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17 thoughts on “New(ish) logotype. Comments?”

  1. Like the new logotype. One look/feel suggestion: move that damned share/save link thingy way over to the right. I’m constantly running over it and making it pop open. Grrr. Pet peeve.

  2. Hey Brad,

    Looking good man, nice work! I like the microphone wrap too – if only we had a professional film crew to go along with it and take to Pitt!

    Any way to “correct” the color on the Shoot-n-See? It looks like you can almost tell where it was laid on a scanner in a few places (the dim horizontal lines). Also, it seems like the “old” banner was “sharper” in the definition of the bullet strikes; did we lose some res somewhere?

    re: Twitter plugin – there’s a bunch of empty space on our top-nav bar, maybe we can find a way to embed the Twitter thinger and a Facebook do-hickey up there instead of it hanging on to the left side of the screen and going with us everywhere? (unless that was the intent 🙂 ).

    • Edit to the above – The Shoot-n-See looks perfectly fine on one of my monitors, but on the higher resolution monitor the scanner lines are evident. Maybe it’s not a problem for everyone else.

      • That’ll have to do until we get back from Pitt. I’ve gotta drive to Dallas to catch my early morning flight. Actually, it looks pretty good on my hi-rez Mac monitors, but what bugs me is that the colors are different on every monitor – even between the external and laptop monitors. And Day-Glo colors are notoriously hard to reproduce on anything. The scan actually read the green as white – I had to do a lot of Photoshop manipulation to get it to look like the original.

        Far as the Twitter/FB stuff, I’ll look into it. That’s a plugin that is designed to slide down the page edge. I find it kind of annoying, but you’re the only other person who’s mentioned it.

        • In that case, one Helluva job re-coloring the Shoot-n-See Brad! I couldn’t even tell that that was ‘shopped to get the colors back from white. You’ve got an eye for design good sir!

  3. I like it. Well done. On my iphone, something does seem possibly amiss about the Shoot-n-Sees, but that might be my imagination. Anyway, good work!

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