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Back in January, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government couldn’t limit campaign spending by corporations. Free speech and all that. Democrats worried that corporate money would flood the political marketplace and corrupt democracy. Or something like that. So they’ve been busy drafting legislation that would force companies to, as The Washington Post describes it, “identify themselves on ads that they pay for; disclose information about such expenditures to shareholders and the public; and stand by the message of any ads through statements from a chief executive or other top official, much as political candidates currently are required to do.” The National Rifle Association opposed the idea of outing the money men behind the curtain as “intrusive.” Or something like that. So, in this year of gun control rollback, they’ve been on the blower to their friends in D.C. Let’s make a deal!

Under the House compromise, first reported by Politico, nonprofit groups such as the NRA would be exempt from the disclosure requirements if they are more than 10 years old, have at least 1 million members and receive 15 percent or less of their funding from corporations, a Democratic aide said.

So first it’s the NRA snuggling up to Harry Reid. Now it’s the NRA helping unions hide their contributors (i.e. payola) behind a wall of silence. Look what they done to my gun rights org, Ma.

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