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I’m cream crackered. Knackered. Beat. Tired. So make the jump for the press release from the Second Amendment Foundation re: Mr. Miller’s judicially-mandated, freshly-minted concealed carry weapons permit. Proper commentary tomorrow. And that’s a promise. Not a threat. But if it was a threat, maybe NOW you could get a concealed carry permit in NJ. Nah. The bastards will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into compliance with the [now incorporated[ Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Wait. Didn’t I say no commentary? Somebody stop me . . .

“A New Jersey judge today announced he will issue a gun permit to one of the plaintiffs in a Second Amendment Foundation lawsuit against several New Jersey officials for deprivation of civil rights under color of law, because applicants cannot show a ‘justifiable need’ for a permit.

SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb said today this “clearly indicates that our lawsuit is proper, and we are encouraged to press our case to its conclusion.”

Morris County Superior Court Judge David Ironson announced after a hearing in his courtroom this morning that a permit will be issued to lead plaintiff Jeffrey Muller. His application had languished for six months before Judge Philip Maenza, a defendant in the federal lawsuit, denied the permit without a hearing on the grounds that Muller did not have a ‘justifiable need.’

Muller had been kidnapped by members of a motorcycle gang who threatened to kill him, in a case of mistaken identity. Several suspects have been arrested in that case, and Muller’s application for a permit had gained support from local and state police.

“Finally,” Gottlieb said, “one judge has done the right thing, but it took a federal lawsuit to make it happen. Our other plaintiffs are pushing ahead with the lawsuit so we can put an end to this practice once and for all.”

SAF is joined in the lawsuit by the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs, Inc. and several private citizens whose applications for permits to carry have been denied generally on the grounds that they have not shown a ‘justifiable need.’

One of the remaining plaintiffs is a part-time sheriff’s deputy, a second carries large amounts of cash in his private business and another is a civilian employee of the FBI in New Jersey who is fearful of attack from a radical Islamic fundamentalist group. They are represented by attorney David D. Jensen.

“We’re moving forward with this case,” Gottlieb stated, “because there are far too many people just like Jeff Muller whose civil rights have been cavalierly denied on the whims of a judge.””


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  1. Sad that it took a kidnapping and assault to get their “rights” in NJ…..maybe this will open the door for others?

    • The kidnapping and assault alone didn’t do it; it also took a federal lawsuit.

      It’s odd that this kidnapping and assault because of mistaken identity would be “justifiable need” after the fact. Does Judge Ironson think Muller is likely to be abducted by a gang of bikers again?

      Far better reasons include having to live, work in or drive through Camden, Newark, Jersey City etc.

      • God, you just reminded me of the few times I’ve been to Newark. If there’s a hell on Earth, it’s somewhere in New Jersey. That NJ’s government buildings still fly Old Glory is disgusting.

        • So, people who live in NJ can’t be patriotic? That’s a strange assessment. Of the 21 counties in NJ, 7 of them contain PARTS/cities that are accurate to your description of “hell”. That hardly represents the entire state. How about educate yourself? I live in Sussex County, and it’s beautiful here

  2. NJ is one of the 10 commie states that won’t allow me to carry, but maybe things will change before I die.

  3. It still perplexes me how local judiciary can sidestep the 2nd like that. Why stop there? Why not the 1st and the 4th too?

  4. It might not be probable that he’ll be kidnapped again but now that he is a witness and presuming he filed charges againt his kidnappers that definitely makes him a target. A biker gang that was willing to kidnap in the first place is probably not going to shy away from intimidation or murder/retribution.

    • After this case, I’d pair up with every other pro-rights organization there is and file a lawsuit on the grounds that New Jersey has committed insurrection against the republic by de facto invalidation of constitutional restraints. That’d be great to watch.

  5. So now a license applicant needs not just training in New Jersey, but a beat-down as well. That’s a pretty high bar, if you ask me. So, I have a few questions.

    Is there a class for these beat-downs?
    Who is authorized to administer the beat-downs?
    Do you have to be a biker, or can you be a LEO with experience?
    What’s the fee?
    Does an applicant need more than one beat-down?
    Is there a time or blood loss requirement?
    If renewing a license, is a rebeat-down required?
    Does a divorce count?

  6. So, people who live in NJ can’t be patriotic? That’s a strange assessment. Of the 21 counties in NJ, 7 of them contain PARTS/cities that are accurate to your description of “hell”. That hardly represents the entire state. How about educate yourself? I live in Sussex County, and it’s beautiful here.

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