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Nighthawk Custom at SHOT Show 2017

Nighthawk Custom is guaranteed to come up in any discussion of where one can find the best 1911 available. A quick stroll through their SHOT Show booth this year left no doubts as to why. I tried to snap photos of many of the standouts, but, unfortunately, the trade show floor lighting in the area of Nighthawk’s booth was horrible, so most of these pics don’t even do the guns or the custom work justice.

Many of the guns on display featured unique texturing in various areas either to provide increased grip or to reduce glare.

Note the texture on the underside of the slide stop, on the magazine release, and under the trigger guard. It was also on top of the slide and on the hammer spur.

Nighthawk is also importing Korth revolvers, so add them to the “best revolvers available” discussion, too.

The 9mm Sky Hawk.

20 thoughts on “Nighthawk Custom at SHOT Show 2017”

      • Yeah, but it’s $3100 cheaper (starting price on both). At $1699 for a snubbie it’s pretty much a peasant’s gun and you can’t even put a bi-pod on it.

        I’d be embarrassed to carry such a low brow item in my Hermes Birkin Bag.

    • But who wouldn’t? Red dot sight on top, tac light on one side, and the grenade launcher on the other side.

  1. That last photo… That’s a good sized chunk of mammoth tusk.
    (Now illegal in Oregon due to low information voters)

    • California too. I think unless it comes from an non-endangered species, you can’t buy it. The ban, which can be found in California Fish and Game Code, section 2022, encompasses teeth and tusks of elephant, hippopotamus, mammoth, mastodon, walrus, warthog, whale and narwhal, as well as rhinoceros horn, regardless of whether it is raw, worked or powdered, or from a store or a private collection. Under the law, advertising the sale of any items containing ivory is also strictly prohibited.

      Even if you’ve owned it for years you can’t sell it. But you can probably use old cow bones. sarc./

    • That’s a bit odd looking for mammoth tusk. All the mammoth tusk I have seen looks a lot like elephant tusk with more bark on it. I have a two pound section of it sitting in from of me right now. It’s for my Mongoose an the way I will cut it will look almost identical to elephant tusk but with a different angle on the Shrager lines.

      • It’s fossilized tooth, not tusk. At least that’s what the man from Nighthawk said on another site’s video.

  2. Ah, I see the cartels have discovered Nighthawk 1911s. Also, is it just me or have the gun manufacturers gone full retard with revolvers the last couple years. For whom are they building these? Ruger brought out the new .44 Special that we all were clamoring for, and Colt brought back a “snake gun” in the form of a .38 snub. Really? I get Korth, at least a little, but I’ll bet there is not a huge demand. Also yes, I never knew I needed all that rail-estate on my tacticool .357 mag. I’ll look like a bad mofo at the range though.

    • I thought about the rails a bit more and I decided they might serve a purpose.

      You can put your [insert accessory here] on the top, flip-ups on one side and a bi-pod on the other side. That way you can rest the gun on a car (or whatever), shoot accurately and look gangster as fuck while doing it. You know, to attract gun bunnies with that banger-tactical look that’s all the rage these days.

      That’s how I would roll. YMMV.

    • I expect to see a lot of action movie villains carrying Korth Super Sports by the end of this year.

  3. I volunteer to do a review of any one of them, except the ones with ivory. I wouldn’t want to break the law or anything and have such a nice piece confiscated and burned. Even the first one (which I rather like. Each to his own.)

  4. Something that’s been nagging at me for a few weeks… that revolver reminded me of it:
    Someone needs to revisit the top-break revolver idea and market it for it’s ambidextrous design. Some Russian firm had dabbled with a .357 top break several years ago but it went nowhere. An ambi 9mm would have real potential I would think.

  5. I’d love one of those revolvers, the moment they’re offered without all that ridiculous rail. And, with modern production techniques, why not make a seven or eight round cylinder?

    • Without all the rail and whatnot they couldn’t justify a $4800 starting price for a .357 wheel gun.

  6. Yet another ridiculously priced 1911. The 1911 is a fighting pistol. It is meant to be used on a daily basis. As a 1911 fanboy I say that any 1911 priced more than a TRP, and I am cutting Springfield some slack here, is an insult to John Browning’s legacy.

  7. Jeremy – any idea if the Sky Hawk’s front sight is replaceable? Brass dot is fine in bright/low light, but no light/zero dark could present a problem…

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