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If you’re a regular reader, you may remember our 2013 Readers Choice Awards. The honor for best new ammunition went to Lehigh Defense for their .45 Colt Maximum Expansion round. As ShootingTheBull410 demonstrated, that’s one devastating handgun round. G2 Research seems to have been inspired by that design for their new nastily named .300 Ripout round, a 200 grain bullet that peels back on contact creating a wound channel that should have pigs positively panic-stricken. But there’s worse news for Porky yet; G2’s sending some of this stuff to Nick for testing. Mmmm. Bacon . . .

Winder, GA, December 18, 2014-G2 Research announces a devastating new subsonic .300 AAC Blackout-caliber round for hunting or tactical use. The new G2 Research .300 Ripout Round produces a massive wound channel that ensures hunters of an accurate, sure and swift kill.

This new subsonic (suppressor-friendly), premium-grade, 200-grain .30 caliber round quickly expands at reduced velocities, creating a devastating, energy-depositing wound channel of one inch or more. Bullet weight retention is an astounding 98 to 100 percent, which creates more than 17 inches of soft tissue penetration.

Free from the massively overdone hydrostatic shock prevalent in so many of today’s ultra-high-velocity loads, the sub-sonic G2 Research .300 Ripout Round will kill ’em quick and quietly without turning good game meat into useless jelly. Needless to say, this round is excellent for tactical use too.

G2 Research national sales manager Chris Nix says “if the idea is to put the animal down efficiently, quickly and humanely without over-penetration and vaporizing good eating meat, our .300 Blackout Ripout Round, with its unique three copper petal controlled expanding bullet, gets that job done.”

Individually manufactured in highly specialized CNC machines, each expensive-to-make bullet is precision machined to open up within the first two to three inches of impact, resulting in a controlled expansion of three large copper petals called tridents that make up the first half of the bullet. (A .30 caliber bullet, for example, will expand between 1 and 1.5 inches while the bullet shank remains attached for controlled penetration even at subsonic velocity.)

  • Caliber: .300 AAC Blackout (subsonic)
  • Velocity: 1020 FPS
  • Bullet: Special custom 200-grain copper alloy hollow-point Spitzer
  • MSRP: $54.99 box of 20
G2 Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 526
Winder, Ga

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  1. “creating a wound channel that should have pigs positively panic-stricken.”

    but will it put fear into a heart of a bear though?

    • Not sure about fear, but if your aim is true it could put about 200 grains of copper into a bear’s heart.

  2. Nick, I don’t remember if you do gel testing or not… If not, send some of that to shootingthebull so he can test the amount of penetration and expansion through denim!

    • I’m crazy interested to see 2 legged penetration info for this stuff out of a 10″ barrel. Their fragmenting stuff is a joke, but this might have promise for home defense ammo.

      • +1

        I’ve currently got Lehigh 110gr cont chaos in my suppressed HD rig. If I could get similar ballistics out of a subsonic round and preserve my hearing, I’d gladly buy a couple boxes. No way am I going to remember to throw in earplugs or muffs when the wolf comes a knockin.

        • Do like many of us did and just pop for the $200 tax stamp, put the can on it, no worries about ear plugs in the dark of night… just grab your 300 and go to work.

  3. So 200 grains at 1,020 FPS is about 462 foot pounds. That doesn’t sound devastating on hogs to me. That’s similar to a .40 Smith Double Tap 200 grain JHP or .45 +P load. I continue to be a skeptic.

  4. 200 doing just over 1000?
    The expansion looks nice, and I suppose it might be well suited for suppressed porky genocide. I just worry about humane killing of the animals, and this thing has the energy of a subsonic .40 fired from a pistol. It’s at roughly 400lbs out to 200 yards, but even with a wildly mushrooming bullet, is that enough for a sure quick kill?

    I’d love to see it tested at range, through some pork ribs and into gel.

    • Looks like these would take head shots with OTM subs out of the picture, while running suppressed. Hitting something in the vitals with a round like this, would be just as humane as shooting it with an arrow.

      • Well, I’ve been wondering about that, actually.
        Energy isn’t the only player in in lethality and clean kills. When you consider things like a 357 sig edging out a 45acp in energy, you’re ignoring the 45’s diameter. Bullet design makes up for a lot, and all that, but that comes down to how the energy is applied to get the work done.

        Say we have a crossbow lobbing a 400 grain bolt at 400fps.(For simplicity) We have a projectile putting 140ft-lbs of energy. Comparable to a Velocitor 22lr. Which would never been seen as a good thing to try to take deer with humanely. (Arguable, but not with the game warden.) But that bolt is 20 inches long, and that 400 grains carries more inertia. It’s going slower, but it loses less energy when it slows down, as it is not as velocity dependent. This makes it possible for that bolt to sink into the vitals, where the velocitor might not.

        Now, the arrow or bolt also has another advantage. Compared to a bullet, it’s a pretty big chunk of metal/carbon/whatever that is now causing permanent interference in musculature and organ operation.

        I’m curious as to how the energy being applied is used by the bullet. That kind of expansion takes a bit of force, And if it reduces the effectiveness of the 300blk subsonic to that of a .40S&W… I would be iffy about depending on it to kill cleanly.

        • Yep, that expanded bullet is going to slow down, a bunch. But just like a broad head, it is going to be slicing through heart, and lungs as it loses energy. Drop it in it’s tracks, not likely, but I’ve never seen an animal drop DRT, that was shot with an arrow either.

        • I’ve seen one, a deer that took a 125-grain Muzzy broadhead into the spinal cord right about the top of the body. Shooting from down out of a tree stand almost straight below, it kicked a couple times then never moved again.

      • Its actually a right below the ear shot with hogs for the 1 shot drop. Head you will probably just bounce off.

        • Bounce off?

          What is this, 1780? You can traverse a hogs skull from front to back with a CCI Stinger. if you go with anything bigger, you don’t have to be as accurate. Bullets don’t bounce off bone anymore, unless it’s a really sketchy angle.

          Bullets deflecting off of skulls comes from the times before hard casting, before jackets, and before we had the velocities that we have now. If you shoot a pure, dead soft lead bullet at 450-650fps, there are a lot of things it will bounce, smear and deflect off of. Back then, bullets would bounce off of sheets of pig iron. Today, we can use 10/22s to draw faces on mild steel like a lite-brite.

          One local taxidermist has a bounty for any skull that can show a deflection. He’s had that bounty up for twenty years. And trust me, not every hick in these parts is putting that bullet in the eye every time. Skull bounces are a myth. You can make it happen if you try to make the worst possible shot, but otherwise, that bullet is crushing bone.

          • Call me a sissy but I’d never go hog hunting with a .22.

            I had what was apparently a very odd occurrence deer hunting 20 years ago with an M-1 Carbine using hollow points at 20 yards. The short part of the story was one shot hit the buck in the shoulder knocking it down. As it started to rise again I put the next one behind his left ear killing it. As there were no exit wounds I looked for the bullets when I skinned it out. The shoulder shot hit the scapula and splattered and the skull shot did the same. Killed the deer by internal decapitation. Never used it again for deer hunting.

            I will not profess to be an expert on ballistics but it appears most people get wrapped up in a perception you have to be able to kill something 500 yards away with it or its worthless. Reality is that if you live in the eastern half of the US, most shots will be 100 yards or less. This round should do fine on most anything you’d be hunting at that range. Its the price that gets to me.

    • My .308 subs drop about 18″ from my supersonic POI at 100yds, and it goes downhill fast from there. It takes 3 mils of elevation to go from 100yd, to 175yds. I’m pushing a 175SMK at 1060fps.

      • I can believe that. I have some 180 grain supersonics and the ballistic chart says that at 400 yards the aim point should be about 70 inches over the target.

        People just have to remember that subsonics are for short range work. Personally, If I lived in an area where suppressors were legal, I’d have 2 separate uppers and and optics for subs and supers just to make it easy on me.

  5. This one doesnt seem to have those stupid pointless fragmenting petals and it looks to keep its mass so it should make a decent round.

  6. I am definitely missing something here…

    I see pistol caliber speed, pistol caliber energy, and pistol caliber penetration.

    Where’s the exciting part?

    • The subsonic loads for .300BLK are primarily geared for use with a suppressor to get maximum sound reduction. This part of what is so great about the .300BLK platform: it is designed to support both super- and subsonic loadings equally well, depending on whether or not you plan to use a suppressor.

      • Again, that type of performance is available with .40 S&W or .45 ACP carbine. Subsonic with heavy loads, similar energy/penetration, and about 25% the cost.

        Can the pistol caliber upper also shoot ammo that approaches 7.62X39 performance? Nope, but the money I save on ammo could buy another upper in 6.8 SPC 2 or 7.62×39.

      • There is also the higher BC of the 300BLK bullet. Its not gonna lose velocity as fast as a 45. The BC is .719 300BLK vs. .195 45ACP, both 230gr. Those numbers are way far apart, guessing they probably make a big difference downrange.

  7. Very skeptical. If it expands at such a pitiful velocity, what’s to keep it from blowing up on a pig’s tough hide? Get a box of Remington 150 grain .30-30 CoreLokt for $14 a box, throw it in your trusty lever rifle and night, night, piggy.

    • You’re looking funny. They look just like mine, which fit fine. Except for the big hole in the end, that’s new to me.

  8. Leheigh already has a round like this. Turn a .30 diameter bullet into a 1.5 in. broadhead while still penetrating almost 20 in. deep. Makes it look like someone just Big Daddy’d your gut. Honestly, if I get hit with one of this, I hope I drop instantly, as the wound channel this thing causes looks to be very PAINFUL. It’s the difference between getting stabbed by an icepick, and being stabbed with a cross saw.

  9. I just don’t get it. In the absence of a supressed AR (which I don’t want), or mall-ninja bragging rights (which I don’t need), is there any real reason for the .300 BK to even exist? It can’t be for the ballistics or the price.
    Maybe somebody can clue me into the amazing talisman that is the Blackout.

    • It is absolutely great for suppressed and short barrel use. If you aren’t trying to be as absolutely quiet as possible from a sub 10 inch barrel than their are lots of better and cheaper options

    • Making 7.62×39 level power accessible to AR users with the same magazines and capacity as .223, as well as using shorter barrels better, and being capable of relatively good performance with subsonics…

  10. Expanding rounds are just fine. but expanding cartridges should be avoided, along with the weapons in which they do their expanding.

  11. I’ll stick with a bolt-action and Hornady plastic-tipped; ‘course, that’s not for Boarasaurus.

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