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TASER’s website proclaims the new X2 as “The Most Customer Driven TASER Device Ever Developed.” So, does that mean that previous TASERs ignored customers’ needs? Hardly; the last gen addressed the clothing penetration issue that bedeviled Gen 1. It means that TASER is growing into a large company, complete with focus groups, marketing mavens and The Office-like meetings (one can only imagine). The new X2 ECD (as they call them in the biz) is an across-the-board update on the revolutionary non-lethal gun. [Click here for the how it works web page.] My favorite improvement: the “warning arc” feature. IMHO, that’s some bad ass shit right there. Make the jump for the more polite if jargon-laden bullet points from the official press release . . .


  • Semi-automatic back up shot capability for multiple targets or miss recovery with Cross-Connect technology
  • Dual LASERs improve accuracy of aiming
  • Highly improved power magazine provides more than 500 firings
  • IPX2 rated weatherproofing to better resist rain and humidity more than previous ECD models
  • Self diagnostics indicate status of unit’s capabilities
  • Trilogy™ Logs record if the probes made human contact


  • Cross-Connect technology allows for six different probe combinations in case of a single probe first shot miss
  • Warning Arc displays (with TASER® cartridges loaded or unloaded) helps prevent conflict from escalating
  • Current Metering measures and accurately delivers the precise amount of current to maximize both safety and effectiveness


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  1. “TASER’s website proclaims the new X2 as “The Most Customer Driven TASER Device Ever Developed.” So, does that mean that previous TASERs ignored customers’ needs? ”

    I think it means that they tested it by driving more customers to their knees than any other manufacturer.

  2. I had one of my stun guns at work recently, and the sound of the arc scared the sh!t out of everyone. I used to have all kinds of shocking devices(stapler, calculater, marker, candy jar, tape measure, utility knife, lighter, flashlight, pen, diary) at my desk cuz people would borrow my stuff on never return them. I had a few complaints filed against me, but it’s a family business {I even shocked the president} and people just learned to never touch my stuff. I gave all the shockers away because I ran out of victims, but they’re all still afraid to touch anything in my area.

    • “I ran out of victims, but they’re all still afraid to touch anything in my area.”

      Remind me never to shake hands with you.

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