The Youth Shooting Sports Alliance (YSSA) is pleased to announce the receipt of a generous donation from the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers (NASGW) in the amount of $25,000.

“NASGW is proud to assist the Youth Shooting Sports Alliance with their mission of getting young people active in the shooting sports,” said Kenyon Gleason, NASGW president. “If this industry hopes to grow and succeed well into the future, we need strong, new leaders and active supporters. Putting our support behind the amazing work of YSSA is a great way to help.”

YSSA is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that supports the industry and youth shooting sports by providing equipment grants for youth shooting programs. Some items such as firearms and archery equipment are on short-term loans while others are donated such as hearing and eye protection, targets, and other range soft goods.

“It is absolutely critical for the future of the shooting sports that new generations of children are educated about shooting through safe youth programs,” said Cyndi Flannigan, executive director. “And providing quality equipment to these programs is essential if they’re going to have a safe and positive experience while having fun.”

Jon Zinnel, president of the board of directors adds, “With support from partners like NASGW, our organization can continue its mission and support youth developmental programs nationwide with safe and updated equipment. Many of these youth programs are offering entry-level programs so the products we loan are top-of-the-line from the leaders of the industry, building brand loyal customers for the future.” 


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