
Word has prematurely leaked out of the NASGW meetings in KC, so we can now let you know about the newest entry in the full-sized, striker-fired polymer pistol game…the Remington Rp9. Here are the deets:


It may have taken Big Green a while to jump into the plastic fantastic game, but they’ve done an awful lot that’s right with this gun. I had a chance to play with one and put some rounds down range at a writers event last month.


Queue the comments about how late to the party this gun is. Fair enough. But the only effect that has is foregone past revenue. Going forward, given its features, the Rp9 will be a very viable option for a lot of pistol shoppers.


The Rp9 looks like the lovechild of a Smith M&P9 and a Walther PPQ.


It features a svelte grip circumference that makes holding (and, you know, shooting) one exceptionally comfortable for small-handed shooters like me. It ships with three interchangeable backstraps to make it conform to your particular paws.


The Rp has drift-adjustable steel sights. The rear sight’s front edge is shaped such that you’ll be able to use it to rack the slide if it comes to that.


The new gun is due to hit the stores the first part of 2017.


We can’t mention the cost yet, but the Rp is very competitively priced. That and its 18+1 capacity will make the Rp9 a great home defense or duty carry option.


I ran a few mags through one while popping a dueling tree from one side. The gun lays very comfortably in the hand with good recoil management and quick follow-up shots.


Its best feature: the trigger. Out-of-the-box, it’s light, grit-free, and has a short, perceptible re-set. From the 60 or so rounds I pumped through it, the Rp reminded me most of some of the best stock triggers I’ve tried on comparable guns like the FNX-9 and the PPQ.



We have one on the way for a full review. The first impression, though, was extremely positive. No matter how long it took Remington to get the Rp9 to market, they seem to have put a lot of thought into it.


  1. Based on recent past performances, I’m going to need a lot of good reports over time to trust Remington ever again.

    • Only thing worse than an “also ran” is one that is worse than what’s already available.

      What is with Remington? They keep kicking dead horses and expecting something different to happen.

      R’s angular block of plastic and buttons and switches is pretty much exactly what the shooting public has made it abundantly clear they do not want.

      • “R’s angular block of plastic and buttons and switches is pretty much exactly what the shooting public has made it abundantly clear they do not want.”

        Thus the complete failure of Glock in the marketplace.

        • I suspect that perhaps its the “buttons and switches” in a plastic gun that the public is avoiding.

    • I have friends who have been burned by the big green R, and will probably never own another Remington, and it wasn’t just a quality issue – the customer service they received, or the lack of it was the back breaking straw, at least for a few of my friends.
      They must have a segment of a market they are trying to connect with. Granted probably 85% of the comments on the pistol are negative here, I’m sure someone is gonna look at it and want one. That someone just isn’t going to be me. I do agree that they could cut down on all the billboard size advertising on the gun itself. I don’t really care if the guy 500 feet away from me can see that I’m shooting a Remington. Or…maybe I do care and would slap some 100mph tape over that. lol
      Maybe when pricing comes out we’ll see what that market is.

  2. I dunno…wasn’t the net blowing up the past few months about a certain other handgun made by Remington?

  3. Day late, many dollars short. Googling Remington RP brings up pictures of the RP45. I would not buy any Remington pistol, at least until they’ve been recalled and fixed.

    • You might should make that recalled and fixed AGAIN.
      The last I heard the gen2 51 wasn’t faring so well either.

  4. Looks a lot like a VP-9 from here.

    If the trigger truly is PPQ-like, that’s a good thing – but there are so many good-quality, reasonably priced plastic guns out there now that it will be hard for them to snag a decent share of the market. For those who like plastic striker-fired pistols, as I do, there really is an embarrassment of riches.

    • 1.27″ wide.
      Dang, that’s got to be one of the widest guns in its class. And on a carry gun, a tenth of an inch is huge. Especially if you want to go IWB.

      I wish Remington every success. I hope it’s a solid, reliable gun that helps Remington rebuild its reputation. Competition is a good thing. I can understand why Remington thinks they need to be part of this market niche, but I don’t envision these things flying off the shelves.

      • OK, it’s wider, but let’s not overstate it.

        A G17 = 1.18″, The M&P9 =1.2″, XD = 1.2″, FNS-9 = 1.21″, PPQ = 1.3″

        How many people will really notice an added .07″?

        • Another fact easily overlooked: those width stats off all the websites are taken at the WIDEST point; usually at the takedown lever or slide stop(s).

          Many pistols have a wider “width” than glock’s 1.18″, but actually carry better, because the glock is 1.18 across it’s entire frame (slide is right about 1″, but it’s square).

          An M&P, HK VP9, or PPQ is wider by stats, but thinner over 90% of the rest of the pistol.

          Due to the slightly angled slide, this one might be the same. Or it might be a block, just like a glock-brand-block. Tough to tell from pics alone.

    • Name one unique polymer 9mm. There aren’t any.

      The test is if it feels good in your hand and shoots well for you. I can’t shoot full size GLOCKs. My hands are too small. The PPQ is a great gun but doesn’t feel right for me.

      The Rp9 felt good in my hand and shot really well. For me. Your mileage most assuredly may vary.

        • True. I have a P99c AS and it shoots like a dream. Love being able to do DA/SA on a striker fired gun.

        • I’ll give you that one. The P99 AS is a unique, great gun. But it’s the exception that proves the rule. There are good plastic 9’s in every size and flavor for just about every shooter. It comes down to comfort and shootability (with side issues of aesthetics and cost thrown in).

      • A unique poly-nine? I got one for ya’:
        The Ruger SR9/SR9c. Thinner than most polymer gats these days and is one of my go-to models to put in someone’s hand when everything else is too chunky and they don’t want to fork out the extra cash for a PPQ or a VP9. Still don’t understand why it doesn’t get more press…

      • I think the H&K USP is pretty unique. I dare say any 9mm built on a gun designed from the ground up as a .40 is unique now. Would the Sig 250/320 count as unique? Walther P99 with its double action/single action trigger is unique. This is kinda fun. What does unique mean?

    • First the Ruger American, then this thing. There is something not right with the “beavertail” on the Remmy.

      S&W M&Ps look good. Springfield XD/XDMs look good (Grip Zone!). HKs and Sigs look good. Walthers not so much, although I would love a P99. Glocks are —– Glocky.

      It couldn’t hurt sales if people thought “that is one sharp looking pistol”.

  5. I’m sure it will work fine, and I would never knock someone for their choice of firearm (the more the merrier!) but I don’t see anything that jumps out that would make me buy this over one of the many other excellent choices out there.

    To my mind, the ugly looks would instantly remove it from my shortlist.

  6. That thing’s so ugly that Remington should have called it the Warthog, but ParaOrdnance and the A-10 beat them to it.

  7. What were your impressions of that grip texture? The pictures make it look a little slick but pictures often don’t tell the whole story.

  8. Here’s my observations that I posted earlier on another site –

    1. And people thought the Glock was ugly,
    2. Remington really, really wants you to know it’s made by them. (Big “R”s everywhere and Remington on the slide pretty big also.
    3. Pretty late to the game and after their latest failure with the R51. Even if I was in the market for another pistol, I’d pass on this.
    4. Stick with what works for me – Glock.

  9. I was fortunate enough to find a Canik TP9V2 and have about 500 rounds through it so far. This is another PPQ clone and though the trigger is a little gritty, the reset and break are fantastic. There is absolutely nothing I can say to disparage this $350 gun. I will be retiring my BHP and carrying the Canik as soon as the holster I ordered comes in. I am on the CAI wait list for the soon to follow TP40V2. My wife and daughter carry the SR40c/SR9c respectively and until shooting the Canik, I rated that the finest striker fire trigger. The Canik is better. Accuracy is better than I and so far the reliability is great. I took a 50 round box of mixed leftover HP, mixed it with 26 rounds of range ammo, and filled the two 18 and two 20 round mags. Right out of the box it ate everything. IMHO this gun sets a new standard for quality, reliability, and price.

    • Nice, I’ve heard good things about Canik. I have an SR40 myself and while I wouldn’t say it’s the best striker fired trigger, it certainly is one of the best.

      • It is my experience that the full size SR trigger is not as smooth and crisp as the compact. Good news though, it seems the new RA’s are more like the SRc’s.

    • I really wanted to like the Canik, but the country of origin just keeps making dick moves.

      -A U.S. Military base in Turkey was basically left in the dark, and certain supply lines were blockaded.
      -Turkey’s Constitutional Court lowers minimum age of consent…. wut?
      -Turkey recently bombed the Kurds twice..
      -On the road to becoming a theocracy. (which has a terrible track record for human rights violations imo)

    • OMG, they are all starting to look like a cross of a Walther and something. The new ones are starting to make Glocks look like things of beauty.

    • I have 2 Hi Points. the 9 and the 45. Bought both at the same time under 300 bucks. The shoot, they are accurate. Bricky, blocky, ugly yes. But the return policy is anything anytime. They fix it or send you a new one. It doesn’t take 2 years.

      The above pictured monstrosity is ugly all over, the beaver tail actually looks like a stuffed beaver’s tail. The poly looks like someone poured melted plastic in their basement, forgetting the newspaper in the bottom of the mold, and it got stuck and they just painted over it.

      Leave Hi-Point outta this, at least Hi-Point has some pride.

    • The thing above is ugly. The beaver tail looks like an actual stuffed beaver’s tail. The poly looks like a kid poured it in his basement and forgot the paper in the bottom of the mold, and then just said the heck with it and painted it.

      Hi-Point will fix or replace anytime for anything. And it don’t take them 2 years.

      Come on Hi-Point may be bricky, blocky and boat-anchory, but even Hi-Point has feelings.

  10. The real tragedy is that I grew up thinking Big Green was a fantastic gunmaker and loved their products. The last decade has unconverted me.

    • It’s hard to rag on the 870 and 1100 but as a whole, yes, BG has certainly gone downhill. I think they are gradually making a comeback, with some of their long-guns at least. My buddy recently got the 700 SPS tactical and he’s taken a few bucks with it already. We’ll see how it plays out long-term. I’ve also heard good things about the 1911 R1. Not that it compares with some of your more up-model brand 1911’s though.

      Anyway, I know it sounds like I disagree with you, but I don’t. Just wanted to point out that R isn’t getting everything wrong!

      • At Texas firearms Fest, I shot the STI, Remmington, Taurus and the sig 1911’s back to back and will say there was a noticeable difference between STI and the rest, but my second choice would have been the Taurus. The Remington reps freaked after 4 consecutive failure to feed, it was a mag issue corrected with a second mag, but the overall feel and how the checkering, grips, etc.. were done Im saving my 1911 money for a STI. Probably 2018 if we’re still able to buy them.

    • Hmmm, the last decade, you say? Just about the time that soros and company started buying up gun firms(including R) and destroying them.
      But I’m sure its just yet another odd coincidence…
      And this is from a guy who owns a few R700s. Never had any of the triggers replaced under the recall either. I’ve always adjusted them carefully, and never had a problem with one ever. But I don’t put the safety on and then start yanking the trigger either. I seldom use the safety on a boltgun at all. I prefer to lower the striker on a live round, and then just raise and lower the bolt to fire. I can perform that almost as quickly as flicking a safety off, and a LOT quieter when the need arises, and it’s far safer than any safety because the striker spring is uncompressed. The energy to set off the primer has to come from somewhere, and if its not there in the spring there is nowhere else for it to come from.
      The newest is about 1990ish, so that might be a factor as well…

    • I always wondered why R didn’t do a Springfield and pick a good out of market gun and bring it in. Jeez, partner with Steyr on the X-A1’s. They’re unique in a scifi kind of sexy way, but have almost 20 years of history.

      I’m not sure what problem this is trying to solve, the parts of the market that has the most competition is full size duty, and sub compacts, there’s a space where the G19 plays that is in between the 7-8rnd single stacks, and 15-17rnd duty sized market. And R has done a horrible job on the R51, so much so that the RM380s goodness is ruined.

      Glock has 65% market share in the duty market, and growing, and S&W has the vast majority of the rest, with a bit of Ruger, Sig, FN, Springfield, with a few percent each. I love the FNS/X but its a blip, and it is a mature design and actually looks not hideous.

  11. Maybe a few more signs on the gun that it might be made by Remington… Oh and some more slide serrations

  12. Maybe a few more signs on the gun that it might be made by Remington… Oh and some more slide serrations

    • The gun community loves to whine about options. Too many cheapskates that can’t afford everything so they have to trash what they can on the interwebs to feel better….Pathetic!

      • But I’m not a hater. I’m a MEH-er. This is after all supposedly The “Truth” about guns. If you want love and kisses start your own fan page..

  13. Ugly and made by remington. 2 huge strikes against it. They took the best reasonably priced bolt guns and shotguns and turned them into crap. And those were already proven designs. If you can screw up your money makes that have been around for decades…. there is no way I would buy anything new from your company.

    • That’s what happens to every company acquired by George Soros’ cerberus group which owns freedom arms, which bought out and crapped up…. remington, bushmaster, AAC, Marlin and god knows what all else. Those are just off the top of my head.
      Anyone who knows anything about Soros cannot possibly believe he will ever own a company that would make a firearm that works. He’s as antigun as bloomberg and hillary put together. And good friends with both of them, just coincidentally, ofc…

      • Steve Feinberg and Bill Richter founded and control Cerberus Capital Management. It hasn’t anything to do with Soros. Dan Quayle formerly ran one of its divisions, though, which shows you how high you can rise even if you can’t spell potato.

  14. If you can’t say anything nice……, you sure don’t sweat much for a fat girl Remington….

  15. Why not a full sized Pedersen action? That would have set it apart from the rest of the duty size 9s.

  16. I’m keeping an open mind about the new Remington product.

    Frankly, I don’t know if Remington has EVER been known for making handguns in a serious way, aside from the XP100 niche gun, and .45s many generations ago. Oh yeah, I guess they are making .45s today once again, but I’ve not heard any raves about them.

    They’ve got some ground to make up for the R-51 fiasco.


  17. I wish Remington well.

    But more than that, I wish Remington buyers well, and hope that Big Green handles the recall of the Rp9 swiftly and thoroughly.

  18. I like it. Most people don’t carry, probably about 80% of gun owners never will. Big old handgun, big old magazine; it’s zombie prepper material, at least.

  19. “The Rp9 looks like the lovechild of a Smith M&P9 and a Walther PPQ.”

    Perfect description, and the exact one that popped into my head as soon as I saw the pics and right before I scrolled down and read it in the article.

  20. Will it ship with a preprinted label to return if for repairs? Is there enough room in the box for all the various broken parts? Does RP9 rhyme with POS? Enquiring minds want to know.

  21. That’s an ugly looking gun. A bit of Hi-Point, M&P, and PPQ. It might be functional, but guns need style to stand out these days.

  22. Will it be enough? I mean I don’t perceive the Ruger American to be a huge success but I’m out of touch with the segment they’re positioning this thing for. This seems to be competition for that.

    This doesn’t register on my “Could I like this as much as my CZ’s?” spectrum.

    Is this Remington’s attempt to cash in on the post election panic buying?

    • I’m trying to imagine if this gun was released by HK or Sig what the response would be. I guess the difference is Sig and HK have tie ins to the LEO community to create demand whereas R doesn’t.

  23. Dan,
    Glad to see Remington come out with a full-size pistol.
    We are likely seeing a number of these as companies prepped product for the Army RFP.
    I am biased towards conceal carry and the Honor Defense pistols, but look forward to kicking some lead with this new pistol.

    Thanks for the review.

  24. On first glance at the above pictures, my brain said “Hi-Point !”. I think the Remington RP9 has a serious case of the uglies, it’s a homely pistol. I’m aware that Hi-Point has a wonderful reputation when it comes to warranty repairs and a not so wonderful reputation for looks, so this is not to bash Hi-Point, it’s simply my opinion..

    I don’t want an RP9, I have my share of “blocky” Glocks, a S&W M&P that I’m very impressed with and have shot the Walther PPQ M2 which also impressed me.

    Shoot a gun that works for you, practice with it, shoot often. Get some professional training every year and look at the front sight when you’re pressing the trigger 🙂

  25. Got the first r51 what a peace of junk they need to make this one work . The rp9 don’t look that bad if it works good I would try it

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