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Mossberg Adds 116,000 sq ft of Capacity to Texas Plant

The gradual exodus of firearms manufacturing from anti-gun eastern states continues apace. Mossberg has just announced the completion of a 116,00 square foot addition to its facility in Eagle Pass, Texas. As it artfully notes, in the press release (after the jump), “Mossberg’s corporate headquarters and some manufacturing remain in North Haven, Connecticut.” Some (read, less and less every day) manufacturing. As Mossy’s CEO, Iver Mossberg states, “(Texas is) a state that is not only committed to economic growth but also honors and respects the Second Amendment and the firearm freedoms it guarantees for our customers.” Something that can no longer be said for Connecticut. Or Massachusetts, New York or Maryland . . .

North Haven, CT – O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc., America’s oldest family-owned and operated firearms manufacturer and the largest pump-action shotgun manufacturer in the world, proudly announces the completion of a major expansion at their Maverick Arms, Inc. facility in Eagle Pass, Texas. With the new 116,000 square-foot addition, Mossberg’s manufacturing and distribution capabilities have now increased significantly in Texas. Mossberg’s corporate headquarters and some manufacturing remain in North Haven, Connecticut, where the company has been located since 1919.

A recent statement from Texas Governor Rick Perry’s office recognized the efforts of the Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) and the state’s low taxes, smart regulations, fair courts and skilled workforce as keys to Mossberg’s decision to invest in Texas. “This TEF investment in Maverick Arms will help create jobs and opportunity in Eagle Pass, while reaffirming Texas’ longstanding support of the Second Amendment,” stated Governor Perry.

Mossberg CEO, Iver Mossberg commented, “Investing in Texas was an easy decision. It’s a state that is not only committed to economic growth but also honors and respects the Second Amendment and the firearm freedoms it guarantees for our customers.” Continuing Mossberg said, “A significant amount of our manufacturing has been based in our Eagle Pass facility since 1989. This new expansion will allow us to take full advantage of the outstanding work ethic of our long-time employees and help us meet an ever-growing demand for Mossberg rifles and shotguns. We thank Governor Perry and TEF for their efforts which made this expansion possible.”

Maverick Arms, Inc. houses production, assembly and distribution of shotguns and rifles for the Mossberg®, Maverick® and Mossberg International™ brands in the Eagle Pass facility with over 90% of the company’s total production based there. The recent expansion, which includes a $3.4 million capital investment, will consolidate more of the company’s manufacturing in Texas and will create 50 new jobs.

With the increased manufacturing capabilities in Texas and a renewed focus on the company’s tagline, “Built Rugged. Proudly American.”, all the employees of O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. take great pride in building dependable guns for hard-working American families and our military and law enforcement personnel worldwide. For more information on Mossberg and their extensive line of shotguns, rifles and accessories, please visit








About O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc.

Founded in 1919, O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. is the oldest family-owned and operated firearms manufacturer in America, and is the largest pump-action shotgun manufacturer in the world. Leading the way with over 100 design and utility patents to its credit, and standing as the first ISO 9001 Certified long-gun manufacturer, Mossberg is considered to be one of the most innovative firearms manufacturers in U.S. History. For more information on commercial, special purpose, law enforcement and military shotguns, rifles and accessories, please visit their website at

27 thoughts on “Mossberg Adds 116,000 sq ft of Capacity to Texas Plant”

  1. That is a good indication that Mossberg sees the need, which is a good sign. I see manufacturers and service organizations related to the oil and gas industry expanding warehouses and covered spaces recently as well. All that is a good sign. I hope it means a turn around for the economy and hopefully, it will be a boon for those willing to work.

    • Really sad. And of course the state will be jacking our taxes to make up from the lost tax revenue.

      • I guess Connecticut Gov. Dan/Dannel Malloy wasn’t lying when he said he would create jobs, he just didn’t mean in Connecticut, he meant Texas.

        Seriously, he has made it clear to gun companies in CT that they are looked down on and he has only contempt for them.

        For example go to the video at 3:30/10:11: I suggest skipping to 3:30 rather that listen to the pompous churl all the way through, but that is your choice, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Especially sad is that he is quite rude to Cindy Crowley.

        “What, What, What this is about is the ability of the gun industry to sell as many guns to as many people as possible – even if they’re deranged, even if they are mentally ill, even if they have a criminal background, they don’t care. They want to sell guns,” Malloy Bloviates.

        It it any wonder that Connecticut is lagging behind the Country, in almost everything, except in gun control for the law abiding, and Taxes.

  2. This migration away from states that make life difficult reminds me of the book, Atlas Shrugged. The next thing they (the politicians) will do is want to tax and punish the remaining business even more to make up the difference. One day they will awake, as opposed to wake up, and the jobs, factories, tax revenue, etc. will all be gone and they’ll say they don’t understand why.
    Look at the ad campaign New York State is putting on now trying to get business to come back claiming they are business friendly. Actions speak louder than words.

    • Detroit punished the remaining property owners with unbelievable tax rates to try and maintain the same level of spending. Didn’t work.
      100K assessed value paid 8500 in taxes in Detroit. That’s about 5 times what it should have been

      • How can anybody afford that? I live in a sort of dried up town in Oregon and I pay about $1400 per 1000K

      • That definitely is outrageous. No wonder so many entire neighborhoods in Detroit are abandoned and the police don’t even patrol them anymore. In Houston, a median house of about $150K or so pays about $3K in property taxes. Keep in mind, Texas has no personal income tax, so it’s primarily the property taxes and the 8.25% sales tax that you’re paying to fund the government. Not bad, compared to many other states, some even with local income taxes.

        • Gotta love it here dontcha!

          Seriously though when I decided to buy a shotgun for HD, guess what brand I bought… yep, the one giving Texans jobs. Thanks CT, for choosing silly emotions as a reason to destroy one of your few industries. Keep it up. We look forward to taking the rest off your hands.

  3. Sounds great. I’ll have to buy a Mossberg to go with my Chinese pardner pump. His & hers maybe?

    • Well, it is a little early for Valentine’s Day…..but what the Hell, go for it!

  4. I would be more impressed if corporate headquarters were being moved. This seems to be akin to a maquiladora operation: the workers are down on the Rio Grande where the executives don’t wish to live. A common segregation for many, many years (centuries?), I know, but I still don’t really like it.

    And I come from several generations of Texans.

    • New jobs in Texas is great. That the corporate HQ remains back east isn’t a big deal. They’re in Eagle Pass because it’s less expensive to produce there than in downtown Houston.

      But hey, a number of other companies are moving their headquarters to Texas, if that makes you happy. Toyota, Mimi’s Cafe, State Farm, Magpul, too, just off the top of my head. Charles Schwab is supposedly on the way, too.

      Fact is, you’re not going to get hundreds of M.B.A. suits to relocate down to the Rio Grande valley. There’s nothing around there. No big city cultural attractions. The schools are weak. The crime is rough. The regional airports have limited service. Except for maybe four or five locations way down in Laredo, I’m not even sure you can get Starbucks west of San Antonio.

      With further economic development, that will all change, of course, but you have to start somewhere. Take the wins where we can.

  5. I wonder when they’ll finally move their HQ out of CT and finally have all of their operations in a Free State.

  6. I’ll be rewarding Mossberg for this move by punchasing a 590a1 ASAP. Maybe someday I’ll be able to get one that says “Made in Texas, Murica.”

    • Good observation. If you’re weighing, say, competing job offers in different states, you should do your due dilligence, of course. However, a real quick and dirty method of comparison is just to look at the major laws on firearms, alcohol, and taxes. Those are usually good bellwethers for the overall regulatory environment for both households and businesses.

  7. What happens in situations where states haze out industries is more systemic than merely hazing out the industries they don’t want.

    In manufacturing, there is an “ecosystem” of interlocked companies and industries that need to exist in order for the economic sector to survive and grow.

    In manufacturing, you need things like quality steel and other metals, you need forging/stamping/casting facilities, you need tool steel production, tool production, machine sales/support/repair, instrument calibration, metrology labs, etc. It isn’t as simple as just filling a factory floor with CNC machines, pushing some no-name metal in and shovelling chips and gun parts out the other end.

    Without the gun companies and other manufacturing companies in the area, the companies in all the above-listed sub-industries lose major customers and they increasingly have little reason to remain in the area – and they either go out of business and move.

    The morons in state governments (and the uber-morons at the EPA) fail to understand this, and they just sit around wondering “Why is business moving out of our state? We didn’t hate the machine tool companies, we just hated on the gun companies!”

    Well, the gun companies located in New England because that’s where the machine & machine tool companies were 200 years ago. And those machine/machine tool companies grew up cheek-by-jowl with the gun companies in the area. It was a synergistic economic sector. It was the same sort of reason why the auto companies located in Detroit – local steel production, iron ore shipped in on the Great Lakes, machines/machine tools, casting/forging/foundries nearby, etc.

    Politicians in CT & NY will find out in a few years that chasing the gun companies out caused others to follow…

  8. Oh, say, were you ever in Rio Grande?
    Away, you Rio!
    It’s there that the river brings down golden sand,
    And we’re bound for the Rio Grande!

  9. Can I point out a truly ironic unintended consequence of the NE liberal states driving their gun industries to the southern states?

    During the Civil War, one of the major advantages the Union had was that American gunmaking industries were nearly 100% in the NE states – NY, CT, MA, etc. The Confederacy had to scramble to establish cannon foundries, gun making, ammo making, etc., and desperately tried to import firearms from Britain using blockade runners.

    Can you say “turnabout is fair play”, boys and girls? If the left gets us into a 2nd Civil War, the South (and mountain west) will have the advantage this time around.

  10. re:video

    One peanut butter sandwich… Two peanut butter sandwich… Three peanut butter sandwich,,,

    I’m not saying you’re fat. I’m just saying you need to run more.

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