Uvalde Texas School Shooting
A curtain blows in an open window of Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, Monday, May 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E)
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Some say the folks at NPR quit doing real news back in the Jimmy Carter era. Others say it happened some time during the Ronald Reagan era. Either way, NPR’s coverage of the Uvalde school shooting has done nothing to rehabilitate its growing reputation as a purveyor of politically slanted fake news.

The taxpayer-supported network’s report that there have been 27 school shootings so far this year won’t help their reputation much either.

In reality, there have been only 13 mass school shootings since 1966. Instead of reporting the news, NPR sensationalized the Uvalde tragedy by conflating shootings that happened at or near schools with murderous rampages committed with firearms.

Screen cap by Boch via NPR.org.  https://www.npr.org/2022/05/24/1101050970/2022-school-shootings-so-far

Obviously, there’s a huge difference between the two. But NPR isn’t going to let facts get in the way of promoting their anti-gun rights narrative.

Reason Magazine has a great story about the reportage sleight of hand your tax dollars are paying for . . .

For many people, the Uvalde, Texas, mass shooting—which claimed the lives of at least 19 children and two adults—seemed all the more horrible after they learned it was the 27th school shooting so far this year. That fact makes it harder to view Uvalde as any kind of isolated incident.

An NPR article highlighting this statistic has been shared frequently on social media. The headline, “27 school shootings have taken place so far this year,” probably gave many readers the impression that gun-related killings in schools have been especially high this year, even before Uvalde. Naturally, the prospect of 26 other previously unnoticed mass shooting events in schools should provoke alarm. It should also raise eyebrows.

The problem here is that three very differently defined terms are being used somewhat incautiously and interchangeably: school shooting, mass shooting, and mass school shooting. Uvalde was a mass school shooting; the 26 previous tragedies at schools this year were not.

The difference is significant. Education Week, which tracks all school shootings, defines them as incidents in which a person other than the suspect suffers a bullet wound on school property. Many of the 26 previous shootings involved disputes between students in parking lots, or after athletic events, and all of them resulted in one or zero deaths. These deaths are still incredibly tragic, of course. But they are fundamentally unlike what happened in Uvalde.

Uvalde is a mass school shooting. This is defined in different ways too: an incident in which at least four people (some counters make it three) are shot and/or killed. The Gun Violence Archive counts incidents in which at least four people were shot. Under this definition, many incidents of street crime and domestic violence count as mass shootings, even if no deaths result. A stricter tally of mass school shootings, conducted by criminologists for Scientific American, only includes incidents where the shootings resulted in at least four deaths. Using their criteria, the number of mass school shootings in the U.S. since the year 1966 is 13. These crimes claimed the lives of 146 people in total.

Obviously, 13 incidents in the last 56 years is a very different statistic than 27 incidents in the last few months. The two figures are so far apart because they measure separate things.

The left-leaning shills at NPR eagerly promoted this false narrative for political gain in support of their fellow travelers who want nothing more than to further limit individual gun rights. With this hocus-pocus fakery, it’s no wonder that Americans’ trust in the mainstream media hovers at or near it’s lowest levelso far.

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    • Yeah…no different than funding Planned Parenthood, Israel, and now Ukraine. Notice they get money before schools do…says all you need to know about government priorities.

      • And just this week…
        Biden administration officials outline new $700 million Ukraine security package, including longer range rocket systems

        The ink isn’t even dry on the 40 billion deal. This is the new normal. Be sure to wave your Ukraine flags and salute Zelenskyy.

        Are we getting paid back with interest? Enough interest to cover the interest we’re spending on this?

    • Yep, despite the fact that Republicans had trifecta control (house/senate/POTUS) of government for 8 years out of the past 20.

      RINO cucks is not a new phenomena.
      Also explains why our gun cake keeps being handed away to the glutenous Left.

      • “Yep, despite the fact that Republicans had trifecta control (house/senate/POTUS) of government for 8 years out of the past 20.”

        That tired crap again?

        Read, with an emphasis of comprehension, this :

        Actual control of all 3 requires a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

        The only thing right now stopping the Leftist Scum ™ from outlawing guns today is the fact that Manchin and Sienna in the Senate are keeping them from using a simple majority to change the Senate rules letting them kill the filibuster outright.

        In the last 8 years we have never held a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.

        It has nothing to do with ‘cucks’, it’s simple mathematics, and thank God Manchin and Sienna are currently hanging strong…

    • Sadly, this is another example of TTAG revealing their biased ‘journalism’.

      “The taxpayer-supported network’s report that there have been 27 school shootings so far this year won’t help their reputation much either.

      In reality, there have been only 13 mass school shootings since 1966“

      The TTAG author cleverly moves the goal post, intentionally conflating “school shootings” as “mass school shootings”.

      The NPR article clearly states: “A shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, that has killed 19 children and two adults marks the 27th school shooting this year.”

      NPR cites their source as ‘Education Weekly’, and gives a link to the source article.

      But the TTAG author intentionally uses the phrase “mass school shootings” when they make their false claim about the NPR reporting.

      If it wasn’t for disinformation, the conservative Republicans would have no information at all.

      • Where were you when Russiagate was in the news? Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation but now isn’t? COVID lies? Julian Assange imprisonment? So many BIG lies out there but go ahead pat yourself on the head as a good useful idiot that you are.

        • “Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation but now isn’t“

          Well, that’s a rather ham-handed attempt at deflection, remember we’re talking about dead kids not Hunter Biden.

          Number one, Hunter Biden does not hold any political position or office of trust in our government so I’m not too concerned about him.

          I sure would like to read some of those laptop emails, when do you reckon Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity are going to release their copies?
          Wonder why they haven’t released their copies yet, is it because they’re afraid of being sued for libel?

          And that whole Russia collusion thing, how’s that Durwood investigation going anyway?

        • Miner and I had multiple conversations about both Russiagate and the infamous laptop. He left the various propaganda links here on TTAG throughout the three years of the Russia Lie. He believed every word of it and bought into the “walls are closing in.” He also said the laptop was disinformation because the “intel community” said it was.

        • “He also said the laptop was disinformation“

          I sure would like to read some of those laptop emails, when do you reckon Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity are going to release their copies?
          Wonder why they haven’t released their copies yet, is it because they’re afraid of being sued for libel?

        • LOL you still think the laptop story is Russian disinformation? Or just made up? Even the MSM had to recently acknowledge that it’s real. Hey, it only took nearly a year and a half to admit what they knew was the truth from the beginning. It’s either incompetence or lies. How could one group of “professionals” be so “incompetent” and why is it that their “mistakes” always go in one direction? Hmm…

          “First, the New York Times decides more than a year later that Hunter Biden’s business woes are worthy of a story. Then, deep in the piece, in passing, it notes that Hunter’s laptop is legitimate.”

          The story isn’t really about Hunter. It’s about the Puppet. It proves he lied about being involved in Hunter’s “business deals” which even Hunter admitted was made possible because he was a certain someone’s son. It also corroborates the story told by Tony Bobulinski about Joe Biden’s involvement with Hunter’s “deals.”

          You can’t admit proof staring you in the face, yet you immediately jumped on the Russia Russia bandwagon led by anonymous sources and rumors. Maybe it’s time for a little introspection.

        • MinorIQ,

          But . . . but . . . what about the “10% for the Big Guy”????

          You are SUCH a transparent hypocrite partisan idiot it isn’t even laughable. You senile idiot (who was an idiot BEFORE he was senile) is literally and demonstrably the worst, most incompetent president in my lifetime . . . and his competition includes Bill Zipperpants, Barry Soetoro, Richard Nixon, Billy the Peanut Farmer, and the two Bush idiots. And you’re still obsessed with “mean tweets”. You are a pathetic, partisan idiot. Have fun competing with dacian for “most stupid commenter on TTAG”, you worthless POS.

      • All the progressive gaslighting in the world doesn’t change that NPR clearly brought up “school shootings” in the context of the Uvalde mass shooting to encourage readers to think of Uvalde as the norm for school shootings, and ignore the blatantly obvious difference between that and a student or two being shot (fatally or not) which is far and away the true norm for school shootings. Bringing up that difference is the polar opposite of “disinformation”.

        Of course if progressives aren’t able to blur the line between one student wounded incidents and double-digits students murdered incidents, they’ll have no emotions to play on to advance their agenda.

    • “Conflation is the standard MO for TTAG”

      The author is lying, confusing you by claiming NPR used the term “mass school shooting” when the fact is, NPR correctly noted it was the 27th “school shooting” this year.

      Is it really that easy to fool you guys, and get you all whipped up with bullshit?

      I guess so, most of you voted for New York City con artist Donald Trump…

      • Considering what else was nominated, I would have voted for my neighbors tom cat ahead of Mrs. Clinton, or Mr. Biden.

      • Nope. I cannot stand Trump. Let me guess – you voted for this walking death rattle we have for president now…

      • What’s your solution. You are ass-holing your way around the forum like some virtue signaling libtard…. What’s the solution? Talk is cheap. Let’s get down to the brass tacks. How would YOU fix this problem?

      • Of course, you are the liar here. You cannot point to where TTAG (or Reason) claimed that NPR said “mass school shootings” because it doesn’t exist in either article.

        • “Of course, you are the liar here. You cannot point to where TTAG (or Reason) claimed that NPR said “mass school shootings” because it doesn’t exist in either article“

          Really? Are you having trouble reading English as a second language?

          Here is the quote from the TTAG article above:

          “The taxpayer-supported network’s report that there have been 27 school shootings so far this year won’t help their reputation much either.

          In reality, there have been only 13 mass school shootings since 1966“

          The TTAG author cleverly moves the goal post, intentionally conflating “school shootings” as “mass school shootings”.

          The NPR article clearly states: “A shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, that has killed 19 children and two adults marks the 27th school shooting this year.”

          NPR cites their source as ‘Education Weekly’, and gives a link to the source article.

          But the TTAG author intentionally uses the phrase “mass school shootings” when they make their false claim about the NPR reporting.

          If it wasn’t for disinformation, the conservative Republicans would have no information at all.

      • Mr. Dementia and Camel Toe are having the WORST 18 months to start a presidency in history. In HISTORY! Compared to them Trump is a combination of Washington, Reagan, and Lincoln. Now wise up.

  1. Just like they count felons behaving feloniously up to age 25 as a sad “kids n gunz” stat.

    Media lies. All media lies. They always have and always will.

    • “talk about how AR15s make bodies explode”

      Most of the kids in that classroom weighed about 60 pounds. You don’t believe their bodies were blown apart violently by being shot with a 5.56mm at 10 to 15 feet?

      You know all the torso hits resulted in the children’s organs being blown out across the room, their intestines torn apart and their breakfast sprayed across the walls.

      Those rounds are moving at about 3000 FPS, the children and teachers shot in the head would experience a violent explosion of brain tissue as hydrostatic shock caused their heads to shatter in a spray of red and gray.

      You bet an AR 15 would make bodies explode, ask the coroner what he saw in that classroom.

      Sandy hook was even worse, those kids were only six years old, little boys and girls around 35 to 40 pounds each.

      A center of mass hit from a 5.56mm would literally tear those children apart.

      Honestly, I am constantly surprised at the banality of evil on this forum.

      • Wow. You are quite the troll! The banality of evil here is no different than a Planned Parenthood meeting. The difference is I have nothing to do with the shooting whereas Planned Parenthood makes tons of money shredding up little babies and our govt dollars pay for it too. You obviously are short a few brain cells if you think I am evil having a gun to protect my family.

        • “you think I am evil having a gun to protect my family“

          I never suggested any such thing.

          The evil is in the casual denial of the terrible damage that can be inflicted by an AR15 in a small classroom, upon children wearing around 60 pounds each.

      • “You bet an AR 15 would make bodies explode, ask the coroner what he saw in that classroom.”

        Let’s ask him:

        He says he has no intention of ever sharing exactly what he saw.

        Oh, darn.

        • Never saw that kind of damage on feral pigs, many of whom were less than 60 lbs, when shot with .223, 7.62×39, .243, 6.5×55, 308 Winchester, .303 British, and 8mm Mauser.

          Calling big time ballistic bull#h!t.

        • Never saw that kind of damage with small pigs with a 30-06 either, even at very close range.

        • Southern Cross,

          You mean to say that MinorIQ is such an uneducated idiot he has NO IDEA what the impact of a 5.56 round does to an actual target??? Say it ain’t so!!!

          Like dacian the stupid, MinorIQ has no f***in’ clue in the world how firearms actually work or what they do. He MAY have fired a gun in his life, but he’s a partisan moron, who thinks his agenda is more important than reality. Ignore him, or mock him, but don’t give him the dignity of taking his verbal diarhea seriously.

        • Interesting. So how many gunshot wounds have you treated?

          “As I opened the CT scan last week to read the next case, I was baffled. The history simply read “gunshot wound.” I have been a radiologist in one of the busiest trauma centers in the United States for 13 years, and have diagnosed thousands of handgun injuries to the brain, lung, liver, spleen, bowel, and other vital organs. I thought that I knew all that I needed to know about gunshot wounds, but the specific pattern of injury on my computer screen was one that I had seen only once before.

          In a typical handgun injury, which I diagnose almost daily, a bullet leaves a laceration through an organ such as the liver. To a radiologist, it appears as a linear, thin, gray bullet track through the organ. There may be bleeding and some bullet fragments.

          I was looking at a CT scan of one of the mass-shooting victims from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who had been brought to the trauma center during my call shift. The organ looked like an overripe melon smashed by a sledgehammer, and was bleeding extensively. How could a gunshot wound have caused this much damage?

          The reaction in the emergency room was the same. One of the trauma surgeons opened a young victim in the operating room, and found only shreds of the organ that had been hit by a bullet from an AR-15, a semiautomatic rifle that delivers a devastatingly lethal, high-velocity bullet to the victim. Nothing was left to repair—and utterly, devastatingly, nothing could be done to fix the problem. The injury was fatal.“

          This article was written by Heather Sher, Diagnostic Radiologist at North Broward Radiologists, PA
          North Broward Radiologists, PADuke University School of Medicine.

          So I am interested, exactly what medical school did you attend?


        • Using miner’s logic, a doctor shouldn’t be proposing public policy. What school of political science did she attend?

          It’s clear to me that AR-15 and other high-velocity weapons, especially when outfitted with a high-capacity magazine, have no place in a civilian’s gun cabinet. … addressing the root cause of the problem and passing legislation to take AR-15-style weapons out of the hands of civilians?

        • Minor MINER49er Now you claim to be a doctor? Where did you get your degree? Where did you intern? Where did you do your residency? What hospital do you work in now? What city?
          You treat gun wounds daily? You are lying right through your eyeteeth.

        • @miner regarding the atlantic hit piece. Turns out later it was a complete work of fiction.

      • I knew you were going to say something stupid, and liberal, of course, but this is truly a new accomplishment in idiotic drivel, even for someone as ignorant as you.
        I might attempt to educate you on the fact that Any high velocity round is lethal when it hits Anyone in a kill zone , let alone children, but nothing much less than a 50 BMG round will blow a body apart.
        5.56 varmint bullets with hollow points designed to inflict maximum damage on thin skinned game won’t blow them apart, standard FMJ makes pretty much the same size hole going out as going in, it does damage by causing hydrostatic shock, not because it’s some uber terminator round.
        If I had to choose what I was going to be shot with, I’d pick the 223/5.56 FMJ round over anything larger , smaller hole, so if it didn’t kill me I’d have less damage.
        IF an AR15 was used by the shooter, which is doubtful, because the cops/feds would have been displaying it immediately afterward and constantly since, and the biden pedo meat puppet and it’s accomplices would’ve been demanding bans and confiscation raids on gun owners immediately .
        It’s not suspicious At All is it, that whenever gun banners call for more restrictions, there are shootings, but they’ve been conveniently done by incompetents who suicide or are quickly killed.
        I believe that’s true in EVERY CASE, don’t you?

      • AR is not a Star Trek phaser you nimrod. Damage was significant but nowhere near what you claim.

  2. quote—————The taxpayer-supported network’s report that there have been 27 school shootings so far this year won’t help their reputation much either.————-quote

    Once again Boch plays games of semantics. NPR was entirely correct when the stated “School shootings this year at 27”, they “did not say” Mass shootings.

    Boch may fool the uneducated (which make up the bulk of the posters on this forum) but not anyone with even a mediocre education.

    Boch also seems to think that there is a level of child shootings and death that should be considered “The new norm” in order to argue against any new and sane gun laws.

    And of course Boch will play his usual games of delaying my post until his article has run its course and my post will be last on the list to be posted. It seems as if the truth is just too painful to be posted in a timely manner.

    And any shooting taking place during a school activity whether it is in the school or at an athletic activity or gathering on or off the school buildings grounds is still considered a school shooting.

    • your daddy shot a load in the same county where a school was located – so – your birth was a school shooting?

      And, yeah – how cool is it that your daddy and your momma are both your cousins? It’s easy for you to remember that one branch on your family twig!

      • Cousins? Possibly closer than that. Although momma is probably a desiccated husk in an upstairs room.

      • “your daddy… “

        Is that all you got?

        Nothing but lame ass personal attacks?


    • NPR has rarely gotten anything right. But then dacian, the Dunderhead, neither have you. Still have a problem figuing out the firing sequence of a cartridge?

      • to Walter the Beverly Hill Billy

        quote————Still have a problem figuing out the firing sequence of a cartridge?———–quote

        No, its you who have not figured it out. And you are too terrified to post your thoughts on your own question. It shows that you are a braggart that really does not know the answers to your own questions. Of course you will not answer because you know I would tear you apart on your answer. I will give you a hint you Moron, the answer is much longer and more complex than your arrogant pea brain is aware of.

        Go on coward, lets see you attempt to answer you own question since you have brainwashed yourself into thinking you are an expert on everything about firearms.

        • dacian the Dunderhead, ROFLMAOBT! I posed that question to you a a number of months ago when you claimed to be a “gun expert”. It is a very simple answer. Most people can answer it withoiut being a “gun expert”. So whaat if your problem?
          No, Dunderhead, the answer is very simple but just like the dunerhead you are, you make something that is really very simple complicated. The firing sequence of a cartridge is very staight foward.
          It is time for you to either *hit or gt off the pot. If you are a “gun expert” (and you aren’t), asnwer the question. I’m not going to answer it for your. Go ahead, show the audience what an “epert you are . There are only four parts to the answer. See if you can figure it out.

  3. Rest assured npr was all in on those Gun Free Zone signs and keeping guns out of the hands of school personnel. Not a word from npr when a criminal.used a vehicle to maim and murder parade goers in Wisconsin. No npr call to ban motor vehicles…hypocrites.

    • “Not a word from npr when a criminal.used a vehicle to maim and murder parade goers in Wisconsin“

      Fake news, in fact, NPR ran multiple stories about this incident, including the story below noting the extensive criminal record of the perpetrator:

      “Authorities in Waukesha, Wis., announced Monday that 39-year-old Darrell Brooks Jr. has been charged with five counts of homicide after he allegedly drove his car into a Christmas parade over the weekend, killing five people and injuring at least 40 others.

      Brooks was acting alone, authorities said in a news conference Monday afternoon. He had been involved in a “domestic disturbance” just prior to crashing his SUV into the parade. Authorities say police were not engaged in a chase of the suspect at the time of the incident, but that one officer did fire several times at Brooks’ vehicle as he drove through the parade.

      What we know about the victims of the Waukesha Christmas Parade incident
      Here are the victims of the Waukesha Christmas Parade incident
      Brooks has a criminal history in Wisconsin. In 2020, he was charged with recklessly endangering safety and being a felon in possession of a firearm, according to documents from the Milwaukee District Attorney’s office provided to NPR.”


      If it wasn’t for lies and disinformation, the conservative Republicans would have no information at all.

      • that last statement would be true if “conservative republicans” only received their information from the msm.
        as to the amount of damage caused by the round used, they certainly aren’t more dead. a big bore lever, a single action magnum or a heavy gauge shotty would be more spectacular. so what?

    • And the TV scumbags have been doing a fabulous job of hiding the Waukesha murders. I’d bet if you were to go to town and ask people about it, most wouldn’t even remember it now.

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  5. I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.
    First the bad news. The Martians have landed, the good news is they eat democrats and piss gasoline.

  6. Just from a simple Google search I see many of the 27 school shootings happened on school properties, but not while students were present.
    So, if a shooting happens at 2 AM in the school parking lot, it is still counted as a school shooting.
    Just like many of the COVID deaths were people who died, and postmortem tested positive for the bug. Not died from, but died with the bug in the system.

    • Not only on school property, but also on a school bus.

      This page refers to incidents that meet all the following criteria:

      — where a firearm was discharged,
      — where any individual, other than the suspect or perpetrator, has a bullet wound resulting
      from the incident,
      — that happen on K-12 school property or on a school bus, and
      — that occur while school is in session or during a school-sponsored event.

      Note also that it doesn’t have to be students or school personnel to count.

  7. Three presidents Carter, Clinton, and Obama, have had their school-age children set to a School building that was itself turned into an armed Fortress.
    But they are quite comfortable allowing your school children to be shot dead in their own classroom. They simply do not believe your children are worth defending. They don’t believe your children are worth saving.

    When Columbine happened. Chelsea Clinton, 8 years old, was being protected by “invisible guards” carrying machine guns. The teachers never saw the armed guards. But they were there the entire time.

    But concealed carry is not allowed in the public school system. All your children get is a Bullet to the Head.

    • “Three presidents Carter, Clinton, and Obama, have had their school-age children set to a School building that was itself turned into an armed Fortress”

      So you are claiming that President George W. Bush and President Donald Trump‘s children did not receive extensive Secret Service protection while in school?

      If it wasn’t for fake news and disinformation, conservative Republicans would have no information at all

      • It was people like you who threatened Donald Trump’s 9 year old son Barron with rape. As far as I know that is the first time individuals or groups of people, have publicly threatened to rape the child of a president of the United States.

        And that is a good reason why Donald Trump’s children had machine gun armed guards.

      • “So you are claiming that President George W. Bush and President Donald Trump‘s children did not receive extensive Secret Service protection while in school?”

        So you are claiming that Chris was talking about Secret Service protection when he specifically talked about schools?

        If it wasn’t for fake news and disinformation that you make up, you would have no information at all.

  8. So we need to harden the schools, and oh yeah, harden the grocery stores and markets, and the concert venues…

    Hey, don’t forget, we need to harden the hospitals also!

    “At least three people were killed Wednesday in a shooting on a hospital campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, police said.

    The shooter is also dead, police said in a Facebook post.
    Authorities responded to a call about a man who was armed with a rifle at the Natalie Medical Building, a physicians’ office building on the St. Francis Hospital campus, according to an earlier Facebook post from the Tulsa Police Department.“

      • It’s easy, Matt, just ban guns and/or Republicans (wonder what he wants to do with me, since I haven’t been (or voted) Republican in a decade???). MinorIQ is a partisan, lying idiot of an uneducated fool, but he is good at slinging lies. Ignore him, or mock him, but don’t take him seriously.

    • K-12 schools are different because they’re full of children. Adults can choose where to go and how to protect themselves. Children are told where to go and rely on adults for protection. The last concert I went to had plenty of visible armed security. Everyone had to walk through a metal detector. All points of entry were controlled.

    • No, you need to let people protect themselves.

      When you need a cop they’re an hour away hiding behind a wall because they might get shot.

    • Miner hospitals already have armed guards anywhere I have been, schools should absolutely catch up.

  9. NPR:

    “AR-15-style semiautomatic weapons are civilian versions of military weapons that gun control advocates say aren’t very different.

    “The AR-15, like its military version, is designed to kill people quickly and in large numbers, hence the term assault-style rifle, gun control advocates told NPR in 2018. They say it has no valid recreational use, and civilians should not be allowed to own them.”

  10. BREAKING. Shooting incident in a hospital in Tulsa. So far 3 reported killed.

    This is straight out of central casting.

    Watch more events in the lead up to the mid-terms.

  11. Rest easy, everyone — Yahoo News is on the case:

    “Tulsa shooting: Everything we know about hospital attack that killed four people”

    See? It was the attack that killed four people, including some guy who had a gun.

    And a medical office building is now a hospital. Make sure to update your syllabus.

  12. Get shot squarely in the head by anything of a decent sized caliber at close range and it doesn’t matter if it “decapitates” 🙄 you or not — it’s going to kill you. This is the Civilian Disarmament Industry pulling out all the stops to try and ban your AR. Fuck’em 🖕🏻

  13. Blaming the NRA for all crazed mass shooters? How about blaming the AAA for all killed by drunk drivers? Or the FAA for all plane crashes?

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