The Freedom Group owns Remington. To say that the Freedom group doesn’t like TTAG is like saying Alisa Basyuk looks good waving the American flag. So it’s no surprise that we didn’t get the heads-up on the new Model 783 before, uh, you. Suffice it to say, media day at the SHOT Show. Nick will hide his press badge and press the flesh with the “entry level” rifle in the desert. Meanwhile, here it is. Again. Still.


  1. Would love to see a side-by-side of the 783 against the RAR and something comparable from Savage maybe…

  2. I think it is funny how he is talking about the heavy contour of the barrel, and the full weight of the action when it is obvious that less machining makes for less production cost.

  3. Tension with Freedom Group? Hmmm…well from this humble reader I appreciate TTAG.

    I ‘ve said it before. The gun community (owners) and 2A community are much too tightly tied to the manufacturers. For a half century they have called the shots. What we own. What laws our politicians enact. How we will be entertained. I am really disgusted with this. It would be as if the ink producers detrrmined what papers and books got published. Sadly other blogs are laughably nothing more than an alternate marketing outlet. Keep doing the Lords work RF.

  4. From the owner of a 597, if you’re talking about guns, and Remington’s pissed off at you, you must be doing something right.

  5. It took them 2 years to develop a …..(wait for it)…….. Savage!!!! For years the Savage has gotten flack for using a barrel nut and an adjustable trigger ooooo…

    • Yep, that’s what I thought of it when I read the American Rifleman article.

      A gun company owned by a hedge fund is going to produce mass mediocrity on it’s race to the very bottom of the barrel.

    • I agree — it’s got an accutrigger, barrel nut; even the magazine looks identical. I wonder if it’s got a floating bolt-head too!

  6. Meh – who cares.

    Another rifle designed from the ground up . . . from the get go . . . pulled out of our collective asses to sell you.

    I guess I need to watch those Respect Remington videos again.

    Meh – who cares.

  7. Wow. Now we can collect the whole set: the Savage Axis, the Marlin Axis, the Mossberg Axis, the Ruger Axis, and now the Remington Axis!

  8. I’ll be nice and say that the 783 isn’t nearly as repulsive as the 770. Let’s see how well it shoots, because some of these Ugly Duckling hunting rifles are amazingly accurate. It better be a good shooter, because it’s not much of a looker and it will never be an heirloom.

  9. I trust TTAG will maintain it’s integrity in reporting by avoiding the all you can eat buffet, soft pillow and hand picked test rifle and get their tester from a backwater distributor, the same as a customer gets their firearms.

    I have no problem with a Remington redesign. Maybe one day they’ll be able to sit at the same table as Tikka. I won’t hold my breath though.

  10. That “R” on the bolt reminds me of the “S” on a super hero’s chest. It’s a little “Toys “R” Us” for me. I’m holding out for the Hello Kitty version. I think it’s great that new mom’s have their input in the design. I certainly wish Remington well. Perhaps the next generation of shooters won’t have to won’t be pushed away from them.

  11. I am interested in this rifle, I have a Marlin XL7 one of 16 high powered rifles I own including 2 Tikkas, 3 FN Mausers, Yugo Mauser 48, model 1917 Enfield, Model 70
    Winchester Post 64 push feed, Mosin Ngants, 30-40 Krag, Parker Hale Mauser
    Heym Mauser, only the Heym shoots as accurately as the Marlin XL7 both have
    put 3 shots inside of 1 inch at 250 yards on several occasions, the Tikkas have done
    too, but not as often. The model 783 can be had in Magnum caibers, and the fact that
    it has a barrel nut and Savage trigger is no big deal, they copied some fine innovations from other manufacters. Not a heirloom rifle probably, but if durable, safe and accurate it is all good, do not know what all the whinning is about, guess we live in a country of whoosy ball babies…..

    • Glad you said it Brian. So many negative remarks about this new gun and nobody has even shot it or examined it yet. There are some new things that I like on this gun. The flat handle on the bolt for larger diameter scopes is innovative as is the smaller ejection port that allows for more steel and rigidity to the receiver. I also prefer the removable mag for faster reloading and the one reason I don’t want the 700.

      From what I’ve read on the first shooter review, it shoots as well or better as expensive older model 700s. I’m not afraid of good quality nylon on a gun as I’m used to shooting Glocks and it makes the rifle lighter. One of my favorite rifles was one of Remington’s first nylon .22 autos from the 1980s. That thing took a beating for years and shot hundreds of critters. To me that is what a gun is for.

      Just found first one for sale for around $365.00.

  12. I picked up a Model 783 about a month ago. My local Gun Club had a weekend sale and got one for $365. I got the 30-06. I put a Leupold VX2 on it and took it to the range to zero in my scope. It took me 10 shots to zero at 100 yards. After that, I was able to put in 3 shots in a 3/4 inch group.

    I picked up the rifle because I’ve always liked the 700 line and this one would not break the bank. I read all the reviews before my purchase, both good and bad. To all the haters out there, if you ever have a chance to shoot one, do it. It might not be the “heirloom” that you would want it to be, but it’s definitely a fair priced, accurate rifle.

    • If the guns shoots accurately, functions properly, and is built well, than who can argue against it for
      the price. For many their rifle is a ‘tool’. I like the ejection port for rigidity and the removable clip. Yes it has similiarities to other rifles, but so what?

      • Well said Brian. If you are interested in this rifle, I would highly recommend it. Can’t wait to get my first deer with it. And yes…….love the removable clip!

  13. Im not sure why so many people talking crap about a rifle, does it shoot straight, is it dependable, will it get the job done, if so who cares what designs they coppied if the job gets done the same way your expensive rifle does then im game for that rifle if i can save a few bucks and use the difference for a better scope then well thats just a better deal, i have a remington 597 have had it 13 years and it will out shoot any other .22 on the market and i rarely clean it, and i also have a remington 710 bought at walmart needed a quick rifle for a deer hunt in north dakota and after a few rounds to sight in i was off for the hunt for 3 days (didnt see one dang deer) and i still have that rifle and it shoots straight yea theres some issues with the bolt but it gets the job done, ive tagged 1000yrd shot multiple times with it (300win mag). I like the rifle dont love it but it is what it is. Stop crying and try the rifle out

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