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While slipping your Nine into your Crossbreed SuperTuck in the morning do NOT clip this baby to your pocket. While ceramic knives will take a mean edge, they can be as brittle as Bea Arthur’s hips. I know from firsthand experience that ceramics are special knives for special purposes (read: no twisting, prying or chopping) but getting your hands on one of the world’s sharpest blades for less than $30? Shut up! Frost Cutlery’s affordably-priced pocket folders feature steel frames, composite grips, and liner-locking blades made from wickedly-hard Zirconium Oxide ceramics.

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  1. Again I appreciate the knife posts. That is an awesome blade! I am not the type of person to pry or chop with there knives, I might have to pick one up

  2. Would be more tacticool if it didnt have any metal so I could take it places I shouldnt. Oh well, guess i’m stuck with my obsidian knife.

    • Yeah, that’s what it’s all about, beating the metal detectors. Is it any wonder I see a big overlap between you guys and the criminals who love the same guns and knives that you do?

        • Im not sure who is less informed, you or MikeB. Obsidian is volcanic glass, has a wood handle, and is bound with sinew. Or is my sarcasm detector on the fritz?

      • MikeB, please google around for the meaning of “tacticool” and the context it is generally used in.

      • Mike, Criminals have neither the class nor the money to own the high quality of small arms enjoyed by us all here.

        • Also. Most if not all ceramic knives have enough metal suspended in the ceramic to set off metal detectors. On purpose.

  3. Pshhh. Ceramic knives should be left in the kitchen. I once had to pry open wooden wine case of fancy shmancy wine at work using a Kershaw folder. A lesser folder would have snapped and a ceramic would have shattered. Most of the everyday uses for a knife are small enough that a ceramic would do, but every once in a while I need a crowbar, hammer, or a saw and all I have is a knife. Steel all the way.

  4. I have an Ian Sinclair Card Sharp 2 – elegant folding ceramic knife… amazing sharp blade and I barely notice that it’s in my wallet.

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