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NRA Convention: When Doves Cry

Dr. Scott Breeze is . . . The Dovenator. And that means he’s killed a lot of doves. More doves at one time in one place than anyone in the history of the world ever. After some Irish bastard trumped his last world record, Scott went down to Cordoba (I like what they’ve done with my doves) and plugged 15,208 of the beasties. According to the good Doctor, Argentinean doves needed shooting. “They’re pests,” the Winchester-sponsored orthopedic surgeon declared on his way into the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Well he would say that, wouldn’t he? The guys a dove shooting machine. A breeze for him, perhaps. A member of his entourage put Scott’s skills into context. “You should go down there,” he said. “Even I can shoot a couple of thousand of doves in a day.” [make the jump for YouTube dove death]


4 thoughts on “NRA Convention: When Doves Cry”

  1. I consider hunting to be just one aspect of firearms ownership. With which I am not comfortable.

  2. This quote from the YouTube page may answer some questions that are bound to be asked:

    “As a mattero of fact Doves are a serious pest in Argentina. They are now consuming 20-40% of the crops each year. All of the Doves shot are consumed. Any that are not fit to eat by people are fed to livestock(Pigs) Because of the Agriculture boom in this region the Dove population has exploded. In the past the farmers were poisoning the doves but were forced to stop because of the serious environmental impact Now only the Dovenator and his merry men, stand in the way of famine. LOL
    TheDovenator1 3 months ago”

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