Trump Inauguration no scream woman
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Ammosexuals may argue that lethal phallic symbols are the only things that compensate for their feelings of fear, but I know who these people will be shooting at. It’ll be me. It’ll be my kids. I have the right to ride home from a Mets game without worrying that a hysterical white man is going to shoot me for breathing on him with my broad West Indian nose.

Look, I’m not naive. I’ve been a Black man in America all my life. I was only 6 years old when [Bernhard] Goetz shot those Black people, but I don’t remember not knowing what he did, because my parents made sure I was aware of what white men are allowed to do to me in this country. The Supreme Court wants to make it even easier for them to do it, without so much as an illegal weapons charge, and there’s nothing I can do about that. But if New York can pass a bill to reinstate through a back door what minimal protections the Supreme Court is poised to take away, it has to do it.

— Elie Mystal in The Supreme Court Is Poised to Give a Giant Gift to Gun Nuts

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    • The writer certainly defined his nasty nice version of “Gun Control.” Obviously there is zero Truth About Gun Control between his ears. The writer’s one way description of Gun Control totally excluded any of the diabolical racist and genocide Rot that History Confirms is inherent with Gun Control. Rot that came with Gun Control and never ever leaves Gun Control. We’ve heard democRat threats of raids and confiscations for years…That’s the racist and nazi in them starting to ooze out their slobbering, tyrannical, Gun Control pieholes.

      But let’s cut the chase…Exactly who is it that should be in charge and correctly defining Gun Control for misguided writers talking out their behinds? That would be…”Gun Owners.”

      When Gun Owners fail to define Gun Control by its History they allow others to define it and the results of their failure is once again right in front of their eyes. But hey…it will fly right over their heads like it always has and tomorrow it will be business as usual. And who and what gets the short end of the stick? That would be The Secondment Amendment, real patriots who fought for Freedom and last but not least the people whose last sight on this earth was racism and genocide.

        • You definitely identify as stupid, black eye or not.

          As for the author, like most liberals and progressives, he/she/it expects that the state should protect him, and that he should not be responsible for it’s own self-protection. Whatever it is, it is certainly stupid.

          You people should have experienced life before the advent of 911. Everyone was responsible for his/her own safety.

  1. That’s a seriously skewed view of the world. Seriously internalized perma-victim mentality.

    • That was my reaction as well. What sort of person would willingly live in a country that he thinks is that evil? I’d have fled China or Cuba at the first opportunity, and I don’t think they’re as bad as he paints the USA.

      • “That was my reaction as well. What sort of person would willingly live in a country that he thinks is that evil?”

        Exactly. Welcome to the psychosis of being a member of the Leftist Scum.

        They *loathe* America, and want to tear it down to the roots and build something they (wrongly!) believe to be ‘better’, without realizing what they want is literal fascism, a one-party state…

        • Geoff says “want to tear it down to the roots and build something they (wrongly!) believe to be ‘better’,”

          Better or not, you don’t tear stuff down until you’re actually ready to build back better. That’s how I learned both society and construction.

          But, socialists don’t care how many millions die in the process of building a better world. Ask Stalin, Mao, and their hordes of faithful followers.

    • That’s what the vast education (indoctrination) complex has been churning out for the past 40-50 years.

      • Perhaps in part, but this is a whole level beyond. It takes a special kind of broken to see the world as this writer sees it, and bad schooling is only a tiny fraction of the problem. I honestly feel sorry for him.

    • Elie Mystal has managed to live with no contact with reality for many years now. Just about nothing he writes could surprise me any more.

  2. Elie Mystal – How does a poor person become a graduate of Harvard and Harvard Law? How is this well educated person unable to read FBI statistics on who is murdering whom? It’s apparent Mystal is just another liberal extremist paying his dues.

    • “Elie Mystal – How does a poor person become a graduate of Harvard and Harvard Law?”

      Harvard and the rest of the ‘Ivy League’ actively seek out people like him and offer them full-ride ‘scholarships’ to finish their indoctrination…

      • – How does a poor person become a graduate of Harvard and Harvard Law?”

        Don’t know, oh wait I DO know… Use the Obama method!!!

  3. Why is it that all of these race-based arguments against firearm ownership/carry seem to hinge on the supposition that “brown people” will behave badly? It’s not like Goetz shot without cause.

    For us to buy into the race-pimps arguments we must conclude that a)”brown people” are predisposed to criminal action and b)they should be permitted to perform said criminal action.

    Same with these municipalities going so far to end low-level traffic stops. They’re assuming “people of color” are going to get caught for greater crimes if they’re pulled over for a taillight being out and that’s somehow a bad thing. Or, at the very least, the person being stopped for the infraction won’t be able to behave like a rational adult and the confrontation will result in fisticuffs.

    If either of these are true then it would seem race-pimps are making the case for justified racism.

    • “Why is it that all of these race-based arguments against firearm ownership/carry seem to hinge on the supposition that “brown people” will behave badly?”

      The story they’ve been told by leftist politicians and they media lackeys is that white supremacists are the cause of the violence in their cities and communities. It’s nonsense, and the most likely race of a murder is the same as his victim. They’re taught gun owners are racists, NRA is the Nig*** Removal Association, etc..
      I don’t care about falsely being labeled a racist,, but I hate the false fear it needlessly creates in the minority population.. When concealed carry is on the horizon,, they have always told stories of blood in the streets, shootouts over fender benders, and school busses getting riddled with stray bullets. None of that ever comes to pass, and licensed concealed carriers tend to have crime rates less than police officers.

    • “Same with these municipalities going so far to end low-level traffic stops. They’re assuming “people of color” are going to get caught for greater crimes if they’re pulled over for a taillight being out and that’s somehow a bad thing.”

      Now that’s interesting – Is it safe to say they will still pull over non-POC drivers for minor infractions?

        • Awww. how cute! 🙂

          The little boy who masturbates twenty times an hour thinks he’s a real man!

          You’re gonna have to clean up all the dried semen stains in your mom’s basement and get a real job before that happens, little boy.

          (A *very* little boy, I bet!… 🙂 )

  4. If Ellie Mystal happens to read this in search of evil white maniacs…”we” are not the problem. “We” being the overwhelming vast majority of peaceful, law abiding gun owners. Which increasingly includes women and persons of color.

    You are an educated man. Look at the FBI crime statistics. The CDC causes of death statistics. Then, like an educated man, draw conclusions based on data, not fear, hate, and resentment.

    • All Elie Mystal and his children have to do to avoid being shot by anyone — whether an angry white man or any other angry person of any color — is to behave like any other peaceful person would behave. (Well, that and avoid parts of certain cities where certain people who look a lot like him have a very nasty habit of shooting at other people who look a lot like him.)

      I suspect he already knows that, which makes him a disgusting, hateful, race-baiting liar.

      • And don’t go around breathing on people..because apparently that’s a reason to get shot??? That’s definitely a new one. I’ve heard of some stupid things people believe, but this one’s going on the books.

  5. Elie Mystal is a naive in thinking she will be safe ’cause basically gun control. Nothing could be further from the truth. No one will be “safer” ’cause basically gun control.

    Our world has evolved and with that evolution comes a crumbling of the expected inherent safety of social order and law. For example, the overall motto of today’s generation of criminal is that the victim gets shot or injured if they comply or not, and the trend is more black criminals prey on black communities more than others and less black victims report the crimes today than ever before for fear of reprisal from black gangs, and criminals are no longer afraid of the police, and more violent people with mental heath issues are released every day today from hospitals and custody ’cause rights than were released in a year in the past and almost 75% of those will commit a violent and seriously injuring act against someone within 12 hours of that release and end back up in the system to be released to do it all over again, and crime is going up especially in black communities where the majority of crime in those black communities with increased crime is committed by black men under the age of 30.

    That’s just small examples of the overall picture. I understand Elies’ concern, but there are bigger issues in a bigger picture she is ignoring in her little world view and I think she is naive in thinking she will be safe ’cause basically gun control.

    • note: my “she” should have been “he” and “her” should have been “his”. I have an out of control grammar and spell check thing going on in this browser because it thinks “Elie” is “Ellie”. My wife installed this package for her work and it drives me nuts.

    • to Booger Brain

      quote——————–the overall motto of today’s generation of criminal is that the victim gets shot or injured if they comply or not,————quote

      Booger Brain never ceases to spread misinformation and outright pompous rectum gas lies. Several studies proved that you were way more likely to be shot if you resisted than if you complied during a robbery.

      Next time Booger Brain put what little brains you have in gear before engaging mouth.

      • An article from 1984 LLLOOOLLLL Do you really think a Chicago study from nearly 40 years ago is relevant?

        Resisting robbery without a firearm of your own will get you in trouble, sure.

      • seriously, this again from you dacian!

        you’re an idiot.

        Your study is a joke, its been a joke for many years. 1984, for cripes sakes.

        its been proven wrong so many times I lost count.

        • to Booger Brain

          More rectum gas screaming since it does not conform to my far Right misconceptions and dogma then I refuse to believe in scientific studies.

          By the way Moron even a dunce knows that when you pull a gun on someone you are forcing the robber to open fire on you and since he already has his finger on the trigger and you have not even pulled out your weapon who the hell do you think is going to get shot first. Really are you that delusional with Right Wing fantasies of Wyatt Earp or Rambo.

        • Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that why your study was wrong when it was first published and proven wrong so many times since its publication is right in the article its self.

        • Oh for cripes sake. You post yet another link from 2013 thats based on the 1984 study to do what? The original study is wrong and you think a thing that eferences the same wrong study because the new thing was published in 2013 is right?

          Were you dropped on your head a lot as a child?

        • Really lil’d ? Referencing the Patch as a source… the online version of telephone tag that elementary school kids play? the Patch that AOL created and dumped years ago ? the Patch that just had their main writer Jason Claffey pubicly quit over them protecting KNOWN lying journalists ? … THAT Patch?

        • dacian “ are forcing the robber to open fire..”

          That pretty much says all you need to know about how the leftist think.

        • Pb_fan59,

          I will take The Patch over his original source The New York Times.

          Notice how the NYT and WAPO are the source of most of their disinformation?

        • So using a 2013 article based on a flawed 1984 article? Sounds like Crossfire Hurricane the Prequal… Use false information to get a warrant then send the false information to a reporter and using the story based on the original false information as further evidence for subsequent warrants… Very clever indeed…

        • to Booger Brain

          No matter how much info a racist like you gets, no matter how many scientific studies you get, you cannot convince a paranoid racist with facts. You can lead a Moron to knowledge but you cannot make a Moron like you think. You are a delusional Moron.

      • Funny you should mention rectum gas, dacian. Whose rectum are you? You’ve certainly learned all the progressive talking points. You certainly convey your fear of life in your posts. You certainly mark yourself as a privileged white clocksucker.

  6. The ONLY way any of this makes sense is through a Democrat lens. I know there are plenty of people that think this way and some are regulars here. But this is upside down and backwards. It isn’t whites doing things to them. It’s liberals afraid of armed black Americans. This is the result in the brainwashing done by liberalism. This is what holds these people down. They honestly believe the world is out to get them and they have no power to fight back. But then they will vote to keep in power all those that deny them that power. Granted, not many on the right will put up much of a counter argument. But then that’s where RINO’s come in.

    If the black community would stop shooting themselves in the foot, they might actually get somewhere and everyone would win.

    The mere fact that white people have greater numbers than any other race in America does not translate to racism, white supremacy, or the need for CRT. One of the things that so many black people just do not understand is that if their men would stay home and be fathers and if their women would stop aborting their children…their numbers would increase. But then, I think THAT’s why the Democrats push so hard FOR abortion.

    • “They honestly believe the world is out to get them and they have no power to fight back.”

      The moment black people stop believing that is the moment the Democrat Party loses a big chunk of their voter base. They have a vested interest in pushing this narrative. Democrats act like we never went through the Civil Rights Era, and they’re all that’s stopping white people from running roughshod over blacks.

      • The black community is beginning to wake up and get armed. Its already making a positive difference against crime in black communities where they are being preyed up by blacks.

        Overall; Between 1980 and 2008, 93 percent of black murder victims were killed by blacks. In 2017, the percentage was 88; in 2018, it was 89. What happened between 2008 and 2018? That’s when members of the black communities increased their gun ownership overall and started shooting back on a routine basis. It varies some but the trend into today is overall decrease.

        In 2020 black gun ownership increased about 58% and overall it seems as a result there is a trend of overall crime in black legal gun owner “armed” communities dropping directly related to an increase in gun self defense by those gun owners.

        But specific democrat controlled cities are still an issue. For example, in Chicago, where the majority of Illinois’ blacks live, there were 56.3 percent more murders in 2020 than in 2019 — and about 80 percent of the victims were black. From the data available for 2021, that increase continues.

  7. He’s apparently too blind to look at the the majority of states that already have what the Supreme Court would institute in the remaining Marxist strongholds. They are just inundated with white gun toters gunning down blacks, right?
    Turn your gaze over to Chitcago, where your brothers are killing each other almost faster than they can reproduce, most or all with illegal guns.

  8. We are giving him too much credit for being “an educated man”. As a self taught electrical engineer I spent a lot of time throughout my career among highly educated peers. In spite of having all the pedigrees and high IQ’s, many of them as in this case were still just plain dumb asses.

    • The drivel written by this jagoff has been forced on to my eyes since his early days at the legal gossip site, ATL. He was an idiot who couldn’t argue his way out of a paper bag then, and he’s an inflammatory windbag now. I sometimes wonder with amusement how this MysTTTal (as commenters used to refer to him when they allowed them) expanded his platform so much.

      Shit floats to the top, I guess.

      Now go get your shinebox, MysTTTal.

  9. When looking at the Subway Vigilante case the question arises was it really all worth it? Goetz was fined 41 million dollars and despite his appeals to have this judgment thrown out it was not thrown out. It would have been way cheaper just to have given his attackers a few bucks. Of course the Far Right fanatics would disagree because they are so greedy and stingy that they value losing of even 1 penny as more important than ruining their financial future for life proving the Far Right is always their own worst enemy.

    What really sunk Goetz was the fact that he shot one of his victims a second time after he lay helpless on the floor. If he had not done that the Judge said he probably would not have upheld the 41 million dollar judgment.

    The moral of the story is that even though public sentiment was overwhelmingly for what Goetz did the law did not care what the public thought because Goetz threatened the absolute power of the courts over the people and this they never allow, 2A or no 2A as the courts view 2A as meaningless and a threat to their absolute power over the people so they just ignore 2A and always have and always will.

    In my concealed carry class some people thought that a carry permit gave them the right to gun down anyone without suffering any prosecution by the law or by the courts through a civil law suit. When they were informed that this was not so especially in regards to a civil law suit even if they were within in their rights to shoot someone, one Doctor decided not to get his permit and several others seemed shocked that their permit might get them in a lifelong financial disaster that they might never recover from.

    • The fifth shot bullshit again? No one was shot twice, that was debunked years ago… He did fire five times but one shot missed… At the Bronx civil trial, Goetz testified the first shot was Canty, Allen second, THE THIRD SHOT MISSED, Cabey fourth, and Ramseur fifth. The following similar shooting sequence is verbatim from Goetz’s website:

      • to Mad to the Maxx

        You are really a racist nut case. The judge in the case spoke of the man being shot twice. It was discussed in the news media ad infinitum. It was the major reason the crippled kid sued Goetz. Really are you really that ignorant Mad to the Max, obviously so. Look it up idiot.

        • was the major reason the crippled kid sued Goetz.

          Vladacian you ignorant fuk… Yes, please NEVER, EVER let the actual facts (even when they are placed RGHT BEFORE your very eyes) get in the way of YOUR truth… Even the wanna-be mugger testified he was “ONLY SHOT ONCE” and ALL of the news media eventually recanted the story… Try reading something from a reliable fact based source, It will do wonders for you ability to actually contribute… OBTW: the crippled kid sued Goetz because he was fukkin CRIPPLED…

    • Thanks, Dacien. Thanks to your wisdom, I now know that I should just surrender to any thug who happens to be black, and allow the thug to do whatever he wishes. Rape my daughters, take my money, shoot me, shoot my wife, shoot my dog. That’s just ‘reparations’, right?

  10. Mr. Mystal, I live in Missouri, a constitutional carry state.

    I can assure you that you can ride home from a Cardinals game or a Royals game without having to worry that a “hysterical” white man is going to shoot you for “breathing on him with [your] broad West Indian nose.” It just doesn’t happen, sir.

    I’m a white man, and I’d love to go with you to a Cardinals game and buy you a Bud. We’re not the indiscriminate racist maniacs you make us out to be. Have a great day.

    ps, I love your Dylan Thomas reference!

    • Geez what a maroon(racial insensitivity intended). You be raciss home. White boyz out to git you. Let’s go Bernie!

      • fyi

        From 2011
        The rest of the story

        “The shooting took place on Dec. 22, 1984, when Ramseur, 18, and neighborhood pals Darrell Cabey, Barry Allen and Troy Canty, all 19, were riding a downtown No. 2 train”

        Criminal number 1
        Cabey, who was paralyzed when Goetz shot him at close range, won a $43 million lawsuit. Goetz declared bankruptcy and hasn’t paid a dime.
        Cabey, by far the most seriously injured, still is confined to a wheelchair and functions with the intellect of an 8-year-old.

        Criminal number 2
        Allen was convicted of robbery in 1991 and released from prison four years later.

        Criminal number 3
        Canty racked up a string of petty offenses and once served 18 months in a residential drug- treatment program.

        criminal number 4
        Killed himself.
        Ramseur had gotten out of prison only 17 months ago, after serving 25 years upstate for raping a young woman on a Bronx rooftop

        I agree Bernie Goetz was or still is a racist. It would be best to just leave these people alone. Unfortunately these black criminals picked on the wrong victim. I’m glad Goetz in a free man. He should have had the legal right to carry a gun in NYC.

    • “breathing on him with [your] broad West Indian nose.”

      not sure why, but the image popped into in my head of Mystal getting close enough to people to breath on them with his “broad West Indian nose” and seems worthy of an SNL skit.

      • I found that to be one of the most silly and trite passages in an article filled with silliness and trite assumptions.

  11. If the fascist left is having a melt down now wait until the mid terms. joe biden is absolutely the worst president in US history. And the people are finally waking up.

    • Yeah sure you Moron he just passed the infrastructure bill that Herr Drumpf promised for 4 years and did nothing about, absolutely nothing. The next bill will help the working man out and I am gong to shove that down your ignorant throat when that happens Moron.

        • He is mentally ill. Very sick. Low iq. Little education and an inflated ego.

          Thanks to biden’s poor performance the working man is suffering. The cost of fuel is going up and inflation is ramping up. biden represents the fascist left which is bought and paid for by corporate billionaires. He has no interest in the working man.

          lil’d is too far gone to see that he’s backing, and is in fact, the true nazi’s here.

      • Yeah, sure, you moron. Remember that Trump was a lame duck president, with 1/2 of congress attempting to impeach him before he was even sworn in? When you think of insurrectionists, think Democrat.

  12. “I was only 6 years old when [Bernhard] Goetz shot those Black people,”


    “Bernhard Goetz is best known as the “Subway Vigilante” for shooting four teenagers during an attempted mugging in a NYC subway car.”

    “Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny”

    • The four black assailants attacked Goetz with sharpened screwdrivers. He had been mugged on a previous occasion. Goetz attempted to secure a permit for lawful carry via the onerous NYC process, and of course was denied like nearly everyone else. It is speculated that HAD the NYPD issued permits widely, then perhaps subway muggings wouldn’t have occurred at the rates they did in the early-’80s, for causing fear and trepidation among those would-be criminals who would consider other options besides likely facing an armed opponent. That’s just a theory of course, supported by John Lott and others. I wonder if the police station in Minneapolis would have burned if the MPD didn’t retreat, and rather employed anti-riot tactics. The threat or possibility of force, up to and including lethal force is a strong deterrent.

  13. Mr. Mystal unwittingly pointed out the root cause of racism: parenting, or lack thereof.

    “my parents made sure I was aware of what white men are allowed to do to me in this country”

    He admitted that his parents raised him to judge people based on the color of their skin. I don’t know how old he is, but most people in my generation were taught the message of MLK, Jr. which is to treat people as individuals. Sad.

    • quote————–He admitted that his parents raised him to judge people based on the color of their skin———–quote

      Dud Brain you never fail to uphold your image as the No.1 racist on this forum. Now you are ignoring all the historical lynching’s of blacks including the wiping out of an entire all black business district decade’s ago and other blatant cop murders all the way up to the present one of George Floyd and the present case of a black man shot gunned to death because he was jogging while black.

      Lets face cold hard facts that Nazi cop Chauvin would never have dared to torture to death a white man in full view of all those witnesses.

      Mystal’s parents were warning him what living in America among white racists like you Dud Brain is like and to be very careful.

      Tell me Herr Hauptman Dud Brain do you have large Confederate Flags on the back of your pickup truck?

      Show me the difference between your racist rhetoric and Hitler’s racist rhetoric Herr Hauptman Dud Brain.

      • Show you the difference?

        You the racist?

        Calling people racist doesn’t make you less so dacian.

        Now seek professional help. You desperately need it. Ok?

        • I hope the help he seeks is euthanasia…

        • Dud Brain every post you make is seething in racism against minorities and refugees. Try reading some of your own racist vomit that you spit out constantly on this forum. At least be man enough to admit you are a right wing Nazi that believes in a one party state with only white people in power. You promote that with every post you make. And you supported the Jan. 6th Riot many times in your rants proving who you are and what you are.

        • You know what they say. The smeller’s the feller. It’s funny how you’re the only one seeing Nazis and racists everywhere you look. I’ve asked you to quote me on anything I’ve said that you thought was racist and you never do. Why is that?

          You know the only thing I ever said related to the Capitol riot was that it was wrong for that cop to shoot that unarmed woman, and it was wrong for you to wish for the federal police to mow down unarmed protestors with automatic gunfire. Somewhere deep down in that black, hate-filled heart of yours you know that murder is wrong. That’s why you’re always calling me names and accusing me of things that you can’t back up. I think you’re trying to bring me down to your level or lower. As long as there’s some awful, racist Nazi out there, then maybe you aren’t all that bad. Does it make you feel good when you call people bad names dacian? Did your parents never tell you that was wrong?

  14. Elie Mystal is one narrow-minded, racist, ignorant, and all together lost MoFo.

    God bless the 2nd. Amendment.

  15. Mr. Mystal, I believe you are misinformed Sir, I don’t believe it’s white men shooting up NY city, but then again what do I know……..

    • According to the NYPD in their more recent;ly released 2020 Enforcement Report crime

      for example, beginning page 7:

      “Black arrestees (60.2%) and
      Hispanic arrestees (32.1%) account for the
      majority of Murder and Non-Negligent
      Manslaughter arrestees while Asian/Pacific
      Islander arrestees (4.1%) and White (3.6%)
      arrestees account for the remaining portions of
      the Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter
      arrest population….

      Rape arrestees are most frequently
      Black (44.5%) and Hispanic (40.3%).
      Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (7.6%) and
      White arrestees (6.7%) account for the
      remaining portions of the Rape arrestee

      Hispanic arrestees are the largest
      portion of the Other Felony Sex Crime arrest
      population (50.1%) followed by Black
      arrestees who account for (31.5%) of the arrest
      population. Asian /Pacific Islander arrestees
      (9.3%) and White (8.9%) arrestees account for
      the remaining significant portions of the Other
      Felony Sex Crime arrest population.

      The Robbery arrestees are most
      frequently Black (59.1%) or Hispanic (32.0%).
      White arrestees (5.3%) and Asian/Pacific
      Islander (3.3%) arrestees account for the
      remaining portions of the Robbery arrest

      Felonious Assault arrestees are most
      frequently Black (51.4%) or Hispanic (33.6%).
      White arrestees (8.3%) and Asian/Pacific
      Islanders (6.2%) account for the remaining
      significant portions of the Felonious Assault
      arrestee population.

      Grand Larceny arrestees are most
      frequently Black (52.8%) or Hispanic (28.9%).
      White arrestees (14.0%) and Asian/Pacific
      Islanders (4.0%) account for the remaining
      significant portions of the Grand Larceny
      arrest population.

      Misdemeanor Sex Crime arrestees are
      most frequently Black (41.7%) or Hispanic
      (39.9%). Asian /Pacific Islander arrestees
      (10.2%) and White (7.9%) arrestees account
      for the remaining portions of the Misdemeanor
      Sex Crime arrest population.

      The Misdemeanor Assault arrest
      population is similarly distributed. Black
      arrestees (47.0%) and Hispanic arrestees
      (35.8%) account for the majority of
      Misdemeanor Assault arrestees while White
      arrestees (9.5%) and Asian/Pacific Islander
      (7.2%) arrestees account for the remaining
      significant portions of the Misdemeanor
      Assault arrestee population.

      The Petit Larceny arrest population is
      most frequently Black (46.2%) or Hispanic
      (30.5%). White arrestees (18.4%) and Asian
      /Pacific Islander (4.7%) arrestees account for
      the remaining significant portions of the Petit
      Larceny arrestee population.

      Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief
      arrestees are most frequently Black (45.4%) or
      Hispanic (34.6%). White arrestees (15.6%)
      and Asian/Pacific Islander (4.1%) arrestees
      account for the remaining significant portions
      of the Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief arrest

      The Shooting arrest population is
      similarly distributed. Black arrestees (70.1%)
      and Hispanic arrestees (26.6%) account for the
      majority of Shooting arrest population. White
      arrestees (1.7%) and Asian/Pacific Islander
      arrestees (1.6%) account for the remaining
      portion of the Shooting arrest population.

      The Drug Misdemeanor Arrest
      population is most frequently Black (47.9%) or
      Hispanic (35.6%). White arrestees account for
      (13.1%) and Asian Pacific Islanders account
      for (3.3%) of the total Drug Misdemeanor
      arrest population.

      The Misdemeanor Stolen Property
      Arrest population is most frequently Black
      (47.4%) or Hispanic (31.6%). White arrestees
      account for (16.2%) and Asian/Pacific
      Islanders account for (4.5%) of the total
      Misdemeanor Stolen Property arrest
      population. ”

      and it goes on and on….

      Lets hope that Mr. Mystal does not breathe on a black person with his “broad West Indian nose.”

      • In other words: in New York City white people are responsible for about 5% of all violent crimes and other races are responsible for about 95% of all violent crimes.

        Can someone remind me again how simple facts are “racist”?

        • “without worrying that a hysterical white man is going to shoot me for breathing on him with my broad West Indian nose.”

          according to the NYPD 2020 Enforcement Report, and contrary to Mystal…

          Mystal would statistically be greatly safer in New York City by breathing on a white man, with or without a gun, with his broad West Indian nose than he would by breathing on any other race, with or without a gun, with his broad West Indian nose.

          I wonder if his “broad West Indian nose” could pick up the scent of BS in his article, I can smell it from here.

      • to Booger Brain

        quote————-Lets hope that Mr. Mystal does not breathe on a black person with his “broad West Indian nose.”———-quote

        Spoken like a true racist Booger Brain. The post by Mystal was stating that blacks are discriminated against and have far more violence directed against them by law enforcement or white people than the cops direct against white people.

        Yes it is obvious that you would wear a twisted arm band and build gas chambers and liquidate everyone that was not of your political party, race or religion. Your post reeks of racism.

        The current trial underway is over 3 of your white racist Nazi friends who shot gunned to death a black man for jogging through their neighborhood while being black. He by the way was unarmed and had committed no crime.

        This was the point Mystal was making and no amount of racist rhetoric on your part changes that fact.

        • dacian;

          apparently you have reading difficulties.

          Dacian / ˈ d eɪ ʃ ə n / is an extinct language. After seeing you post its not a mystery why its extinct.

  16. Ammosexuals may argue that lethal phallic symbols are the only things that compensate for their feelings of fear, but I know who these people will be shooting at. It’ll be me. It’ll be my kids. I have the right to ride home from a Mets game without worrying that a hysterical white man is going to shoot me for breathing on him with my broad West Indian nose.

    White people are fearful? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Just look at Mr. Mystal’s screed which is heavily laden–not just with fear–with irrational fear and dripping with condescending insults.

    Disclaimer: my comment “the pot calling the kettle black” is an artful construction of the English language, plain and simple. It is in no way, shape, nor form any sort of hidden reference, message, or insult of Mr. Mystal’s genetic background (e.g. “skin color”).

    • What is this “fear” thing of which you speak? I think I’ve heard of it before spoken by another black man (an Eric Holder?)… I’m not familiar with the term but it appears to be some emotional thing that emotes from cowardly ignorant individuals… I will cower before no man nor do I hold any man in awe or reverence…

    • “Ammosexuals may argue that lethal phallic symbols are the only things that compensate for their feelings of fear,…”

      Ammosexuals never shoot blanks… 😉

  17. Look, I’m not naive. I’ve been a Black man in America all my life. I was only 6 years old when [Bernhard] Goetz shot those Black people, but I don’t remember not knowing what he did, because my parents made sure I was aware of what white men are allowed to do to me in this country.

    The Bernhard Goetz situation had nothing to do with race and everything to do with VIOLENT CRIME and SELF-DEFENSE.

    Newsflash to Mr. Mystal: don’t unleash violent attacks upon good people and you won’t have to worry about good people using deadly force against you.

    • Yeah sure tell that to the jury who is now sitting on a trail of 3 white racist pigs that shot gunned to death a black man for jogging through their neighborhood because he was black.

      Try again Herr Hauptman.

      • That comment was not worth a single face-palm. It was worth a double face-palm.

        Apples and oranges.

        • Southern Cross,

          Well over 90% of what he/she/it (dacian) posts is drivel which he/she/it posts to gain attention and/or antagonize everyone else.

          Therefore we serve ourselves best if we refuse to reply to him/her/it.

  18. I’ve lost interest in explaining my viewpoint to leftist jerkwads. The so called “progressive” left is pretty much comprised of psychotics who live in an alternate universe completely untethered from reality.

    So long as they stay out of my space and leave me alone all is well. If not, I’m not polite anymore and I don’t turn the other cheek. I think there are more and more normal people who are fed up with the constant negativity and bullying the left seems to feel is their right to dish out with impunity.

    Oh, I almost forgot…FJB.

    • Ticked Off,

      “So long as [Progressive Leftists] stay out of my space and leave me alone all is well.”

      Unfortunately simple avoidance will not work in the long run. As the saying goes, “You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.”

      All we have to do is examine the last 13 years in our nation to see that ignoring the Far Left and/or responding with polite talking points has enabled the Far Left to explode in power and influence. As a result, the Far Left now dominates a good chunk of government, academia, entertainment and legacy media, Big Tech., and corporate board rooms.

      Ignoring and/or responding with polite talking points does not stop a rapist who is only concerned about what he/she wants and considers his/her victim as an “other”. The Far Left has the very same mindset. We would be wise to treat the Far Left the same way that we would treat a rapist.

  19. Jesus, I’m going to have to double my BP medic to deal with the level of salt in this article. 😛

  20. Just ANOTHER RACIST jerkoff with a soapbox.
    Especially considering that his tribe commits most of the problems he’s bitching about.

  21. One only has to read a few paragraphs to recognize where the writers going. I could read that boring predictable usual garbage in every gun related article from our local anti-gun rag newspaper. It’s tiresome and older than dirt.

    I’m not going to even waste my time describing the disdain I hold for Mystal for taking a handful of old imitative anti-gun talking points, sprinkling it into his filthy old blender and pouring out another unoriginal story with added anecdotals about how poopy he personally felt when a white man did such and such to those poor black men.

    Well Elie, I’m a white guy from Montana, I’m older than you and frankly I couldn’t care less about you or your dry predictable little article. It’s nothing but meaningless dribble and categorically stale.

  22. Ever notice a lot of these anti “articles” don’t have a comment section? They know their “logic” would get dismantled instantly.

    • They can’t handle opposing views. They prefer to stay in their bubble while telling “the others” that it’s time to have a (one way) conversation. Just observe our resident lefty. It doesn’t matter what the question is, the answer is always Nazi! and Racist!

      Yahoo used to always have a comment section on all articles. Then, when people began to push back against the crazy Democrat narratives in 2020, they closed the comment section. They recently brought back comments on limited articles that don’t involve pushing the Left Wing narratives.

      • To Herr Hauptman Dud Brain

        Yahoo got tried of all the racist far right Nazi’s screaming for violence against liberals, minorities, refugees and non-Christians. It was enough to make a brass monkey throw up.

        • After all the years of Yahoo having a comment section, you think right wing bigots suddenly appeared in 2020? Do you think they just discovered Yahoo? Was anything else going on in 2020? Hmm…

    • “Ever notice a lot of these anti “articles” don’t have a comment section?”

      That article *does* have a comment section, at the very bottom.

      As luck would have it, without being forced to register, you can up-or-downvote any of the comments!

      Let’em know how you feel… 🙂

  23. Good Lord Dan! Why on earth are you investing time reading a Communist-inspired rag like The Nation? Have the usual anti-freedom nitwits like the New York Times and CNN gotten religion and given up their anti-gun agenda? Surely you can find someone more worthy than The Nation. Hell, TTAG has more readers in a day than that rag has in a month!

    I will admit that low-hanging fruit like the trash put forward by this author makes for easy rebuttal, but for crying out loud, I feel greasy just going to that site to read original source material.

  24. “Look, I’m not naive.”

    Mr. Mystal, at first I though you naive, and you are. You purposely view things through the lens of race where the black person is the victim being preyed up by the “hysterical white man” with a gun. You see yourself in danger as another black victim in NYC because, as you put it a “hysterical white man is going to shoot me for breathing on him with my broad West Indian nose.”

    Yet contrary to your comments that, basically, hysterical white men with guns are running around New York City searching for black victims to shoot and for some reason especially you on the ride home from a Mets game because you breathed on them, the facts are (according to NYPD 2020 Enforcement Report – I posted this previously above this if someone wants to see it); that about ~5% of crime in New York City is committed by whites with the other ~ 95% of crime being committed by other races with blacks at the top of the list, including violent crime.

    I’d like to suggest to you that you do not breath on, for example, black men because according to the NYPD they will be more likely to shoot you on the ride home from a Mets game, than any of your imagined hysterical white men with guns you dreamed up in your racists mind set.

    Like I said at first I though you naive, and you are. But more than that, you are a racists liar in serious need of mental health therapy and present, statistically according to the NYPD, a danger to the residents of New York City representing, statistically, the very thing guns are needed to defend against in terms of crime.

    • To Herr Hauptman Booger Brain our forum rabid racist

      Tell your Nazi ranting’s to the family of the black man that was shot gunned to death for jogging through a white neighborhood while being black. Now Herr Hauptman Booger Brain what kind of twisted racist lie can you tell about this ongoing trial.

      • @dacian

        Coming to defense of the racist Mystal. That’s about right for you.

        You a racist in your spare time or are you a racist all the time?

        • Well, .40 cal, since his only activities seem to be posting idiotic, brainless, incoherent rants on this blog, and onanism with a pair of tweezers, and he does those constantly, it wouldn’t appear that he HAS any “spare time”, so I’m assuming he’s a brainless, Leftist racist ALL the time.

      • @ dacian
        Unfortunately for some, his “nazi rantings” are nevertheless accurate.
        Sucks when the truth is a punch in the gut huh!

      • I would say that’s rare.

        If your black victim was jogging through a black neighborhood and got shot by black men would it be because he was jogging” “while being black”?

        Yet that’s what happens hundreds of times every day in this country and you never hear about it.

        racism is a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

        a racist is a person (or institution) having, reflecting, or fostering the belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

        According to the federal government blacks commit over 50% of the crime in the US Also according to the federal government 70% of violent crimes against blacks are committed by blacks with only around 10% being committed by whites. Its fact you moron, not racists anything.

        So what would I say about your case? I’d say its more the exception than the rule and its relatively rare. But your narrative is basically that all white people are born racist and remain racist and want to oppress black people – that is a lie. But for some reason you continue to rage in ignorance.

        the only reason why when a black person kills another black person its not called racist is because the black community has laid claim to the term and say its not possible for a black person to be racist against a black person and if you say it was a racist act you become a racist.

        Yet hundreds of times daily across the U.S. black criminals prey on black people with violent crime because they think they are superior to their black victims and can dominate them to get what they want thus oppress, which is at its roots and by definition racism.

        So, 70% of violent crimes against blacks are committed by blacks – that’s a lot of racist blacks showing racism against blacks.

        Its time the black community woke up and realized their main problem is not white, its black. Thankfully there are now more black people who realize that and are buying guns to defend against all threats of violence against them and are finally acknowledging their main problem is not white but is black.

        So lets go back to what I asked, that being … If your black victim was jogging through a black neighborhood and got shot by black men would it be because he was jogging” “while being black”? – the correct answer is most likely yes.

        take your false “rage” some place else.

  25. WTF? Why is this racist garbage even notable? We all know those people are out there (Black AND White)… And I guess his parents never bothered to explain why Bernard Goetz did what he did or that he served eight months for the “unlawful” firearm… This guy can only SEE White people shooting Black people but misses the thousands of Black on Black shootings that go unsolved/unpunished every year in the “BIG” cities… My advice GTFO of the “City” and make a home among people who will judge you by the content of your character not the color of your skin or the neighborhood you live in… That being said, this guys attitude toward Whites will not win him many points no matter where he lives…

  26. I wish this dude would read history. The guys who Bernhard Goetz shot where robbing him. A couple have gone on to have fairly impressive criminal careers. I am sure the woman James Ramseur robbed , raped and sodomized at gun point wished that Goetz had aimed a little better when he shot ramseur.

  27. Every time lawyers whine about their perception by the public, I point at nutjobs like Mystal and ask “So… ?”

    For example, here’s quality nutjobbery:

    Eye rolling, foot shuffling, etc. ensues. “Yours is a ‘profession’, is it not? You supposedly have the power to not grant licenses based on criteria you choose, right? So…?”

    More foot-shuffling, more deep-thinking “Ummmm… well.. ah…”

  28. Apparently her parents didn’t tell her that Bernhard Goetz was being threatened at the time by those black hoodlums on a subway train. He didn’t just shoot them for fun. Second lets get a couple of things straight. Black people kill more black people than whites and and Black people kill more white people than white people. Now if you look at one of the base problems which sociologists indicate is a train ride to prison for black kids its not having a father in the house.
    There are a great many other Black statistics that show a great lack of within the Black community support for each other as is the case with almost every other immigrant group that has ever come to this Country freely or not. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan and who do these folks vote for in mass because they think they are being helped by them providing them with Welfare and Social services instead of jobs which would help them build a better self esteem. Slavery has been over since the end of the Civil War and its about time people realized that and instead of complaining all the time get off their butts and earn what they want in the Greatest Country in the World. And by the what are your rich celebrity blacks and business owning blacks really giving back to their Black brothers and sisters. Apparently not too much if you are still allowing yourself to be exploited by Blacks and Democrats alike. PS Before you think I am a racist and try to use that card be advised that I have 5 black cousins, two Chinese cousins, and a grandson adopted from South Korea.

  29. He has the very epitome of a slave mentality.

    He thinks that the men who murdered Amadou Diallo, Patrick Dorismond, and Akai Gurley are going to “protect” him from anything besides the ravages of old age.

    I’ll bet he also wants to “defund the police”. To this I reply:

    A. Police are violent, racist psychopaths (and some, like Justin Volpe surely are).
    B. Only police should have and carry firearms.

    Pick ONE and ONLY one.

  30. You guys don’t get it!

    Blacks don’t commit crime.
    Infact, there are no non-white people committing crime. The only criminals here are whites (mainly men), and it’s for two reasons:

    1) whites have a larger number of population by far over everyone else
    2) whites get away with blaming their crimes on everyone else

    It does not matter that FBI stats show something different because when a black is arrested it’s for no reason other than using them to coverup what a white person did.

    You see…blacks don’t commit crime. What they do is not criminal. Anything they do is out of either having the right to do it or out of a form of reparations since black slavery exists in human history. It does not matter that slavery has been abolished here because it is a stain of blood that can never be washed away as long as white people exist on this planet.

    This article exists because there are people that believe all that craziness. There are blacks that truly believe that white people not only use blacks for target practice but that cops are all too happy to allow it as they also do that. The fact that most crime is committed by non-whites makes no difference to them. These people have convinced themselves that ALL crime in this world is for one reason or another a result of what white people have done and they are therefore to blame for everything. Wether they are or not. In their minds, whites are in charge and THAT makes them responsible for it all.

    The gun a black man uses to kill with came from a white mans house so it’s the white mans fault that someone has been killed because they should never have had that gun in the first place. The fact that the black man stole it is of no consequence because if the white man didn’t have it then it could not have been stolen. It really is pretty easy to see if one looks at it. Non-whites bare no responsibility for anything.


    Now, people that honestly and truly think and feel this way WILL be the downfall of civilization. Humanity cannot operate this way. This is infact the very definition of racism. They simply do not see that they ARE the very thing they fight so staunchly against.

    Each and every person needs to come to grips with the fact that we are all different but we are also ALL human.

      • Which translates to 30,000 black men rapists that should be sent straight to Hell every year by armed white girls. Unfortunately this is not reality but it damn well should be.

        • I noticed something reading mystal’s article.

          he is more worried about vigilantes®™ (i.e., people defending themselves from violent criminals), than the street thugs who mug people, gangbangers who actually gun down children in front of schools, or creepy incels who rape girls.

  31. What an impressive spectrum of delusion, cowardice, racism, and faux moral posturing to fit into a few short paragraphs.

    Is this what you teach your kids? That they are victims of the white man, who will murder them with impunity? For their prosperity, I hope they can outgrow such a narrow perspective.

  32. Elie, if I were you, I’d take my parents” advice to heart. Be deferential, be humble, no sudden moves around why-pepo, and You’ll Be OK….

  33. If someone is so afraid to be out in the world because of their nose then maybe they should consider arming themselves. At the same time they can stick a lightning rod to their head just in case they are struck by lightning. Alternatively they could simply choose to live in a big plastic bubble and just have people bring things to them while they slave away all day complaining about the things that are brought to them on twitter. It is fun though to see the hubris and stupidity of the left on full display.

  34. According to the 2018 National Crime Victimization Survey, for black victims of violent crime 70.3% of their offenders were black and 10.6% of their offenders were white. In other words, according to the 2018 National Crime Victimization Survey, the overwhelming majority of violent crimes against blacks are committed by other blacks.

    New 2021 FBI Crime Data shows;

    A. A record record surge in Black-on-Black homicide, and increase in Anti-White Hate Crimes.

    B. The number of black known homicide offenders rose to almost 60%, with the same demographic committing over 50% of all violent crimes.

    C. Anti-white hate crimes are the second most common hate crime category. The data also show that black offenders of hate crimes occurred at over twice the rate per 100,000 people than hate crimes committed by white offenders.

    D. On average, black Americans commit hate crimes at a rate that is three times higher than whites per 100,000 according to FBI crime data from the five previous years.

    E. Traditionally, white Americans are far more often victims of interracial crime than any other group. In 2018, The Bureau of Justice Statistics released their survey of criminal victimization, breaking down 593,598 interracial violence between blacks and whites. Black Americans committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies or 90 percent, and white Americans committed 56,394 of them or less than 10 percent.

    F. Furthermore, despite making up only 13.4% of the American population, black Americans commit more than double the amount of interracial homicides on white Americans, who make up 60.4% of the American population.

    additionally, to keep up with the gun significance and to thrown it in;

    1. Through July of last year, there was no clear association between the increase in firearm purchases and the increase in most interpersonal gun violence at the state level, according to a new study published in Injury Epidemiology, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. (

    2. The idea that increased gun sales are responsible for the surge in violent crime across the country has been debunked by academic studies. In fact, the results of one study were even reported by the left-leaning paper, The Guardian. > > “Pandemic gun violence surge was not linked to rise in gun sales, study finds”

    and further, additionally; In 2012-13, then-President Obama’s DOJ recorded that black Americans committed 85 percent of all interracial victimizations between blacks and whites; white Americans only committed around 15 percent.

    Then look at the NYC data I posted previously above.

    Elie Mystal needs to be more concerned with breathing on black people, and needs to buy a gun.

    Seriously, look at the facts Mystal. The facts are why I had to shoot two black men that attacked my wife and tried to abduct her to rape her at knife and gun point, the facts are why they did it to three other women before her. My wife had me to stop them, the other women didn’t have anyone or anything to stop them.

    But to you I should be “paying” “reparations” because you think an hysterical white man is going to shoot you for breathing on him. Statistically in NYC and nation wide you are in far greater potential danger from a black person than you are from any white person with anything gun or not.

    According to the statistics the biggest problem is black-on-black and black-on-white violent crime, and not white-on-black.

  35. If this guy is so convinced that so many white people and so much of the justice system is out to get non whites then why isnt he encouraging them to arm themselves. He included the police in his blanket accusation so why would he want non whites to trust in police protection. Either this guy is insane or he doesn’t really believe what he’s saying and is just playing a part.

  36. Really? He had to go all the way back to Bernie Goetz, a white man, to find a black man shot in New York?

  37. It ain’t white people gunning down black people. And it’s not white people making black people disobey the law and wind up with warrants for their arrest thus causing them to have and adversarial relationship with some cop. And it’s not white people who make black people go all nutso and fail to obey law enforcement officers when they confront them and so wind up being shot.

    So what we’ll do here is allow you do exercise your freedom of speech and we’ll exercise our rights to self defense with the best tool available to do so.

    Thanks bye.

    • “And it’s not white people who make black people go all nutso and fail to obey law enforcement officers when they confront them and so wind up being shot”

      well, actually, it is. .7 of them are fourth-generation welfare dependents, so their culture and attitude and lifesyle is entitlement and “gibs dat”, and they feel insulted and oppressed and beat down when anyone doesn’t treat them accordingly.

  38. Sadly there are many black people who don’t want to take on the personal responsibility to protect themselves. They would rather call a “racist cop” to come and save them. Yes it is irrational.

    • “Yes it is irrational”

      it’s entirely rational. “what benefits me right now” is the reasoning.

  39. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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