New from Cabot Guns: Damascus Steel 1911

Cabot Guns Damascus Steel 1911

Cabot Guns makes some of the world’s finest pistols. The company is also home to some of the world’s best PR. When it comes to gun pron pics, Cabot is second to none. And their new-for-SHOT gun is a genuine eye opener. Yes, Nick, I know that changing materials makes this a new gun like changing shoes makes me a new man. And yes, it’s a 1911 (which leaves no doubt as the advanced age of JMB’s timeless classic design). But Cabot’s Damascus 1911 is a world first! Maybe. “To our knowledge the Cabot Damascus 1911 is the first traditional folded steel Damascus pistol ever produced. Other pistols described as Damascus are formed from powdered Damascus, not the real thing. Born from a 50 layer block of American artisan made stainless steel by master Damascus craftsman Chad Nichols, the Cabot Damascus 1911 represents a new achievement. Extraordinary to machine and grind this may be the one and only pistol to ever be produced from true traditional folded Damascus steel.” Good enough for me. Well, once they fit it with Wooly Mammoth tooth grips, obvs. Price? If you have to ask you don’t want to know. So I’ll ask . . .

Cabot Guns Damascus Steel 1911

A sign of wealth since biblical times, Damascus steel was used to create the weapons of Kings and Chieftains. Valued for it’s beauty and strength, Damascus steel was not only an indication of power by it’s holder but was also considered to contain mythical properties. It is with this inspiration we have crafted this 1911.

Cabot Guns Damascus Steel 1911

The grips for this pistol are also a work of art. Commissioned from sculptor and artist Brian Challis, the grips on the Cabot Damascus 1911 are created from an ancient tooth of the wooly mammoth. Other refined details include the Cabot Tri-Star trigger with a rounded front pad knurled on a rounded and radius pattern, yet another engineering feat.

Cabot Guns Damascus Steel 1911

88 thoughts on “New from Cabot Guns: Damascus Steel 1911”

  1. It would look a lot better if the bushing was damascus too rather than brass or gold leafed, whichever that is. Change that one thing and I’d really like it.

      • No, it is the pistol that is ugly. If I saw that IRL i’d take my glasses off (which would save me from seeing that crap) and think that someone has more money than taste and brains.

      • Only if the sunsets and supermodels are as pimptastic as this gun.

        How many people complain about the Taurus lines(1911,92afs) with the pimptastic parts or the gold tiger striped D’eagle? I’m just not willing to give this a pass in the design category because of the quality of the parts.

    • I love Damascus layering; I bought a Damascus Bowie Knife from Bear and Sons with Stag horn grips, beautiful and functional.

      I don’t like the gold accents; if I won the lottery; I’d buy it in a heart beat, then I’d change out the gold parts with brushed stainless or have them parkerized black.

    • Yep, I just want a pair of the grips. As for the special properities of the gun the PR release says it best. They are mythical. As a taxpayer I’m going to be really pissed if I see one of our SWAT guys running one of these puppies.

    • “Born from a 50 layer block of American artisan made stainless steel…”

      Since when did the traditional, ancient, gun-makers fabricate Damascus steel out of stainless steel?

      • Stainless style wasn’t around then. So uh never. Stahl ist stahl though. Practically speaking it’s way better to just use a stainless. Though a nice satin blued damascus slide would look really nice too.

  2. If President Prime Minister Admiral General Haffaz Aladeen were to own one gun, it would be this gun.

  3. I am sorry, but the Cabot guns are obscenely overpriced jokes. They are just 1911’s and sure they are pretty and this Damascus steel is a cool idea, but let’s get real here. $6,000 to $10,000 for a 1911?

    For that kind of money I would rather have a transferable machine gun, or 10 pistols, 2 AR’s and an AK.

    Do not get me wrong, I have way more than that invested in classic Colts. So it is not the money, it is the principle.

    • I think this is targeted – like expensive rifles that approach works of art – for a market for whom the word “or” does not exist. Damn them.

      • Precisely, for people who want that unique item and for whom the price tag is more or less irrelevant.

        • Why something so ugly? Buy a quallity 1911 and get it engraved. Hell, even gold plating is more classy.

      • Wait three months and buy the Chinese knockoff. You won’t believe how pissed purchasers of the original will be.

        • Buy three.

          Dual weild them while cruising in your lowrider. Attach the third to your chain or your grill (mouth grill not car grill).

          That is how you troll like a pro (maybe fly the chinese flag?).

        • Lolinski, you’re onto something: Pop a set of hydraulic jumpers on a pair of those things. Have them pop up and down in the holster as you walk along texting.

          There is no such thing as trolling with a post like this one. Speaking of which, we have a cast iron fireplace insert made in Norway that has Billy Goat Gruff Gruff and the trolls sculptures cast into the frame. It works incredibly well to heat the little house, together with a kakelugn.

    • Compared to the typical new pistol offering, yet another Glock knockoff, I suppose it is relatively exciting, unless you’re into new plastics formulations.

  4. I want to like it, but the gold hardware (gold plated, I’d assume?) is the step over the line that makes it gaudy and overdone instead of striking and unique.

    • Agreed. At a glance, I liked the Damascus patterning, but as soon as I noticed all the gold sparkly bits, my opinion immediately changed for the much, much worse. I’m not in an effing cartel. That thing is ugly as balls.

      • If I want a Sunday pistol. I will get a 1911(the 14 shot version) nickel plate it, add some classy dark walnut grips.

        And maybe add some floral engraving.

    • Yup, a nice brushed nickel or stainless steel would have been best. It would also highlight the grip panels.

    • This gun will appeal to a broad swath of the gun-buying public, from retired Gambino underbosses to minor central Asian despots. But boy are those guys going to feel taken for a ride when they see my sabre-toothed tiger fang grip panels. I can’t wait.

    • OTOH, I would take a gold-plated AK with pearl grips and teak forend in a f–king second, that s–t is PYMP..

    • It will be interesting to see when the trophy wife of some gangster who buys one of these tries to turn it in at a gun buy-back after he dies.

  5. And you people make fun of my P238 in Rainbow finish.
    Shame shame on you.
    That in my opinion is one heck of an ugly gun.
    Id rather have 2 dozen or more RIA 1911s then 1 of those.

  6. Let us know how it shoots… oh wait, it’s not that sort of gun? Nevermind. Send it to the museum, I’ll oggle it through the glass there.

  7. How many are they going to make? How much are they?

    Regular Cabot guns are $5K to $8K and they are mostly sold out…

  8. having worked with folded metal i’m pretty sure i’d slap my grandmother for the chance to run a mag through this gun.

  9. By the way this is not the Damascus steel you reference in the article. The processes for making true Damascus steel have been lost. What is called Damascus steel is a modern version that gives similar look but not similar properties. For example it lacks the carbon structures (carbon nanotubes) than allowed it to be strong but not brittle and hold a fine edge. The original processes resulted in a far superior steel to anything else at that time but many modern alloys can provide similar characteristics.

  10. “Damascus’ steels were really, really good in the 12th Century, but what’s the point of using such stuff in the 21st, when modern metallurgy is capable of so much more? Do you ever wonder why nobody makes ‘Damascus’ shotgun barrels any more? I can tell you: They blew up. They developed rust pits between the layers. They unraveled. They separated. ‘Damascus’ barrels came into use because large-bore light-weight thin-wall tubes were difficult to make any other way. When good fluid steels became available, and good machinery was made to process it, no more Damascus. Technology moves on.

    Using ‘Damascus’ in this day and age is akin to using ‘cast steel’ or ‘wrought iron.’ It’s an affectation.

    This thing is a piece of artwork, and has some intrinsic beauty; I wouldn’t prize it as a firearm more than a Colt-made 1911 or a Glock.

    • If using Damascus steel today is an affectation, it fits perfectly with the design concept of this pistol.

  11. err how can damascus steel be stainless? The hallmark of damascus steel is the carbon inclusion in the folding, this creates the pattern, much like tamahagane in traditional Japanese Swords. (which is far superior to Damascus imho)

  12. I thought acient Damascus ( AKA pattern welding) steel was very thin layers, formed from many foldings or just layers and twists using with different seels to combine properties of both.

    This proces seems the same, just fewer folds or layers?

  13. Ok. That’s it. Dang it guys.
    You’re gonna make me poor!
    Dang, that is beautiful. It would match my Damascus pocket knife.

  14. Editor side note: you misspelled pr0n as “pron”. Unless you wanted to spell “porn” in the first place, but I bet you intended to use pr0n. That’s what the cool kids use.

  15. A beautiful work of art. I would buy one if i could afford it and it would be an investment you could enjoy daily.

  16. Yawn. Let me know when somebody makes a 1911 out of Valyrian steel. Then I’ll be interested.

    Valyrian steel is a form of metal that was forged in the days of the mighty Valyrian Freehold. It is exceptionally sharp, tremendously strong, and extravagantly expensive.

    Some maesters also bear a valyrian steel link in the maester chain they wear. It is a sign that said maester has studied the “higher mysteries” – magic. This field of study, however, is mostly theoretical and its purpose is to demonstrate that magic, if it ever existed, is now extinct.

    • I’d rather have one forged out of the one ring in the fires of mount doom.

      Would that be Mordorian steel?

    • “Exceptionally sharp” is a sign that whoever wrote that is blowing smoke. Steel can’t be “exceptionally sharp.” Things made from it can. If they’d said “holds an edge exceptionally well,” that would have made sense.

    • Eddard Stark would probably still be alive if he had one of those. He could have named it “Fire” to go with “Ice”

  17. This is perfect! The wooly Mammoth tooth would match the tyrannosaurus bone in my glasses and the fossils in my zippo I use to light my $100 bills on fire with.

  18. When it jams at the range you can brag to the guys with Glocks its all steel and cost a ton of money.

  19. Other than the slide, I like it 🙂 It looks like the faux stuff to me where they just etch the design….not saying it is, just that it appears that way to me for some reason.

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