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Is The NRA Freedom’s Safest Place? Question of the Day

“As the National Rifle Association grows increasingly out of touch with most American gun owners,” Josh Israel at writes underneath a grim-faced attendees at the NRA convention, “the organization still claims ‘more than five million members.'” Wait. What? Not the five million members bit. The part about the NRA losing support with “most” American gun owners . . .

Is that true?

“Overall support for stricter laws includes a majority of those who live in gun-owning households (57%)” a recent CNN-commissioned poll reveals. Yes, well, “stricter laws” could mean locking-up gang bangers. Drilling down to specific gun control laws . . .

On the proposals tested in the poll, there are sharp partisan divisions that reflect those in the public conversation around gun laws that has emerged since Parkland, particularly on a ban on semi-automatic weapons such as the AR-15. That proposal has the support of 80% of Democrats and 53% of independents, but just 34% of Republicans.

Likewise, limiting the number of guns an individual can own garners 69% support among Democrats vs. just 23% among Republicans. And while backing for a ban on high-capacity magazines has grown across party lines, there remains a 34-point spread between Democrats (82% support) and Republicans (48% support) on the question.

Is it any wonder the NRA has moved closerthanthis to the Republican Party? In fact, given post-Parkland Republican politicians’ support for new gun control laws, I’m beginning to wonder if the NRA IS the Republican Party.

What Republican is publicly railing against the extreme dangers of socialism? The revolving door justice system that lets dangerous criminals roam free? The mainstream media that distorts facts to push a progressive agenda?

And, most importantly, what Republican’s repelling — in no uncertain terms — the attack on the one civil right that protects them all?

Sure, the NRA capitulated on bump fire stocks. Yes, the NRA supports [unconstitutional] expanded background checks. But when it comes to defending personal liberty and The American Way, when it comes to waving the flag for freedom, isn’t it true that the NRA is freedom’s safest pace?

87 thoughts on “Is The NRA Freedom’s Safest Place? Question of the Day”

  1. Nope.
    Freedom’s Safest Place is my home.
    I place my complete faith in no person or group. That said, the NRA is the biggest dog in the fight. Is every American gun owner a member? Not even close. But they are our first bulwark against the bigots who hate and fear us.
    That is why they are the prime target.
    That is why the bigots want them to be the first to fall.

  2. The NRA is to gun rights as the Catholic Church is to Christianity, frequently disappointing and eye rolling out of touch at times, but essential. Take them down and the rest will fall.

  3. As evidenced by the rapid drift to the left by gun bloggers opting to relocate there, America’s Safest Place is certainly not anywhere near Austin.

  4. “As the National Rifle Association grows increasingly out of touch with most American gun owners”

    Well sh_t, even a broken clock is right two times a day.

    H O W E V E R . . . it doesn’t matter what slivers of truth those aholes stumble upon.

    “Progressivism” is communism in drag.

    F em all.

  5. The NRA are too soft, and no matter how much they cave to the demands of gun grabbers, they will always be demonized by the left’s propaganda machine. I’m two years into a five year membership with the NRA and I’m not sure if I’ll up my membership again in three years. We shall see, but in the meantime I’m putting my faith and my money in the Gun Owners of America.

    I find it odd that the media mostly ignores GOA despite them being the NRA turned up to 11. Perhaps the media doesn’t want to give them free advertising?

    • Because GOA is a tiny speck on the NRA’s butt in order of political influence.

      The lying bastards at CNN/MSM hate EVERYTHING about the NRA and it is not possible for them to more hate GOA

    • +

      The NRA = AARP

      They should be the “Teamsters”, but even that union will use its strength against its members.

    • BEL,

      “The NRA are too soft, and no matter how much they cave to the demands of gun grabbers, they will always be demonized by the left’s propaganda machine.”

      Sad, and true. Soooooo, why don’t they go the way of Jews For the Preservation of Gun Ownership and say: damn the Lame Stream Media; no compromises [any more]?

      That’s what pisses me off the most. (But, better to be pissed off, than pissed on.) 8>)

    • That is true. A political group wants its opponent to appear to be an “extremist” on the other side, to help guide the population towards itself.
      If the Party (or whatever civilian disarmament organization) wants to start at the NRA and pull opinion over from that position, they certainly don’t want to have the starting point moved back to the GOA. Perhaps if the GOA got bigger and more influential, with more media attention, they’d be the new starting point. I think that would be a good thing.

  6. Yep. NRA, like it or not, is the 800 pound gorilla in freedoms room. If it were not for their efforts our freedoms would have been lost long ago. Like or dislike their message or methods they remain the bulwark against tyranny. And make no mistake my fellow frogs, tyranny is on the march.

    How do I know? The water is getting very, very warm.

    • “NRA, like it or not, is the 800 pound gorilla in freedoms room.”

      Flinging shit but still locked in its cage. It’s going to keep us there with it.

      “If it were not for their efforts our freedoms would have been lost long ago.”

      It has been a distraction from fighting for the actual right to keep and bear arms. It has been peddling gun control through government privileges. Sadly, the people don’t even recognize the con anymore.

      “Like or dislike their message or methods they remain the bulwark against tyranny.”

      Its method is bargaining individual rights for collective privileges; something it didn’t have authority to do in the first place. It isn’t a bulwark against tyranny. It is a partner in it.

      “And make no mistake my fellow frogs, tyranny is on the march.”

      Yes, it is. It’s always on the march. That’s why substantial and lasting restoration of the exercise of unalienable individual rights can rarely happen incrementally. The nation was founded with a bang because there was no other way to protect so much individual liberty in one generation. Governments often last many generations. The long game is tyranny’s friend and the judenrat NRA is happy to help keep us calm enough for the tyrants to do their business.

      “How do I know? The water is getting very, very warm.”

      You, me, and everyone else was born into already warmed up water. We can’t know its actual temperature because we lack a proper reference frame. We can estimate by looking at the writings of those who founded this nation and the writings they read. Using that as a thermometer, it’s mighty hot indeed. Knowing how hot it likely is, ask yourself, “Is the NRA acting appropriately given this late hour?” Hell no!

      • Okay, if you’re not in favor of the NRA, could you offer up another organization that is as big, has as much political clout, has as many members as the NRA but has favorable policies? Seriously, I don’t like the NRA either, but they are the biggest, and frankly, best hope we have.

        • I’m allergic to straw.

          But, your argument is flawed from the start. The NRA is not fighting for the inalienable individual RIGHT to keep and bear arms. They are peddling a government PRIVILEGE to keep and bear arms. Additionally, they are not supporting the 2A which reads “shall not be infringed.” They are supporting gun control.

          You can compromise, sell-out, hide behind a wall, make sausage, fling poo with the 800 pound gorilla, smell other people’s hammers, or whatever y’all want to call it… But, they fact remains that the NRA does not support the actual right or the actual text of the amendment.

        • This question, Gun Free School Zones are a crime against humanity?

          “Okay, if you’re not in favor of the NRA, could you offer up another organization that is as big, has as much political clout, has as many members as the NRA but has favorable policies?”

          Any gun control organization that you want to pick. It makes no difference to me. If you support gun control then it makes sense for you to continue on with the NRA because that’s what you’re getting.

          Or, are you begging the question?

  7. The only seemingly out of touch aspect you could ding them for is not being strong enough in support of the second.

    • Totally agree, wish they would/could do more to protect our civil rights 2nd Amendment and others. That said I just sent them more money this week and after reading this another check will be sent. I support the NRA more after hearing the lies the media promotes.

  8. Yes, NRA helped elect President Trump, and No, NRA hasn’t explained why they capitulate on so many things. But I’m lucky, fixed income and can still support GOA, Judicial Watch, and NRA (by buying 5 years at a time for promotional price). I prefer GOA and JPFO, but can’t do everything, so like everyone, I do what I can. Supporting NRA doesn’t mean I’m against JPFO, I just voice my opinion so help NRA to decide what its members want. [Do you actually fill out the questionnaires or just figure they’ll just ask for more money?] I hope they read my e-mails, even if I NEVER give them extra money.

    • “You don’t take advice from your enemies.”

      You *do* keep close tabs on what they are saying-doing…

  9. Eh. They’ve been very disappointing and I have a feeling they’ll be disappointing this time too. Like Trump, they can’t admit they were wrong, and they need to somehow salvage all the money they pissed on the last election.

    Trump lost my vote with all of this in 2020. The NRA has lost my money with their capitulation on bumpstocks (which, given Trump’s threatening to ban them by himself, makes me think Cox or LaPierre said the NRA wouldn’t fight him if he signed such an illegal EO). GOA from now on.

    • “Trump lost my vote with all of this in 2020. ”

      Yeah, sure he did. You’ll support someone else in the primary, like I did, but when the final choice is Elizabeth Warren vs DJT, you’ll pull the lever for Trump. Just like I did. Just like we all will.

      Trump ain’t perfect, far from it, in fact I call him the Trumphole. But he’s been the best President we’ve had since first-term Reagan, by far.

      The NRA isn’t perfect, far from it, but they’re the 800-lb gorilla and the only reason we have ANY gun rights at all.

        • “the only reason we have ANY gun rights at all.”

          Let me rephrase; The NRA is the only reason we have ANY gun rights at all without fighting a second civil war.

          If the NRA was more 2nd Amendment absolutist, they would loose members. In addition, GOA is as small as it is because they are much more absolutist than the NRA. Despite what the MSM espouses, the NRA is mainstream American.

          I support the NRA, GOA, and SAF (and a few others). I’d like the NRA to be more like GOA but that tact will frighten most Americans and we’d loose (without a civil war).

        • “Let me rephrase; The NRA is the only reason we have ANY gun rights at all without fighting a second civil war.”

          You are missing the point that the snake oil sold by the NRA is not the exercise of rights. It is government privilege. The NRA supports gun control. There are some things worth physically fighting for. Liberty is one of them.

          “If the NRA was more 2nd Amendment absolutist, they would loose members.”

          Yes and it would be a good thing. RKBA absolutists know what unalienable individual right is and why it is crucial to liberty and a free society. 2A absolutists know what “shall not be infringed” means. Furthermore, they also know that if government is permitted to ignore the plain language of the 2A then the exercise of all individual rights is in jeopardy. The NRA doesn’t understand any of this, or at worst, knows it and doesn’t care. That box car that they are guiding you towards doesn’t go where you think it does.

          Let the NRA shrivel up and die. Then, the real work of restoring the right to keep and bear arms can begin.

          “In addition, GOA is as small as it is because they are much more absolutist than the NRA.”

          With the NRA sucking up resources, a real RKBA organization is less likely to flourish.

          “Despite what the MSM espouses, the NRA is mainstream American.”

          Yes. I don’t doubt it. I believe that mainstream America is dangerously ignorant as to the true nature and value of unalienable individual rights. That is why we have as much tyrannical government today. Fortunately, this is not a democracy where two wolves and a sheep are voting on dinner with the sheep disarmed. Give the NRA enough time and it will disarm all of the sheep of mainstream America.

          Look, you are sitting here commenting in favor of an organization that openly promotes gun control. The fact that you don’t see a problem with that tells me that any fear of violent confrontation in defense of liberty is not virtue; it is vice. That Parkland SRO failed to press forward. He probably still thinks he was correct.

          “I support the NRA, GOA, and SAF (and a few others). I’d like the NRA to be more like GOA but that tact will frighten most Americans and we’d loose (without a civil war).”

          I wouldn’t give you two cents for the SAF after Embody.

          You are right about one thing… We’d loose without a civil war.

        • John in Ohio:

          I don’t disagree with you.

          There are so few 2nd Amendment absolutists they stand no chance of winning a second civil war.

          Most of the gun owners that I talk to unfortunately support universal background checks, bans on bump stocks, and magazine limits and most are not members of the NRA. In addition, many also support banning AR style rifles.

          I think any of these restrictions just put us at a disadvantage when confronting evil (who will not be restricted by any new laws – or the old ones).

          There is much, much, more at stake than the 2nd Amendment (like the 1st Anendment, due process, etc.) in this battle between the left and right. We need to win the war, not just a few individual battles. We need as many people as we can get on our side.

          If we win the war, all of the gun laws can be repealed (or overturned by the SCOTUS) at once.

          I think the best strategy at this very moment is to go along with expanded background checks, domestic violence restraining orders (only with due process – the right to challenge the accuser in a court prior to surrendering any firearms) and bump stock NFA listing in exchange (and this is where we refuse to budge) for national reciprocity with preemption, suppressor removal from the NFA, and a ban on Gun Free School Zones.

          This is the method that will garner the most support at this time. We need to win the war incrementally or we’ll loose everything.

          Just being pragmatic.

        • “I don’t disagree with you.

          There are so few 2nd Amendment absolutists they stand no chance of winning a second civil war.”

          Maybe and maybe not. However, once one knows the truth for himself, without a shadow of a doubt, he cannot go back to compromise. When government comes for people’s firearms, there will only be RKBA absolutists left. I am being true to my conscience.

          “Most of the gun owners that I talk to unfortunately support universal background checks, bans on bump stocks, and magazine limits and most are not members of the NRA. In addition, many also support banning AR style rifles.”

          It is unfortunate. Did you happen to hear one of the latest speeches by Trump? He insists that he will ban bump stocks himself. He also went on to list more gun control. Lastly, he told the audience not to worry, the NRA is with them.

          “I think any of these restrictions just put us at a disadvantage when confronting evil (who will not be restricted by any new laws – or the old ones).”

          We agree.

          “There is much, much, more at stake than the 2nd Amendment (like the 1st Anendment, due process, etc.) in this battle between the left and right. We need to win the war, not just a few individual battles. We need as many people as we can get on our side.”

          Yes, very much more at stake. I’ve been at this a mighty long time and have had skin deeply in the game. Anymore, I’m not concerned about how many people “on a side.” To me, it’s meaningless at this hour in the Republic. I’m not alone in that sentiment.

          “If we win the war, all of the gun laws can be repealed (or overturned by the SCOTUS) at once.”

          There is the rub. *If* the “war” was won, the NRA would never, ever, ever agree to “shall not be infringed.” Those following the NRA blindly would never agree either. It’s just more of the same, rinse and repeat.

          “I think the best strategy at this very moment is to go along with expanded background checks, domestic violence restraining orders (only with due process – the right to challenge the accuser in a court prior to surrendering any firearms) and bump stock NFA listing in exchange (and this is where we refuse to budge) for national reciprocity with preemption, suppressor removal from the NFA, and a ban on Gun Free School Zones.

          This is the method that will garner the most support at this time. We need to win the war incrementally or we’ll loose everything.

          Just being pragmatic.”

          Compromise rarely works when it comes to the restoration of the exercise of unalienable individual rights. Governments often last over many generations. Incrementalism favors government. The individual loses. Generations that come after that individual loses even more. Compromise and the long game is an absolute losing strategy in this matter. It’s a fool’s errand and has been proven to be such during the lifetime of this Republic. We are where we are because of compromise. We will not compromise our way back out. It simply doesn’t work that way.

          A lot of people will become RKBA absolutists, there will be outright rebellion, or liberty will die with a whimper.

  10. The NRA is a vehicle for its members to stand up against posturing whack-jobs who want to punish – scapegoat – them for something they did not do. The people who join the NRA, and think as they do are freedom’s safest place.

    Contrast with Seriff Lion (or is it “lyin”) there, who doesn’t care what sheep(le) think. He’s O K if your kids die, because he’s just that smart. The people who join the NRA aren’t OK with their kids dying … or yours.

    NRA-Dana makes a good lightening rod. Showing up at that Springer-lite show set up her dozen media events over the next week. The trick is to have the next, less combative message to follow.

    “Well, the marksmanship club n jROTC stepped up and saved lives without being armed themselves. I’d say that the people who join the NRA are freedom’s safest place.”
    Maybe you could stop blocking the people who help?”

  11. If the NRA is out of touch with gun owners, it’s because the NRA isn’t sufficiently aggressive in protecting their rights. The state gun owners’ association where I live accomplishes more than does the NRA.

    • This. Although I don’t live there any more, Grass Roots North Carolina (GOA state affilliate) and especially their jefe Paul Valone do exceptionally fine work not only in Raleigh but in all that state’s counties and municipalities. Much more effective than NRA, which has on occasion stomped on GRNC work to further their own softer stuff.

  12. The NRA may not react like some other pro firearms rights groups but that is because they learned after President Bush dropped his membership, that politics is best done person to person and not by attacking the person or politician you are trying to persuade. We have between 60 Million and 120 Million gun owners and many more who understand our position and only 5 million NRA members. JOIN and add strength to the NRA political ability. If only 25% of gun owners joined the NRA we would have better ability to be heard.

    • Rick Bunn: I’d forgotten about that from Bush (but I thought it more a political stunt, then). If many, not even all, gunowners had voted against andrew cuomo, NY would never have had the infamous unSAFE act, which heralded “we too” statutes in CA, CT, CO, etc. You’re quite right, but how do we change it?

      • By actually joining the NRA.

        That membership stat of “5 million members” is embarrassingly low. It’s ridiculous. The AARP has 37 million members, over 7x as many as the NRA.

        If the NRA had 37 million members, nobody would be calling it a “domestic terrorist organization.”

        Get on the rolls. Get everyone you know on the rolls. And vote for directors who support your positions. That’s how you change it.

        • Hard to argue with that logic. Furthermore in a few years when all those new hard-core members are eligible to vote the NRA board could take a hard turn back to absolute 2A defense.

  13. If the NRA was actually out of touch with gun owners, the lunatic left wouldn’t hate the NRA as much as it does.

    I don’t hear the left wailing about the SAF or GOA. But the constant spewing of anti-NRA BS coming from the left and our own concern tr0lls tells you all you need to know.

    • The way I see it is that the NRA is the most obvious “face of American gun owners,” and that by vilifying the NRA, they attack anyone who owns guns, and especially anyone who owns an “assault weapon” or opposes universal background checks. Everyone in the nation knows about the NRA, but many fewer outside the “gun culture” are aware of the other groups. The current ploy is to equate the NRA with a “hate group,” and thereby undermine its message as being anti safety, and anti child protection.

    • Osama lived on past his death so the government can have a bogeyman to help them gain power.

      The propagandist and the government need the NRA to be the bogeyman, hence why they are blaming the NRA for mass murder. How else would you create a witch-hunt without a witch? The NRA happily play the bogeyman/witch in this show in order to get gun control passed with the slow trickle strategy. Which is why the NRA focuses on white Republicans and has no true intention of reaching out to everyone.

      If the NRA had half the gun owners in America in the NRA and was no compromise, they would be absolutely victorious instead of slowly losing. Gun control people do not want to give an activist group like the GOA any attention because they want their membership to be smaller than the NRA’s so they can continue taking victories.

      The NRA will lobby away your human rights. The GOA appears to be more of an activist group who will defend them rigorously [death before dishonor].

  14. 1. National Firearms Act of 1934…provided mandatory “tax” and registration for certain weapons–machine guns, suppressors, etc.
    2. Gun Control Act of 1968…federalized the interstate commerce of firearms and outlawed certain weapons because of features or size. Sales of firearms to out-of-state residents prohibited.
    3. The “Brady bill” which established background checks for retail firearms sales.
    4. Firearms Owners Protection Act Highes Amendment…froze the .NFA registry and the number of machine guns in civilian hands…prohibited the creation of new machine guns for civilians.
    5. Assault Weapons ban (magazine capacity limited and cosmetic firearms features banned). The sad part of this, is even Bill Ruger got in on the “fix” by encouraging magazine capacity limits.

    In all five cases, the NRA did NOTHING.

    Sometimes, I wonder if the NRA (secretly) encourages anti-gun legislation in order to recruit more members…engineering a “crisis”, not unlike what liberals do…

    Such methods have been by professional sports championship franchises to assure that there is enough “competition” to fill the seats for “best of seven” outcomes. They will purposely play less effective players in order to “lose” games to stretch the competition out to seven games, maximizing ticket revenue.

    Attention NRA: NO COMPROMISE…

    • Back in 1934, the NRA was not the civil rights organization it is today, but much more of a hunters safety and shooting proficiency group with many fewer members and nowhere near the clout it has today. As we know, but the MSM is just starting to admit, the NRA’s power is not in its monetary contributions to politicians–the money donated to political candidates is paltry–but the fact that its members vote, and the NRA has been very effective in getting out the vote.

    • Tell ’em not to send you any. I did, and haven’t seen a single piece of mail or spam from them in the last five years.

  15. I do not belong to the NRA. But I suspect that I am like millions of other non NRA gun people. I vote my guns. Which is very often the same way as the NRA.

    Do I always have faith in the NRA? Not really. But I’m always going to vote my guns.

    • Then with all due respect, you’re part of the problem.

      There are probably 100 million gun owners in the USA. And 5 million NRA members. The leftards see that pathetic “5 million” number, and they know there’s at least 63 million of them (because that’s who voted for Hillary) and they decide they can take the NRA down. And they may be succeeding, if the number of major corporations who bailed on the NRA are any indication.

      NRA membership should be at least 50 million. Do your part and join up. Hell, if I remember right, TTAG even gets a commission when you sign up.

    • I forget after which of these mass hysteria events it was that I joined. It was after another one that I put myself on the Easy Pay towards Life Membership. All the payments are done now, so I have the pin and everything.

      I think it’s time to make a donation to the ILA and to send the SAF some more money as well (also a Life Member there.)

  16. I have never seen this CNN poll that was supposedly taken. As gun owners have any of you? If it exists then it probably had questions like this. Are you in favor of stiffer penalties when crimes are committed with firearms? Are you in favor of having convicted felons found with firearms in their possession being charge at state and federal level for illegal possession of a firearm? If you answer yes to these you are favor of stronger gun control laws in their view, although these are crime control not gun control issues. By the way, it is rare that convicted felons are tried under federal possession of a firearm laws. I know one case where the local police did not even hold for questioning a convicted felon that was in possession of a firearm.

  17. I thought “safe spaces” was for social justice warriors. I guess a “safe place” isn’t the same as a “safe space.”

  18. The NRA is government-privilege-masquerading-as-freedom’s safest place. And, yes, I think the NRA is probably right in line with the majority of gun owners in the US. Sadly, that’s why we still have gun control.

  19. The safest place? Nah but they are by far the biggest target to the leftards. GOA and 2A are not even on the radar. My state of Illinoisistan is (probably) banning all kinds of shite in 2 days. I’ll deal with it. I’m glad I’m an NRA member but we’re SCREWED😩😖😧

  20. Is

    F R E E D O M



    Safest Place.

    Damn Skippy.

    No rest, no peace, no quarter for those opposing Freedom.

  21. The NRA is responsible for more gun control than any anti-gun group could ever dream of. The NRA is out of touch with gun owners because they think they negotiate our rights away and still expect us to blindly support them and pay their multi-million dollar salaries. The NRA is a corrupt and dangerous group that have done more harm than good to our 2A freedoms and will continue to stab us in the back. I don’t know how we can trust a group whose sole strategy is to instill fear amongst its members in order to get them to open their wallets and then sell us out at the first opportunity. I truly hope the NRA goes the way of the Dodo and the GOA takes its place…

  22. I am amazed by the number of people responding to the question who are so incredibly myopic. It is either that or a large number of leftists have discovered the blog and have determined it a great source for agitation propaganda. When those who claim patriotism find it easy to undermine their sole body of protection, thinking only of themselves, it would appear that our enemies are close at hand.

        • The NRA is not actually defending the Second Amendment. The amendment protects an unalienable individual right that “shall not be infringed.” The NRA supports collective privilege through government permission. In reality, that is gun control. The difference between the leftist anti-gunners and the NRA is only a matter of degrees.

  23. If you go back and read the articles from the sixties in various gun mags you will find the NRA was fighting a battle against the GCA for years. The assasination of a couple of Kennedy’s provided the bloody shirt drove it all forward.

  24. Stand and Capitulate,time for Wayne and Marion and Chris to retire or find other gainful employment.
    Negotiating Rights Away since 1934 !!!

  25. “As the National Rifle Association grows increasingly out of touch with most American gun owners,”

    Only in the sense that more and more Americans are becoming tired of the NRA’s pro-gun control stances, not that they are becoming tired of the last vestiages of their pro-gun claims.

  26. Remember when you were just a young lad, you always thought that your dad was the greatest ever? Then came your teen years and suddenly the old man did’nt know a darned thing?? You were much smarter,lol. As you matured and grew, suddenly you saw that hey, maybe Dad was right all along on so many things!

    So it goes with the NRA for many of us.

  27. “The NRA is to gun rights as the Catholic Church is to Christianity, frequently disappointing and eye rolling out of touch at times, but essential. Take them down and the rest will fall.”

    Absolutely agree. Seems that some of you would rather have the Clinton foundation’s support rather than the NRA which I might add has been at the forefront of many gun debates. At the very least they have more money and clout in Washington than all of us combined. Keep bashing the NRA and you’ll end up with Oprah by your side. You won’t have to worry about your guns then, – you won’t have any.

    • Barack didn’t get to ban guns because gun owners finally got up off their NRA couch. He tried to run a conspiracy to arm a foreign force to create an excuse to ban guns. Things didn’t work out for them because Republicans and gun owners were no longer indifferent. Gun sales went up, concealed carry went up, online gun content went up…

      Now that Trump and Republicans are there, Republicans and pro gun people are napping on the NRA couch. Young people, and some older people, are getting rid of their NRA couch like a fat kid throws away his cake in disgust. Time to shape up. The rest of the family can be fat slobs all they want.

  28. Agreed the NRA is too soft. Way to change that ? Voting NRA members can “bullet vote” each year for only a few hard core Directors. Sadly, the percent of eligible to vote in the NRA Board election is low and most that do pick the maximum number, making it hard to be elected as a member nominated by petition(only 2 this year) as opposed to those nominated by the NRA itself !

  29. Yes it is and the butt hurt NRA haters on here can go pound sand. You people are damn near as bad as the gun ban salivating leftists! GD I’m sick of whinny a$$holes crying that NRA isn’t hardcore enough, when you find an org that’s perfect and can at least sniff the political hammer the NRA has let me know. Until then we’re all better off if you folks STFU, you’re not helping the 2A cause!!!

  30. But when it comes to defending personal liberty and The American Way, when it comes to waving the flag for freedom, isn’t it true that the NRA is freedom’s safest place?
    Maybe not, but I support about any organization or politician who will fight for my rights against the Bolshevik hordes.

  31. Well, until a better organization comes along that can rival the NRA in size, power, and membership, I’d say the NRA is our best bet.

  32. The NRA is the best vehicle for defending the right to keep and bear arms. In terms of those who say that they have capitulated too much on gun control and been behind certain gun control, that was in the past more; as of late, they have become much more solid regarding gun rights, hence the constant complaints of the gun controllers who claim that they are so “fundamentalist” and “extreme” today.

  33. The article is by James Fallows and in the Atlantic. Fallows his Atlantic have done 370 articles, blog entries, analysis pieces etc attacking gun owners and the Second Amendment since Newton, and only one, just one has even mentioned US gun murder plunged 60% in the past 25 years.

    Atlantic’s board is a DNC contributor “Who’s who” as is its editorial and reporting stable. in the magazine business it is called “advertorial” when money coming in controls the editorial process and the Atlantic exemplifies this.


    “Don’t worry about the NRA. They’re on our side,” he said. “Half of you are so afraid of the NRA. There’s nothing to be afraid of. And you know what? If they’re not with you, we have to fight them every once in a while. That’s OK.” (It is the second video down on that page if you want to hear it.)

    “Bump stocks, we are writing that out. I am writing that out,” he said, addressing a group of state governors at the White House. “I don’t care if Congress does it or not, I’m writing it out myself.” – Trump

  35. ““Overall support for stricter laws includes a majority of those who live in gun-owning households (57%)” a recent CNN-commissioned poll reveals. Yes, well, “stricter laws” could mean locking-up gang bangers. Drilling down to specific gun control laws . . .”

    Yup, ask Chiraq how this is going… wait… they just get a slap on the wrist and let go to do it all over again… nevermind.

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