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A Nashville homeowner shot a man who allegedly attempted to break into his house early Saturday morning, with police deeming the act self-defense, according to local authorities.

The incident occurred in the Trinity Hills neighborhood just before 6 a.m. when homeowner and his family were startled by loud banging on their front door and windows, reported WSMV 4. Anton Cosby, 32, is accused of trying to forcibly enter the residence on Shreeve Lane.

Police statements cited by WSMV 4 and the New York Post indicate that the homeowner, upon hearing the disturbance, armed himself and warned Cosby to leave the premises. Ignoring the warnings, Cosby allegedly broke a kitchen window and began climbing inside, prompting the homeowner to shoot him in the arm.

Cosby reportedly dropped a revolver near the kitchen sink before fleeing the scene. Police located him shortly after the incident in the vicinity of the home. During the arrest, Cosby attempted to fight officers. He was, however, brought under control, cuffed and transported to Skyline Medical Center with a noncritical gunshot wound.

The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department confirmed that the local District Attorney’s office has reviewed the case and concluded the homeowner acted in self-defense. No charges will be filed against the homeowner.

Cosby, however, faces multiple charges upon his release from the hospital, including aggravated burglary, felony vandalism, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, and possession of a firearm while intoxicated.

The incident has shaken the normally quiet Trinity Hills community. Longtime resident Linda Thomas expressed her shock to WSMV 4, noting that such events are unprecedented in the neighborhood. She suggested she will probably take additional security measures despite feeling generally safe in the area, but personally balked at wanting a gun.

“I’m leery that, you know, we have to have guns just to have peace in our neighborhood or our homes,” Thomas said. “That’s the last thing you really want to have to deal with.”

Unless, you are of course, a confident, responsible and prepared gun owner, then the burglary is actually the last thing you really want to deal with. The gun is merely the best, last line of protecting you and your family in such a situation. Certainly, no camera or alarm would’ve helped in this situation…it was all the gun and the prepared homeowner who used it.

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  1. Let’s be honest here and keep it simple.

    Fact #1
    Nasty people exist in our world.

    Fact #2
    Nasty people steal property, bodies, and even lives from other people.

    Fact #3
    Verbal orders to “Stop!” do not stop nasty people from harming you.

    Fact #4
    Only violent physical force will stop nasty people from harming you.

    Fact #5
    Firearms simply allow you to apply physical force to someone well beyond contact distance.

    If a nasty person decides to harm you, your only option to stop the harm is to apply physical force to the nasty person. A firearm allows you to apply that physical force in a safer manner (at distance) than melee weapons.

      • Darkman,

        Your comment is absolutely true. Alas some people reject the notion of evil in general much less the notion that a specific person is evil.

        (Naysayers reject the notion that a person can be “evil” because that means a thoughtful conversation cannot restore their kind and gentle soul–which in-turn means they are irredeemable. Such a thought is too awful to contemplate: better to reject it.)

    • “Fact #2
      Nasty people steal property, bodies, and even lives from other people.”

      It’s really a damn shame there aren’t any more places like Australia left where we could just ship such folks when they prove they can’t behave themselves…

  2. Laughing at neighbor. The gun seemed to work well enough to get the person to stop what they were doing and drop their own gun.

  3. Once again the stupidity shines through. That ‘Safe Neighborhood’ crap will get you raped/murdered.

    See that street outside your front door? It connects to every bad part of every bad city in the US.

    If you haven’t bought a gun and learned to use then your rapist/murderer should get a free pass from the courts. You were too stupid to live.

    • “If you haven’t bought a gun and learned to use then your rapist/murderer should get a free pass from the courts.”

      So, without knowing the motivation of the intruder, you decide the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun? How self-centered. Without first engaging the intruder in conversation to understand what you could do in the way of helping the intruder resolve the issues that led to a desperate action to improve his circumstances, you would be judge, jury and executioner?

      People with property and a bunch of things confiscated it from some group subjected to colonization. Thus, recovering the wealth stolen is a responsible and moral action.

      The wealth of the world was taken from people with inferior capability to protect themselves, and their belongings. Indeed, it is settled science that colonization of native Americans resulted in the accumulated wealth of all the so-called “developed world”. A simple example greed and envy. Taking away tents and mud structures from indigenous persons was crass arrogance and hubris. What a travesty. Those with wealth and privilege should be forced to endure subsistence living, like the life displaced civilizations endured at the hands of the undeserved privilege.

      Oh, the horror, the horror.

      • That’s it! We should all insist our local PD offer to send social workers to deal with the downtrodden miscreant instead of a cop who will just beat zem into submission and throw zem back into the raycess incarceration system.

        Yep, that’s a much better solution than the pistol on my hip, right?

        • “We should all insist our local PD offer to send social workers to deal with the downtrodden miscreant instead of a cop who will just beat zem into submission and throw zem back into the raycess incarceration system.”

          The homeowner used a far more economical solution, Russel.

          Social workers and ‘Conflict Deescalation’ specialists cost real money…

        • “Yep, that’s a much better solution than the pistol on my hip, right?”

          Why can’t we all just get along, and give peace a chance?

      • I do not care how desperate, downtrodden, or deserving the poor malefactor is. If he breaks into my house, he is a threat. If he is armed, then he would be lucky to just be wounded in the arm. FAFO

        • “I do not care how desperate, downtrodden, or deserving the poor malefactor is.”

          This is why things are in chaos, everywhere; no one cares about anyone who is not them.

          “Imagine…there’s no heaven…no countries…and religon too…all the people living life in peace…it’s easy if you try.”

        • “Either your post is satire/sarcasm, or you are one delusional individual.”

          Sometimes, I am not sure, myself.

    • Chicago: “Quick, call 911 to dispatch a violence-interrupter. Their felons have guns.”

      • “Quick, call 911 to dispatch a violence-interrupter. Their felons have guns.”

        UR just an old truth-teller and should be banned from social forums like this one.

  4. “Cosby reportedly dropped a revolver near the kitchen sink before fleeing the scene.”

    I don’t know about you, I think the homeowner should get a free gun for doing the cop’s job for them…

  5. “That’s the last thing you really want to have to deal with.”

    Wrong. That’s the last thing that thug wanted to deal with. And, exactly why you should have one ready.

  6. RE: The incident occurred in the Trinity Hills neighborhood just before 6 a.m.

    Sounds like an off duty atf.

  7. Steve Dettlebach Says “There Was NEVER A GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE” While Talking At Gun Survivors Summit… (note: Dettlebach makes this statement beginning at 4:13 in video)

      • Well, if a business is run and doesn’t perform, It goes belly up and out of business!
        The ATF ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, FIREARM Is useless. They never controlled alcohol, never controlled tobacco, and they’re unable to control firearms. Why have they not been disbanded? Oh, we gotta make more regulations to keep our jobs!

  8. “Quiet trinity hills community…” 😂Not from around here are ya’. At least in Tennessee you still have rights. In NY or NJ the criminal would have been freed without bail and the homeowner perp walked.

  9. Self-defense 101. Fire for center mass and keep firing until the threat is neutralized. Winging the perp does not neutralize him.

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