Henry AR-7 survival rifle
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The quote of the day is presented by Guns.com.

There are few things that terrify a New York-based member of the media more than the idea of normal people out in America doing normal things. Things like plinking and having a little fun with a firearm.

So you can imagine the level of alarm that resulted when a New York Post columnist somehow received an email ad from Henry for a terrifying weapon of war like the AR-7. A rifle millions of Americans would love to find under the tree Christmas morning.

For those who are unfamiliar with the gun — which no doubt includes the Post’s scribe — the AR-7 is a tiny .22 LR rifle that packs a full eight rounds of fearsome New York SAFE Act-compliant firepower in each magazine.

Why civilians in this modern age are still allowed to freely purchase this kind of weaponry remains an infuriating mystery.

Sure, there’s the Second Amendment. But the founders of this country, when they were drafting this amendment, had no idea what kind of guns would be invented two hundred years later that could kill large groups of people instantaneously.

But I also understand the allure of guns and their role in family traditions. I’ve shot guns — an Uzi was my choice in the automatic variety — and I understand the thrill.

Here’s one thing, however, that I can’t understand.

I got an email the other day from the Henry Repeating Arms company. In the subject line was this: “Nothing says ‘Merry Christmas’ Like An AR-7.”

And nothing says “idiot” like the person who wrote that line.

In case you don’t know guns, an AR-7 is a semi-automatic rifle that can be used to defend your family, go hunting and — in the wrong hands — kill a lot of people.

– John Crudele in A nauseating Christmas gun ad killed my holiday spirit

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      • I honestly think that may have been the thought process. And from our more ‘conservative’ paper to boot.

        • Post not Times more of a tabloid really but about as conservative (think moderate republican) as the state has for a larger distribution.

    • To be fair, the same reporter probably also calls the dry cleaners “Nazis” when they don’t press his slacks correctly.

      • Sounds about right. I used to work with a guy who once got a single ping from a traffic cop’s siren as a warning to slow down in the school zone the cop was monitoring that morning. The guy then spent much of the rest of the day complaining to us about what a police state we’re living in. Oh, the humanity!

      • Why c̶i̶v̶i̶l̶i̶a̶n̶s̶ 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 in this modern age are still allowed to freely p̶u̶r̶c̶h̶a̶s̶e̶ 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 this kind of w̶e̶a̶p̶o̶n̶r̶y̶ 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢 remains an infuriating mystery.

        The 3 P’s; 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓟𝓾𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓹𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓪

    • He is not an idiot. He is a part of mainstream media. He has a job to do – brainwash the public into believing that guns are bad, mkay, shooting is bad, mkay, any mention of guns is bad, even thinking about guns is bad! Mkay?!

      How else can they convince the majority that it’s alright to infringe on RKTBA of the minority, the Constitution be damned? How else can they disarm all those deplorables and then instill the socialist utopia?

      This “journalist” just goes with the program.

  1. More likely it was the “Merry Christmas” that triggered him.

    Reminders of Christ are anathema to some.

  2. An AR -7 is a scary rifle (due to the “assault rifle” in the name) but no where near the terror a Glock 7 could do. Sarc btw

    • He probably thinks it’s a porcelain AR-15 that can be walked right through airport security without being detected.

        • And I thought the Glock 7 was an entrenching tool or a lantern. My history must be wrong that the Glock 17 was their first foray into firearms beating the Steyr GB for an Austrian military contract.

          Yes I know the Glock 7 is a reference to the second Die Hard movie.

        • Southern Cross, wasn’t the Glock 7 the knife rejected by the Austrian military, per the reenactment video on the Glock website?

  3. Ahh, yes. The terrifying mag dump of a .22lr AR7 is indeed something to behold. Absolutely devastating – if you’re a cantaloupe. 😉

    • Or a rabbit. But if you were going rapid fire, you’d only expect to hit with the first shot. But perhaps if there were several rabbits packed very close together and willing to hold still until the shooter was finished firing. Yes, a horrible massacre.

      • Personally, I would not twust the wascally wabbits!

        Come on, guys, this nincompoop simply has to be joking, doesn’t he?

        • The insane don’t joke around. It would appear that whatever took their last brain cells… got their sense of humor too. Probably humor cannot exist without a brain to exist in.

  4. “At just 3.5 pounds, this sounds perfect also for people who want to wreak havoc on society, especially since the AR-7 “can carry a large quantity of ammunition without adding much weight to your gear.” And it can be disassembled, so you can sneak it into places like schools and movie theaters. ”

    LOL. What a maroon, as Bugs would say.

      • Depends on what you mean by “military.” The US Air Force adopted the similar looking AR-5 (bolt-action .22 Hornet) as the MA-1, but the intended B-70 supersonic bomber program was cancelled and only 12 were bought. The Israelis issued the AR-7 in their Air Force.

        • Are you sure? I thought the AR-7 was part of a survival kit at one point, in a seat pack for an ejection seat or a rubber raft. I can’t swear to it, I was never trained on it, so you could be right. I was trained on gyrojets, but not AR-7s.

        • “Anything can be fired under water. ”

          I have a muzzle-loader that says “Bullshit”… 😉

        • USAF issued similar rifle in 1963 or ’64 to me as a survival tool while flying to Elmendorf AFB in Alaska in case we had to bail out over the wilderness. Could have kept it for a case of beer to the supply Sergeant. Turned it in, didn’t think it was worth a three dollar case of Bud back then, still don’t.

    • I’ve actually seen people use these same pointed sticks on, oh what do they call them… phones, or tablets, or some such (obviously code words).
      And when I confront them about using such dangerous weapons of war (you’ve no doubt heard of spears and lances), they spout some nonsense such as “I have a first amendment right,” when obviously the founding fathers had no idea that such diabolical devices would come into being in their future.
      We see all the time that people choose to drive their cars (again, something the founding fathers couldn’t possibly predict) and attempting to use these infernal devices, lose control of their cars and killing innocent people, often children!
      I demand these devices be controlled now (for the children)!
      If elected, and congress refuses to do their duty, I will use my power to outlaw and confiscate these devices ON DAY ONE of my first (of many) term.

      • Especially hafta get rid of those with fully automatic transmissions (only there so drunks don’t need to shift), and Power steering (so they can maneuver easier and not spill their drink), and spoilers, and mag wheels, and racing stripes, and fuzzy dice, and…. [sorry- I’m having trouble TRYING to be that stupid!]

        • We have to reduce the gas tanks to a 10 quart capacity. Can’t have them going too far when running over things!

        • Make that 10 ounces. We cannot let the crazed mass killers get up to speed and plow into a crowd. The forced refueling stops give people time to run away or tackle the active driver.

      • I’m all for confiscating all “Assault “Cars,” and I call first dibs on Ferraris and Lamborghinis.

  5. Our founding fathers had no idea of the mass casualty potential of future weapons like a modern commercial airliner, a car bomb or a triggered teenager raised without a father figure, violent video games, pumped full of modern drugs meant to lobotomize them.

    • Someone could have put him on their mailing list.
      I purchased M Blumburg NRA memberships for a few years (2012 thru 2017 IIRC), found his address online.
      Still waiting for thank you cards Mikey.

  6. The offended forgot to mention “Military Grade Weapon of War” since the AR-7 was initially designed for and used as a survival rifle for air crews than might have to ditch behind enemy lines…. And I applaud Anthony Imperato, serves as President and owner of Henry Repeating Arms, for having the courage to put Henry ads on Fox News Channels. My wife saw the ad and said to me “Do you want one?, they’er made in America”

    • Hey FOX also advertises Shoot Point Blank at least on Tucker Carlson(God bless him). All the networks are NOT the same!

    • I don’t think “enemy lines” factored into the AR-7, it was intended to put food over the campfire in a nuclear war survival situation, where somebody coming for you was unlikely.

  7. An AR7 MUST be at least 7/15’ths as terrifying as a dreaded AR15 to the pusillanimous putzes of the Post.

  8. This guys “holiday spirit” was killed by a gun add from henry? He would have a full on seizure if he saw the emails I get on a daily basis.

  9. From the article: “Sure, there’s the Second Amendment. But the founders of this country, when they were drafting this amendment, had no idea what kind of guns would be invented two hundred years later that could kill large groups of people instantaneously.”

    I have refused to take these kinds of arguments seriously unless written on parchment, with ink and quill, and delivered to my door from atop horseback.

    • I hear this argument quite a bit lately despite there being evidence to the contrary. Where do they get this idea anyway? It sounds made up.

      • They get the idea that the founding fathers couldn’t have conceived of such weapons because they seriously thought they only had muskets, sabers and cannons.

        What people don’t realize is that there were large advancements in weaponry when the 2A was devised. I wont name them all, but things like rockets, grenades, cannons and the Puckle gun (a cannon with a cylinder like a revolver that could fire quickly) were all known to the founding fathers.

        It would be disingenuous to think that the architects of the 2A didn’t see the rapid advancements in weapons technology and not give the amendment fore-thought.

        Another thing to add is that other than WW1 & WW2, the bloodiest wars in history happened during times when guided missiles, automatic weapons and atomic bombs weren’t a thing.

        Has advancements in weapons saved peoples lives, as Paul Harrell would say “you be the judge”.

      • Yeah, it is made up and they probably get it from anti-gun information clearing houses like the Brady Bunch and the Demanding Moms. Obviously, it is a demonstrable fact that the founding fathers were aware of and, in fact, in favor of development and advancement in firearms (and other weapons) technology.

        The reason they spout this is because their goal is to first curtail, then eliminate the right of the people to keep and bear arms and, if they can undermine (in their minds) the logic of the 2A, then that is a step in their preferred direction.

        This guy just picked a stupid hill to die on because, a .22 plinker with only an 8 round magazine is hardly a gun “that could kill large groups of people instantaneously.” (Ignoring that the word “instantaneously” is, in and of itself, hyperbolic.)

      • The left don’t need facts when they feel something is a certain way. They feel guns are evil so therefore they are evil. End of discussion.

  10. The funny thing is, this fool would probably be okay with my walnut stock Model 60, despite it having nearly twice the magazine capacity. It’s all about the feelz.

    • Depends on how it is described – he obviously knows nothing about guns.

      If I described your 60 as:

      “Marlin’s venerable, high capacity, magazine fed, rifle. Loved for years because of it’s light weight, easy handling and reliable semi-automatic action. All the firepower you need for a day in the woods with the kids.”

      Then he would think it was terrifying that people were out in the woods with “High capacity” and “All the firepower” and “the kids” and the dreaded “semi-automatic”.

      Dude’s an idiot and, even though he looked a tiny bit into the history of the AR-7, he never figured out that it is a compact, inexpensive, low capacity .22 plinker/survival gun.

    • You’re probably ok. I, on the other hand, have the extremely evil black Marlin 795 “assault rifle” that holds 10 evil rounds in a high-capacity assault magazine.

  11. Every Fudd who thinks the gun control nuts won’t be coming after their hunting rifle or shotgun next needs to see this.

    • You mean “Scoped Sniper Rifles” and “Trenchguns”…naw, never happen, the FUDD’s are self-deluding where THEIR guns are concerned.

      • Nobody needs a double barrel shotgun. One barrel is all anyone needs for hunting. Elmer Fudd should be required to turn in is second barrel to the Gov’t in a buy back.

        • But Slow Joe told me to shoot through the door with both barrels. I thought no one needed a fully-semi-auto multi-cam 30 caliber clip gun with 100 bullets per second in it. I can’t keep up with what no one needs, it seems.

    • But that will require the Fudds to pull their heads either out of the sand or their sphinctoral orifice. Performing such a paradigm shift will make their heads explode.

    • “No one needs the ability to kill someone from 800 yards away! Ban sniper rifles!” And then the Fudds will be all surprised Pikachu. I personally know a few fudds and they’re at least as bad as anti gun leftists and only slightly more knowledgeable about firearms

  12. You know….I don’t think anyone should tell him that that riffle also breaks down to fit Inside the stock…..unless you think that It will be that last little push to give him that massive heart attack were all hoping for before he can write another article or reproduce.

  13. Dude got an email from Henry and Henry only sends emails to people on their mailing list. This is 100% manufactured outrage.

  14. “Here’s one thing, however, that I can’t understand.”

    It would appear to be more than one thing the Effing Moron doesn’t understand,Leftards are so clueless.

  15. This left-wing urban guy has probably never stepped beyond the borders of New York City (although I’m at a loss to explain his experience with an Uzi, unless he got it in the Bronx), and he seems to be one of those look-down-his-long-blue-nose types that tolerates what lesser beings like about Christmas. I can remember ads for AR-7s since I was a kid (I’m 70), so I’m left to wonder what he’d think of my Brown Bess (the rapid fire wonder of its day – four rounds per minute!). This guy is either a major-league snowflake operating entirely on feelz, or part of the sinister left-wing propaganda machine trying to villainize all guns of any sort in any way he can.

    • And probably doesn’t know the difference between .22LR and .223 Remington. To him they are both 22 calibers.

  16. I for one relish in the fact that these SnowFlakes fear firearms and the people who own and use them. That fear will prevent them from being any real threat to those willing to stand up and fight for Freedom from Tyranny. When the time comes they will be nothing more than cannon fodder in the fight for OUR Rights. Theirs will be a part of the Blood used to refresh the Tree of Liberty. As depicted on the Battle Flag of George Washington. Keep Your Powder Dry.

  17. “This guy is either a major-league snowflake operating entirely on feelz, or part of the sinister left-wing propaganda machine trying to villainize all guns of any sort in any way he can.”
    Both. In spades.

  18. For your reading pleasure:

    Florida man guns down AK-47-wielding robber: ‘Not going to go out like a punk’

    By Ben Feuerherd

    November 27, 2019 | 2:21am | Updated

    A man in Florida told police and a local news station that he gunned down an AK-47-wielding robber because he didn’t want to “go out like a punk.”

    The man, 60-year-old Donovan Stewart, told CBS Miami that the robber pointed the automatic weapon at him while he, his wife and his son were in his van early Monday in the Liberty City section of Miami.

    “He put an AK-47 to my damn face,” Stewart told the news station.

    “I am from Kingston town in Jamaica, and I am not going to go out like a punk. So I emptied my Glock in his chest,” Stewart added.

    The robber was declared dead a short time later, according to the report.

    Stewart told the news station that he’s a member of the NRA and has several permits to carry concealed weapons.

    A police official added that investigators believe the slaying was a case of self-defense.

    “I am going to defend my life and those I love,” Stewart told CBS Miami.

    “My family is innocent and just don’t put an AK-47 in my face. I will not allow that to happen.

  19. So, the AR7 survival rifle is still being made. Years ago, I almost bought one, however the quality was so bad I was unsure if it could actually fire a few rounds without it failing. Maybe the new ones made by Henry firearms are better, something to check out.

  20. “The man, 60-year-old Donovan Stewart, told CBS Miami that the robber pointed the automatic weapon at him while he, his wife and his son were in his van early Monday in the Liberty City section of Miami.”

    It really was an honest-to-God AUTOMATIC weapon???

  21. I don’t believe this fool shot a full auto Uzi unless he was in Israel’s army. My bet is that he knows nothing about guns at all.

  22. So I was born in 1948! 71 now and wondering what is going on with America????

    When I was in the YMCA youth programs, the Boy Scouts and Explorers, on my High School shooting team back in the 60’s, every boy who was 12 years old had a .22 rifle that was their second generation gun right after their air propelled pellet rifle. We all started with a Ruger .22 single shot and then, once we passed the NRA Safety Class and got our Merit Badges, we upgraded to a Ruger .22 with a clip and multiple rounds. Many of us eventually got a .22 semi automatic with an 8 round clip or cartridge. But we ALL knew the rules, the safety and we obeyed all the laws. Properly supervised by our parents, our teachers, our scout leaders, our YMCA staff we probably shot a few thousand rounds each year, and even took our guns to our High School campus, locked them in our locker and then went to range practice ON CAMPUS, then back home again. No one ever got hurt and we ALL knew the safety rules. And we had local police officers show us safety tips and sponsor our events. What has happened since then? Most of us went in the military when we turned 18/19 and went to Vietnam. We then got to shoot the BIG guns, or in my case, arm F-4 Fighter planes with Nuclear weapons and missiles! Of course I was 19 then and could not vote or drink, but could carry a fully automatic weapon and arm airplanes that could kill hundreds of the enemy in one strike! Back in the day, if a crook tried to use a gun to rob someone they were quickly taken out and if they survived got 50+ years in prison. What happened??? Mainly parents stopped teaching their children and left the “indoctrination” to the soon-to-be liberal/socialist public school systems. No discipline, no education, just indoctrination. And no responsibility! My Dad would have surely punished me for any violations of his trust. I never feared the school authorities, but if I did wrong I definitely knew my Mom and Dad would severely punish me and take away my privileges. Shame the current youth have no idea of integrity, honesty, love of Country, loyalty and honor. A rifle for Christmas = a great gift of Trust and Honor! Merry Christmas!

    • Sadly your living in a past world that no longer exists. We only had about 200 million people back in 1948 not 330 million people that we have today. Wages were high enough so just the man had to work, family life was stable, the women stayed home and properly raised the children and divorce was rare. Now I know the younger generation would never believe that but in my class of kids there was only 1 kid that came from a divorced family, just one. Today you would probably find zero kids that are not from a broken home. Drug addictions was much lower as well. As you can see its impossible to ever go back to “the good old days” when it was safe to walk down the streets even at night , people seldom locked their doors even at night, people actually got vacations that the whole family went on and when people retired they often made as much as when they were working. All gone with the wind because of an infestation of a controlling corrupt rich oligarchy, the 1 per cent who now own everything including us.

      The only good news is that we were the first generation to realize that the Government was not always acting in our best interest and we realized after the scandals of the Daniel Elsberg papers that our government lied to us about Vietnam as well. The American people began to see themselves as they really were, a very war like people where life was considered cheap and not just against foreign people but against ourselves as well.

      • “Now I know the younger generation would never believe that but in my class of kids there was only 1 kid that came from a divorced family, just one. Today you would probably find zero kids that are not from a broken home.”

        Homes were still plenty broken back then, but the parents stayed together “for the kids”. So the kids got lessons in how parents behaved, you know, like endless bickering and fighting, utter contempt for each other. Dad escaped by drinking, and mom probably did as well. What a good thing cops just made sure the drunks got home safe.

        The “Good old days” my ass…

        • You are partially right about that but the majority of homes back in the day were not as you describe. The reasons there are more divorces today is complex but it involves a much lower standard of living which forces the woman to work and the lower purchasing power and lack of money even with two people working puts pressures on husband and wife that are often overwhelming. Its a fact that study after study done prove that children who grow up in broken homes and lack adult supervision because both parents work develop behavior problems. Overall the studies prove family life actually did exist in the 40’s and 50’s and 60’s. Family life today has for the most part ceased to exist altogether. The consequences have been catastrophic for today’s society.

          And you mentioned drunks. No Cops did not make sure drunks got home ok. Back then the death rate by drunk drivers was far higher. Today drunks often get the book thrown at them and do jail time before they end up killing people. They still do kill people but not at the rates they used to. So in this instance today is better.

  23. In 2018, 293 people will killed with rifles of all kinds. This number has been going down despite the brisk sales of AR-7’s.

    • Maybe the “7” is the total number of people that have been killed with an AR-7 since it’s introduction 60 years ago.

      • More than that. The bogus Hit Man manual from Paladin Press recommended it (and shooting people in the eye). You would then use a rat-tail file to mess up the rifling and discard the various pieces. Several idiots used the “advice” in the book and were, unsurprisingly, caught.

  24. And nothing says “idiot” like the person who wrote that line.

    Oh, the irony. It is so thick it is choking me!

    • Yeah, I had to check the original article to be sure that wasn’t an editorial comment with improper indentation. Nope, author said that – oh the irony, indeed.

  25. I’d be more terrified of New Yorkers moving to my area & bringing their B S with them… & their savior M. Bloomberg doesn’t stand a chance of becoming a man let alone the President.

  26. Well, there were some .22 rifles as part of the lend-lease program, so technically I suppose the round is military round? HORRIFYING!

  27. He needs to get out in the country a bit. I had a relative who married an NYC lady and when they were once out in rural areas she didn’t know the difference between a cow and a pig. Henry should send a recording of the Thousand Gun shoot they did in 2016!

  28. I tell people I own two AR’s. An AR-7 I got first. And an AR-15 I got 2 years latter. Weapons of War??? I wish I had a select fire switch.
    I find it remarkable in the 1970s I watched gun ads on TV in Sacramento California. Ads from a sporting goods store. Then they stopped. There were never any newspaper ad inserts for guns back then.
    Now in TN and KY I see newspaper ad inserts for guns all the time. There are radio ads for guns and gun training at local ranges. What a difference 35+ years makes. Also moving to a much freer part of the country helps.

  29. I would imagine that all the .22 Rim Fire tubular magazine guns that hold more than 10 rounds will have to be destroyed after the 2020 elections. I passed up a really nice .22 with a tubular magazine last week that was very expensive but I did not want to take such a huge loss for it next year when they are all melted down when Bloomy starts his wave of mass destruction of all semi-auto guns. I bought a Thompson Center single shot rifle instead and played it safe.

    Since the AR-7 has a detachable barrel I imagine it will be banned as well.

    • You live in your own little world, don’t you? Trump will have a second term and we will have national constitutional carry before that term ends. Likely sooner. Nothing will be banned or confiscated.

      But you tell kapo bloomberg you earned your 30 pieces of silver today. We both know it’s a lie, but I won’t tell him.

  30. Frankly, I’m quite surprised that anyone even reads the New York Post.

    This Washington D.C. paper used to advertise almost the exact same rifle:

    Girls Women We Will Give You This Rifle

    [The Sunday Star, Washington, D.C., Sunday Morning, April 23, 1905. Sunday Magazine, No. 5.–No. 16,281. Pg. 17]

    This New York paper used to advertise revolvers:

    “Colt Eight Shots in 1 3/5 Seconds An arm should be carried for protection”

    [New-York Tribune, New-York, June 21, 1908. Sunday Magazine, Vol. LXVIII….No. 22,498. Pg. 17]

    And so did this one:

    [The Evening World, New York, Monday, July 02, 1906. Final Results Edition, Pg. 5 – Excerpted from; Siegel Cooper Co. advertisement, 6th Ave. 18th and 19th Streets, [N.Y.C.], New York]

    My how times have changed, eh?

    • Shoot…I haven’t read a “news paper” In over 20yrs only pick one up so I can pull out the comics section, only truth In the whole thing, I mean really tossing It In the recycle bin Is all It ‘s really good for or when I’m cleaning fish.

  31. The article sounds like the author is experiencing a bad yeast infection in his “Mangina,” while having his monthly “Manustration.” God save us from the “woke,” and we pray St. (Insert your favorite gun manufacturer) keeps us in his ever loving arms, by which he enables us to keep the demons of Wussification and imbecility away. Amen.

  32. I read the whole thing at NYPost.com and then a bit later it hit me. There is no mention of the caliber or cartridge anywhere in the article. This doofus (Crudele) probably has no idea that it is a .22LR rifle or maybe even what that means.

    He probably thinks the AR-7is a lighter more concealable variant of the AR-15. Then again, James Bond did take down a helicopter with an AR-7 in “From Russia with Love.”

      • Compared to his previous .22 Beretta which jammed and resulted in him being wounded.

        My minimum would be .380, but a 9mm Parabellum in a compact frame would be preferred.

    • The morality of promoting certain gifts through advertising is open to debate. Despite this, it is evident that some individuals utilized the opportunity and were satisfied with their purchase. As a writer, I personally prefer receiving a more traditional Christmas gift such as a book. However, I understand that others may have different preferences. Through researching this topic, I discovered this valuable source: https://edubirdie.com/examples/traditions/ which helped me understand that our perceptions of right or wrong shape our opinions and traditions. It is important to be aware that these preferences are passed down to our children. In the end, the most important thing is that the person receiving the gift is pleased with it.

  33. Civilians are government employees not in the military. Civilians should not be allowed weapons. And yes, cops are civilians.

    Society works better when civilians have a healthy fear of armed citizens. That is why we have the 2nd Amendment.

  34. In 1978 or so, my girlfriend and I took a month long camping vacation out west in a 1971 VW Super Beetle. Before the trip, her brother handed me his Armalite AR-7 to take on the trip. It was comforting to have it at remote campgrounds and she knew how to assemble and fire it. Sometime it the 1980’s my same girlfriend and I went to an annual open house at a gun store. The store owner was handing out free tickets for a raffle. First prize was a Charter Arms AR-7. Much to the groans to the men ticket holders, my girlfriend held the winning ticket. Second place was a cookbook won by a guy. She is now my wife and she still has the gun.

    We both laugh when we see the Henry Rifle commercial played on Fox News station.


  35. That’s so cool! I love the idea of exploring the ghost theories. I’m sure that the page you mentioned has some really interesting insights into the different cultures and the significance of ghosts for them. I’m definitely going to check it out. I’m also a big fan of the Wednesday TV-show character, so I can definitely relate to your choice of the Zombie Hand design. It’s definitely a creative and spooky design! For those looking for a cheap essay writer, this could be a great source of inspiration!

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