Electric lock picker (courtesy youtube.com)
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In the video below, FPSRussia’s non-indicted cousin CRHRussia (CrazyRussianHacker) opens a lock with a lock picking gun. How great is that? Pretty great if you’re trying to open a locked gun case, I suppose. Then again, bolt cutters. Then again, YouTube commentator B.W.S.K. has a suggestion . . .

I can confirm that the lock picking gun works. Opens any lock in seconds! Mine has GLOCK written on the side though…

Shrapnel much? And a GLOCK fails the “open that lock” stealth test by a wide margin.

Anyway, want one? A lock picking gun I mean. ‘Cause everybody wants a GLOCK, apparently.

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  1. Sorry, fanboy.
    Not everyone wants a Glock.
    For more reasons that I’ve time to list or discuss here.

    • Agreed. As a former owner of one, there are a myriad of better options. I don’t know how their QC is now but my Taurus 24/7 was just as accurate and more reliable than either my G17 or G34, and at a considerably lower cost and weight (thanks to the titanium slide).

  2. I have a (manual) snap gun and one of the electric dildo-looking ones. The former work well – if noisily- for simple locks with no anti-pick mechanisms. I’ve never had ANY luck with the electric ones.

    Neither feels as elegant as getting out a leather pick case and doing things the old way.

    • What snap gun do you have? Mine defeats “pick resistant” locks in seconds if it’s set correctly.

      When I was a teen I locked myself out of the house. Pick resistant locks and whatnot (dad spared no expense on that). The lock guy who showed up laughed when I told him the locks were pick resistant, stated that was advertising bullshit, and opened the door with seven trigger pulls of a snap gun for two locks. Took him maybe 10 seconds for both.

      A quality snap gun and the right touch and any key lock, other than than crazy “snake lock” thing, will open in just a few trigger pulls.

      The reason the electric ones don’t work, usually, is that you can’t have much of a touch with them due to the way they bounce around. They end up just randomly hitting pins and you hope you break the sheer line on all of them without overpicking. It’s quite literally like rolling dice. Huge tendency to overpick a pin or pins on decent quality locks due to the lack of control. They work alright on shit Chinese locks though… if you fill the fucker full of WD or graphite first…

      I have had good luck with electric picks on certain cylinder locks though…

        • Been a Locksmith for 22 years. Never bought a “vibrator” our cost from supplier is 180.00 and my pick set works just fine. I have a manual pick gun which works well for home locks. Padlocks, file cabinets, mailbox, car doors all picked by hand. Cam locks such as toolboxes and the like, anything with wafers, I just use a modified Paperclip. Double sided Chevy locks got a set of wiggle keys, opens them all, and turns the ignitions.

          Even the new cheap locks have mushroom pins but they don’t stop experience.

        • Any lock created can be picked. It’s a question of knowing how it functions and having the right tools.

          Of course if you annoy me with some oddball lock then there are… other bypass methods that honey badger (don’t give a shit) the fuck out of your lock/door/house no matter what lock you used.

          At a certain point you just let people have their way with the lock, kinda like not locking a soft-top Wrangler because what they’ll do to bypass the lock (if they care enough to bypass it) will damage your shit so badly it will cost more than what they steal.

          I had a friend tell me I couldn’t pick his lock or get past his door. Bet me $250. The door was kick resistant due to a bunch of after market stuff and he was using this crazy snake lock from over seas. I looked at his set up, walked out to my truck and grabbed a farm jack which I set into the door frame parallel to the ground and in between the door handle and the deadbolts (about vertical center).

          When he saw what I was doing (which I wouldn’t actually have done to his house because that’s just messed up) he just handed over the $250.

        • Stereodude knows his locks. I have three of the Protec2 padlocks with matching cores. AFAIK, there have been no successful picks of the Protec2.

          I’m not concerned about whether they can be defeated with power tools. For my purposes, I needed a padlock that could not be compromised without me knowing it had been opened. The Protec2 cores are available in various kinds of lock formats, including deadbolts, cabinet locks, etc. You can get them all keyed the same if you want. Their PL 321 Padlock is about the best padlock you can get for a gun case or luggage (provided it will fit through the luggage holes) and sells for $45 at Security Snobs.

        • Frank, prowl around Youtube a bit. There are special tools to attack the Abloy locks, just a specialty set of picks for them. There’s nothing inherently special about a disc detainer lock which is what the Abloy’s are. Any security invented by man can, and will, be defeated by man. In the case of the Abloy locks, apparently, all you need is a small bolt, hammer and needle nose pliers. Couple whacks in the right spot and the locks all fall apart. Yeah, fantastic design that.

          Go to YouTube and search “Exploiting Abloy’s Design Defect” and you’ll find out exactly how the lock works and what it’s weaknesses are.

          Here’s a shorter example example of one being picked in like 90 seconds:


        • The Abloy exec in the picking video is an old design though, which was superseded by the Protec. The ‘exploiting’ video you mentioned is a destructive method. That’s not picking though. I would know my lock had been compromised.

          The Protec2 is kind of considered the holy grail right now in the lockpicking forums. There are no confirmed non-destructive attacks against Protec cylinders in the public domain.

        • Again, I’ll qualify my last post with “As far as I know”. I’m sure there will be a first successful true picking, and whoever posts it online will probably be internet famous for awhile. I just needed padlocks for information security where nobody could get access without me knowing. They aren’t even particularly stout padlocks, which get pretty expensive in the Abloys. I just wanted some very pick-resistant cores, and it seems like the Protec2 fits the bill.

  3. For those too damn lazy to learn from the flood of lock-pick vids on YouTube?

    Almost as bad as the kidz nowadays thumping their chest with their model helicopter flying skills.

    Impress me with flying a rotary wing with no rate gyros or other artificial stability aids, posers…

    • I can only imagine what the future holds as the both the delinquent kids and criminals also get lazier and lazier.

      • “While previous generations started and ended wars, the one thing this generation excels at is being bored. And they are being bored more quickly, and by more interesting things, than ever thought possible.”

  4. Wow. Buy an actual snap gun. They’re usually cheaper than a powertool, they’re quieter AND they’re adjustable tension which means that they have a better chance of working faster. Electric lock-picks too exist and they’re more precise at doing what you want. But screw the price.

    My SouthOrd snap gun will usually open a lock in two pulls of the trigger, about 15% the time that it took that stupidity to work.

    Or you could just learn to actually PICK the lock. At the point you’re pulling out powertools it’s time to just pull a Bill O’Reilly, say “Fuck it! We’ll do it live!” and move to destructive bypass methods like a fucking drill.

  5. Bump Stock? Binary Trigger? None of either?
    It’s really quiet. And it’s full auto.
    Just another damn assault weapon!

  6. Everyone wants a Glock? Sorry…..not true. I don’t have one and don’t want one. Not bashing Glocks. I have no doubt that they are good firearms and are good fits for some people, but I’ve found other manufacturers pistols to be more to my liking.

  7. Many years ago, when I was going through intel training in the Marines, I went to an Army school for lock picking out in Arizona. We had to make all our own picks, keys, “slim jims”, tension wrenches, etc (quickly discarded afterward in favor of commercially produced ones). I never got a pick gun. We were told that we had to keep our tools secured on base and couldn’t use them in the civilian community unless we were bonded by the state. Reason for this was that unless one was bonded (as a locksmith, for example), possession of lock-picking tools was viewed by the law as unauthorized “possession of burglar tools”, and presumption of intent to commit a crime. Some of my military colleagues got bonded and did part-time work on the outside, but I never did. When I retired from the service, I sold my pick set to another Marine. Which leads me to the question: Lots of you are talking about using picking tools, but only one guy self-identified as a locksmith, presumably bonded. Have the rules about being bonded changed? What are the criteria for non-bonded ownership of lock-picking tools where you live? Just curious…

      • They’re available at truck stops all over the country.

        A set of jiggler keys is a better investment though.

    • Here in AZ, you must have felonious or malicious intent. Mere possession isn’t illegal.
      It’s that way in many stares.
      Google is your friend.

  8. Bought a SouthOrd manual pick set a couple of years ago, and discovered how easy most locks are to penetrate will a little time and effort. Mostly it now resides in my get home bag.

    • Same here. I got a LAB kit in a nylon case. Good for the $$. Picked up lock picking in 1990 while in service. Saved myself 100’s of dollars over the years and made a few $$ as well. It’s also handy to have a warded pick set too. I normally use a med diamond pick for all my work, seems the best for me. It’s not only cool but practical.

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