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If you read everything in the news of late and even talk to some gun rights supporters, you know NRA has been having a host of fits on a number of legal and organizational fronts and have quite a few forces aligned against them even from within the gun community. New York Attorney General Letitia James has tried to force the organization to be disbanded and failing in that effort has continued to move forward with a trial designed to topple the organization’s leadership based on charges of widespread corruption and malfeasance of NRA funds for personal gains. The group also has legal battles taking place on additional fronts.

The stories coming out of the debacle has caused a number of gun rights supporters to turn on the organization and has allegedly led to some members to quit the organization or discontinue their financial support as well. As everyone in the gun world now knows, longtime NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre is stepping down at the month’s end as a result of the organization’s legal woes.

Today, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) announced it has filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the National Rifle Association’s lawsuit against Maria Vullo, the former superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services. The brief alleges Vullo “misused the power of her office to hamper the NRA’s advocacy efforts by discouraging financial institutions from doing business with the organization.” An amicus brief, short for amicus curiae brief, is generally filed by a group or organization that isn’t an actual party in a case, but has the expertise to offer additional, relevant information for a judge to consider in ruling on a case. Amicus curiae is Latin for “friend of the court.”

SAF was joined in submitting the brief by the John Locke Foundation and the Independence Institute. They group was represented by attorneys Joseph G.S. Greenlee of McCall, Idaho, David Kopel of Denver, Colorado, and Jonathan D. Guze of Raleigh, North Carolina. The case is known as NRA v. Vullo.

“In our brief,” says SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “we point to Vullo’s abuse of governmental authority to punish the NRA for its lawful advocacy efforts. SAF has experienced similar abuse by government agencies, which have tried to use their power to block our free speech, and it is unconscionable. This is why we felt it necessary to file this amicus, and we’re delighted to be joined by the John Locke Foundation and Independence Institute.”

“What happened in New York is very much like efforts by southern states to suppress the activities of the NAACP sixty years ago,” says SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “In both instances, state government officials used the power of their agencies to stifle and penalize rights secured under the First and Second Amendments. In this case, New York attempted to cause financial ruin to the NRA because Vullo, and then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo, harbor considerable animus toward NRA and its members.”

“NRA was penalized for doing the job it was created to do,” Gottlieb adds. “This case is about correcting and preventing this sort of abuse now, and anytime in the future. When a government is able to weaponize its agencies, and its authority, to stifle views and activities with which it disagrees, something must be done to stop it and set an example that discourages others from trying the same thing.”

The SAF, no stranger to readers of TTAG, is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focused on the Consitutional right and heritage of private gun ownership in the country. It was founded in 1974. The John Locke Foundation is an independent, nonprofit think tank that works to influence public policy in the name of truth and freedom in North Carolina. The foundation, based in Raleigh, North Carolina, is dubbed a “right-of-center think tank” by Influence Watch. The Independence Institute is a Colorado-based think tank with the mission “to empower individuals and to educate citizens and opinion makers about public policies that enhance personal and economic freedom.”

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  1. Maybe this liberal DA should investigate the Clinton Foundation for its egregious malfeasance instead, or too. WLP must be exposed inany case.

    • Especially the finances on how the foundation had over $100 million in costs to disburse about $ 6-7 million. It was known to be the Clinton’s influence fund and pocket money.

  2. “…even from within the gun community…”

    to be fair, its not the NRA per se’ but rather Wayne LaPierre and cohorts.

  3. “What happened in New York is very much like efforts by southern states to suppress the activities of the NAACP sixty years ago,” says SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut.”

    I have been trying to point this out to the “gun community” for years now. And it’s very telling, just how many people there are in the “gun community”.
    Who are willing and advocate for, a private organized group, to give up their First Amendment civil rights.

    And I’m sure those same people are big advocates for the First Amendment rights. Of the Klu Klux Klan.

    Many people have complained that the NRA is too willing, to give up little pieces of the second amendment, in order to keep “the establishment” satisfied.

    Well, it seems there are a whole lot of people in the “gun community” who are also willing, to give up their civil rights. In order to keep “the establishment” happy as well.

    • RE: “Many people have complained that the NRA is too willing, to give up little pieces of the second amendment, in order to keep “the establishment” satisfied.”

      On the other hand too many complainers have yet to take a stand against Gun Control by way of Historical Analogies…When it comes to defining Gun Control and its Historical Analogies the NRA was way ahead of the curve as the video shows. Of course some beavis and butthead Gun Owners would rather ignore the despicable History of Gun Control just to hang onto their despicable bigotry…In other words some people need to chose between their bigotry and their 2A Rights…Having both ain’t happening because like it or not public opinion of Gun Owners and Gun Control matters.

  4. Anyone truly interested in freedom and upholding the Constitution need to be prepared to fight if need be, to preserve both. There can’t be any more obvious efforts by this administration and their minions to do away with all of our basic freedoms and then claim they are promoting Democracy. If you believe that then you are one of their “useful idiots” and hope you realize they will also do to you eventually the same thing they are trying to do to conservatives. Once your usefulness is over helping them to achieve their goals, they will do exactly what Joe Stalin did to similar Russian counterparts and get rid of all of you. Learn from history don’t destroy or forget it.

    • “…and then claim they are promoting Democracy.”

      And “promoting Democracy” is a good thing??

      To advocate Democracy is to tear down the Republican form of government upon which the United States is entirely founded. There would be no place for state’s rights, individual rights, the Second Amendment or any of the Bill of Rights, The Constitution, the Electoral College, or the other liberties we are trying to protect, maintain or regain in a Democracy, especially with this tidal wave of illegals being encouraged to enter the country tv the Left. They know it full well. That is the basis of their Grand Plan.

      Know the facts and issues, control the language, educate others and win the discussion.

  5. Sunshine beatn on the Good Times.
    …..We got rid of Wayne, give us your $$$.,,,,
    Uhhh huh,
    And why was WLP in power so long? Because the NRA allowed it.
    *daacchh chung, dunt dant*
    “Here comes the new Boss
    Same as the old Boss

  6. As far as I know, civil rights organizations go, the NRA is the oldest in the United States, and will always stand up for our freedom if our gun rights are threatened. Gun owners from various backgrounds, also provide firearms training and gun safety programs. defending the Amendment, advancing gun control and marksmanship education, encouraging competitive shooting, and enhancing hunting safety.
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