New York Crime Victims Denied Carry Permits Should Demand Apologies, Reparations

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From the CCRKBA

More than two months after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York State’s “proper cause” requirement that was used for generations to deny carry licenses to untold numbers of people, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says crime victims prevented from being legally armed deserve reparations for decades of disregard for their rights.

“A law found to be unconstitutional,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “was unconstitutional all along. Crime victims who were deprived of their most important right of self-defense under color of law deserve reparations. The state should compensate them, or their surviving families.”

Since the unconstitutional requirement was in place for a century, Gottlieb said, the state should apologize to all the people who were arbitrarily denied their right to bear arms, even if that apology is posthumous.

“Instead of scrambling to perpetuate a philosophy of citizen disarmament,” he contended, “New York officials should beg forgiveness from gun owners, especially those who were victims of violent crimes because they were prevented from being armed to defend themselves. There can never be enough compensation to surviving families who lost a loved one, even if it happened decades ago.

“Instead of complying not only with the letter but the spirit of the high court’s ruling, New York residents are now being told they must disarm if their homes or businesses have been recently placed inside the boundaries of a newly-created ‘sensitive area’ like the heart of New York city,” Gottlieb said. “Empire State anti-gunners are a disgusting crowd who are determined to prevent as many people as possible from being armed and able to defend their homes, businesses and lives.

“It’s time for New York officials from Gov. Kathy Hochul on down to the lowest level bureaucrat to understand they are public servants, and their constituents are citizens, not subjects,” Gottlieb observed. “If they cannot abide by, and operate within the limitations of the constitution, they should tender their resignations and find jobs outside of government.”

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    • Well, the woman just needs to give it up and let the criminal work her over until he’s too exhausted to be violent.

      Buttttt, a quart of Gatorade and
      and nap is all that’s required before his next rape victim.

  1. Why would anyone want to live in New York period, let alone pay $3600/month for a studio apartment? How can a normal person pay that? All to live in a open sewer. No privacy and a bunch of assholes you don’t know or like.

    • “Why would anyone want to live in New York period, let alone pay $3600/month for a studio apartment?”

      It a kinda thing where to try and explain it isn’t easy.

      Someone once said it’s good to live in NYC for a period of time, but not to be *from* NYC. For people who crave mental stimulus, a city like NY has little equal. Food junkies have an unlimited variety of styles to enjoy, there is a near infinite variety of things to do on a whim, if one cares.

      I’m not really doing a good job of explaining the attraction, but it is *very* real.

      EDIT – Here’s this – In the not distant future, NYC residents will have 24-7-365 gun ranges… 🙂

      • The was a time it was nice to visit and find whatever the hell you are looking for as Geoff mentioned. Hopefully it will get back to that point sometime in the next decade or so. As to living there well it does appeal to the at a whim crowd but historically and even to some degree currently it was/is a center for culture, banking/finance, business, shipping, and networking with the wealthy and a place of concentrated “talent” to recruit from for all kinds of companies. With that said not for my interests/skill set/income bracket

      • Having worked in North Jersey and NYC on and off for the last 20ish years I can tell you that city life is glamorized by those that have no other choice but to live there.

        All the rich guys I worked for had token apartments in NYC. Their “real” homes were always elsewhere = PA, NJ, CT. Those that could leave the city did.

        The truth is that everyone under the rich-guy line lives in NYC because they don’t want to do the commute for work. They eventually all realize that their life centers around their 600 sq.ft. apartment and a local bar. Everything outside of that life requires the misery that is the subway.

        All the guys that I know that still live in big cities claim they continue to do so because they love their social life and would never live anywhere else. It’s probably no coincidence that all of those guys I know are middle-age, still single, and will probably never have families of their own.

        The truth about the “restaurant scene” is even more bleak. Sure, there are thousands of restaurants in NYC, but they go in and out of business all the time. COVID probably destroyed over 30% of the restaurants in NYC. Your favorite local place might last a few years. Very few last decades.

        The COVID non-sense was the straw that broke the camel’s back. We sold our house to fleeing NYC-area residents and moved to Florida. The feeling of moving to a state that values freedom can only be described as “the other side of the Berlin Wall”.

        Everyone I meet in my new state that left the big cities all describes a similar scenario and absolutely none of them miss their former life or look to return to that rat race.

  2. Have Tee from….”God gave His Archangels weapons because even the Almighty knew you don’t fight Evil with tolerance and understanding.” Another, “I refuse to be lectured on gun control by an administration that armed the Taliban.” And, “Beware an old man in a profession where men die young.”

    The sad fact in giving reparations to denied victims is that the victims/citizens are paying. The crud politicians are not being punished for their tyrannical acts of denying a right. Until politicians are held personally liable for their tyranny, they will continue. Leaning more toward heads on pikes for politicians rather than reparations. Feel like get more ROI/deterrent/lasting value for our money that way. Sadly, not expecting a run on pikes at Lowes/Menards/Home Depot.

    • Allen Gottlieb again must have forgot about Jim Crow Gun Control and who gets Reparations first. Reparations that should be taken directly from the coffers of the democRat Party. After all Black Americans across America were subjected to Jim Crow thinking not just in the South like history rewrite scumbags want gullible history illiterates to believe.

    • “Have Tee from….”God gave His Archangels weapons because even the Almighty knew you don’t fight Evil with tolerance and understanding.”

      You do realize that’s exactly why the Leftist Scum feel so pious and righteous about banning our speech, don’t you?

  3. I see no one has an answer for me. I personally haven’t met anyone from NYC that wasn’t a liar, a thief, or both.

    • You might as well ask why would anyone live in earthquake country? Where hurricanes hit? Tornadoes?

      I watched the Ohio river freeze and asked myself why? Why am I here?

      • There is no where on earth you can go to avoid natural disaster. NY is that way by choice. They will maintain the oppressive insanity by way of their voting habits.

        • According to Hollywood, NYC and Washington DC are places to avoid. Every alien invasion or terrorist attack happens in either location.

          Best to move somewhere else.

      • It is funny you ask that question JWM. I fled Montana a long time ago, because the stupid Californians were moving there, and have since wrecked a once-nice state. Now, I live where there is 9 months of Winter, no Spring, 1 month of Summer, and a week’s hiccup of Autumn. They cannot drive worth a damned in these parts, but the Auroras are worth suffering through the -50 below temperatures. Oh, and no Red Flag laws, and you can conceal carry without a permit. At least for now. Where the weather goes, I surmise one has to decide what they are comfortable with putting up with (the heat, the cold, tornados, etc.).

  4. Reparations? Apologies? How about just GTFO. I did — I was born and raised there — I worked hard to get out, and never for a moment have I regretting leaving.

    NYC is an open sewer. Why would anyone choose to live in a sewer?

      • Actually, I followed a woman to Massivetwoshits. Even though MA is as anti-gun as it gets, I’ve always carried here without any objections from the G. The town I chose to reside in is the safest in the state. My gun range is here too. Finally, the health care is great, and since I’m an old guy, that’s really important.

        So it isn’t all bad.

        • Aside from a different assault weapon ban how does MA compare to NY (pre next level stupid gun laws this summer). About all I remember off hand is need a permit to own anything (or buy ammo)

        • SAFEupstateFML, before Bruen, things used to depend on the town or city in MA issuing the permit. Some town were de facto “no issue,” like Boston. Some, such as where I live, were de facto “shall issue.”

          Sensitive places include only the expected, like court houses. But every court house that I’ve visited had gun lockers for armed citizens. The same rules apply to cell phones because they have cameras.

          All in all, the police in my town were always obliging. I once asked a Chief on Cape Cod,where I used to live, how he felt about citizens carrying. His replay, word for word, was “Are you kidding? You guys help us.”

  5. Yes, they should. I would be glad to see that, but It should also cost whatever politicians put the laws in place.

  6. Another reason why you should carry a gun. People of NEW York can’t you see the democrats do not care about you?? When are you going to wake up and get rid of them? There are people dying everyday because of them.

  7. Life is often unfortunately a trade off. When you compare the numbers of lives lost because of a lack of tough gun laws and the lives lost with tough gun laws the results are that more lives are lost when everyone is armed to the teeth and people kill each other over parking spaces, over road rage incidents and of course when the brutal and viscous naked ape kills his wife and or children.

    Studies show you are 800% more likely to have a death in the family when there is a firearm in the home. And you are way more likely to die in a robbery in or out of the home if you shoot it out with the criminal robbing you. This is something the deraigned mind of the paranoid Far Right cannot comprehend or accept. Their minds are too far gone to be able to think logically or clearly or accept cold hard horrific facts. The natural instinct of the vicious and brutal naked ape is to use violence to solve problems or get what he wants as he lives a life of out of control blind greed and selfishness.

    Capitavlania is the most brutal and unsafe industrialized country on the planet and the most heavily armed proving more guns did not make Capitalvania safer, it made it a hell hole of a country to try and survive in. Rivers of blood and carnage run down its streets daily and the life of the people condemned to live there has now become regarded as the new normal way to live.

    The civilized countries of the world realize Capitalvania as a society is disintegrating into madness and chaos. Capitalvania has repeated the same exact mistakes that led to the Fall of the Ancient Roman Empire. Too many wars of rape, pillage and conquest that bankrupted the country, out of control graft and corruption within the government, and a callus disregard for the welfare of the working people, while the filthy rich live lives of gluttony and extravagance that would have shocked even the most depraved of the Ancient worlds.

    • Life is often unfortunately a trade off. When you compare the numbers of lives lost because of a lack of tough gun laws and the lives lost with tough gun laws the results are that more lives are lost when everyone is armed to the teeth and people kill each other over parking spaces, over road rage incidents and of course when the brutal and viscous naked ape kills his wife and or children.

      Topugh gun laws are part of the cause of mass incarceration in the U.S..

      Studies show you are 800% more likely to have a death in the family when there is a firearm in the home. And you are way more likely to die in a robbery in or out of the home if you shoot it out with the criminal robbing you. This is something the deraigned mind of the paranoid Far Right cannot comprehend or accept. Their minds are too far gone to be able to think logically or clearly or accept cold hard horrific facts. The natural instinct of the vicious and brutal naked ape is to use violence to solve problems or get what he wants as he lives a life of out of control blind greed and selfishness.

      The Secret Service disagrees.

  8. They should not just demand apologies. They should demand the death penalty for everyone that was involved in denying their ability to defend themselves or the ability of their now deceased loved ones to defend themselves.

    18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law
    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

  9. why does anybody bother answering dacian? everybody knows he’s off his rocker so why even bother. I’ve quit responding because it’s senseless. he thinks just like he looks in the picture of Alfred E Newman.

  10. To Max Mueller,
    Thank you for 18 US Code 242.
    When do the investigations of collusion, insurrection and conspiracy start? We’re paying our Governors, Courts, PD’s and alphabet soup Gummint wage earners BIG BUCKS.
    When do we Citizens get our money’s worth? We are all at least legally Victims here. Many of us have been criminally harmed, unable to recover physically or financially, forever damaged or rendered destitute.
    This might be the most proper direction that we should go now, since crimes have most definitely been committed.
    Please start in Shallow-Pornia. I met millionaire Sen. Feinstein in the 70’s and concluded that she wuz nuts back then. Criminally so. If it could be worse now, it is.

    Please speak louder and more often. Your good sense and truth-telling might be more contagious than you think.

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