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NH Gov. Lynch Frees Ward Bird

Anyone remember the song Snoopy vs. The Red Baron? I draw your attention to the line ” . . . like the scream and the sound of a big war bird.” I know I should be blogging about the release of taciturn New Hampshire iconoclast Ward Bird, trumpeting his freedom as a triumph of common sense (yes, that phrase again) and gun rights goodness. But TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia have already parsed this one pretty good; many of our number wondering why a man would threaten a lone, unarmed woman with a gun when, let’s face it, he wasn’t in any real danger. (Ducks.) Besides, that’s one catchy tune. Anyway . . .

The Bird case was far from straightforward. According to the probation officer for the woman who made the brandishing accusation against Bird (I know, right?), defamer Christine Harris “wouldn’t know the truth if it hit her with a truck.” Famously, Bird declined to take the stand in his own defense.

The pressure to release Mr. Bird has been building since he was sent to jail on a three-year ticket. New Hampshire Governor Lynch vetoed his Executive Council’s decision to pardon Bird; a move which would have broken Lynch’s unblemished record for not pardoning no one for nothin’.

Instead, Lynch OKed the Council’s commutation of Bird’s sentence to time served: 76 days. The arrangement means that Bird remains a convicted felon, barred from possessing firearms. By all accounts, the caveat clinched the deal with Lynch.

Lynch said, “I don’t know what the facts are. We don’t know what the facts are.” He said he did know that there was a trial and that a jury unanimously determined that Bird was guilty. A second superior court judge affirmed the conviction and the state Supreme Court voted unanimously to uphold the conviction, Lynch said.

He stressed that he was hesitant to substitute the council’s judgment for what he characterized as “a very comprehensive review” by the state’s legal system.

Yeah yeah. Gotcha. Sop to the system aside, as a savvy pol, Lynch knew that when it comes to placating New Hampshire’s Live Free or Die Hard with a Vengeance gun rights community, b-b-b-b-bird bird bird. Bird is the word. Oh, and if a member of same should ever attend a rally for or against Mr. Lynch, let’s hope someone yells out Freed Bird!

7 thoughts on “NH Gov. Lynch Frees Ward Bird”

  1. The report I read today said he still denied having done anything wrong. I posted a cartoon version of Michael telling Carlo, “Only don’t tell me you’re innocent because in insults my intelligence.” That’s what the gov should have said to this gun-rights hero.

    Oh, and maybe you should start pushing the Fifth Rule. If you do something negligent or stupid with your gun, and somehow end up breaking one or more of the first Four Rules, always lie about it.

    • “If you do something negligent or stupid with your gun, and somehow end up breaking one or more of the first Four Rules, always lie about it.”

      I’m sure that’s one rule the ATF will always honor.

    • Ward Bird denied doing anything wrong because he was innocent. Some dum ass broad trespasses on his property and he gets sent to jail. She’s lucky he didn’t pop a cap in her dum ass and bury her in the woods. At least the Gov. did the right thing and let him go home.

      • Why’s he innocent, Joe, because he’s the gun owner and you always side with the gun owner?

        Somebody’s lying, who has more reason to do so? If you weren’t so biased you’d be able to admit that he does because he made some mistakes.

        • From what I can tell, he made the mistake of checking his weapon–while going back into his house. That doesn’t seem bright to me. Who cares if it’s loaded? If you use a good holster, cover up the trigger you know, then it should be safe to carry.

          On the news the other night (WMUR), I did catch a 3 second clip of Bird explaining that a) he didn’t have a round in the chamber, and b) that he was removing the magazine as he was going back into the house. Seems to be no good reason to do either, if you ask me.

          Going back to Lynch, “We don’t know what the facts are” yet I’ll release him, time served–but he can stay a felon. Makes no sense to me. If the guy is dangerous, shouldn’t he finish out his sentance? If he’s not, why can’t he have all his rights back?

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