Buying an AR at a gun store.
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While they are often billed as “common sense” and “public safety,” the gun laws passed by our government rarely achieve either. In fact, more often than not, they are merely another step toward oppressive governmental control designed to disarm a law-abiding populace and strip them of their ability to defend themselves. More blatantly, they are often a bold-faced attack on American’s constitutional rights.

No doubt, the new laws will be debated for days and months to come by those on both sides of the issue in the legislative halls, the courts, on social media and in the comments sections of websites (no doubt even this one though why the hell an anti would spend time here makes as much sense as a barbecue sandwich at a Bar Mitzvah other than to troll the righteous.)

But for better or worse, with the start of 2024, a number of states have implemented significant changes to their gun laws. The new laws encompass a range of measures, from restricting gun possession in public places and furthering attacks on the Secoond Amendment to the introduction of red-flag laws, expanded background checks and bans on certain types of otherwise perfectly useful, legit and otherwise legal firearms. Here’s a summary of what is playing out so far and what could affect you if you live in one of these states.

California’s Public Carry Restrictions

As covered yesterday on TTAG, California has implemented restrictions on carrying firearms in most public places, following a federal appeals court ruling. The law, initially—and rightfully—blocked by a lower court judge, lists over two dozen locations, including libraries and sports venues, where carrying firearms is prohibited.

Expansion of Red Flag Laws in Minnesota and Michigan

Minnesota has become the 20th state to enact a red flag law, allowing family members and law enforcement to request temporary removal of firearms from individuals deemed dangerous. The Associated Press reports that similarly, Michigan next month will introduce a red flag law, along with more expansive background checks and a safe gun storage requirement in homes with children. Interestingly red flag laws are touted as a powerful tool to stop gun violence before it happens, but an Associated Press analysis last year found that they are barely used in the states where they exist. Even worse is the potential to misuse these laws without any due process by spouses in divorce disputes or unfriendly neighbors simply to make life difficult for those they are not in agreement with.

Washington State’s Waiting Period and Forced Training

Washington State is now extending its 10-day waiting period to cover all gun purchases, not just semi-autos, which already had a waiting period. Additionally, buyers must demonstrate completion of a safety training program within the last five years or prove exemption from training requirements. While firearms training is a great idea and honestly, a lot of fun, this makes gun ownership the only constitutionally guaranteed right for Washingtonians that they have to take a class on before they can exercise their right! The lawyers are going to go to the mat on this one before it’s over.

Illinois and Colorado’s Bans

Illinois has banned high-powered semi-auto rifles and high-capacity mags, while Colorado is prohibiting so-called “ghost guns” – firearms assembled at home or 3D-printed without serial numbers. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to block Illinois’ law but recently blocked a similar law in California, which makes little sense, but is sadly, where we are as the new year rolls in…or rather should we say rolls over gun owner rights.

(Editor’s Note: One thing is clear, the attacks on gun rights are only going to continue. So, it’s going to be more important than ever that every gun owner out there make sure their voices are heard and support their state-level and nationally focused gun rights groups who collectively can hire the lawyers needed and exert the political pressure necessary to defend the future of gun ownership in America.)

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  1. Maybe it is time for gun owners to begin suppressing government at all levels.
    Enough is enough of the tyranny the governments are committing.
    You know, like refreshing that tree of liberty Jefferson encouraged us to do from time to time.

    • Ok guy who’s totally not a Fed trying to incite a violent incident which would result in even more oppression of the law abiding populace…

      • Always a possibility as is a well meaning hot head. Either way will be a few days/weeks to see what the NY legislature goes for this year and how much of it is already in relevant court challenges elsewhere.

        • apologies in advance but, i gotta pull a fembot buttinski here:
          if ever there was a deserving “caption this” photo, well… for some reason (too off color?) the last editors got away from it. might i, as others have done, suggest its return. free kliks, no prize necessary.
          “and over here on the hoohaha you’ll find the dingus.”

      • Another American coward willing to tolerate tyranny and oppression we have witnessed the past 60 years. Yes, Anonymous Bosch I am calling you a coward! I’m not with any government organization. I am a patriotic American sick of our government’s tyranny and lawlessness. You, are a gutless coward.

        • Reluctance to heed the incitement of some random commenter on a website is wisdom, not cowardice.

        • Hey Lee, you need to spend some time reading up on the theory of mass society. But if you think that you have what it takes to start the revolution then I wish you all the best. However, I doubt that you’ll ever do anything other than pay taxes, work a meaningless job, and be forgotten about 10 minutes after they bury you…just like everyone else.

        • I guess it doesn’t matter anyway, this country is about to fall and be overrun by all kinds of scum from every shithole third world country there are. Hell, I’m 65 and probably won’t survive the slaughter anyway. So all of you naysaying cowards enjoy watching your sons killed and your daughters raped in the coming chaos, just a few short months away. Hell, we won’t even make it to 11/5/2024 at the rate things are going.

        • Another American coward willing to tolerate tyranny

          You are a JUDGEMENTAL muthrfukker… Just because someone doesn’t want to buy into YOUR bullshit does NOT make them a coward, it makes them smarter than YOU… Maybe you should look into exactly how the internet and public forums work… You just blow in here and right off the bat YOU are the authority on everything “Patriotic”? Fuck off poser…

      • RE: (Editor’s Note: One thing is clear, the attacks on gun rights are only going to continue. So, it’s going to be more important than ever that every gun owner out there make sure their voices are heard and support their state-level and nationally focused gun rights groups who collectively can hire the lawyers needed and exert the political pressure necessary to defend the future of gun ownership in America.)

        Not so fast editor…This do it for me crap is the problem. Gun Owners need to open their pieholes and Define Gun Control based on its Roots in Racism and Genocide. After all it should be easy to see Gun Control History illiterates are clearly the life blood for Gun Control. The reaction to Gun Control in America should be the same as the reaction to seeing Gun Control’s sidekick mr. noose. And until it is the 2A is little more than a punching bag for Gun Control.

    • “Washington State is now extending its 10-day waiting period to cover all gun purchases, not just semi-autos, which already had a waiting period.” The article is inaccurate. WA law already banned the purchase, transfer and importation of all centerfire semi-auto rifles in 2023. That’s right all modern semi-auto rifles are illegal in WA unless already in possession. The new waiting period and training requirement applies to the remaining lever, bolt, pump, single shot rifles and all handguns.

    • Maybe it is time for gun owners to begin suppressing government at all levels.
      Enough is enough of the tyranny the governments are committing.
      You know, like refreshing that tree of liberty Jefferson encouraged us to do from time to time.

      I agree. Tyrants will continue pushing until there is push back. It is in their nature.

      • You have to read the previous comments, ere, mockery and derision, made on my comment. And the shame and pity is most of those making those comments claim to be conservatives or patriots. America has already been overthrown and with the comments I referred to; I just don’t give a damn anymore. Good luck and I hope you survive the upcoming slaughter the years of inaction have brought us to.

        • Did you reasonably expect any other response in a public monitored online forum? Not too many post in such conditions on the topic and most are justifiably ignored. With that said don’t get got on one end or v@ned on the other assuming you are not a Ray Epps wannabe.

        • Don’t cut yourself on that edge there, regardless of whether you are correct or anyone agrees with you I doubt you will find much in the way of online validation (or victims) with your current approach.

        • Comments like yours create more problems. I was one of the earliest adopters of Truth Social. I’m no one special, but I had amassed a little over 3000 followers solely based on my commentary. I made a reference to a comment about the IRS carrying guns coming to someone’s door, which basically was if you want my guns you can have them bullets first. It was a reference to that saying, I did not say it myself in the first person, and I was immediately banned with no option to appeal and no explantation. The first amendment is being trampled as much as the second, people are simply too stupid to notice. People have learned there is a, for lack of better terms, Ministry of Truth now. And they spend their days hunting down comments such as yours. Because to them, you are far more dangerous than illegal aliens, terrorists or jihadist with your views

        • You have to read the previous comments, ere, mockery and derision, made on my comment
          Awwww, and now you’re the victim?

          Ray Epps should be swinging
          That sounds exactly like something Ray Epps would say… That you Ray?

    • I’m thinking the same.
      I wasn’t aware that ownership had changed again until Dan’s farewell. This explains the ^ in articles written by TTAG Contributor”.

      AI writing is on the rise in journalism.
      With no individual stepping forward to be named as a responsible editor after Dan’s departure it is becoming obvious that this site will become another corporate marketing site pushing an agenda. No accessible editor is a big clue on the desire to deflect responsibility for a lot of things.

      LKB was correct in his warning.

      • AI generated content, ghost accounts and bots arguing with each other in comments sections effectively destroys the Internet. It’s just a bunch of Edward Bernays types being paid by government and corporate interests to influence the lowest common denominator into supporting some cause or consuming some product. And porn.

        Nothing left for real people assuming there are real people left.

    • I liked the photo, but mostly still pulling a bunch of stuff together and wrapping my head around everything here at TTAG. It will settle out. But I personally like a mix of images on the site. But thanks for the comment. It’s good to know what you all like and don’t.

  2. “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”

    —– Thomas Jefferson

    • I don’t need the pink AR, but the brunette and the blonde look pretty dang nice. Where is this mythological gun store filled with hot chicks? I’ve never seen it. 🤣

    • Gman,

      Nah, I’m not in to pink ARs. Oh, the other two are all good!! (hot chicks are NEVER out of place).

      And for Art, trust me, one of my favorite counter-people at my LGS is SMOKIN’ hot (unfortunately, about 40 years younger than me, so out of my league). And she knows her firearms (if I were only 30 years younger!!).

    • i was just going to say something concerning the brunette… please be real and not some bot pic put together and… what state is that gun store located? 🙂

  3. I got denied a background check,something i feared theyd start doing. My record is clear all but a dui that got dropped. Maybe the case is still showing open or something. But wow frustrating. Now i have to appeal to fbi.

    I dont know, maybe to much time on ttag throws a red flag

    • A DUI is not a valid reason to deny. Find a pro 2A lawyer and sue the pants off of them.

      • Lee Vail,

        Oh, and THAT’S not expensive, or anything, amirite?

        One shouldn’t have to spend megabucks, years of time, and endless nonsense to assert their basic human rights.

        The solution to completely unconstitutional laws (that are also impossible of effective enforcement) is to ignore them. “Mr. Madison has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”

      • Im gona fill this fbi appeal paper out first. My name is James A Quillin the II. Maybe i left off the II or something

        • One DUI shouldn’t stop nothing, I’ve had two and still buy gunms.
          Unless in your state one DUI is a felony, cant see that though.
          Good golly miss Molly .
          Filling out an Elf Bee Eye form to exercise a constitutional right.
          Free Hunter Mandela this ain’t right.

    • I had my Texas LTC renewal denied around a year ago. There was an open bench warrant because I missed an initial court date on a traffic ticket I received in Florida over a decade ago.
      I was WELL aware I missed that court date, contacted my Florida attorney, he contacted the court clerk, I flew to Florida, turned myself in, and had the case heard within a week after the missed court date.
      I spoke with my Texas lawyer about the LTC renewal denial and he had me contact the FL court clerk to explain the issue. The Florida court clerk removed the bench warrant and my TX renewal was approved.
      I find it funny how my initial Texas LTC application breezed through, yet it was refused at renewal.
      Seems like some BS is being pulled in Austin, among other places.

  4. The Farm Fresh International near me in VA specializes in Asian foods. Great place, but. They recently put a handwritten sign at the entrance that they don’t want guns in their store. Clearly one of their patrons delicate sensitivities were threatened by the sight of someone’s gun. My first thought? Great, if I was a criminal then now I know where to watch for folks leaving guns in their car. Good thing here in VA that sign has no weight of law and we all ignore them anyway. But I wonder if these loony lefties even think about that.

    • Just an update, this is exactly what the sign says:
      No guns allowed in store. Please leave them in your vehicle.

      • “No Guns Allowed In Store
        Please leave them in your car.”
        Tell them they need to draw a picture because you cant read Asian.

  5. RE: TTAG Contributor. Nothing sketchy. Nothing to see here. Move along plebeians🙄

  6. Aren’t ALL of these states members of a confederation of states known as the United States of America? Why yes they are! Are their state governments not then bound by the dictates of the of the “supreme Law of the Land”? Again, yes they are! Just what doesn’t their state legislative and executive officers understand regarding the words “shall not be infringed”? Overthrowing an express provision that is secured by the U.S. Constitution is a willful act of treason! “Git a rope!”

      • Lee Vail,

        And a lot of trees (or lampposts).

        Boolits might actually be more efficient. If they are not going to recognize my rights, why would they think I’m obligated to recognize theirs???

  7. I’m not a fan of compulsory training for owners but I’ve unfortunately been involved in several cases where people died from not having any idea of what safe gun use meant.

    Picking up pieces of brain etc is not fun.

    Personally I think gun safety should be a school subject.

    In the 1970’s my high school offered gun safety as an optional subject. All of who attended were already shooting on farm etc but enjoyed the time. Unfortunately dropped by the 1980’s.

    • In the 1970’s my high school offered gun safety as an optional subject

      In my high school in the 60s we didn’t need gun safety courses, everyone grew up with guns and fathers, grandfathers and uncles had already imbedded gun safety in our pliable little brains long before we got there… Left more time for auto-shop, girls and sports…

      Picking up pieces of brain etc is not fun.

      Funny that’s exactly what Jules said to Vincent as he cleaned up Marvins grey matter from the headliner and the back seat…

      • Yes MaddMax however everyone does not have those opportunities.
        The city/county/ state should offer public shuting ranges and instruction free of charge.
        A Well Regulated Militia.
        but No

        • You want to teach inner-city kids HOW to shoot… THAT would definitely get the body count up…

      • We had a customer at our store years ago that said one of his jobs was gathering up airliner crash bodies. Bits and pieces up in the trees and such. Ugh.

    • RCC,

      And you are not wrong (nor is MAXX, in the comment above).

      But “mandatory” training, imposed by government, means that government gets to dictate the curricula, length, and content of that training. And government NEVER effs that up, does it?? I mean, you’ve never been driving down the road and thought to yourself, “What IDIOT gave THAT moron a driver’s license?”, amirite??

      I can’t even count the number of hours I’ve spent in various kinds of firearms training, but . . . always private, and I always paid for it myself. Some were pretty crappy, a few were exceptionally good, most were useful. But I have attended two “government sanctioned” gun safety classes, and they were awful. I didn’t mind that the things they got right were obvious and basic (they might not have been, to noobs), but they part that frosted my nuggets was that a significant portion of what they taught was just WRONG (and that is not a subjective “wrong”; they regularly spouted things that violated Cooper’s “Four Rules”, as well as basic common sense).

      While I am a huge proponent of training and practice, for those who own/carry, I would sooner trust each individual to choose his/her own training than leave it in the hands of the government.

      • If it was mandatory..giv would make it so expensive only the rich could afford to pass the test.

        • possum,

          As usual, you are correct (and funny). Haz has given us all his tale of woe in trying to deal with the CA CCW process, and has ended up spending MONTHS, and more than the cost of a really NICE pistol, trying to comply with the law. The process IS the punishment.

  8. “(Editor’s Note: One thing is clear, the attacks on gun rights are only going to continue.”

    Who is the editor of what’s left of TTAG?

    • Good question Geoff. I dunno but it’s “off”. Dan Z. was a stabilizing force. And where is Jeremy S.? Less so but I miss his “memes”. I guess I’m likely one of the last standing as I’ve been around at least 10 years. I’ll check out Dan’s new thing but never be as involved as here. Sigh…

    • The math works when the only area of interest is to tally votes to reelect Obiden. Gov Nitwit is sure fedgov will bail out Commiefornia. The demtard party will do so.

  9. It seems like you could have a gunm in a library as long as it had a silencer on it?
    So, a Rem 7400 is banned in Illinois. That don’t make much sense, but, yeah, whatever.
    Red flags should only be used on race tracks.
    The right to Bear arms.
    Just a hunting license won’t do, you have to have a permit.
    Even though you think your legal it’s a set up , if you just cut off the arms the game warden will fine you for wanton waste.

  10. We’re obviously moving closer and closer to the inevitable. If the gun haters win out we’ll have lost America and we’ll never get it back in our lifetime. As our parents and grandparents left us the mess of the Gun Control Act to clean up, we will have left it worse for our descendants, IF WE DONT DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO STOP THE COMMUNIST BULLSHlT !!!

    • You are correct, 100% but don’t expect to garner any support from your fellow citizens, the vast majority (98%) have become nothing short of sniveling bastard cowards. Check some of the replies to my comments (above) and you’ll see what I mean. We have already lost America.

      • Didn’t we just have a article covering “let’s you and he fight”? Cool story with everyone being cowards and all but what specifically are you doing that is at all relevant or are you another you get the government you deserve sperg?

        • “what specifically are you doing”

          Posting crazy shit like this on NC RENEGADE….

          Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
          Every patriot in this country must descend on Washington D.C. and take out the thousands of treasonous bastards residing there. And we must start NOW, while there is still a chance of success.

          Nothing shouts out “hey feds look at me” like calling for an all-out assault on the US Capital… Wait a minute, don’t we have a former POTUS under indictment for allegedly doing exactly THAT?

      • We have already lost America.

        You really don’t expect people on an obscure website to take you seriously with no background/references, Feds do all kinds of dumb shit to entrap individuals, I don’t know you and I don’t trust you and I HAVE seen your postings on a couple of pretty radical sites… A Jewish sounding name does not give you instant cred… I’m guessing your 98% is probably a tad on the high side, but keep in mind even 2% of the US population would be nearly 7 million people (most with military training, many with combat experience)… US military “combined” is only a little over 2 million “office pogues and all and Chinas entire military is only 4.5 million… N. Korea is the only country on the planet with a military in excess of 7 million… I think we could do okay even with your numbers but I’m betting not many of them will be following you… OBTW: WE haven’t lost anything, yet…

        • It’s A Hebrew name. I’m not asking ANYONE to follow me, I am encouraging people to get off their asses and get involved.
          But America is dead, has been since we allowed the stolen election to go unchallenged by our massive silence and inaction.
          Maybe you’ll remember my warning when the illegal hordes here slaughter your sons and rape your daughters as the turn this nation into a complete third world shithole. I’ll see you on NCRenegade again soon.

        • “seen your postings on a couple of pretty radical sites…”
          You mean websites about liberty and freedom, restoring the Republic and other such “radical” patriotic talk?

        • But America is dead, has been since we allowed the stolen election to go unchallenged by our massive silence and inaction

          Opinions/assholes everybody has one, not all are alike… You apparently missed the part where courts all over the country refused to hear any evidence regarding the “stolen” election and the fact that our former POTUS is facing over 90 indictments and half a dozen lawsuits for no reason other than his questioning of the validity of the 2020 presidential election… Oh, and there is the several thousand people (many of whom have been in the DC Jail for years awaiting trial) that were hunted down by the FBI for “storming” the Capitol Building on Jan 6 2021, you must have been napping during all of that… Fire the first shot and YOU are a fucking criminal, return fire in self-defense you acted within the law… You say you’re 65 so too young for Vietnam too old for anything else, maybe you’ll share ALL of YOUR “combat” and “tree watering” experiences with us sometime, tell us how YOU felt the first time you were shot at or the first time you killed another human being… I can wait… And yes, I’ve shed my blood and taken the lives of others on foreign soil, and I’ve bled on the streets at home as well…

        • I’ll see you on NCRenegade again soon.

          Maybe, but probably not on Bare Naked Islam or Abbeville Institute…

  11. Minnesota and Michigan are examples of what extremism happens when Democrats control all branches of state government. The reality is that if the Supreme Court does not act to protect our rights, if gun rights organization do not get enough donations our civil rights will continue to be crushed under the foot of authoritarian tyrrany.

  12. They knowly and enthusiastically voted for these anti-civil rights h0m0sexu@l and atheist politicians. Yes, that’s right. I said it.

    There is a very simple explanation as to why in the Bible belt in, God’s country, permitless carry is the law nearly every where. Go watch president Eisenhower final address to the nation. He explains it all right there.

  13. “why the hell an anti would spend time here makes as much sense” = Team Soros pays progs by the word.

  14. “Illinois has banned high-powered semi-auto rifles and high-capacity mags.”

    No, they banned intermediate-powered semi-auto rifles and standard-capacity mags. The AR-15, in its standard cartridge of 5.56/.223 Rem, isn’t “high-powered,” as it fires the weakest centerfire rifle cartridge still in common use!* Even the ancient 30-30 from 1895 is far more powerful.

    *Sure, the .22 Hornet is weaker, but it’s all but obsolete now. I’ve never seen anyone other than myself shooting a .22 Hornet rifle, and I sold mine a few years ago because the ammo was so expensive and hard to find. And the similar 5.7 FN cartridge isn’t a rifle cartridge; it’s a PDW and pistol cartridge.

    • Jay Lavi,

      Sure, happy to. That phrase is what is known in the English language as a ‘prefatory clause’. By common usage, and the rules of the English language (back when people actually tried to follow those), a ‘prefatory clause’ described A reason (not necessarily the only, or even the most important, one) for the legislation/amendment. By common usage, and the rules of the English language, they are NOT ‘limiting clauses’ (a ‘limiting clause’ would have been moving the militia language to immediately after “shall not be infringed”, and stating something like “and possession and use of such weapons shall be instituted solely through well-regulated militias”.)

      And I learned that in PUBLIC schools, mostly semi-rural. Glad to help cure your ignorance. While I disagree with their formulation, the Founders were trying to pursue two different goals, simultaneously – declare the universal human right to self-defense, and to the use of arms to secure that right, and to emphasize the importance of militia, vs. reliance on a standing army, as an important adjunct to that. It’s all laid out in the Federalist Papers, and the commentary and letters around them. You should read them some time.

      Have a nice day!

      • You should read them some time.

        Dude, that sounds like WORK, you do it for me… I mean come onnnn, ALL those words, 85 articles? that’s just too hard, I mean, REALLY?…

        • MAXX,

          And, while you’re at it, why bother to read the Constitution, at all???? After all, it’s more than 200 years old, so how can it POSSIBLY be relevant, now???

          Forget a “new Constitutional convention”, just have Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, and Arian Grande write us a new one, so it will be “relevant”, amirite???

          Nicely played, though. Nicely played, indeed.

        • Reading the Constitution is too taxing for the Gen X, Y & Z generations, they, for the most part, have no respect for the ways that actually work in providing for liberty and freedom. They are too busy fighting wars for the Military Industrial Complex and claiming they are protecting the USA. You know, like that shit in Iraq, Afghanistan and other conflicts on behalf of the globalist.
          But hey, what do I know, people like MAXX claim I’m a FED, with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. No wonder this nation is going to shit.

        • Lee Vail,

          Bro, take a chill pill, wouldya?? I have NO IDEA whether you are a Fed, or not. I assume a certain percentage of regulars on any right-of-center blog are either employed by, or at least paid/encouraged by, the Feebies.

          I don’t happen to possess FBI-dar, so I don’t presume to know who is, or isn’t, a Feeb. Nor do I care. I respond (or don’t) to a comment or article based on whether I thought the substance of it was worth responding to. If I knew for a certainty that a particular commenter was a Feeb, well . . . it would depend on what they posted.

          I never accused you of being a Feeb, and I don’t plan to. Now, there are a certain category of commenters on this blog (I personally think of them as “Leftist/fascist sh*tposters”, like MajorLiar and dacian the demented) who have repeatedly proven themselves to be ignorant, uneducated, illogical, irrational, Leftist/fascist idiots. While I skim their posts in a (vain) search for actual substance/ratiocination, I am always disappointed so, after skimming on of their sh*tposts, I usually deride/mock/abuse/insult them, as appropriate.

          I feel comfortable calling them “Leftist/fascists” – each, in their own way, have either disclosed or even embraced their ideological motivation – I otherwise try to avoid characterizing anyone.

          Sorry, not sorry. I write what I write; if something I wrote offends you, feel free to choose me off about it, but . . . please do me the courtesy of not resorting to this passive-aggressive BULLSH*T of “well, SOME commenters have said that . . . “.

          If I have a beef with you, I’m MORE than happy to call you out by name. If you have an issue with something you THINK I have called you out on, be specific.

          Passive-aggressive, wimp-@$$, b**chiness just p*sses me off. Be a man, or go home.

  15. Unfortunately the Supreme Court only really has two justices that care anything about our 2A rights: Thomas and Alito. The three Marxists are outright hostile and the rest are weak tea. We all know that Chief Roberts is a milk toast closet leftist and Kavanaugh/Barret are big-state government is all-powerful masters over The People weak-tea on the 2A.

    When we lose the Whitehouse again in 2024 we will soon lose the SCOTUS too. In that case we might see Australian-style gun bans with confiscation by 2030.

    God help us if that happens. That Tree is Thirsty.

  16. This should be no surprise. The Left wants total control over the people. Depriving them of firearms is only one part of their control freak agenda.

    • Walter,

      True, and it should be obvious to even the most casual observer. Unfortunately, that’s my beef with Debbie One-Note. How many times does she post THE SAME, lame-ass videos, purporting to “educate” all of us on sh*t we’ve known for decades??? While “gun-control” started as objectively racist (and certainly maintains a racist aspect), it became WAY more about “control”, decades ago. And Debbie One-Note’s unhealthy obsession just distracts people from the REAL fight.

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