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Robert Litner (courtesy

“Police on Saturday revealed the extent of the arsenal seized from a township resident and evident gun enthusiast, the day after they charged Robert Lintner, 65, with ‘creating a risk of widespread injury or damage,'” reports. I know what you’re thinking: how many guns equals an “arsenal” in New Jersey, a state whose gun laws are the dictionary definition of Second Amendment infringement. I won’t keep you in suspense. Or will I? . . .

Saddle Brook Police Chief Robert Kugler said police removed approximately 300 pounds of black gun powder from the basement of Lintner’s home on Washington Street. With the assistance of the Bergen County Sheriff’s Department, they also removed nearly 200 long and short firearms from five large gun vaults in the home, Kugler said, adding that tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition were also taken.

“Nearly” 200 guns = a New Jersey arsenal. Fair enough? Only the word “arsenal” implies something nefarious in this context, does it not? Google defines the word as “an array of resources available for a certain purpose.” In New Jersey, where the number of concealed carry permits is roughly equivalent to the number of Israeli supermodels I’ve dated, anyone who has more than, say, three guns is immediately suspected of being a gun nut (a.k.a., ticking time bomb).

Robert Litner's reloading supplies (courtesy

Notice, though, that Mr. Litner wasn’t charged with a weapons offense (yet). Cops arrested Litner for his cache of gunpowder [above] under 2C:17-2 Causing or Risking Widespread Injury or Damage, presumably fourth degree (“A person who recklessly creates a risk of widespread injury or damage commits a crime of the fourth degree, even if no such injury or damage occurs”). But it’s actually worse than that . .

Lintner was taken to police headquarters shortly before 10 p.m. Friday, capping a day that had begun with a morning 911 call that his wife allegedly stabbed him in the neck during a domestic dispute. When police discovered the weapons and the ammunition stored at the house, they ordered an evacuation of the adjacent homes on Washington Street.

His wife, Eileen Lintner, was charged with second-degree aggravated assault and illegal possession of a weapon, a knife, police said. She was released after posting $75,000 bail on condition she have no contact with her husband.

So Mr. Litner was a victim of domestic abuse when the cops (presumably) entered his house and (presumably) asked his wife about guns or (presumably) asked to use the toilet and (presumably) snooped around. And then, well, it’s an arsenal, innit?

Authorities spent several hours at the Lintners’ home, blocking traffic through the residential street into the evening, while the stock of armaments was secured. The chief said investigators brought out the firearms in barrels overnight and “will evaluate them and inspect them at a later time.”

NJ cops unceremoniously relieve Robert Litner of his gun collection (courtesy

“Our effective removal of all the gun powder rendered the home and neighborhood safe,” Kugler said. “We confidently have all the weapons we came for.”

And I’m confident that New Jersey police doesn’t have all the weapons they’re coming for. One way or another, they’re coming for any and all firearms in the homes of law abiding residents. Because that’s the way they roll. Obvs. Oh, and how would you like having your prize gun collection dumped into a trash can to scrape and rattle against each other and end up in state custody?

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    • Well, at least they FINALLY used the term “arsenal” for something worth calling an “arsenal”! Anywhere north of 100 guns…now, THAT’S an arsenal, baby! Even in Texas.

      • I SIGNED ON JUST TO REPLY TO YOU. You comment made me laugh so hard I think I’m seeing my doctor about bladder control issues. Thank you for bringing a little funny to the behavior of these fools on the NJ Plantation.

      • It’s a good thing they can never make it to my place. They’ll accuse me of supporting the readiness of a war zone. This would be easily dwarfed by my collection.

    • This is just the beginning of the tyranny that Obama says is not coming so don’t listen to those voices. There are several other states where this could easily take place. I live in one, “The People’s Republic of Kalifornication”. The gun haters in our government are daily trying to legislate guns out of existence while ignoring the obvious fact that criminals won’t obey any laws created by them thereby leaving law abiding citizens defenseless victims of those people.

      When politicians finally address the REAL sources of gun violence, i.e. criminals, mentally unstable people with RAGE issues, etc. and then enforce existing, reasonable gun laws on those individuals instead of law abiding citizens who own and possess firearms legally but NEVER cause any trouble OR harm to others then there will be a just society, again.

      • They ignore facts, in part, because they are criminals themselves. When our government no longer obeys the Constitution, it is operated by criminals. This came to pass long ago. Anymore the system is a sham; geared towards circumventing the Supreme Law of the Land on the flimsiest of excuse. There won’t be any solutions because the real solution is as was prescribed from around the time of foundation; A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. This isn’t about crime and those in government know it. The ordinary crime rate could be flat zero and it wouldn’t change the wisdom of the Second Amendment or it’s necessity to a free nation. Even those “reasonable gun laws” you suggest are repugnant and lethal to a free society. Don’t feed the bear because he will just keep coming back for more until he eats you! Gun control begets gun control which begets tyranny.

        It’s not about gun control. It’s about control.

        • “They ignore facts, in part, because they are criminals themselves. When our government no longer obeys the Constitution, it is operated by criminals. This came to pass long ago.”

          This. It is historically proven that the more criminal and illegitimate the government, the more power they take, and that most certainly includes the right to self-defense.

      • Yes, but that is expecting too much from the cretin that runs the CA senate – Babbling Kevin “Ghost Gun” De Leon. His own cousin killed himself in a swat stand off in San Diego a few months ago. A felon in possession of a fire arm with prior hard drug convictions. Back on the street after a few months. Kevin should go after his own gang-banging relatives rather than law-abiding citizens. But then there wouldn’t be any votes left for him. He serves the underprivileged, primarily, not tax paying law-abiding citizens. .

    • anyone see any .22 rimfire! lol… looks like he just enjoyed reloading and target shooting to me also looks like he reloaded shotgun shells saw a case of 209s that would explain the powder. and if ammo wasn’t so expensive he wouldn’t have to make his own!!!! this guy needs to start a legal fund on (go fund me) so we can help him out and put the shitty state of nj out of the gun confiscation business!

      • I am still looking for the black powder!!!!! all I see is smokeless powder and I am still trying to figure out how they think they can lawfully search the home. Also possession of an illegal knife!!! what, I would think she had a kitchen knife not a bloody marry or switchblade or something. It sounds like typical NJ incompetence.

    • If the laws are quoted accurately in the articles, it appears NJ has pre-crime on the books. You can be charged with “creating a risk”. So what about houses with gas heating? They could blow at any minute. Arrest the contractors, evict the residents, and condemn the homes…you know, for the children.

      God the Northeast is so far into insanity it’s amazing.

      I am interested to see how this plays out in the long run. I hope he sues the pants off the relevant parties for essentially stealing his private property. Depending on the guns, 200 firearms could easily be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

      • First of all, NJ is not the “Northeast”. Secondly, the “Northeast” includes shall issue states Maine and New Hampshire as well as Constitutional Carry States like Vermont.

      • Sure looks like a pre-crime arrest to me. And his wife was arrested for possession of cutlery, so hid your eating utensils before you call the NJ po-po.

        Oh, and “nearly” 200 guns = <5.

        Looks like the Martians are shooting crazy rays into NJ again.

      • Dude, Jersey ain’t the North East. It’s Mid-Atlantic. Holy crap, how ignorant you are. Come to NH and Vermont, we still hold to the Constitution, even if the Commonwealth to the South of us does not.

        • i wanna move to vermont so bad!! currently in ny but someday me and my sled are goin east! any tips on the best area to move to? what utility company services u guys?

        • Yeah, you’ll uphold the Constitution…for a 90-minute drive in any direction, and that’s about it!

          No, thanks, I’d like to live in a free country, not county.

        • Gun rights are only safe in Vermont if you avoid notice. Relatively easy to do compared to NJ, but it is by no means a bastion of freedom anymore.
          New Hampshire I give you as long as you are north of Manchester. It won’t be long now until even that is lost with the invasion from Mass.

    • What he did (wrong): thought the police were coming to help him and apparently married a crazy bitch.

      • The police never come to help, they come to write up a report and file it. Like the cop who made it to Sandy Hook in 90 seconds after the 911 call came in only to park a quarter mile away and wait 9 minutes for backup. Probably not his fault, he was probably just following company policy, but still, some help he was for those kids getting slaughtered. Cops are there for the state, not the citizen.

        • “never”? How ironic that you make the same mistake as the left in trying to lump all cops into the same group. They see one crazy mass shooter and try to convince everyone that they are representative of all gun owners. You see a few examples of over-zealous cops and try to convince everyone that all LEO’s are bad. We aren’t. Most of us are on the side of gun owners, not the other way around. Why you are trying to make the police into the enemy is what I don’t understand.

        • Cops are agents for the state. The state is the enemy of individual liberty. The vast majority of laws (federal, state and local) do not exist for the benefit of the citizenry, but to keep the citizenry in it’s place. When you don’t comply with your overlords wishes, they send the men with guns for you.

          Cops are also people, so 90% are flawed but basically good people. Most cops believe they are helping people. But what do cops spend the most time doing? Trapping generally law abiding citizens in the most minor of infractions (traffic violations) so that the state may extort money from them. And when they aren’t doing that, they are gearing up like operators in the middle of the night and spraying the neighborhood with automatic gunfire for violations that most citizens don’t really care about (i.e. growing pot in your basement).

          I’ve personally had a cop lie on a police report about my statement to him. I’ve seen cops take a 6 year old away from her mother and place her in the hands of a 4 time convicted felony child abuser of no relation to the child. Perhaps I’ll someday have a positive run in with a cop, but in the meantime, if I’m in trouble I’ll take care of myself and if necessary call the cops to mop up afterward. If a few bad apples are ruining your reputation you should blame the bad apples, not the citizen. Aside from a gun and a badge, all you’ve got is trust.

        • Per the UN-supreme court, law enforcement are not legally required to protect an individual , they are there to protect the community as a whole and It is up to the LEO to decide if he/she is willing to step up to the plate do what the citizens believe their tax dollars are paying for.
          Not my words but SCOTUS

    • More than 50lbs of black powder requires a federal explosives license and a storage magazine. More than likely this guy is looking at federal explosives charges in addition to whatever NJ hits him with. 300lbs of black powder is enough to level his house and probably his next door neighbor’s place. The gun confiscation sucks but it honestly isn’t the real story here.

      • I am sure there are alternative motives as an excuse to seize the guns and powder and file criminal charges.

      • Who knows if it was actual black powder, though. It could have been a couple 20 lb kegs of Bullseye, couple more of Varget, etc. to the media it’s all high explosive – probably the police aren’t even capable of differentiation.

        • I asked a related question in the main comment stream earlier. The photo appears to show a lot of smokeless powder. It also looks like things are in their original containers so if the officers could read then they should’ve been able to differentiate.

        • I count about 5 lbs of Goex, the rest is smokeless. Lots of cops don’t reload so they can’t tell the difference.

      • 300lbs of black gun powder is an intentional misprint…..earlier reports stated 30 pounds.

        NJ building, and fire codes limit people to 5lbs of black powder, and 25lbs of smokeless…….

        • Well based on that one picture, I see at least 10 five pound containers (assuming that all those containers are powder) and I can count more than 30 containers total. I am going to say he was probably over the 30 lbs maximum, unless most of those were empty or only had very little left. Of course unless they still had a lot more to bring out it does not look like 300 lbs either.

        • The bigger question is why? As is stated here many times, gasoline, propane, natural gas all pose the same threat yet they aren’t regulated the same, is that to come as well or do they just want an excuse to be able to take your stuff? Yeah I’d say the latter!

      • Looking at the picture, it would appear that nearly all of that “black powder” is, in fact, smokeless powder. I see Alliant, IMR, Accurate, and Hodgden, among others. What a shame. Powder is damned hard to find these days.

        Black powder is explosive. Smokeless is not. At least not in the proper containers. The worst it could do in the guy’s basement would be to make a fire worse. I can’t see how it would affect anyone else in the neighborhood.

      • 40 gallons of gasoline weighs about 300 pounds , to put things in perspective.

        What is their excuse for stealing his guns?

        NJ, and some other police seem to think (sadly correctly) that they can steal anyone’s gun collection if they ever have to so much as visit their house. Even for non criminal matters.

      • No, it wouldn`t level his house. Gun powder lit out in the open burns bright and smoky. But not explosively. You have to have it under pressure,then fun stuff can happen.

    • In my city there is a law on the books that one cannot keep more than 40 lbs of powder without special containment and a permit.

  1. Wait so he was the VICTIM of an assault, and the police decided to remove all of the firearms in his possession? Does that seem backasswards to anyone else?

    • Yep, it does. But you must remember this is the Democrat controlled state of New Jersey, the place that gave birth to Mayor Frank “I am the Law” Hague of Jersey City.

    • Don’t forget you can have your guns confiscated for requesting a restraining order against someone threatening your life.

  2. Wow, so his wife stabs him in the neck, and for his trouble the cops confiscate his private property. Yeah, makes sense to me. Probably gave her a state job to boot.

  3. Poor old boy is a double victim.
    This makes me sick. Stealing thousands of dollars worth of property from this guy.

    • Literally stealing. +1

      Get stabbed by your wife and call the cops, apparently not the best choice to make anymore.

      EDIT: Man I just LOVE how this new theme hide both the picture and name of a reply in the comments section. /sarc WordPress FTL

      • Okay, for those keeping score at home:

        (1) Call the cops after being the victim of a crime, lose your private property.

        (2) Have some issues and want to discuss them with a psychologist? Could lose gun ownership rights forever (if some have their way).

        Moral of (1) and (2) seems to be DON’T TALK TO ANYONE, even if you need help.

        (3) Someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night, you are NOT supposed to protect yourself, your loved ones or your property. You are supposed to call the cops and let them, the professionally trained “proper authorities” handle it.

        Goto (1).

        • Maybe if you must shoot and kill an intruder, the best thing to do would be to take him out to the back yard and bury him,……………….DEEP, and never make mention of the event!

      • Makes you wonder how many of Shannon’s “women killed by intimate partner” statistics were a bunch of Eileen Lintners.

        Poor man gets stabbed in the neck and instead of lawfully defending himself (sure had the means to) does the cool levelheaded thing and calls the cops, and they take all his stuff away…. Because the children!!!!! When what they should have done is politely thanked him for not acting fully within his rights and blowing the old knife weilding hag away.

        I would be very worried if I was a reloader/ competition shooter in NJ

    • Yeah. I don’t understand this. If it was against the law to have that much black powder in a residence, as in a specific statute, well okay. If it’s just some generic “we think this is scary” so we pulled this ordinance out of our butt situation, that’s crap.

      But, I’m not seeing where under the law it was okay to take all his guns, whether he had 1 or 200.

  4. So this poor bastards wife stabs him, then posts bail with joint assets, then the “law” seizes his legally owned guns? Man I feel sorry for him.

    I suppose looking on the bright side, the taxpayers will be handing him a might big check in the end, along with all his guns which he can use to move the hell away from crazytown.

    Or at least here is hoping.

    • This is New Jersey we’re talking about. If he sees a freaking spent primer from his collection before he dies I will punch myself in the face. That’s how sure I am it won’t happen.

      • That’s what I was thinking, maybe if he was in his twenty’s, he might see his stuff again before he takes the dirt nap!

    • They will melt his guns down to slag the instant he’s convicted (if not before). They’ll dispose of the powder at a bomb disposal site. They’ll find one felony charge or another to stick, and strip him of his rights for the rest of his life.

        • Any mention if he was a black powder rifleman, were some of his rifles B.P.? If he doesn’t have any, what reason for all the powder?

        • @Gunr

          What difference does that make?

          He wasn’t accused of anything. He was the victim.

          I own rounds and mags for firearms I haven’t purchased yet. Does that mean I’m up to something nefarious? Nope. It means I’m a smart shopper. 🙂

  5. “Oh, and how would you like having your prize gun collection dumped into a trash can to scrape and rattle against each other and end up in state custody?”

    I don’t have a gun collection anymore. Terrible boating accident…

  6. gonna cost the idiot leo’s and local gov a serious amount of cash for lawfully owned reloading supply’s and lawfully owned firearms that were illegally seized ….

    • This is new jersey, wheitherjjjjh the law of green m o cookbook’m ok : ok mm’m muir99619 cxxxZ D TREASURY

  7. Facts: North New Jersey is part of New York City’s metro area. South New Jersey is Philadelphia’s metro area. Is it any wonder this State sucks?

  8. Given the ever widening scope of state and federal laws touching on every aspect of our lives, it’s time to realize that we are all felons. Most of us just haven’t been charged yet. The biggest threat to freedom is “prosecutorial discretion.”

  9. Most (sub)urban areas have limits on the amount of explosive/flammable you can store without permits. Mostly so the FD knows it’s there and your storing it correctly. I think it’s in the 100lbs range gun powder. That said, confiscating anything other than the excess powder is a violation of his rights. Additionally, evacuate of the neighborhood seems excessive unless there were extenuating circumstances.

    • But I have a truck that holds over 30 gallons of gasoline…pretty close to 200 pounds there. I routinely keep it parked in my driveway without any lock keeping people from accessing the gasoline if they really wanted. That seems much more hazardous.

    • While not law, here is the NFPA’s thoughts:
      13-3.7 Smokeless propellants intended for personal use in quantities not exceeding 20 lb (9.1 kg) shall be permitted to be stored in original containers in residences. Quantities exceeding 20 lb (9.1 kg), but not exceeding 50 lb (22.7 kg), shall be permitted to be stored in residences where kept in a wooden box or cabinet having walls of at least 1 in. (25.4 mm) nominal thickness.

  10. I believe there are often limits to how much gunpowder or primers you can have in your house. They’re part of fire codes. That’s probably what got him charged and robbed.

    • Maybe he needs all that gunpowder. Like back in the old west, they used to pour gun powder in wounds, light it on fire, and it was suppose to kill any infection. Poor guy, probably has other wounds not mentioned, more powder please!

    • That is a matter for the FIre Marshall (and Fire Chief) NOT for the PD.

      The model fire codes also limit the qty of gasoline that “can” be stored in the home.

  11. That’s….that’s…..just that’s.

    Mind you, they did all of this with a search warrant, actually an extended search warrant because the original one’s time limit had expired during the search. The courts are in cahoots.

    They folllowed “standard procedure” in securing all weapons? Why? He’s the victim and the aggressor wife was no longer there. What risk is there of what and to whom? They used the jaws of life to pry open his safes in the basement, for crying out loud! How were those firearms and powder a threat to anyone, locked up below ground? Seized firearms “to be inventoried later” = to be picked over and looted by thieving cops, with the leftovers tossed in a heap in some evidence room cubby hole.

    There’s but a fraudulent veneer of freedom out there folks. All it takes is one good nonviolent shouting match in your home, an open window and a nosy neighbor, before these armed agents of the state are hauling you and your property off to a dungeon in violation of a particularly vague law.

    Keep your powder dry, and, ideally, stored someplace far away from your psychotic knife-wielding wife.

  12. “Almost” 200 guns? In Arizona, we don’t call that an arsenal, we call that a good start. Or maybe time to buy another safe.

    Seriously, I respect you folks who are standing and fighting in your unfree states. But make sure you do it with your eyes open. For me, I lit out of Mass as soon as I graduated from high school.

    • I try to be fairly open and objective about anything, but you really start to wonder when rarely at ALL in any of the news I read (TTAG is not news), do I see any of these good cop humanitarian stories.

      But if you think there is anything right about forcing an old man who uses a walker out of his house and seizing thousands of dollars in his property with no actual charge, thats scary…

    • They were scared to shoot around all that powder and set off a boom that would create a 6th great lake. /sarc

  13. That is reason No. 3741 that I do not live in “The Garden State” but rather live in the “Sportsman’s Paradise.” That is my wise choice.

  14. “…. And I’m confident that New Jersey police doesn’t have all the weapons they’re coming for. One way or another, they’re coming for any and all firearms in the homes of law abiding residents. [Because that’s the way they roll.]” Better yet, that’s they way they troll.

  15. Yip, old guy having to use a walker to go with the police. Here is a hint to OFWG, keep repeating “I want my lawyer” say nothing else.
    Of course he had alot of ammo and a sizeable gun collection. Probably been building it over lifetime.

  16. The police were not in the proper uniform, they should have had their REDCOATS on when they disarmed a law abiding citizen.

  17. Wow,

    Article says he refused to let them search the house and then they got a warrant, and the fire department used the jaws of life to bust into 2 safes. Dude is out 10’s of thousands of dollars. I hope he sues the hell out of them.

    F’ing New Jersey.

  18. I lived in Saddle Brook for a long time, the police there were not as bad as they are in other areas of New Jersey. The Bergen County prosecutor’s office, however, likes to try and make a name for itself. The problem isn’t the police, but the ridiculous laws in NJ. The guns are in all likelihood legal and won’t be a problem but they will try and charge him for the black powder amount. Even though muzzleloaders is pretty much the only way to hunt deer in NJ with a firearm. I know many people in NJ that have a lot more of an arsenal than this guy, all legal by even NJ standards. The laws need to be changed, though, and quickly.

      • We have to blame the domestic violence laws, not the police here. The standard procedure there is to remove any weapons, even temporarily. I am certainly not a fan of heavy handed police action but even in this case it seems the law is much more to blame than the police are.

    • I would tend to agree, the guns are most likely not a problem. Getting them back, however, most likely will be.

    • I’m sure they’ll come up with a felony charge or two for him in order to ensure he never sees them again.

  19. Sad story that makes me again glad I escaped from the People’s Demokratik Republik of New Jersey.

  20. I think it’s illegal under US law to posses more than 50lbs of black powder, no idea what other transgressions this guy committed by keeping this stuff LOCKED UP in his home.

    • Yeah, I remember this one time awhile back when they had to go in and do the same thing. Citizens were having too much powder and what not. Creating a hazard.

      Can’t remember exactly where it was. Lexington I think. Maybe Concord. Wasn’t there personally but I read about it.

  21. Oh I see, the cops move this guys life time gun collection from his basement to their’s. This sounds like modern day pirating or pure confiscation at its best!
    I hope someone comes forward with legal action in his defense.

  22. The gunpowder, I could see as a potential issue.
    That was probably enough to blow his house up if ignited, and if they were stored in the same place.
    Confiscating the firearms themselves though? Absolutely not. Never used in a crime, and they pose no inherent danger. He didn’t even do a remotely related violent act. His wife was the one that attacked him.

  23. Some others made a mention of the laws regarding how much powder you can keep on hand. Here’s the relevant NJ statute:

    21:1A-133A – No permit shall be required for the storage, transportation or use of smokeless powder which is used by private persons for the hand loading of small arms ammunition and which is not for resale. For this purpose not more than 36 lbs. of smokeless powder and not more than 5 pounds of black powder shall be stored or transported without a permit.

    Now, we don’t know if this guy had a permit or not. If not, he was SIXTY times over the legal amount of black powder allowable by law. I’m also not saying the cops did the right thing here, either. If he didn’t have a permit, the quantity of black powder is a felony, and felons can’t posses firearms. Still, they jumped the gun (pun semi-intended) on confiscating his collection without due process for sure. Clearly they are showboating.

  24. Two questions:

    1) If it was the gunpowder in his rounds of ammunition that posed the alleged risk of widespread injury, why did the police seize the guns, which are inert hunks of metal and wood?

    2) Typically, how many rounds of ammunition are kept daily at the police department from which these officers responded?

  25. NEVER CALL THE COPS. Especially if you have 200 guns in a slave state. I hope OFWG gets his stuff back. That’s gotta’ be the most bogus charge EVER.

    • AGREED!!!. Never let invite vampires and police in your house. Most adults in this country commit 3 felonies a day(there is a book that details this). If they want find some thing they will.

  26. Was the gun powder not stored safely? Was it too much quantity in too small a space? Was it all purchased legally? Those could be the only conceivable issues I could maybe infer here.

    And if any of those inferences are valid, confiscation would only be viable if the house and occupants were at imminent risk of going up in smoke (ie. a fire / explosive hazard) or if he was actually breaking some law about gunpowder storage / purchase.

    But even then, any kind of seizure better cite whatever actual violation it covered. Nothing else seems relevant.

    If he stabbed her, then yeah, his firearms would be in jeopardy as he just made himself an instigator of violence, but… she stabbed him.

    • Regardless the exact amount of powder, I’m not seeing a risk to the public here. If it’s a permit violation, then ok, fine him, but I’m not seeing a felony out of this guy.

      It really should all be moot anyway, as the storm troopers had no probable cause for that search warrant, other than his refusal to let them violate his rights.

    • As someone who has multiple explosive blasters licenses, most states require that if you have more then 5 pounds of black powder it is required to be stored in a explosives magazine because of the high potential of a large detonation, even though black podwer is very stable it is easily set off

  27. They seized the guns because of his wife’s domestic violence. It seems there is a procedure for temporarily taking them in domestic violence cases. He was un-cooperative, so they had to force the safes. Gunpowder was found 200lbs vs the limit of 30. I read one article where a police officer said it was unfortunate for the owner, was sympathetic and stated the hope it worked out and he got his firearms back. His neighbors were surprised by the number of firearms!s and the amount of powder but none seemed to think he was a danger to them. Everyone quoted said he was a great neighbor. People don’ realize that gang bangers and murderers only need a dozen rounds or less, while a responsible gun owner or competitive shooter needs thousands. I go through almost a thousand an day when training scouts.

  28. Other states can be as bad on the vagueness of their laws. In NC any propelled(thrown even) object is a missile and even a gallon of gas for the lawn mower is a”weapon of mass destruction”.

  29. Is there a photo of the 300 pounds of black powder? Because, I’m seeing a lot of smokeless powder in that photo. If there was that much black powder, I wonder how many of those arms were black powder arms and how many were firearms?

    how would you like having your prize gun collection dumped into a trash can to scrape and rattle against each other and end up in state custody?

    That’s because they have no intention of returning them. As far as they are concerned, it all belongs to the State of New Jersey. Thieving bastards!

  30. Maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see anything about the wife coming back home after she made bail. If they let her back home then that would be a reason to confiscate all his guns. Note: I said “A” reason, not a good reason.
    Personally, I wouldn’t ever want my wife around me again, if she ever “cut” me!

  31. I feel bad for this poor fella . He actually thought cops were there to help him. Although he should have thought about it twice about calling them when he had illegal amounts of black powder

  32. This is New Jersey. It’s immaterial if the items were legal or not. He could be 100% legal yesterday, and it still will not matter. These are firearms and in New Jersey firearm owners have no rights.

    • They do have those Rights but unfortunately the citizens need those firearms to enforce them because this happens. I would have liked to read the entire neighborhood came armed to assist the homeowner during the illegal raid.

  33. I’m searching, but I can’t find any indication that violation of chapter 190 subchapter 10 of the New Jersey Firearms Act rises to anything greater than a petty/civil offense.

    Just FYI, the New Jersey statute governing storage of smokeless powder:

    (a) A cabinet for smokeless powder shall have walls at least one inch thick, with an interior of nonsparking material. Shelves shall not exceed a three foot separation. The cabinet shall have at least one lock and hinges and hasps that cannot be removed when the door is closed and locked.

    (b) Smokeless powder not exceeding 100 pounds intended for personal use may be stored in a residence. Smokeless powder not exceeding 36 pounds stored in residences shall be in approved USDOT shipping containers. Smokeless powder exceeding 36 pounds but not exceeding 100 pounds stored in a residence shall be in a cabinet, and not more than one cabinet shall be used.

    (c) Smokeless powder not exceeding 400 pounds intended for resale shall be stored in a warehouse or storage room which is not accessible to unauthorized personnel, or as provided in (d) below.

    (d) Smokeless powder not exceeding 400 pounds intended for resale shall be stored in non-portable storage cabinets as follows:
    Not more than two cabinets in a building and not more than 200 pounds of smokeless powder in a single cabinet.
    Cabinets located against walls of the warehouse or storage room with a minimum separation of 10 feet between cabinets.
    Cabinets separated from flammable liquids, flammable solids and oxidizing materials by a wall having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour or by a distance of 25 feet.
    (e) Smokeless powder exceeding 400 pounds shall be stored in accordance with N.J.A.C. 12:190-5.

    And the statute governing storage of Black powder:

    (a) Black powder not exceeding 50 pounds may be stored in a residence. Black powder not exceeding five pounds stored in a residence shall be in approved USDOT shipping containers. Black powder exceeding five pounds but not exceeding 50 pounds in a residence shall be in a type 4 magazine.

    (b) Black powder not exceeding 50 pounds intended for resale may be stored in any building and shall be in a type 4 indoor magazine.

    (c) Black powder exceeding 50 pounds shall be stored in a type 4 outdoor magazine, outside of buildings.

    And the New Jersey statute governing storage of Smokeless powder with black powder:

    If smokeless powder is stored in the same magazine with black powder, the total quantity of explosives so stored shall not exceed that permitted for black powder.

    • Don’t get so excited. The Legislature will pass a law Tuesday to make what they found retroactively illegal. For the children, you know.

  34. If his guns were a risk to anyone, they would have been a risk to his wife yet he used the phone instead. Unbelievable.

  35. Stupid Quote of the Day:

    Authorities spent several hours at the Lintners’ home, blocking traffic through the residential street into the evening, while the stock of armaments was secured. The chief said investigators brought out the firearms in barrels…

    In other words, they removed the weapons forcibly from the gun safes where they were stored and put them in barrels, thereby “securing” them.

    In the photo of the gentleman using his walker while being led away by the police, I think I see the American flag hanging above his front door, bearing silent witness to the evening’s sad events.

  36. Both him and his wife fall into “moron” category. He probably threatened his crazy loony wife that he was going to call the cops and his crazy looney wife said she would tell the cops about his basement collection. So, they made calls and screwed both of themselves over. Congratulations on losing thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of inventory. Consent for the search was probably given by the wife who lives at the residents. Because consent was given, probable cause get’s thrown out the window. Score one for the statist cops.

    “No one is coming to take your guns.” – Typical Statist Citizen.

    • If consent was given they wouldn’t have bothered with a warrant. And I’m not seeing probable cause here. Not yet, anyway.

  37. My understanding is that NJ law limits the storage of smokeless powder in a residence to no more than 25 lbs. However, there is no limit on the amount of smokeless powder that can be stored in a detached garage or storage shed.

  38. we are always hearing from the gun-control side that having a gun increases only increases the risk of being shot by one. So this guy has over 200 firearms in his house, and he gets stabbed… there’s got to be a late night joke in there someplace.

  39. So did the cops talk the vic into opening his vaults or what?

    Also what reason did the cop have to enter the man’s
    basement? Yes I know it’s NJ. Still, searching a victims
    house after you already have the antagonist would seem
    to be seriously stretching search and seizure laws, unless
    of course they had an idea of what they were looking for.

    • He refused to open them (mad props to him for refusing to comply), so they came back with a warrant and heavy hydraulic tools to pry them open.

      Thanks to his stabby wife for trying to get him declared a public menace in her petty revenge scheme for daring to turn her in.

  40. New Jersey……..isn’t that a province of the old Soviet Union, the province that does not eschew Marx???

  41. Looks like smokeless powder to me – flammable, but not actually “explosive”..
    Also looks old.. might even be surplus us government powder, often sold by the boatload to honest law-abiding citizens who reload & buy in big quantities so they only have to work up an accurate load once. (Every lot of powder requires you to work up a new load if you’re using surplus powder).

    If he violated nj law, he should be charged with violating *that* law, not “making the world dangerous”.. lol.. that’s just like “disturbing the peace” – almost always just means you pissed off a cop but didnt actually break any laws.

  42. This is straight up gun confiscation and rights violation . No other state in the Union treats the Bill of RIghts like common household two-ply like the state of New Jersey. I will never live there, and I advise anyone I know to never let it even cross their minds. A leftist-ideal state where carry permits are denied at whim unless you can prove you’re in “grave and immediate danger” , or unless you’re related to a politician or are a union-backed former police officer, because only their lives matter in New Jersey. I cannot imagine living in a state where your 2nd Amendment Rights are so clearly and unconstitutionally restricted and political power goes unchecked.

    The old England that our founding-fathers fought against is alive and strong today, and its ideals shine bright in the Garden State and the idiots that run it and the morons that enforce those ideals.

    And if it’s all so dangerous, why are all of the goons lining it up in the driveway and gathered around it without heavy EOD gear on? Or, are they all taking note on how to split it up and what will end up in their gun safe at home?

  43. Yep… that old guy having to use a walker in order to get around was a real danger to go running amok all over town in terrorist activity. [Sarcasm!] Hope everyone noticed how well the police took prudent care not to damage his weapons collection….. by dumping them all together in large barrels.

    And what the police mean to do is a complete ammo inventory, record every weapon’s serial number and get a test fired bullet from each gun…. maybe even loose a few dozen of the weapons into some of the police officers’ personal collections.. before some court orders the weapons returned to the man. The New Jersey equivalent of scratched IRS hard drives and lost e-mails. I hope people bookmark this gun confiscation story and reposts it often when Christie announces his run for President. We don’t need that RINO for dog catcher, and certainly not President.

  44. 200 lbs of gun powder weighs the same as 32.3 gallons of gas. There is a good chance that if you live in New Jersey and own two cars you too are creating a risk of widespread injury or damage. That is if your local constabulary wishes to make it an issue It’s their option.

  45. Their ham-fisted move could make a martyr out of Robert Lintner. I hope he takes this as high up in the court system as possible and gets every bit of his property back.

  46. Personal property seized for some trumped up charge. Same in my state. Don’t have yourself a domestic dispute and ‘share’ the location of your gun safe. That property will be removed faster than you can say ACLU, sent to a holding center at the hostage of pretty onerous fees, and under ‘law’ then sold for pennies on the dollar if you can’t bail them out or worse where you are not allowed anymore to have them being deemed now a menace to society.

  47. Rampant feminism has caused this: If wife is committing violence against her husband, it is only because he did something to her first to provoke her.

    Ergo: Even if he is the victim here, he is at fault, period.

    Everything that happened after stems from this basic fact.

    • And regulations that allow the confiscation of personal property whether related to a domestic dispute or not. And policy that encourages that same and possible arrest also as is noted in this case and in the previous post about the PA woman traveling through NJ and disclosed that she was carrying a firearm.

  48. The photo of the powder shows lots of smokeless powder but I don’t see ant real “black Powder”. Just because most powder is black in color does not make it black powder subject to govt. regulation as to the amt. you can have.

  49. Of course he has lots of necessary supplys. We’re going to NEED them to stop the Treasonous from robbing us of our country and ALL ELSE. The New Jerksey police are RIPE for an IMMEDIATE LAWSUIT that SHALL end up in the US Supreme court where he WILL WIN. A budget crushing fine should be imposed and ANY officers who have committed willful violations of this mans CONSTITUTIONAL rights should be fired and permanent banned from ANY BRANCH of law enforcement at ANY level. The Constitution IS THE LAW in this land and ANY law CONTRARY to it IS BY DEFINITION UNCONSTITUTIONAL. ONLY if he had a record would these cops have any legal leg to stand on. IDIOTS. Sue them into bankruptcy.

  50. They evacuate houses and block streets to deliberately escalate the situation and then charge him with causing the escalation. Standard Operating Procedure.

  51. Seems like it’s the Gunpowder Incident and the Powder Alarm all over again. The Royalty in power doesn’t want it’s subjects arming themselves and so moves to disarm them by any means.

  52. Even having them in safes isn’t good enough. Having them at all is a problem.
    I hope the old man with a walker didn’t give those two huge cops a hard time.

  53. The old “baffle with bullshit” at work 300lbs was an intentional misprint.

    All I have to say is, by the looks of those cops I hope they aren’t the ones planning to kick down doors and grab guns en masse. Over half of them permanently suffer from slack jaw and severe congenital ascetic deficiencies, not to mention the obese ones.

  54. High alert everyone. Terrorist with a walker! Oh, the horror!! Man, the stupid is STRONG in NJ….

  55. I feel much safer now that the guns were removed from that teabagging nutjobs home. This is a good start, but an even better society would be one where we had the national guard patrolling the streets, enforcing martial law. That would be paradise, my friends.

  56. Hopefully he gets the guns and ammo back and a nice settlement for damage to his priceless guns by their mishandling.

  57. So, How did Charlton Heston get away with that small collection in the basement of his house? Guess he didn’t get stabbed by his wife.

  58. So, IN New Germany, the cops arrest some middle aged to elderly white guy who got stabbed in the neck for having a nice gun collection consisting of black powder rifles (The gun powder was mostly black powder by their admission), rifles, and antiques.

    Call me a racist, but im somehow more inclined to be afraid of the thug in the next neighborhood with the stolen Glock who doesnt know how to shoot a gun, but has a pistol, an illegal 30 round magazine, and a bunch of hollow points. But hey thats just me.

    NOw, In the NJ Storm Troopers defense, it is illegal to store more then 50lbs of gun powder in ones residence. But was all this really necessary? For Christ sake, the poor old guys wife is probably a menapausal maniac as evidence by her stabbing him. Hasnt he served enough time in prison??? Couldnt you have just removed the overload of black powder and destroyed it and fined the guy?

    God I HATE New Germany. I swear, the laws in this state along with the taxes are for $hit! One day I will leave and go to America!

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