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MSM: Thumbs-Up to Live Fire Bin Laden Kill Sim

Sealed Mindset Firearms Studio runs an “experience” called NAVY SEAL ADVENTURE. Not only does the title eliminate the need to switch the caps on and off for the word “SEALS” it also draws the plenty ‘o mainstream media attention. Which has been surprisingly supportive (e.g. Minnesota Public Radio and CBS’ coverage of their coverage). Or maybe the media’s play-it-straight take on Sealed Mindset’s simulated assassination makes sense. Not even the Huffington Post can be against killing Osama Bin Laden, what with Barack Obama taking credit for the kill. Just sayin’ . . .

15 thoughts on “MSM: Thumbs-Up to Live Fire Bin Laden Kill Sim”

  1. $325 all-inclusive for 2 hours.

    Meh… it’s gotta be more interesting than shooting at paper bad guys, but not for me at that price.

  2. If I somehow had an extra $325 that I wasnt spending on guns or ammo, it might be fun to do this…

  3. This disturbs me. It’s one thing to visualize success in a DGU or train force-on-force for everyday carry situations, but assassination fantasies not only play right into the gun-grabbers stereotype but also display some fairly morbid psychological issues.

  4. This is full blown stupid. I’m not even talking about by minor moral objection to marginalizing the risks out troops take every day by turning it into an afternoon of entertainment (I guess I don’t feel the same way about video games, so that sorta makes me a hypocrite anyway) – it’s just fucking dumb.

    Last time I checks Osama bin Laden wasn’t hiding in a single story office building, and while I don’t personally know any SEALs, I can’t imagine there were any overweight middle-aged dingleberries in team six. If I paid three hundred and what ever bucks to do this I’d excuse myself half way through to pistol whip myself into a coma.

    Just my opinion. No real offense to anyone who thinks this would be a swell use of their time.

    • I believe some of them were middle-aged. Dingleberries? Well, they failed to properly destroy a stealth helicopter and China now has that technology. I’ll leave that judgement up to people with more mil experience than I.

      • Yes, but I believe we recently uncovered the secret of the “POW!!” in Kung Pao chicken, so we’re pretty much even at this point.

  5. This is full blown stupid. I’m not even talking about my minor moral objection to marginalizing the risks out troops take every day by turning it into an afternoon of entertainment (I guess I don’t feel the same way about video games, so that sorta makes me a hypocrite anyway) – it’s just forking dumb.

    Last time I checked Osama bin Laden wasn’t hiding in a single story office building, and while I don’t personally know any SEALs, I can’t imagine there were any overweight middle-aged dingleberries in team six. If I paid three hundred and what ever bucks to do this I’d excuse myself half way through to pistol whip myself into a coma.

    Just my opinion. No real offense to anyone who thinks this would be a swell use of their time.

  6. $325 seems expensive, unless it includes the burial at sea and perhaps a half day of tuna fishing.

      • with carrier born awacs and shipboard sonar locating the fish would be easier. then you would have the choice of bait and hook or smart munitions to get your limit.

  7. While I wouldn’t be interested in this class per se, there is a segment of the population that want to be something bigger and better than what they might do everyday.

    How many of us, would not want to take a ride in a fighter jet if given the opportunity? While that would not show us what true dogfighting is like, it would allow someone to taste that life, if not for just a few minutes.

    Plenty of people are in dead end jobs, have boring lives and maybe have just been sheltered from high adrenaline activities. I recently took a buddy of mine of mine shooting for the fist time. He was instantly hooked and went out and purchased a Sig 522. He’s canadian and never in a million years thought he’d own a gun.

    Anyways, there will always be folks out there that want to have experiences that they wouldn’t have been able to have otherwise. Technology and companies like this are allowing people those experiences for the first time.

  8. The MSM is seldom without a political agenda in its political story propaganda bias. We all know how anti-2A the MSM is in practice. We have recently seen a few positive gun related stories in the MSM and even one that portrayed the Idaho militia volunteers as human beings with families. Usually, the positive MSM gun stories all have to do with women buying guns as in a woman empowerment action “you go girl” or a woman shooting a bad guy in self-defense. Otherwise, men using guns in a self-defense act almost never gets reported. Bin Laden and his Taliban also represent the most conservative patriarchal dominant society on earth.

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