FILE - In this Nov. 3, 2020 file photograph, N.H. Gov. Chris Sununu wears a protective mask, due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, at a polling station in Windham, N.H. New Hampshire joined three dozen other states, including the rest of New England, in enacting a statewide mask mandate as the coronavirus pandemic intensifies. Sununu issued an executive order requiring masks to be worn in public spaces, indoors or outside, when social distancing isn't possible, which goes into effect on Thursday Nov. 19, 2020. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu
N.H. Gov. Chris Sununu (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File)

“My first responsibility is ensuring the safety of my family and our citizens” Gov. Chris Sununu said in a news release. “For weeks, armed protesters have increasingly become more aggressive, targeting my family, protesting outside my private residence, and trespassing on my property — an outdoor public ceremony simply brings too much risk. We do not make this decision lightly but it is the right thing to do.”

In consultation with Attorney General Gordon MacDonald, Sununu said, he and Senate President Chuck Morse, acting House Speaker Sherm Packard and the Executive Council will be sworn in during a small ceremony Jan. 7. It will be attended by leaders of both houses of the Legislature and will be virtually attended by all other members. Sununu will deliver his inaugural address at 7 p.m. that day.

Protesters started gathering outside Sununu’s home in Newfields on Nov. 22 over his order, which had taken effect two days earlier, requiring masks to be worn in public spaces, indoors or outside, when social distancing isn’t possible because of the coronavirus pandemic. On Monday, local police issued summonses to nine people and arrested one of them under a new anti-picketing ordinance passed by the Newfields selectboard, on which Sununu’s brother sits.

— Kathy McCormack in Governor cancels inaugural, citing mask protests at his home


        • I’m having a hard time believing this was actually antifa and not a ploy to say “Im being attacked too!” by Pelosi. It seems strange to me that one the most destructive and lawless groups would go out of their way to not get any paint on the homes brick, only the garage door (easy to paint over), and the cement driveway (also easily cleaned) where as damage to the brick even when cleaned would discolor it compared the remaining brick. Just my initial thoughts, and I may be wrong, but it strikes me as suspicious.

          • I’m having a hard time believing this was actually antifa and not a ploy to say “Im being attacked too!” by Pelosi.

            Are you NUTZ? Everyone knows this drops right on the desk of Donald J Trump… He’s trying to make those “peaceful” protestors look like out of control animals…. The Orangeman Bad!!! He planted the suitcases in Atlanta and FORCED those people to count those ballots over and over again, He personally went out and gathered names from tombstones in Detroit, stole his own ballots from mailboxes in Arizona and rented busses in L.A. to carry homeless people to Las Vegas so they could vote for JoMalla… He even hired thugs to attack his supporters on two or more occasions in D.C… It’s time “you people” realized what a devious individual is occupying the Oval Office…

      • Hey, Montana,

        Yesterday I saw another commenter (on a completely separate, non-gun site) using your exact same avatar. Hmmm…..

        • Avatar? Or name and avatar?

          The Avatar is from the band “Disturbed”. I just like the look of it, but the band is/was good too.

          I have seen people try to steal my moniker too though… Multiple times throughout the years. I gave up after a while and just used my initials or something not very internety for a while. Then, this site 😉

        • No worries Haz, no one will be “stealing” yours.

          But at least you stopped calling it a gravatar.

  1. I’m sorry, but I just can’t take anyone named “Sherm” seriously. Never could.
    It’s not you, it’s me.

  2. “….protesting outside my private residence, and trespassing on my property…”

    I seem to remember reading about a couple in St. Louis that felt the same way.. They have been charged with felonies…..

    • You guys just can’t quit with the fake news, no one trespassed on the McCloskey’s property.

      The video taken it at the scene shows the people marching in the street, owned by the Portland place homeowners association who did not file any trespassing complaints on that day.

      When will you conservatives learn the truth is not what you want it to be, but what the actual facts are.

      Just like the election claims and the hermit crab lawsuits, the Truth is not in them.

      • “When will you conservatives learn the truth is not what you want it to be, but what the actual facts are.”

        That’s rich – Coming from a Leftist scumbag like yourself… 🙂

      • And you lefties just can’t quit being retarded. Things are bad but I guess they could always be worse, I could be as dumb as you…

      • You’re full of name calling, “retarded, dumb, scumbag”, it’s just more empty speech from the losers.

        But the truth remains, regardless of your personal attacks.

        • Get ready for energy dependence on the Middle East again and $4.00 gas.

          But yeah, Go Team Biden. (severe sarcastic tone)

          The only losers are the American people, how’s that for some factual truth.

        • Manse, it seems you are a part of the fake history propaganda machine as well.

          You can thank President Obama for our energy independence, just like you can thank Obama for a strong economy that he handed to trump.

          “The United States has been sprinting toward energy independence over the last decade, but that progress has come to a halt under President Donald Trump, according to new research from Goldman Sachs.

          The Trump administration is pushing a policy of “energy dominance,” rolling back regulations and actively pushing sales of the nation’s growing oil and gas supplies to all corners of the globe. But Goldman’s head of energy research is highlighting a surprising trend in light of that policy.

          The precipitous drop in the nation’s dependence on foreign energy commodities during the Obama administration slowed last year and is set to flatline in 2018.

          U.S. net energy imports have plunged 95 percent from their peak in 2008 through the end of last year, hitting levels not seen since the 1970s, Goldman’s Damien Courvalin notes in research released Wednesday. However, higher oil prices have created a speed bump to achieving energy independence, and the trade war Trump is pursuing against China threatens to further delay the long-sought goal, he says.

          According to Courvalin, the rapid progress toward energy independence is mostly due to surging U.S. natural gas shipments and a boom in oil sales after Congress and President Barack Obama lifted a 40-year ban on exporting crude. OPEC’s deal with Russia and other producers to boost oil prices by cutting output has also helped to shrink the U.S. trade deficit in energy products.“

          In other news, a Trump appointed federal judge just dismissed crazy Louis Gohmert’s lawsuit.

          The hits just keep coming! What are we up to now 60 odd Trump and allies lawsuits kicked to the curb?

          So much winning, I need a drink.

        • “surging U.S. natural gas shipments”

          Which Biden has promised to end. Our enemies are laughing at us. Russian trolls have used social media for the push against American energy by co-opting climate change hysteria. Why would they do that? Russia is the world’s second largest producer of natural gas. The natural gas industry improved during the Obama years through innovation, not through anything Obama did.

        • Right it was all saint Obama, whos most radical actions in the energy sector were cap and trade, limiting fracking, and subsidizing failed green energy initiatives. That’s why under Obama gas was 4-5 dollars a gallon some places and we were a net importer. It only SEEMS like its better now after Trump because gas is 1-2 dollars a gallon and the US is a net exporter and energy independent. Don’t believe your lying eyes and ears!

          I’m on the fence at this point whether miner is just the washed up old failure boomer coalminer he LARPs as or just a paid shareblue/Chinese shitposter/agitprop guy who sucks at their job. Its really pathetic. Nothing positive, ever, can be credited to the opposition. That’s the mindset of either a pathetic troll of a CCP actor.

        • Obama had nothing to do with it. It was due to fracking (which he and the democrats hated) that the United States broke the sheikh’s and Russians control of oil. And it was all the red states that made it happen. When was the last time California opened an
          an oil well at sea miner?? Democrats are currently working hard to get rid of fracking and it’s benefits to our nations economic health. If you don’t believe me see the state of Colorado for a how to instructional manual on destroying a once booming industry.
          Not to mention the fact that huge regions of our country our hurting due to the insane regulations the democrats have put on the coal industry but that’s another story.
          Miner honestly believes the things he reads on leftist websites. He knows nothing of reality outside his safe leftists worldview.

        • Remember when Democrats and the MoFoMedia (BIRM) berated pro-energy proponents and their opponents that…
          “You can’t drill ourselves into energy independence you stupid rubes!”

          Talk about a major fuck up in thinking.
          But yet neither the Democrats or the MoFo Media admit their MAJOR error or suffer negative consequences of such a huge blunder.
          It must be nice to control the national narrative.

        • ““surging U.S. natural gas shipments”

          Which Biden has promised to end.”

          Promised to end fracking, and that impacts a family I know directly…

        • “Get ready for energy dependence on the Middle East again and $4.00 gas.”
          We have never been dependent on Middle East oil. It a shell game & North America has more oil than all of the Middle East.

        • Miner, for every whiny story printed by the leftist “guardian” newspaper I can show you tens of thousands of Americans who receive a paycheck from oil, gas and coal. The companies are filled with normal people earning a living and it was their American ingenuity that pioneered fracking which has kept literally trillions out of the coffers of Arabia, Russia and OPEC. I for one don’t like to support dictators and communists around the world, do you?

        • You just shared an article based on zero facts. The article even says “the family THINKS”… dude, that is some straight up propaganda. Zero proof that family even exists. They leave the shower door open because they think the house will explode? LMFAO.

          Miner you are so full of shit. It’s amazing how only certain types of articles and comments you pick to comment on here. You are fucking crazy. I actually believe your West Virginia claims because you fit the hillbilly offspring to a tee. I can totally see you living in some “city” in west virginia and being part of the 1% leftists loonies wearing gas masks in the whole foods and chasing off non maskers.

      • In St Louis that street and sidewalk is private property. It is owned by the people that live there, not specifically by the HOA. When this happened Chip spent over a week posting the specific laws of MO.

        • Nope, the Portland Place trustees control the property, and they filed zero trespassing complaints that day.

          McCloskey has brandished firearms in a threatening manner against people whose only offense is walking on a piece of ground the McCloskeys claim as their own:

          “The McCloskeys have filed at least two “quiet title” suits asserting squatter’s rights on land they’ve occupied openly and hostilely — their terms — and claimed as their own. In an ongoing suit against Portland Place trustees in 2017, the McCloskeys say they are entitled to a 1,143-square-foot triangle of lawn in front of property that is set aside as common ground in the neighborhood’s indenture.
          It was that patch of green protesters saw when they filed through the gate. Mark McCloskey said in an affidavit that he has defended the patch before by pointing a gun at a neighbor who had tried to cut through it.”

          I realize that President Trump and Fox News have their own propaganda line of disinformation concerning these events, but perhaps the more intellectually capable on this list would care to avail themselves of the local reporting for a more accurate picture of the situation.

          STLtoday.comWeb resultsThe St. Louis couple charged with waving guns at protesters have a …

      • You’ve been told a dozen times, the street in front of their house is private property, not a public thoroughfare, so they were trespassing, and you are lying, not mistaken.

        • A lie told a dozen times is still a lie, how about we do the actual work to find the facts.

          It’s unfortunate that you folks just want to parrot the echo chamber talking point, without conducting any actual research into the matter.

          So let me help you with 15 minutes research results.

          Here is a 2017 lawsuit by the McCloskeys, against the Portland Place Assn trustees, in which the McCloskeys admit that Portland Place trustees own the roadway:

          “Portland Place property owners claim association failed to fix sewers

          By Lhalie Castillo | Nov 10, 2017

          ST. LOUIS — Property owners are suing homeowners’ association trustees, citing alleged breach of fiduciary duty and constructive fraud.
          Mark T. McCloskey and Patricia N. McCloskey filed a complaint on Oct. 23, in the St. Louis Circuit Court against Sanjay Jain, Russell John and Richard Gemberling, Portland Place Association trustees, alleging they breached their duties to maintain the sewer lateral in Portland Place.
          According to the complaint, the plaintiffs allege that as a result of the debris and obstructions at the sewer lateral, water backed up and flowed into the plaintiffs’ home. They paid to repair a collapsed portion of the sewer lateral at their property but were unable to repair those that pass through defendants’ roadway. They claim they have suffered damages to real estate and personal property, annoyance, inconvenience and emotional distress. 
          The plaintiffs hold the defendants responsible because they allegedly wrongfully ignored their legitimate request to repair the storm or fowl water sewer system at Portland Place.
          The plaintiffs seek judgment in their favor in a fair reasonable amount that will compensate their actual and consequential damages, plus interest, costs of this action and all further relief the court deems just and proper. They are representing themselves.
          St. Louis Circuit Court case number 1722-CC11570”

          In case you missed it, here’s the relevant acknowledgment of roadway ownership:

          “ …those that pass through defendants’ roadway… “

          I thought some of you people claim to be attorneys, not familiar with real estate law?

        • Larry, ” you can’t fix stupid “. Think the Miner has been underground in the mine too long.

        • “I thought some of you people…”

          “You people”?

          Racist bigot! Racist bigot!

          Busted! HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa… 🙂

        • Geoff. miner refuses to condemn the brown shirted antifa that burned and looted minority businesses during their ‘mostly peaceful protests’. He also supports the margerat sanger plan of genocide on American blacks.
          And he suffers from ‘white savior’ syndrome. You know. He believes that poc can only thrive with a woke white guy leading them.

          So yes. He’s more racist than chris mallory.

        • Nope, I’ve stated many times I condemn any violence against people or any property destruction.

          No matter who the group is, or what color they are or what planet they come from, I do not agree with violent attacks upon people, any threats of violence especially involving firearms against any people or any violent property destruction against private property.

        • The subject at hand is the McCloskeys, who admitted in sworn court documents that the roadway is owned by the Portland Place Association.

          Of course, none of you would admit the truth, the protesters were not on the McCloskeys property, and never presented a threat worthy of the lethal weapons employed by the McCloskeys.

          That’s why the McCloskeys are charged with firearms felonies and the protesters aren’t.

        • The protesters arent? lol. Are you fucking serious? Lets look at all the destruction the “protesters” caused.. in that area for that matter… Do you even darkweb bro? Do you want your tiny little mind fucked with all the doxing and arrests? The FACT – as you put it – is that these protesters are not peaceful and they started harassing innocent people right in front of their homes, why? Why in numerous areas were they seen on private property telling people “don’t use your white privilege’s to tell me how to protest”? Do you have any idea what took place during those protests all around the area of the McCloskeys? I’ll bet if you heard of Molotov’s being thrown in your neighborhood you’d be pretty fucking scared too. If not, then provide your address and we’ll oblige. Don’t tell me how to protest your stupid opinions, whitey.

        • I’m sorry to tell you, you flatlanders wouldn’t last five minutes up the holler here in West Virginia.

          Mountaineers are always free, because we’re so far up the holler the moonshines all day.

          “Strangers ain’t come down from Rocky top, reckon they never will… “

          And y’all are still wrong, the protesters never trespassed on the McCloskey’s private property.

          The McCloskeys have admitted in court that they do not own the roadway, look it up yourself:

          St. Louis Circuit Court case number 1722-CC11570”

          In case you missed it, here’s the relevant acknowledgment of roadway ownership:

          “ …those that pass through defendants’ roadway… “

          Y’all are nothing but two bit bullies, big men behind the keyboard.

          No matter how many threats you make against me personally, you’re still wrong.

        • Let me share with you what we call a cautionary tale.

          A couple T-men in town see the son of a local bootlegger and approach him with a question.

          “Son, if you tell us where your daddy’s still is we’ll give you a shiny quarter when we get back.”

          The little boy thinks for a moment and says “OK, but you got to give me the quarter right now.”

          The T-man asks why that is.

          The little boy says “If I show you my daddy’s still up on the mountain, y’all ain’t coming back.”

        • Sir, this is a Wendy’s

          And you made absolutely no sense, most likely because you cannot refute what I said. Nobody asked you about your daddy or your hillbilly roots. And no, I’d fuck everyone on that mountain and drive their piece of shit chevy down nice and slow. You are not a Miner, nor a “west Virginian”. You are a keyboard warrior living in your families basement.

        • Monty, you said it yourself:

          “I’ll bet if you heard of Molotov’s being thrown in your neighborhood you’d be pretty fucking scared too. If not, then provide your address and we’ll oblige.“

          In some jurisdictions that’s known as ‘terroristic threatening’.

          I’m so scared, big man on the keyboard!

      • Minor Annoyance,

        Can you quit being a lying POS for once???

        Private gated communities like this (I LIVE in one, ya dumbass) have property lines that go to the middle of the street, with an easement in favor of OTHER RESIDENTS AND THEIR INVITED GUESTS to use the street. It WAS their property, which may be part of the reason why the HOA didn’t file a complaint – ours leaves that to the affected homeowners.

        But you keep being a douchebag; it makes it fun to mock you.

        • Alas is me, I am wounded to the quick by your claim I am a douche bag, the pain!

          To avoid double posting, may I suggest you look slightly above your error-filled insults to a reply I posted a few moments ago regarding this matter.

          Suffice to say, the McCloskeys admit in their lawsuit that the roadway belongs to the Portland Place Association.

          Just use common sense, if the protesters actually trespassed on property owned by the McCluskeys, with their video evidence they could’ve easily filed trespassing complaints but they failed to do so. Because they don’t own the property the protesters were on and the association refused to file trespassing complaints.

          I’m beginning to understand this whole ‘election fraud’ thing, the sophistication of the electoral process is beyond your comprehension, it’s as simple as that.

        • “Minor Annoyance,

          Can you quit being a lying POS for once???”

          You forgot racist bigot, and the proof is above. Mr. “You people…” the racist bigot… 🙂

    • False. The McCloskey’s were under no threat and no one trespassed on their property or damaged anything. They overreacted horribly, as they have many times before. They are a pair of scumbag elitist leftist lawyers who have threatened to shoot neighbors before. These scumbag shysters even tampered with evidence.

      The McCloskey’s are making fools of POTG when it is plainly obvious the only thing they support is suing their own families, their neighbors and their right to keep and bear arms but certainly not your right.

        • Oh, look, the racist bigot thinks he’s being clever… 🙂

      • No question the McCloskeys overreacted, and no question their gunhandling was for s***.

        OTOH, you are completely wrong about the trespassing issue, so there’s that (see my response, above, to Minor Annoyance).

        • To avoid double posting, may I suggest you look slightly above your error-filled insults to a reply I posted a few moments ago regarding this matter.

          Suffice to say, the McCloskeys admit in their lawsuit that the roadway belongs to the Portland Place Association.

          Just use common sense, if the protesters actually trespassed on property owned by the McCluskeys, with their video evidence they could’ve easily filed trespassing complaints but they failed to do so. Because they don’t own the property the protesters were on and the association refused to file trespassing complaints.

          I’m beginning to understand this whole ‘election fraud’ thing, the sophistication of the electoral process is beyond your comprehension, it’s as simple as that.

        • Look, the “You people” racist bigot is at it again!

          Another lying racist bigot…

        • Please explain how referring to the commenters on TTAG as “you people” is racist.


      • Looks like enuf and miner lick windows together in the same school. I can’t wait for the civil war to kick off, most of your type ain’t gonna make it.

  3. This twits father John Sununu was Bush 41’s Chief of Staff. When 43 had a chance to appoint a Supreme Court Judge this guys dad comes along and convinces him that Stephan Breyer is the ultimate choice as a stealth candidate with no real record to attack. 43 buys it and this guy gets on the Court. The following day he goes nuclear Leftie.

    • That was David Souter, not Breyer. Breyer was appointed by Clinton.

      The story I’ve heard is that Souter and Edith H. Jones were snuck into the White House for the final interviews with Bush, and then waited in the Green Room while Bush, Sununu, and James Baker met to make the final decision. Sununu actually wanted to go with Jones, but Baker (who was also a big Jones fan) was worried that she would get Borked and not be able to get through the Senate (filibusters we’re still a thing back then). So they went with the stealth candidate (Souter), who was then brought out for the announcement. Jones was as close as one could be to being nominated.

      Bush later said appointing Souter was one of his biggest mistakes as president.

      Who knows whether Jones would have been confirmed, but if she had a huge number of 5-4 decisions that went the wrong way due to Souter would have been decided differently.

        • Souter was another one of those great legal minds placed on the Court by slick Republicans who are going to get one over on the Democrats in the Senate. How about the other great legal mind Roberts? Boy can the Republicans pick um.

        • I’m absolutely not a fan of 41, but remember, he also gave up Justice Clarence Thomas, and 43 gave us Justice Samuel Alito..

          ‘Jus sayin’

          • 43 gave us Justice Samuel Alito..

            And he cancelled that conservative voice with RINO John Roberts….

  4. How do you get a pro-2nd governor to flip anti?
    Covid-19 of course!
    Tossing individual liberty into the trash since 2020.

    • “How do you get a pro-2nd governor to flip anti?”

      By showing up at his home, waving guns and shouting.

      Like we used to say in high school, smooth move, bowels.

        • Perfect, you have just supplied absolute justification for the governor to be concerned and the township to pass a safety ordinance to prevent crazy conservatives from threatening his family.

      • Still peaceful.

        If the side of long guns scares you, move to a country that doesn’t allow them. They aren’t going anywhere here. Keep trying though, you’re going to start a fucking war.

      • So, you’re only allowed to riot and brandish weapons if you’re a Leftist???

        Thanks for that inspiring bit of illogic, Minor Annoyance.

      • Right, If they’re a coward with no spine nor convictions I’m sure they would fold to whatever is most expedient and makes them feel safe. Feeling safe after all is what the framers intended to enshrine in the Constitution and BOR.

        Or, if they were sincere in their convictions they would stand by said convictions even in the face of death, or after someone tried to kill them. Like say a Bernie bros loser tries to kill you but he’s a total failure at life and everything in it and he can’t even reliably hit unarmed targets within 50yards so he just wounds you with a rifle, but you still go on supporting the 2A with minimal restrictions because you’re a real man with convictions that don’t change with the wind because you’re Steve Scalise and not some scared, spineless fool who allows their emotions and fear to control them and attempt to ban things after bad experiences like James and Sarah Brady or Gabby Gifford’s

        You are pathetic miner

        • No problem. I especially enjoy when you can’t attack the merits of my argument because its clearly past your capacity. Xi will still get your renminbi for your efforts.

        • Hey drunk, I’m sorry, did you actually make a coherent statement in your post because I somehow missed it.

    • How is Gov. Sununu anti-2nd Amendment? He vetoed all the atrocious gun restriction bills that needed to be vetoed.

      Even his mask “mandate” is unenforceable, so basically masks only required on the honor system.

      • So, it’s totes cool to adopt ridiculous, unenforceable, unconstitutional mandates, because you “can’t enforce them, anyway”?????

        Sorry, dude, but with “friends” like you, people in favor of liberty don’t need enemies.

        • Agreed.

          How many places won’t even let you in the door now because of a NON ENFORCEABLE make mandate? Tons. I’ve had my run ins with these places, even up here in NW Montana. I just won’t ship there, but still the “enforcement” exists.

        • It’s not a real mandate if it clearly tells people how to opt-out. It’s voluntarily mandatory as written.

          “6. A person who declines to wear a mask or cloth face covering because of a medical or developmental issue, or difficulty breathing, shall not be required to produce documentation, or other evidence, verifying the condition.”

          Perhaps too subtle for some to appreciate.

        • Yeah, darn those private property owners, exercising their private property rights by setting health standards for those who may chose to enter.

          Don’t they know that Monty is special, he has the right to dictate to others what they can and can’t do on their own property.

          Monty, your dictator is showing…

        • “Monty, your dictator is showing…”

          Racist bigots like “You people” ‘minor’ love them some dictators… 🙂

        • Giffy, why do you think addressing the commenters on this forum as “you people” is racist?

        • Private property rights by enforcing a non enforceable mandate? yea… you seem confused as to how it all started, dumbass. Not complying is the opposite of a dictator…

          Funny how they don’t care when someone is wearing flip flops, “inappropriate attire” in the property, but a mask? Oh hell naw… Ever see people of wal-mart?

          Miner, your hypocite is showing.

        • Let’s see, medical experts say folks should wear a mask to prevent transmission of this disease.

          Private property owner says good idea, in addition to wearing a shirt and shoes, all those entering my premises must wear a mask.

          Monty thinks he can dictate to a private property owner, he is a tyrant who doesn’t understand private property rights under the United States Constitution.

    • Yes, complaining about the “risk”. How about saying “risk of what?” If you’re saying guns might be fired, show your work — how many times has that happened at these protests you are so concerned about? Zero, right? Do you have any concept of the term “chickenshit”?

  5. Freedom and Liberty have little use or love for any party representatives, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Independent who are willing to violate the Constitution for personal gain, be it financial or power. It’s time we took back our government from the Nancy’s, Chuck’s, Adam’s, Joe’s, Chris’s and Gina’s. These people do little for the people who put them in power. Time to change that. They were put there to serve us, not rule over us.

    • I would add Benedict Scott’s name to that list, he’s from next door Vermont and while he is listed as a R he is actually yet another petty tyrant Leftard,a particularly worthless POS.

  6. At one time, I thought ol Chris was one of the last real hopes for our region. Appears he’s been sipping the kool aid with all the lib dems and rinos that surround him! He should have the state motto tattooed across his forehead to remind him every time he looks in the mirror.

  7. After reading this article, it feels like there are things missing. What does masks have to do with anything? Who are the ones protesting? What are they protesting?

    So much of this makes no sense.

    • After Sununu repeatedly said NH wouldn’t lockdown for weeks and weeks he finally gave in to the Karen crowd and locked the state down. Granted, it’s a milquetoast lockdown that isn’t really a lockdown at all but it was enough to piss off a good number of his supporters and since his lockdown began there have been daily demonstrations protesting it.

      • +1 for the proper spelling of “milquetoast”. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anyone else properly spell that word when using it.

    • The protesters are upset at the “mandate” to wear masks where social distancing is not practical (a vague criterion), and with an exception for those who have medical or developmental reasons to not wear a mask (specifically stated that no documentation need be provided, making the “mandate” unenforceable).

      No connection to guns other than that some of the pro-Covid-19 protesters want to cosplay as armed patriots.

      • Imagine that there were a law that wants sex organs and anuses covered. That way, if you leak, most of it is collected in the covering(would probably be made of some type of fabric. This is what masks are and for the same reason, although they do have the added benefit of covering some ugliness.
        I have seen people sick with Covid, and it is not pretty. Maybe there shouldn’t be a law, but common decency should apply. If you affect others, that bring it home to their loved ones(who are trying to stay home, you may have to accept some of the blame for their deaths.
        It is up to you.

    • It is a poorly written AP article.
      Based off what we are seeing across America, The People are getting pissed. It is not just along political ideology either, though that is still there too.
      I read about a florist in CA who was forced to close over COVID mandates, while Wal-Mart down the road was still open, and selling flowers. She was NOT a Trump supporter. But she was pissed.
      A bar owner in CA, forced to close her out door dinning. But a big movie company was allowed to set up a tent to feed their workers, in a parking lot across from her bar. She was pissed.
      The list goes on: Gym owners, bar owners, a huge number of small restaurants in NYC told petty tyrant Cuomo not to come into their dinning establishments, they would not serve him.
      Nancy Pelosi house in San Fran got vandalized. Based off the pic, I would say they were not right-wing.
      The stress of the lockdowns, job losses, small businesses forced out while big box stores profit even more so than ever, the stress of distance learning for children and their parents . . . that is a lot of stress.
      This governor, other governors, mayors, politicians are seeing more and more push back from us commoners.
      If this continues, who knows what could happen. I know I dont. I just am seeing a lot of angry people out there.

      • That anger is very understandable but is all too often misplaced. It does no good to be THAT upset about it while voting for the people that do it….knowing they WILL do o it. It is very political. It has become all too obvious that ‘lockdowns’ do not actually fix anything and will in fact destroy things.

        As for the article…
        The AP can’t help what they are. TTAG does have a bad habit of following them though. I’m asking for something better.

      • You will note that all the lockdowns target small businesses.
        These business owners are self reliant, self starters, who are the bedrock of capitalism.
        Want to bring in socialism/communism these people must be gotten rid of first.

        • Yes. Meanwhile, Amazon is up 300% on their “pantry” and over 80 billion in revenue increase.

          The planning behind this is very obvious.

  8. The forced wearing of masks is a tool of the tyrants. They are using it to end public meetings. And having televised meetings is not what is required by our Republic. In person face-to-face meetings or what is required in this Republic of ours.

    But it’s good that the leadership of the states fear the people. They should. And if anyone has a problem with the open carry of guns, then you are not a supporter of the Second Amendment. You never were a supporter of the Second Amendment.

    If you don’t support the open carry of firearms. Then stay home. And don’t run for public office either.

    There are many people who say that the state should not have a monopoly on the use of violence. If that’s true then the state should not have a monopoly on the open carry of guns.

    • One can support open carry while not supporting open carriers trespassing or otherwise making asses of themselves.

      • Trespassing while armed or unarmed is illegal. And should be met with an armed open carry response by the property owner.

        • Our new Los Angeles D.A. Garcon (for whom I certainly did not vote) recently declared that his office will not be prosecuting a list of certain violations, including trespassing. Just another reason why Californians have been arming up in 2020 like never before.

        • to I Haz A Question
          I read that about the new Los Angeles DA. A huge difference I have found when I moved to the south, was the respect other people have for a mans land. I have personally found I’m respected as a land owner. Not so much in California. I open carry in Kentucky. I can’t do that in my former golden state.

          There is no Sheriff on the west coast, that I’m a where of, who would say publicly that he supports the 2A civil rights of the NFAC or anyone else to protest peacefully in public. But the Sheriff did say just that in Louisville KY.

        • “will not be prosecuting a list of certain violations, including trespassing”

          Cool story. People should camp out in his yard to test that theory. I’ve heard there are a few homeless folks in the area. Spread the news…

          • will not be prosecuting a list of certain violations, including trespassing”

            Another Soros acolyte, money well spent n George’s world….

      • Yeah, I DEFINITELY support that new congressperson who intends to open carry in The House of Representatives!

  9. Our resident Mr. Liberal Talking Points said: ““How do you get a pro-2nd governor to flip anti?”
    By showing up at his home, waving guns and shouting.”

    The great Thomas Jefferson said:
    “What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.”

    HMMMMM…. Who should we listen to?
    The Patriot who wrote the Declaration of Independence,
    or a leftist suckup that is obviously on the government teat, and is always afraid of his own shadow?

    • Mr. Jefferson said what would apply to all the various petty tyrants and if they governed differently, there would be no fear of armed citizens gathering.

      “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”

  10. The Left has made a practice of threatening people at their homes. It seems to work for them. Even the US Supreme Court is cowering before them.

    I support armed protests, but, menacing, threatening directly at someone’s home, is too personal, too direct, and impacts the neighbors and their children.

    In 2020, I participated in 11 Trump events in PA. Eight of these within five miles of my home. Each time, armed, sometime openly, sometimes concealed. Three additional times at the Commonwealth Capitol, all open carry.

    Armed protests remind government that we are not sheep. However, threatening, menacing, making families and neighbors feel unsafe, frightened is a tactic favored by leftists, Fascists, and Communists, not by freedom-loving Americans.

    • It’s a tactic favored by those who want to win. This isn’t a game and tyrants don’t get to go home safely at night.

      • Dan W,

        Too closely resembles mob-rule for my support, but your point is well-taken.

      • Leading up to the actual Revolutionary War (kinetic), it was not uncommon for the Colonists to in fact harass, terrorize, burn down the homes of Loyalists.
        Is that we are seeing now?
        I do not know, but the idea is frightening for what it could lead to.

        • TTAGERS,

          Speaking of preserving this Republic, if feasible, please, join us in DC this coming Thursday, when the Electoral College votes are counted. We are expecting around 2m people. The word is that President Trump will speak, but that has not been easy to confirm. Details at

          Trump would not be encouraging us all to attend just to watch him lose. Something is happening behind the curtain.

          Warning: Muriel Bow-wow-wowser, the Mayor of DC, is obstructing the installation of porta-potties. So, if you ever wanted to crap on her front lawn, this would be a good opportunity.

    • “In 2020, I participated in 11 Trump events… “

      And COVID-19 sends their warmest appreciation, thanks for all your efforts!

    • They were invaded by Libertarians, Liberals and Leftists. Who destroyed NYC. And after they couldn’t stand the policies that THEY VOTED FOR. They moved to a more conservative part of the country. That they hated in the past. And now are voting for the same f*cked up policies as they did in NYC.

      The three L’s are the real pandemic.

      • Yea, they are called Massholes, exiting Taxachsetts for a better life, then bring their stupid liberal politics with them. Same happening here in Texas with Kommiefonians, escaping high taxes and oppressive regulations for a better life, and then trying to turn Texas into the same $hithole they left. Insanity.

        • MB
          You sir nailed it, the mental disease of Leftardism,spread to the once Live Free Or Die state by Massholes,more devastating to liberty than the Wu Flu.

        • While we like to blame flatlanders, there’s some evidence that Massholes fleeing the “Commiewealth” aren’t the simple cause of any liberalism here.

          “While conventional wisdom might suggest it’s liberal voters who are most likely to move north from Massachusetts, Smith and Scala say Bay State migrants have turned southern New Hampshire border towns into one of the biggest Republican strongholds in the state.

          The border towns of Pelham, Salem and neighboring Derry and Londonderry are solidly Republican turf, partially influenced by conservative Massachusetts residents moving to a state with lower home prices and fewer taxes.”

      • Chris,

        I am a libertarian-leaning conservative, also known as a Jeffersonian (a supporter of small, limited government that intrudes minimally into the lives of its people and their wallets).

        The term “libertarian” is not always a pejorative.

        • Haz,

          Yup. Used to refer to myself as a libertarian until the Libertarian Party confused the meaning of the word and started nominating weak, silly candidates. Now-a-days, I describe my self as a Constitutional Originalist.

          That being said, no one, to my knowledge, has me on any lists for Supreme Court nominees.

        • to I Haz A Question
          There are many things that I Like about Libertarianism. However most so called “Libertarians” really don’t support Libertarianism. Just as many “Christians” don’t support Christianity. Yes both groups need to spend time in front of a mirror, to find out just who is causing the problems in society.

          Joe Rogan is a great example. He didn’t vote. Didn’t care to vote. He saw no need to vote. He didn’t care who got elected. 2A rights were taken away from LA county, where he use to live. And many on TTAG say he didn’t have to vote. Rogan is self described “Libertarian” who said he liked Bernie Sanders. Then he took his rich atheist libertarian a$$ to the free state of Texas. He is a Libertarian parasite. He will do nothing to keep Texas free. But he will live off the hard work of other people. Not all but many who are Christians.

          John Stossel has done stories on “Libertarians” moving to New Hampshire. Hoping to take over the state. If they are like Joe Rogan then New Hampshire will become a slave state.

        • Chris T.,

          Yeah, Bill Mahre USED to claim he was a “libertarian”, too. IMHO, “libertarian” does NOT mean, “Oh, boy! I get to smoke dope and screw anybody I want to!!” Surely, those are freedoms most libertarians support, but “libertarian” should mean much more than that. I agree, most “libertarian” candidates are an embarrassment – I prefer to classify myself as a Jeffersonian.

        • There is no such thing as “minimal intrusions” by governments.

          Libertarianism is joke. Voting 3rd party is not, and they have a lot of right ideas, but it’s mostly bullshit by selfish people who would never actually get off their ass to build their own roads…

    • Let me get ten of my buddied and harrass you and your family at your home, change your tune then? Every swingin D**k thinks its ok to set up camp at peoples homes and threaten them, protest the Governor at the office, you know, where he WORKS. Friggin snowflakes.

  11. The responses to Miner49er on here show why the comments section of these posts are laughably entertaining, but otherwise worthless.

    Those replies reflect the typical mode of “discussion” on here: the fallacy of the ad hominem “argument.” In other words, attack the person, not his argument.

    The prevalence of personal attacks by the usual suspects on here offers proof that most comments have no probative (evidence-based truth) value. Here’s *my* ad hominem attack: That and the level of semi-literacy on here makes clear that commenters are a bunch of idiots.

    I assume part of what’s behind all the “character assassination” on here is that it’s an entertaining contest to prove whose vitriol is the most corrosive. (Corrosive of the idea that this is a forum of enlightening civil discourse …)

    Why the hell otherwise down-to-earth, hardworking men and women worship in the cult surrounding an insane, boorish, dictator-wannabe, corrupt, bankrupt “billionaire” TV celebrity and constant liar is beyond me.

    • merkureal says that the commenters are a bunch of idiots, as he bemoans all the ad hominem attacks. and then indulges in the worst type of these attacks by insulting our president:

      “worship in the cult surrounding an insane, boorish, dictator-wannabe, corrupt, bankrupt “billionaire” TV celebrity and constant liar”

      So then you say it’s better to worship in the cult of a dementia and alzheimer’s patient who can barely think and walk at the same time, needs constant voices speaking in his ears, has done nothing in 40 some years in government except to profit criminally and handsomely from foreign powers, is an obvious pedophile, and has publicly stated the he will get a pretend disease and retire…..Oh yeah, you really gotta love this creeping pile.

      But what else can you expect from the democrat liars, cheaters, looters, arsonists, communists and socialists?

      • The difference between a Politician and a Hooker. A Hooker will stop Fuck’n Ya when you run Outta money. A Politician Won’t. The difference between Creepy Uncle Joe and a Pedophile. The Democrat party and the MSM who looks the other way in the case Of Biden. Keep in mind Joe will be gone By June. Either by resignation or the 25th A. The whole purpose is to get KamelToe as President. Then like Obama no one will be able to Criticize her for Fear of being labeled a Racist/Sexist. With maybe the exception of Trump, because the rest of the Pseudo R. party are cowards.

    • Here’s *my* ad hominem attack: That and the level of semi-literacy on here makes clear that commenters are a bunch of idiots.

      That, just before you embark on a litany of personal attacks on everyone from the commenters to the POTUS.. Very cool.. Anyway the logic of your comments is not totally lost.. It makes sense that if “commenters’ are a bunch of idiots” and YOU are a commenter… Shall I continue?

      • Lemme poke him with a stick real quick to see if he’s still responsive…

        Either way, continuance granted.

    • @merkureal

      I’m going to ignore your own ad hominem attack, and just address Miner49er.

      I’ve had countless discussions with Miner49er. I can not count the number of times he attacks the messenger instead of the message, or changes the subject and creates a straw man argument. I don’t just mean he attacks someone on this site, but maybe the author of a quoted article without refuting the actual article. So it seems that your entire comment is both hypocritical and pointless.

      • “He attacks the author of a quoted article without refuting the actual article.”

        Oh, when have I attacked the author of an article?

        • Look – The “You people” racist bigot is still yapping like an annoying dog… 🙂

        • I’ve specifically called you out on it multiple times. It was probably a right wing author or a right wing website, but that in itself doesn’t refute the article.

        • You made the claim, it’s up to you to support it.

          It’s known colloquially as ‘put up or shut up’.

        • I never cuss you, I never call you names, I never accuse you of sexual perversion.

          I try to have honest discussions, and provide citations or the actual text if I quote research or news reports.

          All I get in return is vague complaints, nonspecific accusations, etc. But no substantive reply.

          Face it, Donald Trump and his conservative allies are anti-American tyrants who are attempting sedition and those who support them are no patriots.

          And happy solstice to you!

          • I never cuss you, I never call you names, I never accuse you of sexual perversion.

            But you have called ME names AND questioned my manhood, not that long ago, I normally don’t respond to you or, for that matter, pay you much mind at all except when your “memory” seems to fail you… Glass houses and all that good stuff… Run your little rant, call me a liar, copy and paste 6 paragraphs of irrelevant bull shit, I see no further need to reply to you on this matter..

    • Ok. Honest answer, he earned it. As a man prior to his election, I couldn’t stand him. The only thing he had going for him in the begining was that he wasn’t a career politician. I did not vote for him. In fact I had never voted since eligible because as an IL resident/captive I have had no evidence to that it mattered. After seeing how hard he fought, and how much he accomplished despite the amount adversity from the big government types, it changed. His election showed me that I wasn’t alone in my disgust over how our country was being ran. That change could be more than a slogan. He is far from perfect, and I don’t agree with him on everything. I gave him the same chance and opportunity I gave Obama. Trump built us up, Obama tore us down. The first time I have voted in my life was for Trumps re-election. Not because I like him, but because he got things done. He showed me, and the rest of the people who didn’t really believe our vote/voice counted. He energjzed an all but dead voting public by proving that we can fix this governmental shit show. That’s how we broke Dominions algorithms, to the point they had to stop counting and make up an excuse as to why. Those of us who hate the two party system, but realize a viable third party ia almost unattainable VOTED. I will never miss another election, because my kids and grandkids can’t afford it. I’m still not a Republican, and I’ll never be a Democrat, but now I vote. Now WE vote, now WE are awake, now WE stand resolute for the greatest country in the world. The trolls only strengthen our resolve, only reaffirm the importance of rooting out corruption, lies, and linguistic gymnastics. So to Miner and the rest, please, never stop, never be silent. We need you, you keep us from getting complacent. So thank you for taking the time to continue to inspire us.

      • More inspiration from Donald Trump!

        Trump solicits election tampering and abuse of power, targeting Georgia state Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger in recorded phone call.

        republican Donald Trump shamelessly violates both federal and Georgia election laws by strong arming Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, insisting:

        “Just tell them you’ve re-calculated”, “You’re Republicans”, “You have to say that you’re going to reexamine the vote and give it to me.”

        Irrefutable evidence of violations of both federal and state election law:

        Federal Title 52 Code 20511

        GA Code
        Title 21
        Chapter 2
        Article 15
        21 – 2 – 604

        Looks like they’ll be a few more indictments in the parade of prosecutors who would like a word with Trump on the morning of January 21, 2021.

        I just love a parade!

        • Trump Ga. Transcript Shows Case for Vote Fraud, President Acted Properly:


          Next time get the whole story, instead of some chopped up BS from a struggling liberal rag…

        • You are quoting Newsmax?

          You really should select a more accurate source of information:

          And here’s an interesting article on Newsmax:

          “Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., will not be joining some of his fellow congressional Republicans in challenging the Electoral College outcome when Congress convenes in a joint session this Wednesday to certify the results of the presidential election.

          Read Newsmax: Newsmax – Breaking News | News Videos | Politics, Health, Finance”

          • You are quoting Newsmax?

            Yes, I’m quoting Newsmax, apparently the ONLY source at that hour that reported the release of the ACTUAL transcript of the FULL conversation.. But as usual your FACTS are based on edited snippets provided by the oh so “credible” NYT.. Do you ever get tired of displaying you obvious bias and hatred for this POTUS? It’s really time to admit that Donald J Trump kicked YOUR hero’s (aka The Hildabeast) ass in the 2016 general election and his name WILL remain in the books as the 45th President of the United States in perpetuity…. Now, go read the actual transcript of the phone call, I’m sure the NYT has posted it on page 16 right below the refrigerator ad, you can probably find it on you tube (everyone’s go to for RELABLE news sources) by now…..

        • And here’s an interesting article on Newsmax:

          “Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., will not be joining some of his fellow congressional Republicans in challenging the Electoral College outcome when Congress convenes in a joint session this Wednesday to certify the results of the presidential election.

          AND? Is that NOT the truth? A number of U.S. Senators will be exercising their rights not to participate in challenging the electoral college vote, however it only takes ONE Senator and ONE Congressman… So, what’s your point? Oh I get it, NOW you are just baiting me to elicit a response… Well played, you got me, now you can back to your rehash of that other crap you seem so obsessed with…..

        • “Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., will not be joining… “

          I’m just wondering, what is your opinion of Tom cotton now?

          Because he refuses to join some other Republican senators in their sedition attempts, does that make him RINO worthy of your condemnation?

        • “Newsmax, apparently the ONLY source at that hour that reported the release of the ACTUAL transcript of the FULL conversation.. “

          Transcript? Why not just listen to the actual audio, it’s available at many different media outlets and I posted a link above.

          And what is your opinion of Newsmax completely retracting their claims of dominion and smartmatic voting machine fraud?

          Have they now become part of the “election steal” conspiracy, along with 20 or 30 state, federal district, federal appeals and Supreme Court judges, many appointed by Donald Trump?

  12. He’s pro gun for NH, but some weenie went into his back yard with a concealed carry piece while they protested. NH is a Constitutional Carry state, but it lets its criminals have way too much leeway in the bail reform crap and needs to do more for victims of violent crimes. Most of NH is in denial over Covid, he’s done an ok job not stomping on rights here despite the rise of infections. Although the whole “his brother is on the board” and passing that no picketing crap for just his town is sad. We had long guns at the capitol in March to support women and 2A, no drama and very peaceful. Although our paper the UnionLeader says after 20 years the state is now no longer for the GOP there’s a strong Trump following.

    • Also, he veto’s all the anti’s bullcrap consistently. Picket the man at the office, not at his home making his family fear.

  13. That guy Sununu is a pvssy. Chicago has a body count like the Battle of Stalingrad and Mayor Beetlejuice hasn’t canceled jack sh!t.

  14. Cancelling the outdoor inauguration ceremony because of protesters, whether armed or not, was an overreaction. If he was that worried, it would have been better to call up police in riot gear to keep an eye on the situation but not take action unless the protest turned into a riot.

    Cancelling it was wise because any large gathering, even outdoors, is a bad idea right now. Masks help but they are no substitute for staying away from other people who might be infected with COVID-19. That there is a new, more contagious strain makes this even more important.

    The governor’s mask mandate appears to be reasonable. It doesn’t go overboard requiring masks where they can’t do any good. I don’t think police will be citing maskless people who are off by themselves, well away from everyone else, or riding in their automobiles.

    The homes and families of public figures should be off limits for protests. That’s borderline terrorism and is what the left wingers, like BLM and Antifa, do. The mob outside the McCloskeys in Saint Louis is an example. I doubt the people who do this realize that the same could be done to them at their homes.

    • In St. Louis the protesters were just marching past on a roadway owned by the Portland Place Association, the entire episode only lasted 12 minutes and the protesters never stopped in front of the house.

      The protesters were actually on their way to protest at the mayors house and were forced to travel through Portland Place because the mayor had other streets blocked to prevent the free passage of citizens wishing to express their first amendment rights.

      • They never stopped? They broke a gate down and threatened to kill two people. Video evidence of it. You act like the courts have all the answers all the time… how many people wrongly convicted or criminals let go that should have been convicted? You are a hypocrite. Only when it benefits your point of view does it exist, and you word it so the internet algorithms know what to keep feeding you. Get outside your box dude. You wouldn’t last an hour.

        • A video a couple days after is proof? lol… Dude, that is the most misleading form of evidence I have ever seen. Not admissible. The videos they submitted are edited and cut. You really don’t think that after some of the first few those who made death threats and threatened to kill the McCloskeys dog and family (actual video evidence of that btw) would hesitate to break down a gate? Hey, since you are from West Virginia and trying to hone in on your mountain background with your miner community, try protesting in a “community” that has any kind of gate there. “You won’t make it down off that mountain”


          but it’s cool when the clan with a tan does it, just as long as it’s a show of intimidation to get a mayor to resign… oh yea, and doxing… thats totally acceptable too… Would that fly in your mountain community?

          I enjoy it when you dig your own grave. It happens so frequently here that I have enough graves dug for said mountain community. Keep digging boy.

        • Nope, the video referenced in the article is contemporaneous with the event and was posted by a right wing nut job so you should believe it.

          And as I showed above, the McCloskeys themselves, in sworn statements contained in court filings, make it plain that the roadway is owned by the Portland Place association.

          Sadly, the evidence shows you are wrong on every one of your claims.

  15. The anti-picketing ordinance on the surface sounds unconstitutional. You know, that free speech thing, yes I’m sure of it. It’s right before that right to arms thing.

  16. “he and Senate President Chuck Morse, acting House Speaker Sherm Packard and the Executive Council will be sworn in during a small ceremony Jan. 7. It will be attended by leaders of both houses of the Legislature and will be virtually attended by all other members.”

    …given that there is a pandemic isn’t that the only responsible choice anyway? Is it somehow ‘essential’ to have a fancy ceremony?

    • Hannibal,

      California has had mask, social distancing and lockdown requirements as strict as any in the nation . . . and currently has the highest rate of COVID cases in the country. If these measures worked, why would that be? Gov. Kristi Noemi kept South Dakota open, and they have one of the lowest COVID rates in the country. Florida, despite Gov. DeSantis “irresponsible” policies, has a MUCH lower rate of COVID cases and COVID deaths than NY. There is ample SCIENCE out there, showing that (i) “social distancing” as actually practiced is relatively ineffective, (ii) masks are next to useless, if not actually a net negative, and (iii) regular handwashing and/or sanitizing may be the most effective of all – and how, EXACTLY, do you enforce that???

      I’m OK with being cautious, as appropriate. What I am NOT OK with is a bunch of bureaucrats imposing diktats with literally zero “science” behind it. Can we not go back to personal responsibility? I am perfectly capable of staying away from someone in public if I consider them a risk. Wearing a mandatory face diaper, that looks to a Coronavirus approximately like a chain-link fence looks to a mosquito is nothing more than public health theater. The p***y CHOSE to run for Governor. He gets the cool taxpayer-supported crash pad. The work of the government MUST be done openly and in public . . . if they don’t like it, they are free to resign, or not run. Otherwise, they work for us, not vice-versa. If lame-ass Sununu is scared of his constituents, he should be asking himself why.

      • Lamprey, you’re posting more fake news, who are you trying to fool?

        “As of December 22, 2020, the state with the highest rate of COVID-19 cases was North Dakota, followed by South Dakota and Iowa. Over 18 million cases have been reported across the United States, with the states of California, Texas, Florida, and Illinois reporting the highest numbers of infections.”

        Sturgis was the mother of all super spreader events, we’ll never know how many thousands died because they ignored health precautions.

        • Prove it. Prove any event spreads more than a football game and the spectators watching it. Prove it.

        • OK Monty, here you go.

          Please be specific with any objections you may have to this research, and please provide details of your particular expertise in epidemiology or a similar disciplined that applies to the subject at hand. If you could provide your CV, that would be quite helpful in establishing your credibility with regards to pandemics.

          Sturgis Bike Rally: Superspreading Event or Not?

          By Kathleen Doheny

          Sept. 9, 2020 — The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally that drew 462,000 biker enthusiasts to South Dakota in August was a superspreading event, responsible for more than 260,000 cases of COVID-19 — or 19% of the 1.4 million new COVID-19 cases from Aug. 2 to Sept. 2, claim researchers from San Diego State University and an independent research institute.

          South Dakota officials strongly disagree. In a statement Tuesday, Gov. Kristi Noem called the report “fiction” and “grossly misleading.” State Epidemiologist Joshua Clayton, PhD, said at a news briefing that the report numbers are ”a far cry” from reality. He said that 124 South Dakota residents who had attended the rally have been diagnosed with COVID.

          A death from COVID-19 in Minnesota has also been linked to the rally.

          Thomas Lee, PhD, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, reviewed the study but was not involved in the research. “I do agree the event led to more cases,” he says. “What’s debatable is the actual number, and everyone is never going to agree.”

          About the Study

          To arrive at the number of 260,000 COVID cases, the researchers used anonymous cellphone data to track movements from nonresidents, including their foot traffic at restaurants, bars, hotels, and campgrounds during the rally. They also found that local residents stayed at home less than usual during the rally, suggesting they were also attending or working at venues catering to the rally.

          “We can see where people are coming from, what they are doing,” says study co-author Joseph J. Sabia, PhD, a professor of economics and director of the Center for Health Economics and Policy Studies at San Diego State University. He is also a research fellow at the IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

          They could also track which areas of the country sent the largest number of participants to the rally.

          Next, the researchers used data from the CDC to look at where COVID cases were increasing. One month after the rally, COVID-19 cases increased by about six or seven per 1,000 people in Meade County, where Sturgis is located. Counties in the U.S. that sent the highest numbers of people to the rally had a 7% to 12.5% increase in cases, compared to counties that did not. Regions with stricter policies about bar openings and mask wearing also seemed to have fewer cases, Sabia and his team found.

          Finally, the researchers used a previous estimate that each COVID-19 patient averages a $46,000 medical bill. They concluded that the rally generated public health costs of about $12.2 billion.

          The research is not peer-reviewed.

          “This is a discussion paper, or a working paper,” Sabia says, noting it is a common practice in economics research.

          While the researchers did find a correlation of COVID cases with the movement data, Lee says there is not enough information to see it as cause and effect, especially without contact tracing to back it up.

          Sabia says the paper reflects another important point. “There has been a lot of discussion about the freedom to choose,” he says. But ”the magnitude of the effects we are seeing [in the increase in cases] is not all from attendees. It’s coming from community spread. Third parties who didn’t choose to go to this rally are now paying some of the price for a rally they did not attend.”

          Comparing Sturgis With Other Events

          Not all large gatherings are superspreading events, Sabia says. In previous reports, Sabia and his colleagues researched the effects of President Trump’s Tulsa, OK, indoor rally on June 20 and Black Lives Matter protests in 315 cities, and they did not find increases in COVID-19 cases related to either.

          Why not? “One of the reasons is that local residents [in cities with Black Lives Matter protests] increased their stay-at-home time,” Sabia says, probably due to fear of the virus or fear of violence.

          For the Tulsa event, Sabia says, some restaurants and bars downtown closed voluntarily, and a smaller-than-expected crowd attended the event, probably helping to explain why that event did not lead to a spike in cases.

          WebMD Health News
          Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on September 09, 2020“

        • “there is not enough information to see it as cause and effect” – those who refuse to inconvenience themselves to potentially stop others from unecessarily dying will likely pick out that statement, which does undermine any claim of certainty that the Sturgis gathering was a superspreader event.

          Problem is the mindset that one shouldn’t take simple precautions that evidence indicates will save lives without having ironclad 100% proof first. That people will die unecessarily before that level of proof can be reached doesn’t matter to narcissists.

        • Sadly, you are correct.

          The study freely admits it’s limitations, but I think it’s clear that tying cell phone data to Covid outbreaks offers a valid insight into the architecture of the Viruses’ propagation.

        • No… I said prove it.

          and Serpent, Fuck you. Did you come from an anarcho group on reddit?

        • Nope. I’ve been commenting on TTAG since the good old days when Mr. Farago ran it and kept it more on point focused on guns, without so much diversion into tangential right-wing political issues. Quality of comments seemed a good bit better then.

      • I’m not sure how to respond to people who don’t seem to understand the basic germ science behind respiratory infection that has been known for hundreds of years.

        • It is truly fascinating, but it’s not a new phenomenon. Humans have been ignoring the reality of plagues for hundreds of years.


          “The Masque of the Red Death”

        • You don’t have to respond. 99.7% cure ratio means your don’t have to wear a mask, because said infection is not as bad as they say it is. Especially when you look at the math. Do the math Hannibal. They know so little about this that your choice to “save lives” might actually be hindering your immune system to help save more lives… right? Can you prove me wrong?

        • Monty, please don’t take this wrong, but I must tell you that I give much more weight to the statements of doctors and medical researchers who have been involved in the field of epidemiology for decades, as compared to your baseless claims.

          And it’s not intellectually credible to make a wild claim without presenting any evidence, and then demand others prove you wrong.

          Your fragmentary claim about worsening immune systems is outside the pale of any recognized medical authority.

          You’ve made an extraordinary claim, it is your responsibility to provide extraordinary evidence to back up your claim.

          Otherwise, it’s just the empty speech of some random person on the inter-web, and pretty much worthless.

      • Oh no, even Trump appointed surgeon general of the United States of America is part of the Plandemic conspiracy!

        Or Donald Trump is a liar who doesn’t care how many Americans die, after all, “it is what it is”

        “US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams on Sunday said he has “no reason to doubt” the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Covid-19 death toll, contradicting President Donald Trump’s claim that the agency has “exaggerated” its numbers.

        “From a public health perspective, I have no reason to doubt those numbers,” Adams told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” when asked about Trump’s claim.
        “And I think people need to be very aware that it’s not just about the deaths, as we talked about earlier,” he added. “It’s about the hospitalizations, the capacity. These cases are having an impact in an array of ways and people need to understand there’s a finish line in sight, but we’ve got to keep running toward it.”

        Earlier Sunday, Trump claimed on Twitter that the number of cases and deaths of the “China Virus is far exaggerated” because of the CDC’s “ridiculous method of determination” compared to other countries, which “report, purposely, very inaccurately and low.”

        Said the New York city slicker to the countryfolk who swallowed it hook line and sinker.

  17. do you think that maybe it is just possible that the fact that you are a clinton-communist MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT??

  18. No what is happening is the governor doesn’t want lawabidding citizen’s to have any rights to their freedom to carry and bare arms, it has nothing to do with fear for family are citizens, were was theses cancellation when blm was destroying and vandalizing town’s, cities, trespass on others private property, O’ya odds are HE got a little extra Spending money and ALOT of Brown stuff on his nose from kissing the democraps A-s and believe me they are full of it.

  19. Your first responsibility is protecting the Liberties of your constituents; even the ones who don’t want Liberty. In fact, you have NO OTHER RESPONSIBILITY. Absolutely no one’s safety is on your list. You preserve Liberty, Liberty will preserve safety.

  20. Shit on him all you want – this guy is the only thing stopping bi-partisan gun control in NH – he’s vetoed gun control bills repeatedly that wind up on his desk.

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