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New from TrackingPoint: AR-15 Rifles in 5.56, 7.62 and 300 BLK

Remington is coming out with their 20/20 line of rifles at the show, which includes an AR-15 or two as well as the usual bolt action rifles. Not to be out-done, TrackingPoint has just announced that they’ll be rolling out three AR-15 rifles in 5.56, 7.62 (x39 presumably, but they didn’t say) and my favorite 300 BLK. The rifles will run about $9,500, which is nearly half the price of an original TrackingPoint rifle. The original plan was to introduce a way to track and shoot at multiple targets when the AR-15 was introduced, but that seems to have been canned as the video only shows one tag and one firing. We’ll see more at SHOT Show, but make the jump for the bumf.

Three new precision guided firearms allow the novice shooter to engage long range targets with semi-automatic rifle speed.

TrackingPoint™, creator of the world’s first  Precision Guided Firearm (PGF) system, today announced the debut of the TrackingPoint 500 Series ARs for the modern sporting rifle market at ShowStoppers @ CES 2014 in Las Vegas. The three PGF rifles, offered in 7.62, .300 BLK and 5.56 calibers, incorporate the company’s ground breaking Tag Track Xact technology, accurately locking onto and hitting moving targets at distances up to 500 yards.

With stabilized target selection, target tracking and guided firing the 500 Series semi-automatic AR products enable anyone to be an expert marksman out to the 500 yard effective range of the firearm, even from difficult firing positions, such as kneeling, standing or even lying beneath an automobile.

“TrackingPoint is excited to be able to expand and adapt its TTX technology for the AR semi-automatic market. For the first time, AR enthusiasts will be able to make fast and accurate shots on moving targets out to five football fields away,” said John Lupher, TrackingPoint CEO. “We expect not only strong demand for the 500 Series AR products, but also a growing demand for our technology across the industry.”

Introductory pricing of the 500 Series models begin at $9,950. Orders are currently being taken for TrackingPoint AR products, with delivery starting in October, 2014.   You can apply to purchase the new product at

29 thoughts on “New from TrackingPoint: AR-15 Rifles in 5.56, 7.62 and 300 BLK”

      • What you guys should really be thinking about is the media response.


        I give it a week or two after Shot Show before this headline pops up.

    • It better be made with platinum and gold at that price. And dead on accurate at any distance the round can go fr pet’s sake.

    • I can have a 300wm or 338lp AR for half that or a registered auto sear for just a tad more so uh yeah, ill pass on this

  1. With the rifles of the future, comes robot music of the future also, wub wub wub wub.

    I think the term “Introductory Pricing” is kind of deceiving starting at 10k 🙂

    • Difference being everyone wants a plasma bigscreen therefore prices could drop with time, very few want a trackingpoint in comparison. Prices will come down on tech like this when more competition comes, if it’s just the big old group trackingpoint now is owned by prices will not come down, there has to be others in the market first. It’s not like Rem is going to drop prices just because, if there is no competition there is no price drop. It will be a long while for that price drop. Decade or more.

  2. I’m noticing the term “sporting rifle”. However, the video and the price indicates USG purposes. Is there any reason to believe that these are designed for the public?

  3. Why don’t they make one in 5.45 and engineer some decent magazines for it? I don’t see the point of making one in 7.62×39.

    A quality Arsenal AK-74 costs more than most good ARs so there should be a market for it. God knows I’d love to be able to shoot that cheap 5.45 surplus.

  4. Uh, if you need tracking point while shooting .300 Black (or x39 for that matter) maybe the shooting sports aren’t for you. Even if this is for LEO applications it’s ridiculous because isn’t the average LEO sniper shot something like 80 yards?

    • I assumed the 7.62 was NATO, not x39, as the former is more popular in this type of rifle (for obvious reasons).

  5. Wow. TrackingPoint in more calibers, several of them notable for their effectiveness at short ranges.


  6. My service rifle is worth more to me than a 9k ar15 with the trackingpoint system. The few that buy these trackingpoint systems are going to have to start their own association to compete as they will not be welcomed at any current matches. Then again, what would be the point of competing with such a system if there is no skill required in shooting it? The only viable market for this gun is government and military, unless they are building these for half or less the cost which is probably the case then they wouldn’t need to sell large civilian volumes to make mega profits. It’s new tech, someone will eventually whiz past them and have better products and maybe someday if all of us who actually shoot using skill wish to get lazy the prices will be affordable if the country hasn’t collapsed.

  7. The only tactical application for a rifle like this is for snipers and/or designated marksmen. a rifle like that won’t do dick for you if you are ever caught in an ambush and cannot achieve fire superiority.

    Cool concept though.

  8. What a useless video, apparently it can be carried up some stairs. If you are using an ar at short range and have time to put the crosshairs on your target and hit a button to tag it and then reacquire said target to let the scope tell you when to fire, why didnt you just put the crosshairs on the target and pull the trigger the first time and save yourself the trouble. I see this as a desperate attempt for tracking point to make their product more relevant and less of a gadget with no real need.

    Now when they tie it together with thermal imaging so you can tag multiple unseen bad guys, then I could see a use.

    • I thought I was the only one who didn’t understand why shooting at first acquisition didn’t work as well as tagging. Also, if your tag is off, so will be your shot…or am I missing some piece of the magic?

  9. Too bad Tracking Point makes buggy pieces of s#@t. I have demoed their rifles twice and they had major problems both times.

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