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Shooting deer is easy. Well, relative to dressing them. And by “dressing” I don’t mean asking whether sir dresses right or left. I mean getting to grips with the guts of the thing. It’s kind of ironic that a company that’s made the process less gore-tastic is named Viking Solutions. I would have thought the Viking solution to the challenge would be manning-up and more mead. Wrong. “The new stainless steel Deer Splitter is a uniquely designed cutting tool that delivers 19x the force allowing you to easily split the chest cavity and pelvis, while keeping your hands and knife outside the deer,” the press release proclaims [full text after the jump]. “Its compact, bone crushing leverage design, and heavy duty construction allows the hunter to keep their knives sharper because you won’t be using your hunting knife to try to cut the chest open or split the pelvic bone.” What’s not to love? [h/t]

Decatur, AL – -( Viking Solutions, the industry’s newest provider of premium hunting accessories is pleased to introduce the Deer Splitter (patent pending) – a new tool that makes the tough job of splitting the chest cavity and pelvic bone a breeze.

The new stainless steel Deer Splitter is a uniquely designed cutting tool that delivers 19x the force allowing you to easily split the chest cavity and pelvis, while keeping your hands and knife outside the deer.

Its compact, bone crushing leverage design, and heavy duty construction allows the hunter to keep their knives sharper because you won’t be using your hunting knife to try to cut the chest open ore split the pelvic bone.

In addition, you will keep your hands outside the cavity, eliminating the risk of puncturing anything. Finally the unique design eliminates the risk of cutting yourself or someone else with your knife as you cut through these difficult areas. Small enough to keep in a backpack or fanny pack, the Deer Splitter is perfect for every big game hunter and is easily cleaned by running it under water, so there can be years of use.

About Viking Solutions LLC
Founded by John A. Woller, John Woller, Jr., and Ron Woller, Viking Solutions is a family owned company with over 60 years of combined manufacturing experience. Viking Solutions prides itself on the development and creation of products that enhance the outdoor enthusiasts experience, before, during, and after the hunt. For more information, visit

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  1. If you’re doing it right you won’t need to split the pelvis or rib cage until processing meat. Just reach on in get bloody and cut the pucker hole and and pull everything out at once, once the deer is hanging and rinsed use a hack saw or bone saw to do these steps. It keeps the meat cleaner.

    • agree with other commenters, ribs are soft – if you follow the cartilage, the serrated edge of my Bear Grylls Gerber knife cuts right through them like butter. As for splitting the pelvis, I have tried just about every gadget out there and IMO nothing beats a really sharp knife, careful technique, and two fingers. There is really no need to split the pelvis.

  2. I saw the headline on Facebook, and I admit, I assumed something viking related was going to be way more awesome.

    • I thought it would be something pretty violent. Something called a deer splitter on a gun website, doesnt sound like a pretty clean ending

  3. I have never dulled a knife cutting the ribcage. You just follow the cartilage. The H bone can be cut with a Fagen saw which is more compact. I can see a bunch of people buying this because it does seem to solve the problems of a certain group of deer hunters. I aplaud their inventiveness.

  4. This problem really isn’t that difficult, but if it gets more people hunting the hooved rats, then I’m all for it.

    • I think of them more as giant, hoofed rabits.

      I just use a knife, and don’t cut the bones ’til Bambi is up in the air.

      If I want one of these things, I’ll modify a branch lopper.

      • Exactly what I do. Here’s a tip: A backhoe makes for a wonderful way to hoist a deer (or elk) into the air and put it at exactly the right height for the job.

        Branch loppers: Amazing how EE’s think alike, isn’t it? 😉

  5. Here I was thinking that someone developed a new round that literally split the deer in two. >.>

  6. Now if they just made an Insta-scoop for the gooey center.

    BETTER IDEA!!! Power wash the guts out!

  7. Agree with Jeff the Griz. There is no reason to split the pelvis when field dressing a deer. The Viking device may help some people, perhaps those with severe arthritis. Most hunters aren’t even inclined to take an extra pair of small fixed-blade knives along in case one becomes contaminated, so I doubt many will drag along the splitting tool, I generally agree with the procedures recommended by Michigan DNR, which you can find here:

    • I used to just cut the area around the butthole and rip it all out. Now i split the pelvis in the field gingerly cut everything out. I usually use a Sawsall so this is much handier in my mind.

  8. Geeze, could you maybe move the video to after the fold? Not all of us hunt and that huge image is pretty disgusting.

  9. I applaud ttag showing a different bit of gear than usual, especially for deer season coming up

  10. Why not just use some nippers? Rips go snip snip snip and they work great removing limbs as well. Once you learn to process the entire animal and pack the meat, life is easy mode. Cant WAIT to get me a few deer with my AR this year, and very surprised to see anything hunting related on TTAG.

    Also: I saw a comment above talking about how those who dont hunt and that this could be a little too much. While part of being a responsible hunter is representing hunters in a positive light and not being the guy with a dead doe strapped on your truck hood driving around town, I think people really need to get a little more in touch with where their food comes from.

    Spirit of the Deer chili coming soon, MMMMMMMMM cmon november

    • why wait. maryland archery season starts in 16 days and 12 hours. Antlerless – no bag limit in suburbia. As in, shoot as many as you want, (just please donate the food to the hungry).

      • I wish they would do something like that here. I could fill a half dozen tags from the deck of my townhouse. Not sure the neighbors would appreciate it though…

  11. I wonder (hope) if the idea for this dealie…from Viking Solutions no less…had any conception seeds grow from trying to draw a parallel between the Viking practice of ritualized vendetta and murder called “cutting the blood-eagle”. ‘Cause that’s the first thing I thought of seeing this. Which is cool.

    “The Blood Eagle was a method of torture and execution that is sometimes mentioned in Nordic saga legends. It was performed by cutting the ribs of the victim by the spine, breaking the ribs so they resembled blood-stained wings, and pulling the lungs out through the wounds in the victim’s back. Salt was then sprinkled on the wounds.”

  12. I have went on the Viking solutions web page but cant find a price on the deer splitter or a link to click on to order one. Does anyone know the link? Can someone please post this link so I can click on it to order myself one please?

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