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This, ladies and gentlemen, is the very first civilian production SIG SAUER MPX. We here at TTAG central command have been given exclusive access to the very first production MPX in order to test it (review posting in a few minutes), but we thought y’all might be interested to know that the first batch are shipping to distributors today. Named TTAG’s 2014 Reader’s Choice Rifle of the Year, (yes, rifle) the gun has been delayed for technical reasons, but is finally headed for a store near you . . .

The rifles (and pistols) that are now shipping are being dubbed “Version 1.” The technical issue that prevented the guns from shipping has been figured out in 9mm, but they still have some work to do to get it to work in .40 S&W as well as .357 SIG. So the plan is to get 9mm guns out the door right now, and then come out with a “Version 2” that can change calibers and such. There might be a conversion kit available down the road, but there’s no guarantee.

According to the guys at SIG SAUER, the reason for the two versions is that getting that last little detail right for the other calibers was just taking way too long. So they wanted to get the MPX out and into the hands of customers rather than delay it any longer and increase the chance of it becoming just another piece of gun industry vaporware. In addition, they figured that most people wanted it in 9mm anyway and the caliber change function isn’t really a show-stopping requirement. But if it is, you can just wait about a year for the “Version 2” model to come out.

MPXes are shipping right this second, as confirmed by SIG SAUER themselves, and will be in stores within weeks. They exist, and they are awesome. MSRP on the MPX Pistol: $1,378

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  1. Sweet. Now maybe Cabela’s will be able to ship the magazine they ‘sold’ a few months back. Couldn’t pass them up at that price.

  2. Are there any plans to just sell uppers? Or is this a dedicated package where specific tweaks to the lower are built in to get it to function as a unit? Because i really only need more uppers, not more while guns! Off to search the ttag archives!

  3. I still don’t get people’s obsession with single shot sub-gun substitutes… In my pinion, even a FA capable sub-gun is a poor substitute for a proper carbine. (Like the Mk 18 CQBR.) You get most of the weight of a rifle while still only having the ballistic capabilities of a pistol. Maybe I’m missing something.

    • Buy 1000 rounds of 9mm and you get to practice handgun and rifle. Usually more economical than 5.56.

      There’s also the faint, lingering hope that we may one day get to install a giggle switch.

      • Meh… 9mm typically runs only slightly less than .223 in the bargain basement brands. I typically see 9mm for ~$0.21 per round and .223 for ~$0.25. It’s steel case, but if you rifle can’t reliably run steel case, you need a better rifle. In any case, if I was going to install a giggle switch on anything, it’d be my Mk 18 clone.

        • A lot of ranges don’t allow steel case ammo. Comparing steel case to brass 9mm and saying the prices are about the same is not a valid comparison.

          I figure that many shooters getting pistol caliber carbines (pretty much what this is with a brace) probably already have a proper carbine.

        • If you have the money to buy a $1600 boondoggle, that money can be much better spent on getting more ammo for a proper firearm. You do realize that if you bought a $1600 pistol caliber carbine to “save money on ammo” you would more or less need to shoot out the barrel on it to break even? Your per round incremental cost savings are about $0.20 – $0.25 versus M193. That means that you would need to fire between 6400 and 8000 rounds just to break even. If the price goes down to pre-m855 panic levels, (~$0.35 per round), your incremental savings drop to ~$0.10 – $0.15 per round which means that this pistol caliber carbine would need to last you between 12,000 and 16,000 rounds.

          Basically, unless you’re shooting .22LR, it just makes no practical sense to “save money” and get another gun. Even if you range does not allow steel case, it still costs you more over the expected lifetime of a firearm.

    • Less recoil and less (over)penetration. But I’m generally in agreement. Submachineguns were a solution that came about because of limitations in the technology available at the time. I’m with you – I think a modern carbine would be superior.

    • I like sub guns for home/self defense. Assuming SBR/Pistol it will be shorter than a pistol/shotgun, but with better ballistics(My MP5 clone and vector are both smaller in stance suppressed than a non-suppressed pistol). It controls better than a pistol or 5.56 rifle. It’s easier/better to suppress. Ammo is generally cheaper, so you can practice more( I don’t run steel case garbage in .223 rifles like you do, not because they can’t do it, but because I care about the longevity of my parts. SCAR barrels ain’t cheap).

      I honestly don’t see the advantage of a semi rifle in an HD situation over a semi sub gun(more recoil and noise, that about it), I would take the sub gun any day. With modern bullets in a realistic self defense situation the rifle doesn’t provide any benefits IMO. If I have to reach out to 150+ yards of course the rifle is the better option, but in most situations I would grab the sub gun.

      • Steel case has little impact on your barrel life. Lucky Gunner did a great stress test.

        Basically, it’s an urban legend. The steel case ammo is not going to win you any tournaments, but it is just as good as m193 or m855 for practice.

        As for advantages of a SBR vs a sub-gun… My Mk 18 clone is about the same size as the MPX and destroys it in the terminal ballistics department. Don’t forget, the 16″ barrel is a stupid limitation put in by the NFA, not an optimal design choice for a short range use. All it takes is a simple $200 tax stamp and you can get your carbine down to actual CQB carbine size.

        • Did we read the same article? It wasn’t markedly dirtier, or less combat accurate, but it destroyed the barrel after less than 5000 rounds where mil-spec brass was still just fine after 10k. Cheap gun? Sure, shoot steel. Expensive gun? Think twice…

        • Wow omg that totes doesn’t prove your point, because the ability to magdump 5000 rounds through a red hot barrel is the most important requirement of training ammunition/

        • Devil_Doc, I believe the problem with the barrels being “shot out” highlighted in the article was the bi-metal jacket, not the steel case.

          Though the steel case may have helped accelerate extractor wear.

          The barrels being “shot out” is the bigger deal to me.

    • No such thing as practical suppressed subsonic 223 in contrast to the dirt-cheap 147gr 9mm.

        • Why would you want to? A decent suppressor will make you rifle ear safe anyway. You’re never going to be absolutely quiet due to all the moving fiddly bits, so why give up 90% of your performance (giving your rifle the punch of a pistol) for absolutely no practical benefit?

  4. $1,600.00 – $1990.00 “gun of the year”? really? Well, it does have a shoulder thngy at least..

  5. So, is that a standard lower? IOW, can I just stick that upper on my SBR and get DOWN? I might just have to do that! Add a suppressor and I think we have a HD winner.

    • I’d like to know as well. I’m hard pressed to justify a full rifle that I have little use for, but a separate upper that I can slap on my stamped SBR lower might be fun.

  6. I’ll be free all weekend to help shake it down!

    I think that was my favorite from TIFF last year.

  7. A lot of us leave in urban/suburban areas where there is A) nowhere near by to shoot a rifle round. B) its too much gun Pistol caliber rifle/carbine is ideal in those scenarios

  8. “According to the guys at SIG SAUER, the reason for the two versions is that getting that last little detail right for the other calibers was just taking way too long. So they wanted to get the MPX out and into the hands of customers rather than delay it any longer and increase the chance of it becoming just another piece of gun industry vaporware.”


    I’m having flashbacks to the premature releases of the p250, the 556r, the 556xi…

    I think their execs are just shoving the gun out the door for sales as soon as the 9mm specs were “mostly stable” rather than “100%.”

    Now I’m pretty danged sure that we’re going to see another lemon-model series from Sig where the entire first generation has terrible QC and actually kills the ongoing popularity and sales of the model line (though, if the 556xi is any indication, Sig may be bad QC across the board).

    I LIKE Sig’s designs and aesthetics and I don’t want to badmouth them. I literally want to be a Sig fanboy.
    The problem is that the company isn’t giving me much hope considering their previous performance.

    • I made the mistake of buying the 556XI on launch. After literally going through CS and getting 3 new rifles, having to pay the FFL fees each time, I simply gave up on it. I don’t get how TTAG has good luck with Sig products, but after that debacle I am never, ever touching anything Sig again in my life. It was really disheartening.

      • Oh dear… That’s seriously disheartening to me.

        I love Sig’s aesthetic in their designs (if I had to describe it, I find it to be the 90’s spacegun that Walther pistols always wanted to be but ended up somewhere in Glocksville), and their engineering ideas are top-notch in the relatively static whole-gun market (i.e. ARs, AKs, milsurp, and $2k+ snowflakes).

        But if they cannot be released as good as they are on paper, then they’ll have to be burned from my Want list (and my heart).

      • Our department has had issues with the M400 which were subsequently resolved. The P226 and P227 are awesome guns. The P320 seems to work just fine, at least from what I’ve heard, and the Sig Brace is legit.

        While I could see the XI having issues, I wouldn’t away from Sig. All real gun manufacturers have issues from time to time. I’ve worn out Glock mags, recoil springs, had tritium sights go dim, etc. If you get enough guns and blow through enough ammo something will eventually break or malfunction. That’s why we have spare parts. And gunsmiths.

        • It was an aweful experience and Sig made up for it by providing excellent customer service. I will give them that.

          As far as the rest of their products go, if I can’t rely on them to deliver a rifle into my hands 3 times in a row that continuously malfunctions for the same reason.. Then I really feel like I’ve wasted my money on something that I wouldn’t want to take outside of the range for reliability reasons. I’m not rich and I can’t afford to spend $1300-$1500 constantly on a rifle, so I have to make my purchases smartly, and this is one that really damaged their reputation with me.

  9. I like the interesting interpretation of the “See No Evil, Hear No Evil (due to Suppressor), Speak No Evil” Monkeys.

    • Yep, the scorpion is standing behind the MPX and just pumping away.
      CZ has a monster on its hands.

  10. I’m not saying I’ve heard this before….I’ve heard it before a half dozen times. With the german export ban and the continual failure of Sig to launch finished products(250, p556, 556xi) I’m not really sure why anyone would any measure of excited for their products other than if they are being paid to be.

  11. Thanks for the heads up on the V1/V2 issue. I will cool my jets and wait for the second version to come out. This is probably a good thing since the retail price will likely jump to at least $2000 on Gunbroker. Tracking the price of the Tavor, it was hard to find one without the optic for less than $2,000 for at least the first 6 months to a year of its release. Now, you can find one for $1,700 pretty easily. I like the MPX for home defense, but I’ll have to wait at least another year it looks like.

  12. I want an MCX (not MPX) in 300 Blk SBR (with a 5.56 barrel kit)

    Now that is worth the money

  13. Guess I’ll be waiting for v3(?), when they finally indulge Americans’ love of fuddy-five ACP.

  14. Just curious if anyone has seen one of these unicorns since TTAG announced they are shipping?

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