NJ Court Strikes Down Ban on Imported Hunting Trophies

Houston trophy room (courtesy forbes.com)

Safari Club International writes [via ammoland.com] Hunters and taxidermists obtained a victory this week when a federal judge struck down New Jersey’s ban on trophy importation. [Note: picture is from Houston.] On August 29 2016, Judge Freda Wolfson of the U.S. federal court in Trenton entered an Order and Judgment against the State of New Jersey. The Order prohibits the enforcement of the ban against activities authorized by federal law, regulation, or permit.

Hunters may continue to import, export, and possess federally authorized Big Four hunting trophies in the state.

Conservation Force, the Garden State Taxidermist Association, a New Jersey taxidermist, and five New Jersey based hunters sued the state to force an end to New Jersey’s ban on the import, possession, export, transport, and processing of hunting trophies of the African “Big Four” (elephant, leopard, lion, and rhinoceros). The plaintiffs alleged that the state’s ban was preempted by the Endangered Species Act.

Originally introduced in August 2015 by Senators Ray Lesniak, Paul Sarlo, Chris Bateman, and Robert Gordon, this legislation would have prohibited the people of New Jersey from possessing or transporting a number of different wildlife species, including the Big Five, throughout New Jersey and banned the importation of those same species from any port overseen by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

SCI’s Department of Hunter Advocacy, along with several like-minded groups, committed resources to brief lawmakers on sound scientific principles of sustainable use conservation. Governor Christie understood this proposal would do nothing to stop poaching in Africa or elsewhere and would only penalize law-abiding citizens of New Jersey. He vetoed the ill-convinced legislation in January 2016. It was because of our collective advocacy efforts that this legislation was defeated.

Pressured by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Friends of Animals, and other anti-hunting groups, an identical proposal was introduced in February 2016. After meeting with legislators, it was presumed that Governor Christie would veto the legislation as he did a few months prior.

However, politics is not an exact science, and after a backroom deal was cut Governor Christie conditionally vetoed the proposals, paving the way for their enactment and a judicial showdown. Again, SCI and our partners committed time and resources to this battle.

We were just as surprised as all hunters to learn of the Governor’s unexpected conditional veto.

Federal import permits are based upon science-based enhancement findings and anti-hunters obstruction denies game species the intended enhancement for which hunters know there is no substitute.

The IUCN Guiding Principles on Trophy Hunting as a Tool for Creating Conservation Incentives (Ver.1.0, August 2012) state that well-managed trophy hunting can “assist in furthering conservation objectives by creating the revenue and economic incentives for the management and conservation of the target species and its habitat, as well as supporting local livelihoods” and, further, that well-managed trophy hunting is “often a higher value, lower impact land use than alternatives such as agriculture or tourism.”

When a trophy hunting program incorporates the following Guiding Principles, IUCN considers that trophy hunting can serve as a conservation tool: biological sustainability; net conservation benefit; socio-economic-cultural benefit; adaptive management—planning, monitoring, and reporting; and accountable and effective governance.

SCI will continue to advocate on behalf of sportsmen and women not only in New Jersey but also throughout the country.

Although anti-hunters may think that it is preferable to influence the public with emotionally based campaigns, what they hope to achieve in the name of so-called “preservation” often fails to be in the best interest of wildlife.

SCI will continue to work with the New Jersey Legislature and other state legislatures to prevent passage of restrictive laws and policies that are detrimental to hunters and wildlife conservation. The fight in New Jersey is not over. The more we can work together as a community, the stronger our voice will be.


About Safari Club International:

Safari Club International – First For Hunters is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI’s approximately 200 Chapters represent all 50 of the United States as well as 106 other countries. SCI’s proactive leadership in a host of cooperative wildlife conservation, outdoor education and humanitarian programs, with the SCI Foundation and other conservation groups, research institutions and government agencies, empowers sportsmen to be contributing community members and participants in sound wildlife management and conservation.

Visit the home page www.SafariClub.org, or call (520) 620-1220 for more information.

24 thoughts on “NJ Court Strikes Down Ban on Imported Hunting Trophies”

  1. The pic actually helps me understand some of the anti-hunting animus. It takes some effort to think through that each of those trophies is responsible for the preservation of the individual’s species. Which is vastly more important than the individuals.

    • Trophy hunting is sick. It’s sick in the head. And saying that it helps conservation? That’s like some parents in Thailand whoring out their little boy’s ass to international perverts who want to screw a little boy in the ass, and the parents justifying it because they charge the pervert and they’re going to use the money for their son’s college fund.

      The logic appears to be: There’s no end of perverts who want to screw little boys in the ass, so let’s take their money, and sure we’ll sacrifice some of our boys, but we’ll use that money to build a better school for the survivors…

      I get that folks here think it’s practical. It’s still sick. It still comes down to the innate bloodlust of wanting to kill something because killing a big powerful creature is, apparently, “fun”.

      Hunt for subsistence, respect the animal, eat what you kill, that’s all noble and good — just like using a firearm to defend your life in a self defense situation. But to engage in your bloodlust, to spend good money just so you can go out and kill something that is no threat to you, and to justify it by paying money? That’s sick. That’s on the other side of the line, that’s offensive killing, not defensive subsistence.

      • Learn about the process and the benefits to conservation. Then ask yourself why is it not good to have a legal and beneficial outlet for the hunter instinct, which most humans retain to some degree? Some folks are so tore up inside from the barrage of PC over the years they only know how to eat their own.

      • You really don’t know what you are talking about. In most cases the meat of the animal is given to nearby villagers. Also, many times the trophy animal is a nuisance animal that has done harm to the local villages or their crops.

        Good money spends even better than bad money. The money most often goes to support the local game preservation efforts.

        I know, your “feelz badz” are triggered when you see someone with enough money to spend it on a safari.

        • “I know, your “feelz badz” are triggered when you see someone with enough money to spend it on a safari.”

          Seriously? Is this what you think is an appropriate response? Astonishing.

      • Alright then, since we want to talk about “feelings”.
        The (few) trophies hanging on my wall aren’t for you or anyone else. They are there to memorialize the hunt I acquired them on; to remind me of the love of the hunt and the memories i shared with my father, my son, and my friends. To me, they are a sacred as a framed photo of an important event of my life, much like my wedding album or my son’s baby book. I couldn’t care less what anyone else feels about my trophies, they are mine, as are the memories associated with them. If one day I have the good fortune to afford an African safari, I intend to bring home my trophies commemorating it and anyone who doesn’t like it can kiss my left butt-cheek. Now as for the executive douche nozzle who wants to buy a trophy bagged by someone else to hang in his office for ambiance: yeah, that’s tacky. Build your own memories dude…

        • My sentiments as well. When I see my impala, or bear, or Nyala, or…. I get a smile. And remember…

      • Conservation is funded by sportsmen. You stop sportsmen from spending their money on trophy hints who then funds conservation? Certainly not know nothings like you. So you are in fact killing the animals you claim to love.

        • And if the public school was supported by contributions from perverts who rape little Thai boys in the ass, then either we let the perverts perv, or we sentence the kids to having no school. That is your logic.

          Sorry, I don’t accept your binary choice. I guess I will happily remain a “know nothing”. None of which changes the basic premise: trophy hunting is sick. It is a mental illness. It is naked bloodlust. You can wrap your arms around the “economic benefits” of naked bloodlust. I’m not going to.

    • Just seeing the words “Cape Buffalo” strikes fear in my heart and gives me a boner at the same time.

      • I’m looking forward to hunting in Oregon, just as soon as I move there. Was hoping for Arizona but the new job is in Oregon.

        I read about the ban on private transfers…hope the liberal tide isn’t rising like Commifornia….

        • The hunting here is fantastic. 3 species of deer, 2 of elk, bear, cougar, antelope, mountain goat, big horn sheep, turkey, quail, grouse, pheasant.
          Fishing is great too.

  2. I’m all for hunting, been doing it all my life. But one question… Why do ALL of those types of people look like assholes? And she’s got the “I’m a high maintenance raging bieotch” pose nailed!

  3. Wondered what happened to Butters my pet cat. You bastards!
    I see they shot my daughter’s stripped appaloosa horse as well.

  4. They got one right for a change.

    The Feral Government might have very limited powers (I’d say the it has the power to do maybe 1/20th of what it’s currently doing), but one of those powers is definitely the power to prevent the states from interfering with interstate and international commerce.

  5. Can I just point out that, we have to stop referring these animals as trophies. These were once a very intelligent, family oriented “ANIMALS”…I really don’t even think I want to participate in this conservation because the majority of you sound like a bunch of playground bullies, but I’ll try…First of all, any trophy hunter or taxidermist will continuously drill it into your head, that the money goes into conservation effort and to feed local villagers and even funds to save the species who’s life he or she just took. You need to do a lot of research before you fall forward into this trap of well rehearsed bullshit they pan out..After all if we are to believe other wise, their love to hunt down animals as a hobby will go even more under the microscope.

    I see one comment about the few trophies on his wall reminds him of his love to hunt. Why does some unexpected animal need to pay the price for someone who needs to for fill his ego and domination of these beautiful creatures?

    Not too long ago a hunter paid $350,000 to kill one of the most endangered animals on the planet. He claims the same thing, that the money will be placed into a fund to save the black Rhino and that this specific bull was causing a problem for the younger bulls to mate. Two black Rhinos died that day. Now he’s all upset because Delta won’t fly his victim home on their aircraft or any other endangered animal. So he sued Delta and lost. This alone proves that he really had no concern for conservation or creating funds for the survival of the Black Rhino, , All this hunter wants is to take the Rhinos head home so he can mount it on a wall.

    Poor countries like Namibia rand Zimbabwe are run under corrupt government whom most likely line their pocket with this blood money. If what they say is true, than why does the Rhino population continue to decline….

    Conservation is not funded by sportsmen..Little of no proof stands behind that story. Most of the funds come from tourism photography and scientists..In fact, Trophy Hunters only provide a very small percent of the countries income. These are just a couple of articles that will back me up…




    http://www.bloodlions.org/the-film/ WARNING!!! MAY BE DISTURBING TO WATCH


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