home schooling homeschooling girl home school
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“To just send my child to school day after day and just cross my fingers day after day?” said Tracy L.M. Norton, who lives in East Islip, New York. “That’s no way to live.”

Norton is among parents making changes that include switching to homeschooling, buying bulletproof backpacks and checking if there are guns in homes where their kids might be playing with friends.

She has always been a proponent of public schools. But after the shooting at the Buffalo supermarket that left 10 dead and then the Uvalde massacre, she and her husband decided that as of this fall, their 8-year-old, Elizabeth, will be homeschooled.

“We really felt backed into a corner,” Norton said, as if “there really is no safe place to have our daughter in public spaces for extended periods of time.”

“If the federal government gets serious about gun control, if there’s a significant effort to buy back the number of guns that are out there, then I think public school may be in play again for us,” she added.

— Elizabeth Chuck in Bulletproof Backpacks, Homeschool: With No New Gun Laws, Parents Make Changes of Their Own

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  1. Ironically one of the few homeschooling parents that will probably tell their kids marxism is good.

    • Norton is among parents making changes that include switching to homeschooling, buying bulletproof backpacks and checking if there are guns in homes where their kids might be playing with friends.

      Total hoplophobe. Unless they live in Chicago or some other urban hellhole, their kids are more likely to die in a car wreck on the way to school. They should homeschool for that reason instead of guns. In fact, keep them at home, all the time, forever, #safety.

      “We really felt backed into a corner,” Norton said, as if “there really is no safe place to have our daughter in public spaces for extended periods of time.”

      Probably still wears a COVID mask too, given this statement.

      “If the federal government gets serious about gun control, if there’s a significant effort to buy back the number of guns that are out there, then I think public school may be in play again for us,” she added.

      What do you mean “buy back?” The government didn’t sell them to us in the first place. We privately purchased our guns from other private gun makers or private owners. There is no “back” to buying back. Further, they aren’t for sale. Maybe this Norton person can start buying guns and destroying them, or doing whatever he wants with HIS guns and not mine.

      • She’ll be waiting for a long time.

        Q: How does a Karen change a lightbulb?

        A: She holds the bulb in the socket and the world revolves around her.

    • “Ironically one of the few homeschooling parents that will probably tell their kids marxism is good.”

      It sets a dangerous precedent the Leftist Scum ™ may not tolerate.

      “Only Leftist Scum ™ Shall Educate the Children”.

      It could backfire *spectacularly* on them…

      *snicker* 😉

      • What a complete load of bollocks. There is nothing LEFTIST an bout home scholling orm RIGHTIST come to that. It about parents who do not trust, for whatever the reason the current education system. It’s just as likely to be untrusting of what is perceived as LEFTIST, or RIGHTIST or RELIGIOUS leanings within the available State System.
        I’m not an advocate of home learning myself because I am of the opinon that a home educated child is likley to miss-out on the personal intersactions of fellow sutents. Here in the UK it’s perfectly legal as long as the parent can demonstrate a ‘HOME’ curriculum in line withn the educational aims of State Legislation. This can be, and is, tested by examination and children CAN be ordered back into the State system.

        Not that long ago home education was the norm for certain classes, and still is for some children with, for want of a better word ‘mental’ problems. Those certain classes employed highly qualified tutors and there is, of course, nothing to stop a American man or woman from employing ‘home’ tutors either if they can afford it!
        Why them ‘Leftist scum’ when you do not seem to even know what the word LEFTIST means. The fact is that most of us today are far more inclined to the LEFT that we might perhaps admit and compared to governments of the long since past the most that can be said is that in a modern DEMOCRACY all governments are, to varying degrees LEFT or RIGHT of CENTRE. There are NO extremist governments in a DEMOCRACY. Though in the USA there is a greatewr thah normal tendency to exaggerate the differences in the political system where it really matters they have the same basic aims in mind. Above all thaqt means a WELL PROTECTED, SAFE. EDUCATED and HEALTHY SOCIETY

        • “Here in the UK it’s perfectly legal as long as the parent can demonstrate a ‘HOME’ curriculum in line withn the educational aims of State Legislation. This can be, and is, tested by examination

          and children CAN be ordered back into the State system.”

          A choice that is not a choice, isn’t much of a choice.

          Freedom is a foreign concept to you, isn’t it, Big Al?

        • “I’m not an advocate of home learning myself”
          we can tell by the gibberish posted.

        • What a complete load of bollocks. There is nothing LEFTIST an bout home scholling orm RIGHTIST come to that. It about parents who do not trust, for whatever the reason the current education system.

          Well, you aren’t here, so you don’t know WTF is going on. The reason Geoff is slapping leftists around on homeschooling, is because it is the left that said homeschooling cause developmental problems and makes non-social children that don’t fit well in social groups, because they are socially underdeveloped. It is the left that got upset when people on the right talk about homeschooling, private schooling, charter schooling, or in general, getting their kids out of public schools. It is the left that seeks equality, and wants well-to-do kids in public schools with the oppressed and downtrodden. Also, rich people that avoid public schools, or rich people that want “school vouchers” are taking away needed funds from public schools and thus depriving opportunities from the oppressed and downtrodden.

        • It’s just as likely to be untrusting of what is perceived as LEFTIST, or RIGHTIST or RELIGIOUS leanings within the available State System.

          Well, when you find one of those we can talk about it. But that isn’t what we are talking about is it????

          I’m not an advocate of home learning myself because I am of the opinon that a home educated child is likley to miss-out on the personal intersactions of fellow sutents.

          Yep there it is. You are fitting right into the left. Except here in the states, it’s more likely they will be to put money in the thong of a gyrating drag queen, or get a state sponsored lesson on gender pronouns.

        • It about parents who do not trust, for whatever the reason the current education system.

          I know at least a coule hundred homeschooled kids, and find them to be a refreshing alternative to the gummit indocktrinayted louts roaming about.

          I have known these parents wel for decades, They take seriously the mandate, found in the Bible they read and study from God: FATHERS teach your children. How many male parents “out there” have any clue as to what is being stuffed into their children’s heads on a daily basis by the gummit skewls to which they surrender their offspring daily? The Fathers I know take an active and signficant part in their children’s upbringin and education.
          These kids to not stay home hunkered down in squestration “for fear of (fill in the blank) as this parent’s eight year old does. Do they know their daughter is more likley to die from the broken glass thrown about when a glass-topped table is shattered? Statistics prove that.

          I will also say that all the homeschooled kids I know learn about firearms at an early age, learn to SAFELY use them, and use them well. How cn this be? Their parants have taight them. If any five year old I know happens accross a handgun lying about, such as the one Hunter BIden chucked in a trashcan at a supermarket, they know how to safely handle it so no one gets hurt.
          Furthe,r these chidlren learn how to get along with, respect, and work with others. NOT ONE is a “loner” or “”misfit” such as have been ALL of the school shooters. They know how to work together toward common goals and benefits, how to honour and respect others, how to help the younger ones along and teach them. Yes, the eight year olds are teaching the five year olds, the twelves teaching the nine year olds.

          You have been reading the worse than useless pap promulgated by the radical femmies and knot seas owning and operating the gummit skewl sistums. Get out a bit more,you might be surpirsed (maybe even frightened) by what you see. MAYBE one thing youll see is a six year old SAFELY and accuratle handling a rifle wiht REAL bullets inside it. THAT is awonderful thing to behold……

        • Here in the UK it’s perfectly legal as long as the parent can demonstrate a ‘HOME’ curriculum in line withn the educational aims of State Legislation. This can be, and is, tested by examination and children CAN be ordered back into the State system.

          I’d just scan a full page hand of a someone flipping the bird, and then send it to to the person giving me “orders” stating, “I’ve temporarily sent my child abroad to receive whatever education I please, with no regard to your desires. There is nothing you can do about it, except see the attached photo.”

          Why them ‘Leftist scum’ when you do not seem to even know what the word LEFTIST means

          Oh we know exactly what LEFTIST means. And it probably has slight difference from LEFTIST in the UK. Differences you don’t know about!

          Above all thaqt means a WELL PROTECTED, SAFE. EDUCATED and HEALTHY SOCIETY

          Ahem! *~nanny state~*

        • I’m not an advocate of home learning myself because I am of the opinon [sic] that a home educated child is likley [sic] to miss-out on the personal intersactions [sic] of fellow sutents. [sic]

          Well, personally I’m glad you choose not to home school with your demonstrated lack of ability with the language. But this idea here is particularly laughable out of much of your comment though only slightly less than home school curriculums should be approved by the state (which has been addressed by others.)

          Who do you think received more interaction with peers in the past few years of government lockdowns? In much of the US home school co-ops and and groups carried on with little to no interruption compared to government schools. Which do you think may generate a healthier understanding of human interactions: a student that is restricted to 20-30 kids within a year of their age for eight hours a day and maybe one or two adults or a student that interacts with kids of all ages as well as adults of all ages on a regular basis? It’s not like homeschool kids never leave their home. Or do you mean that they’re not socialized to be proper cogs in the machine? Because that’s certainly going to be a difference between your average homeschooled individual compared to most coming out of the government systems.

      • Children are not safe…unless you wrap them up in bubblewrap (in which case they will probably suffocate). Have electricity in the house? Toxic cleaning chemicals? Stairs? A bathtub? Toilet? Non-secure dressers? Glass objects (jars/windows/hanging pictures/mirrors)? Gas-operated appliances? Stove? Fridge? Hammers? Screwdrivers? Shall I keep going?
        So much danger in the world, but hey–it makes you feel better by keeping your kid home. Okay. Sure–good luck with that.

  2. I didn’t buy mine from the government.
    If anybody wants to buy something from me I set the price.
    There are plenty of non-insane reasons to pull your kid out of government schools.
    Didn’t NY just ban bulletproof backpacks? Arrest those parents!

    • Best I can figure out in typical “I got mine” fashion NY banned the purchase of new flexible bullet resistant panels of level 1 or greater (essentially all soft armor) but ownership and out of state purchasing/acquisition is (for the moment) good to go as is any hard plate armor (including pistol rated plates). I could try to explain how it makes sense but I value my liver and whisky is getting expensive.

    • dont worry, The boolitpruf backpacks will solve their own problems, For one thing, those backpacks are already terrible things to tote about. Poorly designed they do not place the place the load for safe/healthy carrying. Add the weight of the plates, those super protected kids might escape getting shot in the back as tey try and run away from the madman Dem-prompoted shooter, but instead they’l end up spending years at the chiropractor getting their backs and shoulders straighted out after toting those ridiculous packs about everywhere.

      One more advantage of homeschooling.. the kids are lready where all their school stuff is.. their own bedroom. No ridiculous dangrous packs to tote about.

  3. Imagine the good little Nazis she will be raising. Liberal women are just horrible humans.

      • Guaranteed Suicide candidate by late teens. Just like the ones who live their lives on the Interweb. Devoid of human contact outside the family unit. The suicide rate among children of the Everybody Gets a Trophy generation is considerably higher than the previous generations. According to CDC data. Unfortunately once they realize the world is Not how they were told or imagined it is. They are incapable of adjusting to the realities of the Real world and the Indoctrination that lied to them.

    • Tracy decided to homeschool as a result of a shooting at a black supermarket. Tracy is a moron.

      Lives in NYC metro area
      Lived thru the chicom flu school closures

      NOW going to leave the gov’t school? Tracy is full of BS and bats crazy

  4. “the Uvalde massacre”

    Hey, let’s just enact red flag laws. That’ll fix it.

    “the shooting at the Buffalo supermarket that left 10 dead”


  5. Do your kids ride in a car? You are endangering them because of car crashes. There are enough nuts out there preying on kids that aren’t using firearms. We need nut control, not gun control.

    • What’s more, car crash deaths are significantly more random. The total number is about equal with total deaths from firearms, but when suicides, gang violence and justifiable shootings (none of which have real analogs to car crashes) are removed, or when you’re not in the impoverished urban environment where most homicides happen, the odds of your kids dying in a car crash in any given place go WAY up versus dying from a shooting – especially in a school.

      Wait, those are pesky facts. Sorry, forgot those don’t count.

  6. Any reason to take kids out of government schools is good for me. Maybe along the way, Elizabeth will find a proper mentor and learn the truth about things, one day.

    • Yeah, I was thinking maybe once they start homeschooling the parents will see what a joke pubic school is. They might red pill themselves.

      • Yeah, I was thinking maybe once they start homeschooling the parents will see what a joke pubic school is. They might red pill themselves.

        One can hope. The one thing they’ll certainly see is that teaching the equivalent of an average government school curriculum isn’t going to take but half of a day for most people.

  7. Mass school shootings (such as Columbine, New Town, and Uvalde) since 1966: 17
    Lives lost: 144

    But the media defines school shooting as any act near a school at any time day or night, even if it has nothing to do with the school and if there is a fatality involved: pick a number

    • Don’t forget to switch between mass “shooting” when your trying to inflate the number, and mass “killing” when your trying to blame white folk

    • “Defines school shooting as any act”

      “Any act” is a useless phrase so let’s actually get specific: anytime a firearm is discharged anywhere within a certain distance of a school, for any reason, regardless of if anyone is hit or not, the left defines it as a “school shooting” when they make these asinine lists.

      Generally when the dipshits write a headline that says “OMG 203,672 US school shootings in the last three hours alone!” they don’t even provide a source, but on the rare occasions they actually do you quickly see that it counts everything from weekend suicides in the parking lot to worthless SRO’s having NDs on school grounds.

      So you’re absolutely right and I agree with you but I take issue with the way you phrased your point; unlike the left we actually have the facts on our side so we shouldn’t use vague language

  8. That’s all very politically correct, but the chances of getting killed in a mass shooting like Uvalde are so vanishingly small. How many ways of getting killed are orders of magnitude more probable that mommy doesn’t bite her nails over? But we as a species have always had trouble thinking in terms of base rates, and have always been very susceptible to what other people are discussing at the moment. That won’t change, and it will probably always be used against us.

  9. Well every child molester in America knows where a mommy is with nothing but stupid to protect her children. Perhaps the government should “buy back” all motor vehicles so her kids are safe crossing the streets.

    It’s busy bodies like mommy dearest that were behind no sensible security measures to protect children attending the Uvalde school. She needs to consider criminals will use anything they can get their hands on.

    Mommy having no defensive measures in place makes her kids soft target sitting ducks…That is called child neglect.

  10. I think they’re onto something here. Children aren’t safe in public schools. Many teachers are trying to indoctrinate children into the woke cult. They’re talking about sex with prepubescent children. Teachers are keeping secrets with students. They’re promoting trans ideology and gender confusion. They’re putting sexual instruction books in the children’s section of libraries. This is done under the guise of freedom of speech and promoting acceptance.

    “LGBT” identification by generation
    Pre-boomer 1.3%
    Boomer 2.0%
    Gen X 3.8%
    Millennials 9.1%
    Gen Z 15.9%

    Does anyone notice a trend? It isn’t something in the water. Why are there more trans people in “blue” areas? If it was a naturally occurring phenomenon, then the gender denying crowd would be evenly distributed in both rural and urban areas. That isn’t the case.

    “Lowering legal barriers to make it easier for minors to undergo cross-sex medical interventions without parental consent does not reduce suicide rates—in fact, it likely leads to higher rates of suicide among young people in states that adopt these changes.”

    Do you want children to have a higher or lower chance of thinking about killing themselves? Is procreation important for our society?

    • It very well could be in the water.
      Endocrine disrupting chemicals are in everything now when they once weren’t.
      Correlation sure but as more end up in the water and bloodstream those LGBXYZ and dysphoria numbers go up.

      If any of us are left sane in 50 years these chemicals will be looked back on like lead cutlery and mercury tonics.

      • That’s a problem that we may not yet fully understand, but I don’t think increasing estrogen or lowering testosterone would change your sexual preference. Many dudes suffer from gynecomastia (man boob growth) due to too much estrogen. That in itself doesn’t make them want to begin dressing like a girl or suddenly become interested in ho_mo sex. All older men lose testosterone compared to when they were younger. That’s been going on since the beginning of time.

        • It may not alter your preference but being a small male or a underdeveloped female may make you more susceptible to trans groomers and these chemicals do just that. At least that’s the impression I get from reading through posts on the trans reddit sphere. Boys and girls developing a little late or a little less are taking it as a cue to chop their parts off and the adults who should be protecting them are encouraging it. Who else you gonna sell puberty blockers to?

      • “Endocrine disrupting chemicals are in everything now when they once weren’t.”

        All those women on ‘The Pill’ urinating with no care and getting that crap into the water supply.

        Evil genius… ?

    • as far as demographic concentrations in blue areas, why not migrate to where like minded folks reside. good chance they may not be accepted in rural spots.
      i wonder if she’s stopped shopping at grocery stores.

  11. I guess she’ll have to bring the drag queens into her home for story time then.

  12. Public schools are little more than communist indoctrination camps. They are also free babysitting for White liberal woman who don’t want to take responsibility for their families. What is this woman to do? She won’t be able to “realize her dreams” if she’s teaching her own child. Or will she hire some flunkie to do it for her? Meanwhile, she’ll purse a vapid “career” in “social justice” at the expense of her own child.

    • Yup.Way back over a hunnert years ago John Dewey and his twisted pervert pals decided they’d work toward OWNING and controlling the gummit skewlz. Little by little they’ve done it. I’m certain that if they could see what they have wrought they woild be patting each other on their bent backs with glee.

      And we as a nation/culture have not only let them, we have aided and abetted them.
      WHich is why home and private schools are SO important. Such students learn about the things Dewey and Company have carefull excised from what loosely passes for “education” these days.

  13. How to say I support free education for my kids but I don’t want them exposed to conservative, or traditional rural values. Pulling your kid out of a public school because of an incredibly low likely hood threat isn’t being a loving parent. It’s about a political statement on your part.

  14. “Norton: I’m Homeschooling My Kid Until the Government Buys Back The Guns That Are Out There”

    So you’re gonna be homeschooling your kid for a longggg time. I wonder what that kids ‘prom night’ is gonna be like.

    • Kid will self-identify as “ITS” own prom date. Home schooling is the only way that kid will ever be Class Valedictorian.

  15. But isn’t that school a gun free zone? Aren’t “assault rifles” illegal in New York? Isn’t murder a crime? Then I am confused because it sounds like you have the safest place from gun violence there ever could be!
    Maybe make it double or TRIPLE illegal! Yeah, that will do it.

  16. I agree with Oahu.
    We kept our daughter out of public school because no way was I willing to send my daughter into an environment where God is not welcome.
    Unfortunately the parochial school’s core curriculum was barely better than the public schools.
    Best decision we ever made was to home school.
    Our daughter learned important skills like how to shoot and has respect for firearms.

    Today she is a pre-vet student majoring in biochem. She’s been on the dean’s list each semester of college.

    • I’m cool with home schooling. My son & daughter-in-law do it(as well as my brother) with my 3 granddaughters. But even though he’s been in combat(& military po-lice & works at DoD) mom has banned gunz from the home. And my son is a fudd elitist who doesn’t believe everyone should have a gat. And lives not far from Baltimore which is as bad or worse than Chiraq. Oh well at least they are ostensibly Christian🙄

      • You raised him. Figure out where you screwed up? If he is past 25 of age you should be able to tell him that he needs to get his head right (and to stand up to a Karen wife). It’s ALWAY the women “not beliving in guns”.

        • His mother divorced me when he was 3 slick. And I love how you rag on everyone. You’re the worst troll on TTAG…

  17. Just read an article about Michigan AG Dana Nessel advocating for drag queens in every school . . . GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!

  18. You homeschool your kids to teach them to have morality and GODLY ways and keep them away from liberalism, secularism, and all the perverted crap that they are pushing in the public schools. It sounds like you need to be schooled on guns also, getting rid of guns will make your children a slave to the government or the bad guys, it will do just the opposite of what you our thinking.

  19. GOOD.. make your kid a social weirdo, with no people skills…no one CARES!! STFU and move along..buhhhh bye then..

  20. Sounds like a lot of virtue signaling to pull their kid out of our dogshit school system without being called racist/transphobic/whatever else lately.

  21. She seems to think that the entire country is going to bow to her demands. Every parent wants their children to be safe and this lady is a gross example of overly zealous virtue signalling that makes her appear as a pompous ass. The life of her child is worth no more than the lives of other children to their parents.

  22. This one is a tough one to call so to speak. Children would be safer at home due to the out of control attacks on schools but home schooled children miss out on the relationships they form at school which are so necessary when growing up. Nor will they ever have the life long friends that many times are found in the school environment. I might add that unless the parents are teachers themselves that they in no way will give their children the same level of education that they would get from professional teachers who have been trained in their various fields of expertise. In high school we had math teachers, history teachers, geography teachers, etc, etc and all had knowledge that went far beyond any schooling a parent might attempt to give their children at home.

    I might add that when children attend a public school they are exposed to other nationalities and other religions and despite what some racist parents may try and drill into their children’s heads the children learn that just because another child may be different they are not necessarily their automatic enemy. This is what the Far Right parents fear the most, the fact that their own lies, racism, bigotry, and xenophobia will be disproven when a child enters school. Children learn nothing about the real world when they are locked up at home and brainwashed with the hatreds of their ignorant far right parents. Have you ever noticed that children that sometimes grow up in authoritarian and religious homes often reject it all and become liberal and agnostic.

    • dacian the Dunderhead, How many schools are there in the US? Compared to the number of schools, the incidents are small in number. Granted there should be none, but then again, you Leftists refuse to do anything about violent people.
      Seems your concern for the children is not real at all. You Leftists lie for a living. Remember those two ‘Progressives’, Woodrow Wilson and Margret Sanger? Two flaming racists. Bigotry? You teach that with your hate of anything Conservative. I’ll bet you are in favor of having drag queens frequent our nations class rooms.

      • to Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

        quote———I’ll bet you are in favor of having drag queens frequent our nations class rooms.———quote

        Again you prove you never spent a day in college.

        Having drag queens visit a class is not a bad idea at all.

        Children should be taught about the real world and that sex is not something depraved or immoral or unnatural and that includes homosexuality, its been around since mankind developed and it even exists among animals..

        The problem is that Christianity has warped and degraded sex since its rise to power. Christianity has caused people to develop numerous sexual hang ups that have ruined peoples lives for centuries.

        In fact two of the more sane societies were both the Greek and Roman religions that viewed sex as a natural, healthy and human desire, nothing was dirty, debased or insane about it.

        In Ancient Greece men openly walked the streets holding hands and it was considered perfectly normal. Prostitution both male and female was considered perfectly normal. In Roman homes large painted murals often showed sexual acts that today would be considered obscene, especially in front of children.

        It was the rise of the warped religion of Christianity that taught people sex had suddenly become something, dirty, depraved and something to avoid and hide from children and that is was only to be tolerated for procreation.

        The Romans labeled Christians as a depraved and warped nut case cult that believed you should suffer in this world so you would achieve a better life after death in the mythical next world of ghostly spirits which the Romans did not believe in. Eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow you will be dead was not a joke to the Romans, they were a realistic and down to earth people.

        Of course Christianity was and always has been a joke even to those who belong to it. Priests and ministers have had harems , orgies, mistresses and illegitimate children for centuries. As Albert Einstein once said “Monogamy is against the laws of nature”.

        The real sickness comes from the Far Right whose fake sanctimony and hatred of any type sex not declared normal by their standards is the real depravity.

        In Tibet some religions favor a wife having 3 husbands. Other religions have for centuries favored a man having numerous wives. In other religions around the world homosexuality was and is considered a gift and often their churches gave and give exalted positions to homosexual males and females as spiritual leaders which included some American Indian Tribes. All this of course is horrifying to the backward, uneducated and warped minds of the Far Right Christian religious fanatics in Capitalvania.

        Judging from numerous comments given here the Far Right today have not advanced one iota from the Far Right of the 1940’s and 50’s as they are all still every bit as ignorant and prejudiced and bigoted as their grandparents were, they all have failed to move into the 21 Century when it comes to the subject of sex education among children. The misinformation about sex often follows them into adulthood for the rest of their lives. One glaring example is that the male homosexual is a dangerous and depraved predator of children. In reality studies show that this is a myth and most people also are not true homosexuals at all but are actually bi-sexuals and they desire the companionship of someone their own age and so does the true homosexual.

        Child molestors are found in a minority of both heterosexuals and bi-sexuals and homosexuals. This has proven that it is not sexual orientation that leads to child molestation but rather the sexual abuse of children that leads to such depraved behavior after the child matures.

        As an addendum I might add that decades ago as a young man the wildest and easist women I dated were often the daughters of ministers as they saw right through the hypocrisy of their parents religions.

        • Again you prove you never spent a day in college.
          Having drag queens visit a class is not a bad idea at all.

          There were precisely zero drag queens in my classrooms. When I went to linear systems, or intermediate differential equations, I’m not looking to watch some nasty drag. Some dude gyrating in a thong. Gross! And all the Chinese, Vietnamese, Bengali, Pakistani, Indian, Japanese, and Malaysian students in my class would not have wanted it either, nor their parents who were likely paying for it!

        • they all have failed to move into the 21 Century when it comes to the subject of sex education among children.

          Gross, you’re a freak, Groomer.

          As for the rest, I’m not surprised Dacian is an impulsive, pleasure seeking sexual deviant. Probably walks around thinking the most important thing in their life is impulsive pleasure. How lame and pathetic.

          Oh – and Einstein was wrong. He should have stuck with “theoretical” physics.

          Einstein once said “Monogamy is against the laws of nature”.
          Yeah that’s wrong.
          Even more are not on that list. The fact that humans, evolved (if you are science guy) a behavioral pattern that makes them monogamous is evidence that nature can be monogamous.

          Child molestors are found in a minority of both heterosexuals and bi-sexuals and homosexuals.

          No. Pedos and Child molesters are called “Minor Attracted Persons” BY THE LEFT. Because they are looking to de-stigmatize Pedos and Child molesters.

        • dacian the stupid,

          ‘. . . decades ago as a young man the wildest and easist women I dated were often the daughters of ministers . . . ”

          The ONLY “woman” you’ve ever dated was Rosie, and you struck out with her. You’ve never known the touch of a woman, dacian the stupid, just like you’ve never fired a real firearm. You’re a lying liar who lies. Tell your bulls*** fantasy stories to MinorIQ; we have no f***s to give.

          And we already knew you were a pervert pedo, you didn’t need to “confess” to us. You are STILL too stupid to insult, dacian the stupid. Go away. Far, far, away. Like, maybe, go to the Bonneville Salt Flats – plenty of salt there for you to pound in your @$$. Bye!!

    • “Children would be safer at home due to the out of control attacks on schools….”

      Not really dacian.

      A child has a 0.00012% chance of being killed or injured in a school shooting.

      A child has an over 60% chance of being a victim of a violent crime that would result in their death or serious injury, anywhere within a block of their home.

      A child has an over 68% chance of being a victim of a violent home invasion that would result in their death or serious injury.

      A child has an over 72% chance of being stalked for some period of time by a violent pedophile who based upon opportunity during that stalking period would abduct the child by some means and usually within sight of the child’s home. Because kids are taught that home is safety they let down their guard in and around their homes and when home is in sight, so they become less vigilant.

      These are just a few things …but overall a child is not safer just because they are at home.

      In today’s world, any parent who is not armed and ready is taking a big chance for the safety of their child.

      • Wrong Booger Brain

        The Stats show guns in the home make it far more likely children will find them and shoot themselves accidentally or on purpose or shoot their visiting playmates.

        Guns in the home count for the majority of homicides, not a home invasion, and not an attack on the street. In other words when the naked apes have a gun in the home they end up using it on someone living in the home.

        Objective: Determine the relative frequency with which guns in the home are used to injure or kill in self-defense, compared with the number of times these weapons are involved in an unintentional injury, suicide attempt, or criminal assault or homicide.

        Methods: We reviewed the police, medical examiner, emergency medical service, emergency department, and hospital records of all fatal and nonfatal shootings in three U.S. cities: Memphis, Tennessee; Seattle, Washington; and Galveston, Texas.

        Results: During the study interval (12 months in Memphis, 18 months in Seattle, and Galveston) 626 shootings occurred in or around a residence. This total included 54 unintentional shootings, 118 attempted or completed suicides, and 438 assaults/homicides. Thirteen shootings were legally justifiable or an act of self-defense, including three that involved law enforcement officers acting in the line of duty. For every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides.

        Conclusions: Guns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense


        • But your results suck, because they were funded / tailor fashioned to support an agenda.

          Results: During the study interval (12 months in Memphis, 18 months in Seattle, and Galveston) 626 shootings occurred in or around a residence. This total included 54 unintentional shootings, 118 attempted or completed suicides, and 438 assaults/homicides. Thirteen shootings were legally justifiable or an act of self-defense, including three that involved law enforcement officers acting in the line of duty. For every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides.

          1) Ok. So 438 assaults homicides? Let’s take those out right there. My kids aren’t going to be homiciding anyone. Maybe your kids are like that, but mine aren’t, and if your kids are, there might be a parenting problem in your home. Maybe you should focus less on safe storage and background checks and more on teaching your kids not to be garbage humans.

          2) So 118 attempted or completed suicides. Let’s take those out right there. I’ve already trained my kid, that trying to shoot your brains out is gory and a terrible way to go. If he decides to off himself and get plotted, guns aren’t going to be his method of choice. And there are SO many better ways. In fact, if guns are ever completely banned, millions will thank you, millions will feel more comfortable doing it, and likely, you’ll have to ban computer dust spray and start regulating welding shielding gases.

          3) So 54 unintentional shootings? I need to take those out also. The reason is my son has safe handling skills, knows how a gun operates, and respects and acknowledges what a firearm can do. So this doesn’t apply to me.

          4) Thirteen shootings were legally justifiable or an act of self-defense? Ok – I have to stop you there, because how many of those were undocumented? LOL. Right? Those are only the documented ones. How many more were an intruder running after hearing a shotgun cycled? Or a CCW pulls his carry piece and someone bolted? Or a verbal acknowledgement of someone being armed causing the perp to flee? Yeah, none of those are in there. And they aren’t going to be in there.

          So, the real results are in. Here are the real results:
          RESULTS: Your “study” leaves out so many variables that it is only useful for the anti-gun crowd pushing agendas. It doesn’t account for the training I’ve given my family, or our personal home policies we implement around our firearms. In fact, it doesn’t apply to a lot of gun owners. There were 626 shootings. What percentage of those people owned guns? What percentage of the population around those areas owned guns? What percentage of those people had criminal priors / recidivists? Of all those shootings, how many of the shooters went to church? How many took an active role in their neighborhood or communities? It answers no questions at all actually. It is literally, a “stupid” study, because the study itself is not looking to be precise in anything, but to be stupid in general. And it was done this way on purpose to reach an already paid for conclusion. So does the rates of unintentional shootings, criminal activity and suicides apply to my circumstances? No they don’t! Your “study” is junk science. It’s junk!

    • That’s a good plan. Allow parents the free choice to keep kids at home for schooling “due to the out of control attacks on schools,” but don’t allow home schooling because “children learn nothing about the real world when they are locked up at home and brainwashed with the hatreds of their ignorant far right parents” and “unless the parents are teachers themselves that they in no way will give their children the same level of education that they would get from professional teachers.”

      The author of the article above is deathly afraid of a miniscule chance of a shooting, so she must be a “Far Right parent [who] fear the most, the fact that their own lies, racism, bigotry, and xenophobia will be disproven.”

      In toto, Dacien contends that children must attend government schools because that gives him the best opportunity to dance in the victims’ blood when there’s a school shooting that he fervently wishes to happen. Win/win!

    • it is very important to the federal government to have these kids to go to school to be instructed to hate a certain skin tone..otherwise they would have to put their policies of perversion and racial hatred into homeschooling curriculums.. I guess thats coming next… just wait till the teachers union hears about this one..

    • You clearly do not know anything about modern homeschooling and default to a long debunked stereotype.
      A good friend of mine from the Marine Corps homeschooled his children. They had their own sports teams, their own band, their own student government and frankly they were more mature, socialized and later excelled at college.
      My friend and I took his eldest son and some of his friends to a public shooting range, taught them proper firearms handling, rules and after about two hours, they had okay to decent groups.
      Later, we camped out.

    • This one is a tough one to call so to speak. Children would be safer at home due to the out of control attacks on schools but home schooled children miss out on the relationships they form at school which are so necessary when growing up.

      No they don’t. Because they get those from the church. Church friends and neighbor friends. You can keep your gyrating drag queens, gender pronouns, and critical race theory (blatant racism) to yourself and your children.

      • anonymous,

        dacian would first have to find a woman stupid/desperate enough to allow him in her presence . . . good luck with that. Fortunately for the world, dacian’s sheer social ineptitude guarantees that he is (thankfully) not even remotely likely to further pollute the gene pool.

    • In high school we had math teachers, history teachers, geography teachers, etc, etc and all had knowledge that went far beyond any schooling a parent might attempt to give their children at home.

      Now we have elementary school sex education, gender pronoun theory, critical race theory, white privilege theory, and gyrating drag queen theory.

      When they get to high school they are taught the founding fathers were all racists, the constitution is racist. The bill of rights are racist, and those people cared about nothing but capitalvania and marxism is the path forward. Then your son grows up, goes to college, dyes his hair pink, gets breasts implants, a vaginoplasty, but also grows a beard, and is taught the world is garbage and needs to be remade into his image.

    • I might add that when children attend a public school they are exposed to other nationalities and other religions and despite what some racist parents may try and drill into their children’s heads the children learn that just because another child may be different they are not necessarily their automatic enemy.

      I find it hilarious, absolutely hilarious, that you think gun owners tell their kids that other different children are automatic enemies. Hilarious!

      I will say, that in my public school, I was exposed to ZERO other nationalities, or other religions. Only when I went to college did I find these.

      This is what the Far Right parents fear the most, the fact that their own lies, racism, bigotry, and xenophobia will be disproven when a child enters school. Children learn nothing about the real world when they are locked up at home and brainwashed with the hatreds of their ignorant far right parents.

      Where is Albert when you need him. He was just giving Geoff a hard time, because Geoff was describing what “leftism” is and he disagreed. Here we have Dacian – Article 1, which is exactly what Geoff said.

      But the polar opposite applies to Dacian’s statement as well. The left is horrified that parents might homeschool their own children, and redpill them against the fantasies and delusions of the left, while also hardening their children against leftist morals (poop chutes, drag, grooming, coerced trannyism, brainwashing of 6427 different gender pronouns, and trying to convince your children there is no objective truth to be obtained in reality.)

      Have you ever noticed that children that sometimes grow up in authoritarian and religious homes often reject it all and become liberal and agnostic.

      No I haven’t.
      But I’ve seen the opposite. One of the patriot front group members was arrested, and it was revealed that his dad was gay and abandoned his family and his mom is a “social worker.” Obvious leftist family crumbed to pieces and son got radicalized by outside groups in an effort to find “normal” masculine role models.

    • When I was in college, every single person who was an education major was almost literally retarded. They had to give them refresher courses in long division and how to multiply/divide fractions.

      I worked as a student teacher in public schools and I swore my kids would never be cooped up in a psuedo-educational prison day-care.

      One of the best things about homeschooling is what your kids are NOT exposed to; namely communism, mental illness, degeneracy, violence, bullying

      School takes about two hours a day and my kids can spend the rest of the time reading, playing, doing their chores, or playing with their friends.

      And the tired old bullcrap about “muh socialization” is retarded and outdated as the boomer fudd who says “muh 1911 something something two world wars” or “9mm gots no stopping Powa 45acp one shot one kill”.

      Go to your average high school, pick ten random kids, and ask if you want your kids to be hanging out with them.

      I can defend myself better than the state can because I am more invested in defending my own life than Johnny law who’s thinking about his own family. And I can educate my children better than the state because I’m invested in them more than the teacher who regards them as just another one of the dozens of faces in the classroom.

      • Florian,

        “When I was in college, every single person who was an education major was almost literally retarded. They had to give them refresher courses in long division and how to multiply/divide fractions.

        I worked as a student teacher in public schools and I swore my kids would never be cooped up in a psuedo-educational prison day-care.”

        Same. When I was in college, I was on the debate team. They REQUIRED us to take as many “School of Education” students as applied, because they needed to get the “extracurricular” hours (and they sure as hell weren’t going to be participating in sports!!). Almost without exception, they were borderline retards. We didn’t let them go with the traveling squad; they were only allowed to do BS things like “Extemporaneous Speaking” at local tournaments – and they sucked at that. I was fortunate enough to have some good teachers while in school – but I had a few of the others, too. I’ve YET to meet an “Education” major who could pour p*** out of a boot, with the instructions on the heel.

        I WISH I could have home-schooled my kids. At least I gave them sufficient good sense and basic morality that they didn’t just buy every BS new “theory” that the latest “Education School” graduate tried to indoctrinate them with.

        “Education” majors are, for the most part, dumber than a sack o’ hammers. If dacian had ever actually GONE to school, he probably would have been an “Education” major. And God help the poor children subjected to HIS tender ministrations!!!

    • Um dacian, from reading your reply I am thinking you are simply repeating the talking points of maybe the teachers union which opposes home schooling.
      Every home schooled student I have met (and I have met many since I home schooled my daughter from 1st grade on) is actually far better “socialized” than the average public schooled student.
      No one cares more about the welfare of a child than their parents. As home schooling grows in popularity (home schooling was growing in popularity well before the pandemic and lockdowns, etc.), more and more home school support groups and co-ops are gaining popularity. Home schoolers know how to look up and locate books in their local libraries. There are increasing programs that cater to home schoolers and home schoolers and their parent teachers are extended student and educator discounts same as extended to public and private school students.
      My own daughter has been very involved in a homeschool Model UN team which competes with MUN teams from across the nation and state. The home schoolers are not lacking in any academic area.
      Home schoolers consistently score in the top percentiles on the SAT and ACT tests. Many universities actively recruit home schoolers because the home schoolers are highly prepared for college and don’t require remedial classes.

      You might want to research those talking points before you repeat them. The truth is actually much different from your uneducated assertions.

  23. Good, that is one less child we have to teach. the only problem is this guy is teaching fear rather than courage. I wonder what he is using as a text book? Karl Marx? Mao?

  24. “Norton: I’m Homeschooling My Kid Until the Government Buys Back The Guns That Are Out There”

    WHAAAAAAaaaaa! I’m going to take my ball and go home if you don’t give me what I want.

    I’m pretty sure a teacher somewhere is thankful they have one less student in the class to babysit and tend to.

    If you don’t think your kid is safe in a school then don’t send them to school and home school yourself. But don’t cry about it and don’t use your kid as a stage prop for your personal agenda virtue signaling melodrama play and don’t play the ‘victim’ for attention.

  25. I do NOT see a connection between either KARL MARX or CHAIRMAN MAO I think the woman may be misguided in some way but as long as it’s legal it’s her choice. I can assure you of ONE thing though she would NOT have had the choice of HOME SCHOOLING under Chairman Mao Under Karl Marx the question of EDUCATION was all about the opportunity for FREE, at the point of user, education for all funded by the State through taxation up to, at the time I believe 14, or perhaps 12, years of age. Neither Marx or Mao supported or advocated HOME EDUCATION.
    So stop displaying your utter ignorance

    • I do NOT see a connection between either KARL MARX or CHAIRMAN MAO…

      Yeah, so communism is the logical outgrowth of socialism, which is the logical outgrowth of marxist theory. To say that communism has no logical basis from marxism, is total retardation.

      I can assure you of ONE thing though she would NOT have had the choice of HOME SCHOOLING under Chairman Mao

      I agree. The left nowadays doesn’t want you to have the option of homeschooling even now. Read Dacian’s posts and redpill yourself.

      Neither Marx or Mao supported or advocated HOME EDUCATION.
      So stop displaying your utter ignorance

      You can teach maoism and/or marxism in a homeschool setting regardless if marx or mao supported them, Albert.

  26. Is that Tracy Norton, Ed Norton or Karen Norton? In any case, it’s unfortunate that she’s polluted the gene pool with her offspring, but a good sign that said offspring won’t further pollute the school system.

    • shhhhh … they can’t but Norton doesn’t know that. He was apparently home schooled and they failed to mention that thing called the Constitution.

    • It is a Google translate error. The translation into English is “Partially compensated confiscation”

  27. Newsflash – you’re not safe anywhere.

    You are responsible for your own personal protection.

    You bear the consequences of your decision to be a disarmed subject-slave.

  28. Daughter’s eight years old and already obese. Pretty sure that should be the main concern, here.

  29. I say this is most definitely a blessing in disguise. Her leftist and liberal-raised daughter won’t be there to be a bad influence on the other children. This mindset is one of the reasons I no longer have neither any sympathy nor respect for the Sandy Hook parents with a gold-digging intent and state of mind. Same for those gold-diggers in Uvalde, Texas, and elsewhere. I believe in recovering loss but the extremes they pushed it is a most pathetic proof of sheer greed.

  30. And so continues the passing of stupidity from one generation to the next…that’s what happens when you grow up in a democ-Rat infested cesspool like NY.

  31. Hey Norton, buyback?

    None of my firearms were purchased from a US government agency.

    But please, hold your breath until you get your way.

  32. Buy back something they never owned in the first place.
    And lady, your delusional if you think taking my gunm away is going to have any effect on crime what so ever.
    But your in the same camp of ” everyone who owns a gunm is an outlaw.”
    When the boogie man visits your door, and he will thanks to the collapsing economy, you just dial 9-1-1 and tell them to send an ambulance because calling 9-1-1 for the cops is going to be to late.
    The school shootings could easily be stopped if theyd get a little security , yeah that sucks that its come to that, but that’s the way it is nowadays. So the option is disarm the criminals ( not possible) or harden schools security.

  33. Because I care so much about her kids, I vow to never turn my guns in. Homeschooling is great!

  34. Ok, Ms. Mrs. Miss Norton, want to homeschool? Be my guest. Demand I turn in expensive firearms for some chump change buy back amount? Forget about it sweety.

  35. Oh what a horrible threat! Perish the thought! wait who gives a s**t if you keep your libtard brats at home?

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