medical marijuana gun rights

Commenting on the (marijuana users’ gun rights) rulings, NORML’s Political Director Morgan Fox said: “Federal courts are wisely deciding time and again that the simple use of cannabis should not preclude someone from the legal protections offered to all Americans by the US Constitution. Unfortunately, these rulings are not universally applicable or binding. Either the Supreme Court or Congress need to make this the law of the land before any more responsible cannabis consumers are threatened with lengthy prison terms simply for exercising their constitutional rights.”

A separate legal challenge to the federal government’s interpretation of the 1968 law, initially brought by former Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (who now serves as a member of NORML’s Board of Directors) and several medical cannabis patients, remains pending in the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

— NORML press release, Appeals Court Rejects Federal Gun Ban for Marijuana Consumers


  1. “…initially brought by former Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (who now serves as a member of NORML’s Board of Directors)”

    Pot heads advocating for pot heads.


      • And cancelled anyone’s CCW who was “investigated/charged” (not convicted) for any activities they may have taken part in during the Civil discourse on Jan 6 in DC… AND she is stupid enough to have believed THAT would get her elected Governor of Florida…

    • The group NORML is an anti-civil rights organization. They don’t believe in property rights. They are as anti second amendment as Moms Demand Action.

      They are one of many who said, “just make pot legal. And all the crime will go away.”

      “Then all the black pot dealers will have no need to have to carry guns”.
      Tell that to the Mexican avocado farmers. Who had their farms stolen at gunpoint from the marijuana growers cartels.

      You don’t have to be a user of marijuana to have the same type of psychological addictions. And the same type of psychological denial of reality.
      You just have to have this irrational obsession with legalizing marijuana, to the point that every other concern is secondary.

    • Like Joe Biden and the rest of the left wing – Nikki Fried’s anti-gun stance isn’t just about the 2A. It was about ‘disarming’ everyone of all their civil rights who was not left-wing/liberal and controlling the rest – to establish a ‘ruling elite’. Its about being part of the giant machine trying to force us into the United Nations development goals of the ‘United Nations Agenda 2030’ to make us ‘global citizens’ where there are no rights. (note: see starting at 26:00 in video below to find out what that is but watch the whole video to see the context which is exactly what is happening right now and its necessary to disarm us to make it happen. He is giving this address in Europe because he was invited to do so as they are undergoing the same problems over there with ‘woke’ and closer to collapse and their citizens are unable to resist the tyranny upon them because they have been disarmed. For those that do not know, every gun-ban country in Europe recently started fully equipping select ‘government law enforcement’ ‘units’ with weapons and orders to ‘control the public’ and beefed up select military units to ‘engage and suppress civil disobedience’ ….Joe Biden has done the same here in the U.S. – at the start of every tyranny in history the same has happened.

  2. It needs to be made legal federally and removed from the 4473. Until then, it is an issue and not legal. Individual states might legalize it but as long as its on the federal law books it can be used to put people behind bars. Nothing else means anything but talk. Even if the 4473 itself went away.

    Part if the problem are those that want weed legalized so badly that they are happy to destroy the country to make it happen.

    • For liberal/progressive democrats it’s all about the $$$$ taxes. Their addiction is spending other people’s $$$. Nothing more…Nothing less.

    • The “problem” is the the idiotic “think of the children” crowd insist on making marijuana legalization a circus of excessive restriction and taxation, instead of just letting local alcoholic beverage control agencies treat it like booze. Politicians are clowns, we should have selective service for public office.

      • we should have selective service for public office.

        Isn’t that why we have “elections” every two years?

        • I think he meant candidates for office should be drafted. as opposed to volunteering. l kinda like it, if that is what he meant.

          “Gotta have a 4 year leave of absence. bossman, I have been drafted for president.”

          “Don’t let the door hit you in the butt.”

        • I think he meant candidates for office should be drafted. as opposed to volunteering.

          Okay, that’s called a Primary… People run because they have been encouraged by someone be it at the local Moose Lodge, Church, Bar, family dinner, or the RNC/DNC so in a sense they ARE “drafted”… Who would you all suggest being put in charge of the “draft” and how do we choose the draft committee…

        • MADD, every elected official could be randomly chosen by computer. Base the selection on tax returns. If you’ve filed federal tax returns you’re in the pool.

          No parties. No lobbyist.

    • “Part if the problem are those that want weed legalized so badly that they are happy to destroy the country to make it happen.”

      Are you drunk? Weed was not illegal in 1776. Nor in 1876. Weed was made illegal by an evil counter-revolutionary alliance of blue nose “progressives” and crooks looking for new ways to attack the Bill of Rights and new markets for organized crime. When l say counter-revolutionary, I am referencing the American Revolution of 1776, not the crime lord takeover of Russia in 1917.

      Drug Prohibition, organized crime and gun control marched across this country hand-in-hand thru the 20th century and into the present. There has not been a year when double-dealing politicians and judges have not attacked your fundamental rights in their name.

      Honest folk that want to return us to our former state of liberty are not what is “destroying America”.

      Look at the pictures of American soldiers from ww1 – they were not raised in a country twisted legally and economically by drug Prohibition. Pretty likely looking bunch, if you ask me.

      • I’m not arguing those points.

        Right now the overwhelming majority of those that make up the weed legalization crowd ARE the same people that vote Democrat, anti-republican (anti-Trump at the moment), or wont vote at all. Although many in that group can’t. Any vote that left is a push for American destruction. Knowingly or not. There are exceptions but that’s the case with everything in life.

        So for those out there that haven’t made up your mind yet…choose.

    • Legalizing weed is getting back to the Constitution. I am all for it, lets put true criminals away. Chasing the low hanging fruit just means the jail beds will be full and the real criminals will get away.
      It was America’s policies that caused the problem, just like our experiment with making alcohol illegal. All this did was create smugglers’ routes and build cartels. Take the profit out and they won’t do it anymore. Put the profit back in by charging high taxes and they will be back.
      While I have not fired up in over 40 years, I still feel that way.
      True conservativism would include freedom to pursue happiness, so Libertarians are closer to it than any political party that wants to control you. They are not perfect, but I usually vote that way.

      • If you can successfully convince most of the weed smoking public to vote Republican then fine. No issue. But that wont happen.

        Weed is a small thing. None of this will matter if the main problem isn’t dealt with. The Dems are actively doing everything they can to take down this country. Pot or no pot. There is no point in complaining about weed prohibition and guns when you can’t buy guns at any cost (legally). The left is using drugs to make people not care as they destroy.

        • When a “2a supportin'” pol talks about his hunting heritage, you know you are looking at a backstabbing skank, right?

          Weed is the same. Those who talk “decriminalization” are either dupes or shills for organized crime. Decrim is perfect for them. Just another manifestation of “all criminals are not commies, but all commies are criminals”

          That said, there are many honest folks who want to LEGALIZE it.

          Personally, I think it necessary to repair the somewhat tattered but essential Bill of Rights by ending drug Prohibition.

          The beer folks have their ups and downs, but no shootouts and they don’t cut their stuff with xylazine or fentanyl.

          Putin and Xi think I’m full of crap. So did Nixon. Oh well…

  3. No secret there is a concerted effort to tie Crime around the neck of The Second Amendment and doing something-anything illegal in the vicinity of firearms aides that effort.

    Should pot smokers surrender their right of self defense? No and Hell No…However they should flush the weed and get a life.

    • There are pot smokers that smoke every day, just like there are drinkers that drink every day. Yes, it would be better to stash it away and use occasionally, but I am not God and they should have a choice.
      There are many pot smokers that smoke once or twice a month, put on some music and sit and relax, just like having a highball before a meal. That is a responsible user and it should be legal.
      The irresponsible user will continue whether or not it is legal, the responsible user will be very careful to stay within his(or other’s with similar likes) abode.

    • Surprised YOU didn’t go straight to “racism”, The regulation of marihuana reeks of it… Beginning in the early 1900’s when those pot smoking Mexicans started their heaviest migration into the US, then in the 20’s the Blacks started using it in large numbers causing pot to be “regulated as a drug until 1970 when it was outlawed for any purpose in the 1970 CSA…

  4. I have never consumed marijuana in any way, shape, or form. And I have less than ZERO interest in ever consuming marijuana in any way, shape, or form.

    The fact that I have zero interest does NOT empower government to declare that consuming marijuana is a crime–as long as marijuana does not impair a consumer’s ability to do something which is hazardous for the public.

    In other words consumption of marijuana (or ANYTHING for that matter) should be just like alcohol consumption–you are good to go as long as you are not impaired while doing something which endangers the public.

    I actively discourage everyone, for simple physical health reasons, from consuming marijuana for recreational purposes. (Inhaling smoke from anything is bad for your lungs.) Nevertheless, whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks is YOUR choice. That is what we call LIBERTY. Liberty includes the option to choose poorly as long as your choice only affects yourself directly.

    • You’ve always struck me as someone who’s main vice would be heroic doses of mushrooms.


    • Dope is for dopes, plain and simple.
      Why anyone would want to use any substance that causes them to be not in total control of their faculties is beyond me.
      I’ve driven drunk twice in my life, in my younger, stupider years. It was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done, and was lucky to have not been caught, or to have injured anyone as a result.
      I’ve learned from my mistakes. Too bad many people don’t.
      And, ditto, was never stupid enough to use dope.

      • “Why anyone would want to use any substance that causes them to be not in total control of their faculties is beyond me.”

        With all due respect, you’re not in a position to comment if you’ve never experienced it.

        From my personal experience, it can make your favorite music and the intimate ‘attentions’ of your sweetie a *highly* pleasurable experience.

        I haven’t partaken in many years, but if it’s legalized, I just might when I’m retired. It sure makes a wonderful sleeping pill… 🙂

      • “That certainly sounds like the voice of the inexperienced.”

        It’s always those who never have telling you that you shouldn’t… 🙁

        • I do not need to snort a line to understand the addictive nature of coke. Just like I’m not required to be a doctor to understand how to properly use peroxide and bandaids. I don’t need to have experienced a defensive gun use to know the deadly power involved. People need to keep that in mind.

          I am not in favor of legalizing weed. The truth is that it isn’t legal until it is.

    • I keep waiting for the Truth commercials (remember those?) for weed smoke. Seems like all the “smoking kills” groups are pretty quiet on the weed. More tar, more heavy metals, more carcinogens and yet most smokers believe pot somehow fights cancer. Go figure.

      • Smoking it isn’t ‘good’ for you, but there are ways to extract the ‘active ingredient’ for consumption without inhaling it.

        A properly-made ‘Brownie’ can give you an hours-long, smooth ride.

        (From what I recall in the eighties… 😉 )

      • Shireman: No one believes that marijuana “fights cancer”. What we know is that cannibinols mellow the nasty side effects of radiation and chemotherapy drugs and make it possible for cancer patients to eat.
        Aside from the science, I saw how that worked up close and personal while my brother underwent treatment for a fatal sarcoma.

      • “more heavy metals, more carcinogens“

        “While cannabis smoke has been implicated in respiratory dysfunction, including the conversion of respiratory cells to what appears to be a pre-cancerous state [5], it has not been causally linked with tobacco related cancers [6] such as lung, colon or rectal cancers. Recently, Hashibe et al [7] carried out an epidemiological analysis of marijuana smoking and cancer. A connection between marijuana smoking and lung or colorectal cancer was not observed. These conclusions are reinforced by the recent work of Tashkin and coworkers [8] who were unable to demonstrate a cannabis smoke and lung cancer link, despite clearly demonstrating cannabis smoke-induced cellular damage.

        Furthermore, compounds found in cannabis have been shown to kill numerous cancer types including: lung cancer [9], breast and prostate [10], leukemia and lymphoma [11], glioma [12], skin cancer [13], and pheochromocytoma [14]“

        • Tobacco is subjected to a horrific array of chemicals in production/storage. Old farmer told me, “I don’t get out of the truck when l check the field.”

          Open field pot needs only fertilizer.


          Liar69er, that’s a single study — from 2005.

          The well-respected and trusted (heh) CDC has a more recent statement from 2020:

          “Smoked marijuana delivers THC and other cannabinoids to the body, but it also delivers harmful substances, including many of the same toxins and carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) found in tobacco smoke, which are harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system. More research is needed to understand the effects marijuana might have on lung and other respiratory cancers. However, limited evidence of an association between current, frequent, or chronic marijuana smoking and testicular cancer (non-seminoma-type) has been documented.

          “Because marijuana can be used in different ways, with different levels of active compounds, it can affect each person differently. More research is needed to understand the full impact of marijuana use on cancer.” —

        • However, Liar69er, if you’d prefer a study from the same NIH that your study example was from, here’s one from 2019:

          “In conjunction with cannabinoids, we found terpenoids to be the most variable component of cannabis smoke. Our results show that in cannabis smoke, terpenoids show a total increase with increasing Δ9THC content. The potential for terpenoids to be precursors for carcinogens highlights the question of smoking technique, as smoking cannabis joints with higher levels of Δ9THC may lead to higher levels of carcinogens such as B[a]P.

          “There is a general increase in the TPM of cannabis smoke with increasing cannabis plant Δ9THC content. An increased level of TPM may have detrimental effects on the user, including carcinogenicity and respiratory irritation, and the Δ9THC results from this study also show that when cannabis is smoked under the same conditions, the Δ9THC delivery efficiency is consistent across a range of cannabis potencies.” —

    • OK if you say so.

      Stick one joint in you piehole (inhale or not) and get behind the wheel and it’s 10yr no parole. 15yr if it is an “EV” because you’re demonstrating extra moronic. You can self defend your a ss there.

      • Intoxicated driving is a no-go, be it alcohol, weed, or psychoactive agents.

        No one sane denies that…

      • 98 high, 78 low, humidity 65 to 95%. New normal.

        Not many skeeters, water is too hot to raise them. That’s good.. But not many dragonflies, and NO fireflies.

        If EV is moronic, what do you call mass suicide?

        • AQ… nope, this makes at least two of us…
          But I admit to learning most of the current ” lingety ” from my eight year old neighbor.

        • EV. Electric Vehicles. XZX is apparently one of those that believes that if the US, Canada and Western Europe buys into the green agenda the world will be saved. Which ignores India and China, both with over a billion residents each. Africa. Most of Asia and all of the Americas south of the US.

          The climate changed, quite dramatically, before the human race came along. And it has changed since and will change after we are gone.

          The green agenda is about making a few billionaires even richer.

        • XZX does not think EV are moronic.

          People that think CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. or that humans cannot emit enough to alter climate are wrong, as in factually incorrect.

          The scientists who did the research and analysis that allow you to correctly say that climate has changed dramatically do not pretend otherwise these days.

          it is 96f where l sit now. At current humidity levels that’s getting close to uninhabitable. Temps will not dip below 75f for another month. There is very little room for error, if you are wrong in your “analysis”.

          The scientists I respect say that when the deep ocean starts warming, it is too late for emission reductions to avoid very large .changes very longterm in the habitability of our planet.

          That warming is happening. “Green agenda” and AOC aside, it is a very real thing. There is a big difference between keeping your head down. and sticking that thing down in the sand.

        • MADDMAXX August 12, 2023 At 15:52
          XZX, no one disputes the fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas… Just like the “consensus” of climatologists is NOT to discuss “Snowball Earth” that was brought about by high levels of oxygen and a very low level of CO2… Or the millions of years of global volcanic activity pumping millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere… CO2 is an important gas in the health of our planet (helps hold the heat in so we don’t go all “snowball earth” again) AND plants (you know, the things that produce the fruits and vegetables we need to maintain our personal health) require it as a part of the photosynthesis process… CO2 is not your enemy, you want that dastardly Carbon Monoxide… THAT is your killer and YES, those crappy, short range EVs do suck… How do you suppose the EXTRA power is generated to feed those chargers in 98% of the US, if you answered, “fossil fuels” you would be correct… Pumping even more deadly gasses into our atmosphere but “who cares?” Right? They get to carry their smug asses off to work (must be less than half their max range) thinking they are so much better and smarter than the millions of people who can actually see the truth… The only “SCIENTISTS” who are in “agreement” on this “GREEN” bullshit are the ones sitting on or looking for fat research grants, the “greater portion” of the population that agrees on the Green New Deal are involved in the alternative energy sector (if you want to make your numbers look good you’ve got to ask the right question to the right people) so of course you can get a “majority of those questioned” agreement every time… I won’t call you stupid for believing that crap, don’t call me stupid because I disagree with you… The earth has been warmer, Antarctica was once a lush green continent…

        • OBTW: Did you know that in the mid 70s it was the consensus of “scientists” that by the mid to late 90s we would be experiencing an ice age? Follow the money, works every time…

        • Prove what? Your link appears to claim that the current weather is not caused by elevated. co2, maybe.

          I said nothing about the miserable weather this summer,, now did l?

          As to the implied claim that current temps are NOT driven by co2, well, PROVE IT.

        • I was there in the mid70s, and highly interested, even peripherally involved. I do not remember any consensus about anything. There were myriad theories and predictions going every which way.

          Given that most estimates indicate that if all the current terrestrial ice load melts, ocean levels will rise another 75 meters, a new Ice Age sounds nice.

          AFAIK, the absolute lowest CO2 level since terrestrial life appears in geologic record is 190ppm. That was a mere 19.5 kyrs ago. Given the conditions at that I do not doubt that is undesirably low. l also do not doubt that >600ppm will cause serious disruptions to life as it exists today.

        • “I said nothing about the miserable weather this summer,, now did l?”

          Didn’t you start with this?

          “98 high, 78 low, humidity 65 to 95%. New normal.”

          Why, yes — yes, you did.

          “As to the implied claim that current temps are NOT driven by co2, well, PROVE IT.”

          You first. “People that think CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. or that humans cannot emit enough to alter climate are wrong, as in factually incorrect.”

          Prove it.

        • MADDMAXX

          IIRC – Mars receives about 2/3 solar input compared to our moon. Minimum “air” temps on the moon are close to outer space cold. Min temp on Mars is much warmer, 100 to 130k (kelvin). Mars has a very thin CO2 atmosphere, Earth equivalent 115,000 feet asl. So why is Mars so warm? And how warm would it be if it got the same solar input as the Earth/moon?

        • Man with no name

          CO2 is known greenhouse gas. Earth is spherical, not flat. Water is wet. Do your own research on that one.

          At current rates, in 1000 to 2000 years, our entire atmosphere (5.14×10^18 kg) will have been cycled thru a motor. I think that could affect climate. If you disagree, it is a free country. Sort of. At this time.

          lf you wish to check the math, convert kilos to liters at stp, estimate global displacement, multiply by estimated rpm/4…

        • So why is Mars so warm? And how warm would it be if it got the same solar input as the Earth/moon?

          The AVERAGE temperature on Mars is a NEGATIVE 65C (that is a NEGATIVE 85F) with a limited atmosphere and NO magnetic field… The moon is only hot on one side with NO atmosphere or magnetic field to protect it from the suns heat and radiation, the dark side of the moon is NEGATIVE 384F… Apples, Oranges and Lemons… If Mars and the Earth swapped places, the heat would melt Mars polar ice caps and release gasses from the soil making an almost pleasantly temperate planet… The earth on the other hand would be subjected a “FROZEN atmosphere and ultimately a sterilization of 98% of all life forms on the planet…

        • maddmax

          “the dark side of the moon is NEGATIVE 384F…”

          So why is the ‘dark side’ of Mars not at least as cold as the moon? It is because of Mars nearly pure co2 atmosphere.

          Mars is actually warmer than Earth is, at 115000 feet altitude… Move Mars to 1au from the Sun and it will be way warmer.

          Calculating the moles of co2 per m^2 on Mars vs the same on Earth will tell you why. Co2 is a powerful warming gas

        • No name –

          Prove it? Just did. Like l said, if you want believe that running our atmosphere thru a ic motor won’t affect climate, it is a free country.

        • I find your argument — unconvincing.

          You were going to explain to me how I am “factually wrong” because I don’t believe in AGW. You spouted some disjointed nonsense that proves nothing. Comparing the Earth’s atmosphere to an internal combustion engine is an invalid and unprovable theory.

          It seems my skepticism is justified when a proponent of an opposing position is unable to state his argument convincingly.

        • “How do you suppose the EXTRA power is generated to feed those chargers in 98% of the US, if you answered, “fossil fuels” you would be correct… “

          First, an important difference is the fact that a single point power generation plant is much easier to implement pollution mitigation/control mechanisms, as opposed to millions of individual polluting machines running hither and yon across the country.

          Second, your claims that fossil fuels generate 98% of the energy in the United States is just total bullshit:

          “About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels—coal, natural gas, petroleum, and other gases. About 18% was from nuclear energy, and about 22% was from renewable energy sources.“

          What a fascinating discussion, how entertaining to see a bunch of right wing nincompoops be schooled by a poster who actually understands the science of earths atmosphere.

        • “…how entertaining to see a bunch of right wing nincompoops be schooled by a poster who actually understands the science of earths atmosphere.”

          No one has been “schooled” here — there’s no evidence to support the myth of AGW and no facts presented here to convince anyone otherwise.

        • Global warming IS ABSOLUTELY REAL! But it is NOT what our elected leaders tell us.

          If this planet were not warming we would still be in an ice age. The fact that we aren’t is ALL the hard scientific proof any human needs.

          Humans can absolutely affect the environment. We see this with every freeway built and every home constructed with wood that we obtained from a cut down tree. But this does NOT mean there is anything we can do to stop global warming. This is something that would be happening even if we got rid of EVERY internal combustion engine, every drop of human used oil, or even eradicated every last human on the planet.

          CO, CO2, and even water vapor among other things are green house gases that are not going away just because we say so or make a law. That is not how this works.

          The primary driver of our weather is the sun.

        • About 60% of this electricity generation was from fossil fuels… Sorry clown boy, 64% of GLOBAL energy comes from fossil fuels, In the US that number is currently 79%, So YOUR claim of 60% is ALSO pure Bullshit… And guess what the grid is already overtaxed in places like Southern California where they are asking people to NOT charge their EVs… At 30% saturation the power grid will no longer be able to keep with demand…

          XZX: lowest CO2 @ 19.5 K yrs ago? The last ice age ended 16 K yrs ago… Could there possibly be a correlation between low CO2 levels and this planet trying to durn itself into a lifeless popsicle?

        • CO2 can be too low. >200ppm probably is.

          CO2 can be too high. We are getting there.. The fact that the solubility of CO2 in seawater is inverse to water temps is the booger. As the seas warm, they exhale CO2 Which warms the air, which warms the water… creating a feedback loop…

          Deep ocean warming is the fat lady clearing her throat.

          It is heat that has the potential to end the biosphere, NOT cold.

        • So why is the ‘dark side’ of Mars not at least as cold as the moon? It is because of Mars nearly pure co2 atmosphere.

          Because the fucking moon is tidal locked which means it constantly presents the same side to the earth and consequently to the sun as well… Mars on the other hand ROTATES (3rd grade Science?) on an axis presenting its entire surface (just like earth) to the sun approximately every 24 1/2 earth hours (Mars even has “seasons”) which helps maintain a consistent surface temperature planet wide.. There is no “dark side” of Mars however, nighttime “winter” temps can fall to minus 195 degrees…

        • Nice try. Now do the poles.

          Martian “air” pressure is about equivalent to Earth’s air density at 115000 feet altitude. Summer day on Mars is warmer than Earth at 115k’ asl, at .67 Earth irradiance.

          Step behind a shady rock on the moon and boom, right down to space temps. No atmosphere to trap heat. I think you are too smart to argue that all gasses are equal heat-trappers, so I won’t mention that if Mars atmosphere was N2, conditions would be moon-like. Nor will I mention that I know you don’t wear wool in the summer. Politicians and scammers do what they do, may they rot in hell. The behavior of CO2 is physics. If you access the Hanfbook of Chemistry and Physics, the old printings will give effectively the same numbers as the most recent.

          We can do Venus next, lol.

          PS When the Antarctic was green, birdlike creatures with wingspans like small Cessnas could fly. l am thinking things are different these days.

  5. Just my opinion on this. As current law prohibits pot users from owning, carrying guns, how about just put the bong down? One of the things many dope smokers claim is MJ is not addictive etc. Second is Seeing the hypocrisy here. Tobacco is ever more restricted but smoking weed is being if not encouraged, at least tolerated.
    And again, just personal opinion here. Since Marijuana is a mind/mood altering drug, should it not be used under the same restrictions as alcohol? Zero tolerance for alcohol for carry of firearms should carry over to weed as well. What you do at home should be your choice, but out and about in public there are some restrictions.
    And again just my opinion here. Any and all recreational drugs should be allowed for any adult who wants to use them. So long as no crime is committed to support the habit or while under the influence of whatever. Who am I or even government to say what can or cannot be put into someone’s body? Want to go through life screwed up? Your choice. Pick your poison.

    • OMIA,

      “Any and all recreational drugs should be allowed for any adult who wants to use them.”

      Agree!! Liberty!!

      But if you endanger others during your mind-altering pursuits, prepare to lose your freedoms and pay other penalties.

    • “Zero tolerance for alcohol for carry of firearms should carry over to weed as well.”

      Zero tolerance meaning what?

      • “Zero tolerance meaning what?”

        I saw what you did there.

        Alcohol is produced in the intestines during digestion (and maybe even later in the blood and organs?), so “zero-tolerance” is flat-out bullshit…

        • Then there’s full on “auto-brewery syndrome”, apparently s real thing. It is worth noting that the law cares not a whit how you got impaired, just that you are.

          Zero tolerance is a tempting stance, but not practical in my view.

          Maybe self driving vehicles will save us. Self-shooting guns, not so much.

        • “Alcohol is produced in the intestines during digestion…”

          Depends on what you eat. A couple pieces of Wonderbread and you’ll blow hot for several hours. Certain organ infections can cause the production of alcohol by various organs outside the intestines. Blood screens will catch the alcohol and in some cases it can cause intoxication. Really gives the liver a hell of a workout either way.

          “Auto-brewery syndrome” is worse, very real and actually rather common in people with certain health conditions. It can be created by taking certain antibiotics and unbalancing the gut flora or an unbalancing that occurs via ingesting the appropriate bugs. Not super rare to be picked up by diabetics hospitalized for severe DKA either, not really common but not uncommon either. Severe dehydration, slightly impaired immune response and a hospital are a great combination for raising the chances someone gets it.

          Imagine eating a piece of bread or a slice of pizza and two hours later you’re hammered and have no idea why. Severe cases and 100+ grams of carbs hospitalize people with alcohol poisoning. Death by desert, literally and fast. Often goes undiagnosed and people get accused of being an alcoholic, because alcoholism is rampant in this country. “Shitty” situation.

          There’s another version that’s a UTI where people don’t get drunk but piss hot for alcohol until they get the right antibiotics run through them, mostly treated with Augmentin IIRC. It becomes impossible for them to pass a urine drug screen, but at least they’re not in any particular danger. Most of those people find out about it when they fail a drug test for employment, but some unlucky folks get a dose of Flagyl (metronidazole, another antibiotic) for something unrelated and end up with hospitalized with acute liver issues because alcohol and metro don’t play nice. People who vape can have the same problem for essentially the same reason.

          I’ve also noted before that disarming to have a drink makes no sense for multiple reasons. Generally, I think this is either indicative of a known but unspoken alcohol problem or belief in old-wives’ tales and a lack of logic. If you’re drinking responsibly there’s no need to disarm and it’s counter productive. Unless, of course, you’re merely claiming to be responsible and actually don’t trust yourself.

          The oft cited “longer reaction time” makes no sense. If your reaction time is longer but you’re not drunk how does having to go get your gun make this better? My draw time is +0.5 seconds so I make myself walk to the other room to get the gun? What?

        • “It is worth noting that the law cares not a whit how you got impaired, just that you are.”

          Depending on how your state’s carry law is written, it can have *massive* implications to a DA who hates you and the 2A. (I will say they will have a hard time convicting on trace amounts, but the ‘ride’ will still be expensive, and may be their point. 🙁 )

          For me in Florida, I believe the state-defined limit is the same for driving, .08, but I have a personal policy of not imbibing at all when carrying…

        • “…they will have a hard time convicting on trace amounts…”

          Actual autobrewery won’t produce trace amounts. You eat a slice or two of bread and an hour or two later you’re completely shithoused with no idea why.

          People who don’t know they have the problem and then do something like eat a slice of cake often end up in the ER with alcohol poisoning.

      • Alabama has a zero tolerance rule for carry. Meaning you cannot imbibe if you are armed in public. As do most states. What is naturally produced in the gut is irrelevant. Zero tolerance should also apply to driving a motor vehicle, or a number of other potentially dangerous activities/occupations.
        Or perhaps you would find the bus driver, or truck driver out on the road behind you being stoned or high or drunk as acceptable.
        Perhaps having the guy using the air nailer next to you or your child being loaded or the dude armed being loaded in the store aisle next to you and reacting to you talking on the cell is a good idea.
        Now, anyone wants to use whatever drug or substance is fine with me. But, such users should also be responsible for any harm or crime committed while using or to support their drug abuse/use.

        • “Meaning you cannot imbibe if you are armed in public. As do most states.”

          Most states?

          23 states ban carrying while legally intoxicated, explicitly by statute. 15 states have no specific statute on the topic.

          12 States plus D.C. ban consumption while carrying.

          13/50 =.24 = 24%. Now, I’m not a wiz at math, but that doesn’t sound like “most” to me.

          “What is naturally produced in the gut is irrelevant.”

          I can’t agree with this. Someone cannot be held liable for something they have zero control over unless it can be shown that they knowingly acted recklessly with regard to an uncontrollable thing. To say otherwise undermines the entire concept of “responsibility” as well as “free will” which is the cornerstone of Western jurisprudence in many regards.

          Also, I’m still looking for a definition of “zero tolerance”.

          To put a finer point on it, I’m asking the threshold you prefer. For example; Zero tolerance for intoxication while carrying or zero tolerance for having any alcohol in your system while carrying?

  6. UC,

    LIBERTY!!! Exactly so!!

    it has been a few decades since I smoked pot. I was that guy who kept on toking after everyone around me had passed out.

    In college I carried 18-21 credits each semester while working a 32- hour job as night manager at a restaurant on the Jersey shore. maintained a respectable GPA, also. I was so high energy, I could do all of that and still blow through ounces of pot and bottles of wine. I look back on that now and think I could have achieved more if I had spent more time sober. The drugs and alchohol did not make me a better person, but the hard work and studying did. Still, liberty enables us to make our mistakes, learn from them, and achieve our successes.

    Speaking of liberty, there is this increasing odor of a Federal annexation of our rights due to a “climate emergency”. Get ready for more lockdowns, shortages, travel restrictions, and skyrocketing prices.

    • Their main new strategy will be to try to move to digibux for the “convenience factor” and then create a digital gulag.

      The rest of it will be floated and, mostly, discarded as a “See, we listen to the people! Our Democracy!” sort of thing, which is a head fake while they try to move to a much more intrusive way of doing things on every front but especially on the fronts they “disapprove” of.

      It’s also the area they’re most likely to get away with it because old people don’t understand it and the first moves will be to put Social Security, Medicare and Food Stamps onto this program as a way to artificially generate demand from retirees, the medical industries and grocery stores/gas stations.

      • strych9,

        Yes. This is the ‘mark of the beast’…total control by evil forces.

        The Biblical reference is not meant as a screed, but to illustrate the level of evil we are facing.

        • The reference is fine by me, it’s actually rather apt.

          I wouldn’t use it in a public debate trying to win people over unless I knew the audience to be receptive to the concept, but that’s not what this forum really is.

          If one studies most serious critiques of Christianity, including Nietzsche, one rapidly recognizes that it is not the religion itself being critiqued but rather a subset of the most vocal people claiming, mostly falsely, to be adherents.

          For example, “Soul atomization” is something ol’ Friedrich tears apart. It’s also something most modern people who dislike Nietzsche are not aware was ever a thing, nor what it was or purported to mean. It’s also something a serious theologian like Abelard had hashed out by the early 1100’s, making it nothing more than a fad to try to make Christianity comport with “pop sci” in the 1800’s.

          Nietzsche called that idea out for what it was: unserious and anti-Christian at its root. Weird how the guy was actually one of the late 1800’s biggest defenders of Christendom, yet gets vilified by many modern Christians. That said, the common misconceptions about the guy make it pretty clear how dense, complicated and, in some regards “dangerous” his writing actually was.

        • “For example, “Soul atomization”

          One would need to produce evidence to support the claims of a soul or any other magical concepts, before anyone would take their claims seriously.

          All faith-based religions fail for the same reason, complete lack of credible evidence for the supernatural claims.

          Of course, the murderous genocide espoused by the Abrahamic religions is more than enough justification to discard their beliefs and dogma.

        • “All faith-based religions fail for the same reason, complete lack of credible evidence for the supernatural claims.”

          Then so does science because it’s core assumption is an article of faith.

          If you can’t figure out why this statement is 100% correct it’s time to STFU before you make yourself look even dumber.

          Also, don’t act like you know what Soul atomization is without looking it up. You don’t, so don’t play like you do. Nor do you have a fucking clue what Abelard said or how it relates.

          Now, why do you go find me some parts for the wrong instruments again? When you’re done with that, go fuck yourself.

        • “Then so does science because it’s core assumption is an article of faith”

          You may want to play word games, but your assertion is incorrect.

          confidence or trust in a person or thing:
          faith in another’s ability.

          belief that is not based on proof:
          He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.“

          There is no core assumption in science that is faith-based, all observations and experiments must pass repeatability and peer review tests before they are considered for inclusion in a theory.

          All religions fail because they require faith,
          ‘a belief that is not based on proof’.

          “When you’re done with that, go fuck yourself“

          Yes, an ad hominem attack, the last refuge of the intellectually challenged.

      • Social security and medicare are already digitised as any retiree “in the system” can tell you. They give you a card and digibux are sent to your bank account, you never see cash unless you withdraw it from the bank. For most transaction usage it’s digital in and digital out. Can’t speak for food stamps but I imagine the SNAP cards work the same way.

        • That’s not what I’m talking about. I can’t use the actual correct term or Word Press will flat out not post the comment.

          I’m discussing a Digital Currency of a Central Banking nature. It is 100% NOT what you have today. It’s not on the same planet as what you have today.

    • Amen LifeSavor. I got high a lot but quit forever 40 years ago. Never was a big drinker but quit beer over 20 years ago. I see slow Joe vetoed new nuclear plants. Let them eat wind🙄 It sure is handy in ILLANNOY if nothing else! Oh I’m fairly certain my 50 year friend still tokes away. Has a boatload of gats last I saw. Extremely responsible guy. Plays in an old timer rock band.

  7. “Dude, I got sooooooo fuckin’ high last week. Higher than I’ve ever been. Waaay higher”.

    “Brah, what? Higher than you’ve ever been? How’s that?”

    “I loaded up a vaporizer with all these dabs and got super fucked up. Then this morning the LGS calls and says my revolver has arrived!”

    “Damn, you were high as fuck”.

  8. The Oregon Legislature recently voted to enable the OMMP and OLCC to continue issuing address specific marijuana grow site permits and cannabinoid processing licenses without the knowledge or consent of the property owner. Contrary to popular presumption, the plant limits allowed by the OMMP enable alleged medical marijuana patients to grow far, far more marijuana than might be required for their legitimate needs. The surplus can then either be legally sold to Oregon licensed retailers or smuggled out of state to be sold on the black market. Both marijuana cultivation and Butane Hash oil explosions present an extreme risk of property damage. Utilizing someone else’s property (a landlord ‘s rental property) subjects the victims to extreme risk of civil forfeiture and malicious prosecution. Marijuana bootleggers have even been given a free pass for shooting at their landlords’children in retaliation for efforts to evict.

    When the pot heads stop lying and stealing to fraudulently expropriate other people’s property for their operations, then I will respect their rights to keep and bear arms.


    • Hmmmmmm… Rules for me but nor thee… How very “Democratic” of you… The big problem is that YOU seem to think I NEED your support for MY rights… Grow up.

      • You are dead wrong. Right now, the potheads have special laws and special rights to expropriate other people’s property for their marijuana operations. They also invoke a presumed right to shoot at landlords who object. All of this is continuing because the Oregon Marijuana Mafia put Oregon’s Democrat Secretary of State on their payroll at $10,000 per month and donated duffle bags full of full of unaccountable “campaign” cash to all of the Democrat legislators.

        • Is that the fault of the pot heads OR the corrupt politicians who sell out their people for a duffle bag full of unaccountable cash… Sounds like a “purge” is in order…

  9. One earlier ruling we can celebrate…Another ruling, they totally crap the bed…sheeesh…its a mad world..

  10. How is it so many “former” potheads needed to pass some age before they “saw the light”. At 15 or 18 or 21 or 30 you didn’t understand idiot and suddenly did. OR can a moron “out grow” it?

    • It’s not an age thing. It’s a self-worth/priorities thing. There are always outliers who will have a family, a career and still smoke all day but for the most part consuming poison is a self-worth/priorities thing and later a coping thing. Come to think of it the one guy I know with a career and family who does smoke all day kinda seems to hate his life. Maybe being stoned all the time is taking a toll and he feels he needs to keep smoking to cope.

      An old episode of South Park described it pretty well: “…pot makes you feel fine with being bored and it’s when you’re bored that you should be learning a new skill or some new science or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you’re not good at anything.”

      But in 2023 mumble “rapping” and shoving things up your ass on OnlyFans seems to count as being “good” at something so….

      • Yeah, I get all of my “life lessons” from those all-knowing, all wise seers that write for South Park… Right after I consult with Homer Simpson, SNL and Family Guy…

    • And a lot of folks have driven drunk. They execute drunk driver’s or give a lengthy prison sentence to driving under the influence in some country’s. Ever done that iowa???

    • Ask the same question of alcohol and tobacco users. Not everybody has their shit together when they’re 18.

      Asking that question shows an amazing lack of understanding of human nature.

      • I’m a retiree. Sad fact of life a lot of folks my age or even older have some really bad addictions. And they mix booze with prescribed medicine’s. Sometimes fatally.

        It’s sad to see someone spend a lifetime struggling to be at a point where they can kick back and relax a little only to see them piss it away.

        I’m not a highly educated person. But my observations of people lead me to conclude that if a person was a knot head at 18 they are most likely that same knot head at 70.

        Sad, but true.

        • “It’s sad to see someone spend a lifetime struggling to be at a point where they can kick back and relax a little only to see them piss it away.”

          Well said.

      • Finally got around to reading up on the .277 Fury (i.e. looked it up on Wikipedia). The downloaded commercial version fits the bill. For a hunting round there’s no point in hot loading it as you could just buy a .270, .270WSM, etc. Probably can’t reload those 3 piece cases either. As usual Sig picks out a stupid name for it, everyone will call it the ‘Furry’.

        • lol

          The grist twixt 25 and 30 cal has certainly been ground fine, hasn’t it?

          I am about done with long guns, personally, but the 338 by Federsl looks kind of interesting…

        • “As usual Sig picks out a stupid name for it, everyone will call it the ‘Furry’.”

          “I heard the Gov. William J Le Petomane is a closet furry… 😉 )

        • Geoff, what Miss Stein and I do in the privacy of my office is nobody’s business but ours.

    • Lol
      The entire planet knows Hillary Clinton ran an illegal email server. It seem everyone is angry with Trump over it though.

      • And dems who buy guns to protect themselves from the dem crime wave are sure that if there were not any repubs, “nobody would need a gun”.

    • Well that’s great. Perhaps we can finally reign in the ATF and have the weed questions removed from the 4473.

    • The pendulum always swings too far to one side or the other. The back lash will bring in a hard right era. It always does.

  11. Ok, guess I didn’t make myself clear above.
    Just my opinion. The anti drug laws need to be tossed. Use whatever you wish. Pot, opium, cocaine, meth, whatever. Use to your hearts content.
    But, as with alcohol use, it should be done safely. most if not all states restrict use of alcohol if someone is armed. because it is understood gunpowder and alcohol just are a dangerous mixture. Put the guns away before imbibing is the rule for most folks. Should be the same for other mind/mood altering substances. Want to smoke out? Lock up the hardware and have at it. Want to use coke or meth? Put away the guns and give the car keys to someone sober. What used to be considered common sense.
    Straight up, I couldn’t care less what someone chooses to put in their body. What I do care about is what they do while using whatever substance. Want to sit around and destroy your life? Have at it. Just don’t endanger or damage other people while doing so.

    • Slightly modified idea – go Marxist on the druglords. Nationalize production and distribution of the critical chemicals, just like newbie “socialist” governments grab oil fields.

      Of age/informed/consenting adults have the right to demand to be supplied pharmaceutical quality (whatever), at cost. That is about a dollar a day, or less, for the classics (heroin, coke, ect). The user/addict agrees to conditions (eg. no driving at night, no domestic violations, ect). Violating conditions equal immediate detox. Persons in possession of non government dope, immediate detox/ felony criminal sanctions. No bail.

      Bye-bye cartels, street dealers, etc. Room in jails for thieves muggers ect.

      Let the sober rule. Automation will continue to create an ever growing leisure (in, unemployed) class. They will need something do. Being sober ain’t for everybody in the Age of Robots.

      Note – I read that UK grows their own opium for their health system pain care. Takes about 2000 acres for the whole mess.

      • “just like newbie “socialist” governments grab oil fields“
        What? Seizing oilfields is a bad idea?

        It’s not just a socialists, you gotta watch those capitalist as well:

        “At a forum hosted by NBC on 7 September, Trump suggested oil seizure would have been a way to pay for the Iraq war, saying: “We go in, we spend $3tn, we lose thousands and thousands of lives, and then … what happens is we get nothing. You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils.”
        He added: “One of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil is Isis would not have been able to take oil and use that oil to fuel themselves.”
        Giuliani defends Trump idea to take Middle East oil: ‘Anything is legal’ in war
        The idea predates Trump’s presidential campaign. As far back as 2011, he was telling the Wall Street Journal that this was his policy for Iraq. “You heard me, I would take the oil,” he said. “I would not leave Iraq and let Iran take the oil.” And he insisted to ABC News that this did not amount to national theft.“

        • Seizing oilfields is a bad idea?

          Don’t know, Oh yeah, there is this country that WAS the wealthiest, most prosperous country in South America (think it’s called Venezuela?) until Komrad Chavez nationalized the oil industry (ever heard of Citgo gas) and now the people (the lucky ones) hunt for food in dumpsters and their economy is non-existent… So yeah, Kommie government takes over their oil industry… What could possibly go wrong? We see it right here, Braindead cuts oil production, gas prices double/triple, then as gas prices start to settle they “nationalize” more land to restrict even more production and as result gas prices have risen by 40 cents a gallon in the last week and a half, what could go wrong? I’m guessing that you assume that our recent inflation explosion was caused by a bunch of greedy capitalists and not the cost of producing and transporting nearly every item on the planet being directly connected to the price of fuel… Turns out Trump was right, realty is a bitch…

    • Slightly modified idea – go Marxist on the druglords. Nationalize production and distribution of the critical chemicals, just like newbie “socialist” governments grab oil fields.

      Of age/informed/consenting adults have the right to demand to be supplied pharmaceutical quality (whatever), at cost. That is about a dollar a day, or less, for the classics (heroin, coke, ect). The user/addict agrees to conditions (eg. no driving at night, no domestic violations, ect). Violating conditions equal immediate detox. Persons in possession of non government dope, immediate detox/ felony criminal sanctions. No bail.

      Bye-bye cartels, street dealers, etc. Room in jails for thieves muggers ect.

      Let the sober rule. Automation will continue to create an ever growing leisure (in, unemployed) class. They will need something do. Being sober ain’t for everybody in the Age of Robots.

      Note – I read that UK grows their own opium for their health system pain care. Takes about 2000 acres for the whole mess.

      • “Note – I read that UK grows their own opium for their health system pain care.”

        Fentanyl will utterly destroy the heroin market.

        It’s dirt-cheap to cook, and a reasonably-talented organic chemist can do it.

        I say, give them all they want, let them die off young…

  12. I expect to soon see Geraldo Rivera (AKA Jerry Rivers) to reassume his spokesperson status with N.O.R.M.L. As you may recall he appeared in advertisements in the 70s for NORML.
    he’ll do it for the “media exposure”.
    FWIW Congress needs to redress marajuana laws. As in legal. But if the gov. gets into regualing /taxing it , the price paid will surely skyrocket.

  13. “Then so does science because it’s core assumption is an article of faith”

    You may want to play word games, but your assertion is incorrect.

    confidence or trust in a person or thing:
    faith in another’s ability.

    belief that is not based on proof:
    He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.“

    There is no core assumption in science that is faith-based, all observations and experiments must pass repeatability and peer review tests before they are considered for inclusion in a theory.

    All religions fail because they require faith,
    ‘a belief that is not based on proof’.

  14. The Fifth Circuit ruling on marijuana use marks a significant stride forward in the ongoing shift towards more progressive cannabis policies. By recognizing the rights of employees to use marijuana outside of work hours without fear of repercussion, the court acknowledges the evolving societal attitudes towards cannabis consumption. This decision not only promotes individual freedom but also aligns with the growing body of evidence supporting the therapeutic benefits of marijuana. Additionally, it sets a precedent for other jurisdictions to reevaluate their own cannabis laws in a more rational and equitable manner. As attitudes towards marijuana continue to evolve, services like weed delivery kingston play a role in meeting the increasing demand for safe and convenient access to cannabis products, further integrating the industry into mainstream commerce while ensuring responsible consumption.

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