Comp-Tac wheelchair holster

Think how hard it is to access a firearm when you’re seated in your car. Now imagine you’re confined to a wheelchair. Comp-Tac Victory Gear has just the thing for those whose mobility is restricted, yet still want the ability to adequately defend themselves. Their new wheelchair holster which accommodates dozens of makes of handguns and clamps onto the chair’s frame for quick, easy access. Here’s their press release . . .

Comp-Tac Victory Gear, LLC, Houston, TX –A low cost, incredibly practical holster system designed for wheelchairs.

Comp-Tac wheelchair holster

For folks confined to wheelchairs who want to compete or open carry for self-defense Comp-Tac Victory Gear has the solution. This all new wheelchair holster system uses Comp-Tac’s popular International Holster with a hex screw mount that allows it to be easily and quickly attached to a wheelchair using two firm gripping clamp mounts that are adjustable to different chair frame bar diameters. Comp-Tac’s wheelchair system comes complete with holster and clamping assembly.

Comp-Tac wheelchair holster

Randi Rogers, champion shooter and Comp-Tac’s Sales and marketing manager says–“This wheelchair holster mount combined with Comp-Tac’s International holster fills a real void for wheelchair bound shooters to get out and have some fun in competition or for self-defense use. This wheelchair system is affordable and designed for very easy assembly and adjustment.”

MSRP $99.99

The fully adjustable system allows:
Holster draw/retention tension
Holster height
Holster tilt angle

Comp-Tac Victory Gear
3003 Farrell Rd.
Houston, TX 77073


    • Yeah, really.

      Especially for someone with non-optimal physical capabilities.

      Well, it’s a starting point, I suppose…

  1. I spent a bunch of years in a Wheelchair and see Multiple Issues

    Along with a “No Retention” It’s even more noticeable than open carry
    the firearm looks too easy to take away
    and if the Rider is dumped out of the Wheelchair
    The Firearm is not “In Control” at all by the Carrier

    There are Better ways to possess a firearm in a wheelchair
    This doesn’t seem a Good “Carry” Solution at all

    Maybe for a Range day?

    • Sweet idea. Love the case throwing in the video. $40 for cover and hardware is not bad all. Bring your own serpa.

      Able-bodied shooters please check out the video. Watch and learn.

    • Normally not a fan of off-body carry, but I have a friend in a wheelchair and recommended this to him a few years ago. He has been very happy with it and even done a few IDPA nights with me.

  2. Have any of you seen the “Palm Pistol?”

    I was asked if I would test and review one of the originals back in 2013. I declined, since I could see only real problems with this thing. I may have been too hasty.

    Seems they’ve kept at it, and improved it.

    I still don’t see any real advantage to this myself. But maybe I’m wrong?

    The pictured wheelchair holster looks like much more of a problem to me. Any holster off body is unacceptable, far as I’m concerned. And retention in such a rig would be difficult.

    • Keep you gun on your body when mountain biking. Rider and cycle are often separated when things escalate south. Plus you gotta be able to jettison the bike in sketchy situations and even level three retention wont guarantee your gun will stay with your ride after a tumble down a hill.

  3. I was curious about cross-draw carry the other day and one of the stand-out reasons for some people was the accessibility it offered while sitting down. This was touted as being a better method of carry for someone seated in their car or, in this case, a wheelchair.

    Good on Comp-Tac to try and make something for those with difficulty or the inability to walk, but I think they’re trying to fix something that isn’t broken.

  4. Unfortunately, those confined or partially confined to a wheelchair often have a wider range of unique needs relative to fitment and customization of both the chair and any accessories attached to it.

    Several years ago, I and my wheelchair-bound brother set out to design – initially for him but with an eye toward a marketable product – a chair mounted holster. We ran into several issues and also came up with some good ideas.

    Long story short, we came up with a pretty good custom solution for him but, in investigating the myriad issues related to individual mobility and chair fitment, decided that we could not realistically come up with a good off-the-shelf kind of solution. OTOH, I see potential for adaptive, custom carry solutions for those in chairs and who use other kinds of mobility assistance or for those with other limitations like prosthetics, grip strength (or shape – not everyone has five fingers on each hand), or other unique physical configurations.

    Necessarily, most consumer products are designed for those that fit within the 2 sigma or, at the extreme, 3 sigma limits of physical stature and ability. As a general rule, those in a wheelchair are outside those limits and, because there are not large groups of people with a particular type of disability presentation, the adaptions of consumer products (including the wheelchairs and other mobility tools themselves) often have to be unique to the individual.

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