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Frederico Gebauer was New York Mayor Bloomberg’s go-to guy for gun control. As First Deputy Criminal Justice Coordinator, Gebauer helped develop the City’s Gun Courts. He was also the man behind Mayor Bloomberg’s national campaign: “Mayors Against Illegal Guns.” He nursemaided the nation’s first gun offender registration statute and litigation against gun dealers in five other states (inspiring West Virginia to create a new law banning sting operations at gun shows). And now Gebauer is capping his crime fighting career by joining Kroll; by their own proclamation, “the world’s leading risk consulting company.” Gebauer will now be the Managing Director of Kroll’s Business Intelligence and Investigations unit. Do we need to discuss the fact that Kroll has a huge private arsenal, used to protect its paying clientele from armed and/or explosives-based attack? No, I didn’t think so. Anyway, I wonder how hard it will be for Kroll employees and clients to get concealed carry permits in The Big Apple.

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