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For some reason, TAPCO keeps drifting further away from the plastic stocks and accessories they’re known for and more towards the stylish looks of actual dead trees. While some of the grips display the same tonedeaf styling that makes their AR-15s look like they have shipping crates for handguards, there are a number that I would actually like on my handgun. Make the jump for the best and the worst . . .

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    • I love my Altamont grips. TTAG reviewed them several months ago and I purchesed a couple based on the solid review. Very well priced and beautiful.

  1. Which one’s the best and which one’s the worst?

    If I had an overpriced, archaic (swee-eet looking) semiauto pistol, I’d choose the grips on the bottom. Them’s some nice pieces of wood.

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