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New from Thompson Center: The Dimension Rifle

I posted about this yesterday, but a quick trip to the Winchester / TC booth jogged my memory and got me some great video. This is the gun that you, the user, can change the caliber from .204 Ruger to .300 Win Mag in less than five minutes and at a significantly reduced price compared to a completely new gun. Make the jump for some more details and a video of a TC rep completely taking down and reassembling the rifle in under 5 minutes.

The TC Dimension groups its available calibers into different blocks — A, B, C or D — depending on what bolt length and magazine size is required. This allows the shooter to use the same components for different calibers and only swapping the barrel to change the gun completely. The three components needing changing, specifically bolts, barrels and magazine assemblies, will be sold both individually and as a kit to make swapping out calibers just that much easier.

Speaking of easy, watch this TC rep work with the Dimension.

Despite some trouble with the cantilever rail it still took only about five minutes to completely change the firearm.

Coming soon: new calibers and new barrel profiles. There’s plenty of room on that stock to allow a free floated bull barrel and they plan to use every centimetre of space they have.

26 thoughts on “New from Thompson Center: The Dimension Rifle”

  1. Cool idea. Looks like it takes a bit of work to change parts, and
    that by someone who is trained and has the proper tools.

    • Looks like all you need is the proper tools, a bolt action rifle isn’t exactly the most complex piece of machinery. I think the guy in the video was probably just fumbling a little bit because he was in front of a camera and trying to make it look as good as possible. Still took him less then 5 minutes to get the thing taken apart and put back together even with the distractions of giving a marketing spiel and botching the barrel attachment.

  2. I want one, any word on when they would be available/price? More importantly how much are the kits going to cost and will they be like AR 15 uppers where you don’t need to transfer them to a FFL?

    • You’ll be able to do it without a FFL. They’ve been doing this for decades with the Encore/Contender, this is the same thing but a mag fed bolt action rather than a single shot.

      • That’s what I figured/hoped but you never know what the ATF will decide needs a serial number on it.

  3. “I posted about this yesterday, but a quick trip to the Winchester / TC booth jogged my memory and got me some great video.”Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, isn’t T/C… a “subsidiary” of… SMITH AND WESSON ?

  4. Can anyone tell me when it will become available in stores? The guys in both Gander Mountain and Dicks never heard of it when I asked. From Fayetteville NC.

  5. I talked to Justin at the gun dealer in McAdam ,New Brunswick, Canada & said he should have them in 4 to 6 weeks & selling for 699.99$. Not bad.

  6. hey i just got off the phone with an Herb Bauer Rep… the first stage Thompson Center Dimension is 679.95 as it sit presently in Fresno,Ca… now whose to say how much all other accessories cost like Barrels, Bolts, Magazines, and Ammo are all going to cost…lol just a thought but come Aug! IM GETN MY GUN!!! 🙂

    • To set up a few answers here by now most people know the official release to the public was in July at $649 for a complete set up and posted on the T/C website. I just purchased the 30-06 model on for $549. So keep your eyes peeled. As this platform gets more popular I am sure it will have more calibers available. But for a launch 10 caliber options make a good start. Not bragging on T/C but this system is a good setup.

    • Hi Ndogg, what did you get for the $619 price ? and do you know what the other CALs run 243,308. thanks

  7. Have you heard anything else about the possibility of bull barrels being made for the dimension?

  8. So now we’re a couple of years down the road with the Dimension. Here’s my take:
    The trigger isn’t good. It’s not horrible, but it’s not good. Is there anyone who knows anyone producing an aftermarket trigger pack for it?
    The accuracy on my original configuration is nothing short of astounding. On a day where I haven’t had too much coffee prior I can group less than 1/4 MOA. That config is .223 using 40gr Fiocchi store-bought ammo.
    My .308 barrel is less accurate, but I feel it might just be that I haven’t found the ammo it prefers.
    I sent my rifle back once because I couldn’t adjust the trigger. The screw just wouldn’t turn. They sent it back with the safety update completed (per recall), a new stock (the finish had delaminated on the original) and in a new TC-branded rifle case. Very nice.
    What I’m itching for is a selection of barrel profiles and threaded options.

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