pick up a bat or a knife? Do you wave the wand yet again? What happens when the stranglers and people with bricks, and socks full of quarters and lengths of pipe show up? Do we just keep waving the damn wand till nobody has any fucking arms or legs?!!

    What the hell is with these people?!

  11. I asked a teacher the other day, What she would do if a guy with a machete entered her class and indiscriminately began beheading her and the children? Her answer was call 911. I then asked how long it would take before she got help there and if she thought he might kill her and her class and just go on to the next? She didn’t answer anymore of my questions cause I didn’t fit the mold of what she thought life was about I guess.

    My last comment to her was that, I am glad I don’t have to entrust my kids to the likes of her!

    I personally believe that Lanza or someone like him could have killed more of the kids and teachers. Especially with a quiet weapon! We were just lucky he was using a bang stick that alerted everyone!

    Let’s make the politicians live under ALL the laws they enact. They wouldn’t be privileged anymore! Bet things improve real quick!!!!

    • After the beheadings, there would an impassioned plea from Piers Morgan to ban machetes.

      Nobody needs a machete.

      Machetes are uncivilized.

      Civilized people use string trimmers.

      (Electric-powered ones, not those nasty gasoline models.)

      • Personally, If I’m going to be beheaded, I would prefer it be done with a machete rather than a weed-eater!
        Just MY choice. Probably not for everybody.

  12. You do not threaten somebody with a gun. That is brandishing. You obviously do not know the laws or how serious the choice of LTC/CCW is regarded and respected.

    I suggest educating yourself before embarrassing yourself further. If not, waiting for possible straw men, slippery slopes, or AD Homenim attacks.

    I am in total agreement about leaving others alone. You seem to favor freedom. I do agree that threatened somebody with a gun is stupid (and uncivilized).

    But you posting here implies you think (more accurately: feel) threats via gunpoint is the way of CCW holders. If so, you are wrong.

  13. Some just feel its best to “bend over and take it”. As if some noble way of being.

    These people tend to avoid factual documentation that shows that a violent act, when countered with “violence” favors the intended victim.

    Why these people want everybody to be weak and passive is a mystery.

    CPRC on John Stossel’s Fox News Show discussing Bloomberg’s false claims on guns
    CPRC’s John Lott appeared on John Stossel’s show to discuss people’s fears about guns and analyze two television ads put out by Michael Bloomberg’s gun control groups. John Stossel’s show invited Bloomberg’s various gun control organizations to send a representative to debate on guns, but, as they have done so many times in the past, Shannon Watts and the rest of Bloomberg’s staff declined to participate. The show discussed Bloomberg’s claims regarding the risks of guns in the home as well as domestic violence. Bloomberg’s PR people did send some statements to be read on the show and they were discussed, but it would have been a lot more enlightening if they had been willing to debate.

    • Because she-like others who want to impose their views on others sees the vacuity of her argument.

    • ahem! Allow me to introduce myself. . . . . 🙂

      Seriously, I have no idea, but the bald headed dude is getting in my way for a photo op and Diggles is not happy

    • “If all the world loves a lover, why are there so many policemen in our public parks?”

      A 60’s comedian who did his spiel with a W.C.Fields voice called “Uncle Bill”

  14. If you find yourself ruled by people who believe that human beings are fundamentally good, then get the body bags ready.

    • I know what you are trying to say (that one needs to be realistic about the possible need for self-defense), but…

      People who favor individual liberty believe that most people are basically decent and will usually make the right call when left alone, recognizing of course that there will always be bad people who would rather use force to take what they want instead of earning it. People who believe most others are decent trust that the vast majority of people will use their firearms responsibly (as they in fact do in the USA).

      Collectivists, on the other hand, basically believe that all people (except themselves) are rotten and will behave like beasts unless they are micro-managed by a strong central authority (comprised, of course, of themselves). Such people do not believe in the right to self defense, since the successful business woman is rotten and deserves whatever she gets from the home invader (whereas the would-be collectivist oligarchs themselves deserve protection and a superior life style in return for the enlightenment they bestow on their less equal comrades).

      If we look back on history, countries ruled by people who think that people are basically rotten have filled far more filled body bags and mass graves than countries ruled by those who think that most people will generally do the right thing.

      • Those that believe that most other humans are rotten to the core are usually bad apples!
        They cannot conceive that everybody is not just like them.

  15. The real drill down is not about guns, the more you absorb Shanon’s crewmates laps of logic, you begin to realize, this is how she feeds her family, gets them to a school, college prep, take the family out to dinner, clothes, while making her coin on the backs of low self esteem moms. Truly brillant…selling an idea that may or may not take root and by any measure her organization is a failure, she’s still employed. Not alone, we’re bombarded everyday, one message upon another hoping to worm into our brains a value, priciple, or idea we should submit to….well I’m not buyin what most folks are sellin.

    • and here I thought she was a simple stay at home MILF of 5 who was living off of her husband John’s fat golden parachute he earned from his president gig @ Wellpoint Healthcare by screwing over thousands of policy holders in California with coverage denials and off the backs of numerous workers when he orchestrated multiple mergers to achieve “scale” and becoming too big to fail . . . . .

      silly me.

    • and here I thought she was a simple stay at home M!LF of 5 who was living off of her husband John’s fat golden parachute he earned from his president gig @ Wellpoint Healthcare by screwing over thousands of policy holders in California with coverage denials and off the backs of numerous workers when he orchestrated multiple mergers to achieve “scale” and becoming too big to fail . . . . .

      silly me.

      • I thought it was all the high-end corporate PR gigs she helmed…

        PS-Webmasters, you cranked the ‘suck’ on the page up too high (again), try monetizing halfway between what you do now, and after you’ve have to ban a provider every other week for pumping malicious code through your website. Half the time I’m here, it’s slower than before broadband…

        • well, if I were John Watts, Jr., I might be scared. . . . after all, in Shannon’s prior gig, she ended up sleeping with the boss. True, she married him, but then again, John is not her current paymaster right now either. . . . just saying.

  16. The people who make promises of utopia and heaven on earth always end up creating hell on earth. These are the same people who call for death of gun owners, their families and mass arrests.

  17. Sorry.
    I just have to ask:
    ………..”In the last 4 months, how many fights, gun-fights, shootouts, gun injuries, &/or gun deaths have there been at that little café in Rifle, Colorado?”
    Again, I apologize. Sometimes I just can’t help myself!

  18. Unicorns grazing on Rainbows.. And all meat eating mammals turn vegan… nobody farts, and poop doesnt stink
    bad breath and smelly feet dont exist either.

    • Sarc/ You sir, have never been around a vegan. /sarc My wife is one and even the dog won’t follow her into the jakes

  19. Why don’t they follow their own advice and be nice to those who lawfully engage in open carry. Fargin’ ice-hole hypocrites.

  20. Wow, the bs on this site never ends. Every time I check back here its the same old misinformation song and dance. If this really represents people the 2 A, the battles already long lost.

  21. “Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different?” -Corazon Santiago

    Alpha Centauri should be required playing for middle school students

  22. I think we need to appeal to Bloombergs business/investment side. Every year fund managers to an analysis to see what stocks or projects to drop or replace.
    So start asking the question like:
    1) what is the return on your investment?
    2) would your money save more lives doing something else (suicide prevention, gang interdiction, drug counseling, big-brother/sister programs, etc)

  23. Its of no consequence how much gas Shannon Watts purges.
    There is one basic inescapable truth that is time tested throughout humanity, and that is that our planet is violent and man is violent. Nothing is ever going to change that. It’s a basic law of survival of the fittest that is engrained into humans at a basic level. We can no more get along, hold hands with our enemies and sing kumbaya than a wild lion is going to eat lettuce. That’s not how it works and all the wishful thinking from Bloombag and Watts is no more than idealistic idiocy.

  24. I consider myself a pretty nice guy. I have no doubt that Mrs. Hochsprung was a wonderful person who lived up to her motto. Unfortunately, there are evil people in this world who don’t believe in that motto and live to prey on those who do. How nice someone is doesn’t matter to the diseased, the villainous, or the insane. Had Mrs. Hochsprung been armed with a firearm instead of just kind words, she might still be here today.

  25. Reminds me of the movie ‘Independence Day’ with Will Smith. Folks gathered on top of a skyscraper and called up to the mother alien ship in hopes of making contact with Elvis just before being obliterated.

  26. Anti-gun people are gutless wonders. They refuse to stand up with a weapon to protect anyone, including kids! They think taking your gun away, (dis-arming VICTIMS), is the proper response to a world of criminals and enemy foreign nationalist.

    While the lawyers (and politicians) are getting rich over the argument, the rest of us suffer from their continuing the battle. If one side gets weak, it is proped up by the other!

    Yes they are cowards, because they are afraid to stand up and protect the children. Calling 911? How long before the police get there? And pray that they will survive. What are the odds? Cowardly behavior?

    They hide their actions in shadows and voting booths. Elect corrupt anti-gun politicians, who write anti-gun laws and gun free zones. Killing many!

    Then the whole bunch denies their responsibility. What is the definition of crazy? They do not show that they have any critical thinking skills at all!

  27. Anti-gun people are gutless wonders. They refuse to stand up with a weapon to protect anyone, including kids! They think taking your gun away, (dis-arming VICTIMS), is the proper response to a world of criminals and enemy foreign nationalist.

    While the lawyers (and politicians) are getting rich over the argument, the rest of us suffer from their continuing the battle. If one side gets weak, it is proped up by the other!

    Yes they are cowards, because they are afraid to stand up and protect the children. Calling 911? How long before the police get there? And pray that they will survive. What are the odds? Cowardly behavior?

    They hide their actions in shadows and voting booths. Elect corrupt anti-gun politicians, who write anti-gun laws and gun free zones.

    Then the whole bunch denies their responsibility. What is the definition of crazy? They do not show that they have any critical thinking skills at all!

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