Mike Fernandez (courtesy wikipedia.org)
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In the editorial below, Florida-based NRA Lobbyist and past NRA Prez Marion Hammer goes at a Sunshine State billionaire, hammer and tongs. And why not? Republican donor Miguel Fernandez declared “I will not give one cent to anyone who does not support major change regarding military-type weapons being sold.” This despite owning a large collection of machine guns. Reading between the lines . . .

The NRA suffered a huge PR loss when NRA A-rated Florida Republicans enacted a post-Parkland package of gun control measures. Not one to take an insult to her “I got this” rep lying down, Ms. Hammer’s exposé contains a warning to treacherous politicians, bolded, in red: Note: New NRA grades are coming soon for Senate and House Republicans.

It remains to be seen if Ms. Hammer can wield the stick as effectively as she provided carrots to [ostensibly] pro-gun politicians. Meanwhile, here’s her pro-gun anti-Fernandez polemic:

Florida – (ammoland.com): South Florida elitist billionaire Mike Fernandez loves to brag to the rich and powerful about his “colossal” gun collection which includes many machine guns and “assault weapons.”

Some very wealthy people who are business and social friends have been guests in his mansion and have seen his collection. They say he loves to show off what he calls his “colossal” gun collection. They report that he has an unbelievable collection of Class 3 firearms including M16s, belt fed machine guns and so many firearms it’s unbelievable.

Read the politico article here:

Although Mike Fernandez is known for being one of the biggest donors to Republicans seeking public office, in February when he announced in the media that “I will not give one cent to anyone who does not support major change regarding military-type weapons being sold,” it apparently rattled Republicans who wanted his money.

It has to make makes us wonder how many Republicans voted for the gun control bill (SB-7026) to keep his check book open to them and to Republican leadership. Note: New NRA grades are coming soon for Senate and House Republicans.

Since his money buys him a seat above the law, he must feel safe calling for gun control and banning the guns of honest, hardworking, law-abiding citizens who share our country with him.

This is the same Miguel “Mike” Fernandez who fled Cuba as a boy and immigrated to America to get away from Fidel Castro’s Cuba. He probably doesn’t want to remember that one of the first things Castro did when he came to power was confiscate all citizen owned guns. Then he took their property, their wealth, their freedom and their dignity – creating the ultimate “gun-free zone.

Once in the USA, with the US Constitution to protect his rights, Fernandez rose from a poor immigrant to a wealthy Floridian who enjoys buying expensive “toys” – like a military armored personnel carrier, jet planes, a helicopter, a mega-yacht – and apparently people – and it would seem to include state and federal politicians.

Miguel “Mike” Benito Fernandez fled Castro’s oppression in search of freedom. He has enjoyed the bounty of our nation and the freedom that was purchased with the sweat and blood of patriots. He has flourished in a freedom that allows him to own, enjoy and show off a “colossal” gun collection. Now Fernandez wants to thank America by imposing gun control on you.

Read more here: South Fla. Billionaire Mike Fernandez: ‘Not One Cent’ To Policians Who Don’t Support Gun Control.’

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    • Marion: Yeah, I’ve been pushing for Gun Control for 40 years, I just wrote and spoke about the need for the ATF to reclassify bump stocks, but I’m going to warn this guy for doing what I do, instead of what I say.

      Marion Hammer can go spit, she can’t even tell how she’s talking out both sides of her face, she’s got her $200k a year consulting contract.

      • Of course. It’s inter-dimensional quantum fluidic space chess, dontchaknow. They’ve got to destroy the exercise of the right in order to save the exercise of the right.

      • You out of short pants yet with all your wet behind the ears opinions? Ms Hammer was fighting the good fight before most here heard their 1st gunshot.

  1. Full30 is also a sell out They pulled the videos from the Full30 website that are responsible for the policy change on YouTube. It’s not just YouTube that is the problem.

      • Go ask Tim at MAC. Hell even TTAG knows the full truth. If you think it is just some rich dude selling you out, you need to learn the REAL truth.

        Full30 is just as much as a sell out as any rich dude with a bunch machine guns. I wonder if TTAG will bother exposing them. If they do expose Full30, TTAG is going to give a HELL of a lot of ammo to the antigun side. We are probably even going to lose a few gun channels I really like. But do you want the pro gun position to be based on a LIE. Or should we just change the name of the site to the Half Truth About Guns.

        But lets give them some time and see if people start to come clean. See if they are really willing to stand by their principles.

        • Again, can you please explain what the heck you’re talking about. Start at the beginning and assume we’re not all up whatever in the weeds point you’re hyperventilating about.

          MAC’s own LinkedIn profile says he is one of 3 founders of Full30, so your rant doesn’t make much sense. He’s censoring himself? The other two founders have it out for him?

        • That’s the point, the videos that sparked the policy change on YouTube have also been pulled from Full30. And Tim is complaining about YouTube’s policy change. They are covering their own asses as they assault others for their policy changes. Those videos are responsible for the changes in YouTube. And if you saw then you would understand exactly why the changes were made.

        • Were these Yeager’s video’s? Sorry but fuck that guy, he’s way more mouth than ass, and hurts the community with his dumbassery.

        • The videos were linked from YouTube select them there delete them on ful30 it’s a whole like quicker to add a link than upload a million gigs of video

    • Yes, I too am interested. I’ve never heard of Full30. How is removing videos “selling out”? which videos did they remove?

      • They are damning enough that someone is going to be thrown under a bus. I know that a lot of people on TTAG will probably be ok with them, and they are 100% legal, but I really really wish someone thought long and hard before publishing the videos. I understand the fact that the makers of the videos are not willing to own up to the shitstorm that was inadvertently created with them. But when they attack YouTube for the same change in policy, well I’m calling BS. I have commented on Tim’s Facebook page and want to find out from him if he knew about the videos (there is a chance he did not, but honestly I do not believe it). I know one person who was involved with the video made it sound like he was willing to be the next Larry Flynt, so honestly he really needs to come forth. I’m sorry I have to be a little vague on this, I want to give some people time to strategize, but the whole truth really needs to come out.

        • “I’m sorry I have to be a little vague on this, I want to give some people time to strategize, but the whole truth really needs to come out.”

          Fair enough. Please remember to come back to this comment section and post enough information for all of us to find it. I may or may not be following other articles on TTAG when this information is available but I will get notifications from these comments.

        • I wouldn’t count on the e-mail notifications, if that is what you’re talking about, they seem to work sporadically, at best.

        • Thanks for the notification heads-up. They’ve been working practically 100% for me over the years. I’m still getting all notifications as of today.

    • I am not aware of any pulled videos on full30. Not to mention videos aren’t responsible for the policy change, statists are. Content creators are posting videos like:
      Bump-fire Therapy
      TAB Episode 9: FAMAE PAF Submachine Gun
      Freaking Awesome! Full Auto 22lr AK Trainer [East German]
      Czech vz.27 “sanitized” for covert operations?
      Reddit/Citibank Hate Freedom and Two New AR10’s – TGC News!
      REAL Homemade Flamethrower
      Japanese Type 10 Light Grenade Projector (aka Knee Mortar)
      UK vz.59 Czech Universal Machine Gun: Shooting
      That doesn’t sound milquetoast.

      • No, those are jokes compared to what was pulled. Like I said, not illegal, but man the consequences.

        • I may disagree with 99% of what Binder posts, may have even called Binder a troll once or twice (can’t remember), but, of the few of Binder’s posts I have actually read, Binder’s not a troll. Binder does appear to believe in what Binder posts. A troll does not.

      • Let me explain it to you, those videos were pulled for a reason, you are not going to see them on pornhub. There is no way in hell pornhub will let them on the site. Yes, that bad.

        • WTF are you talking about for god’s sake. Trying to somehow seem like you’re the cool kid, is backfiring.

    • No video can be responsible for the YouTube policy changes. YouTube policy makers and owners are responsible for it.

      • How do you feel about a video that the content creators are afraid to keep posted anywhere else? You expect YouTube to keep the same kind of video on their own website? Or should they take measures to make sure no one else posts a similar video.

        • The problem is that we are now in a “you got’s to show ya cards” situation or else it’s no pic didn’t happen kinda thing, dig?

        • That its child rape, or some other thing. If literally no one is willing to show it, porn hub included, that might be the reason. Or are this “videos” or are these the videos that only your friend bob’s brother’s roommate saw at his uncle’s house?

    • Tim saw one of my comments on YouTube and I just sent him a PM. Will see what he says. There is a possibility he did not know what is going on, but he does now. We will see what happens. Will be interesting to see how he still feels about a the NRA and YouTube afterwards.

      TTAG, check your email. You should know exactly what is going on.

    • This is a flat out lie and an attempt to discredit Full30 after our announcement we’ll be opening the platform to community. If you don’t believe me, ask Ian himself vs. spreading misinformation and trolling rumors.

      • Tim is NOT censoring content. However the videos will likely not be posted to full30. That is certainly the decision of the creators and I have no reason to believe that Tim will not publish them if the creators ask him to. I will reserve any judgement untill further facts come to light.
        But as a fully truthfull stament, there are videos that have been banded from YouTube that have not been uploaded to full30. This is not, as far as I know the decision of Tim, but the content creators that are members of major channels on thefull30.
        So basically it’s up to creators to reveal the videos, and Tim is in fact fully aware of the ones in question, but let me state again, it is NOT his choice to have them posted.

        • The creators are not bashing youtube nor the NRA. Tim is. It is up to Tim to either reproduce the video or convince the creators to allow him to post the video. FYI Tag knows about the video, and will give them credit for demonstrating things for the main streem press.
          Just as some rambiling. Another member of full30, NOT the creator, moderate response to the YouTube changes made me rethink. Percived hypocrisy will make me do so fairly stupid stuff. To be honest I’m done with the current debate. Both sides are really pissing me off. Just everyone keep in mind the NRA is more moderate than most people here, to be honest that are way more moderate than me. I think Swiss have a better understanding of the 2nd than we do, they just need to work on their ownship laws, but their “culture of guns” is the one to strive for. I just hate all the lies on the “pro-gun” side because I can see thew them. The antigun side I expect them.
          And yes, there is No significant difference between a AR-15 and a M4 or 16. The ability to fire full auto in an infantry rifle is not that important. And to be honest I think a AR10 is a better millitia weapon anyways. CQB is a job for “regulars”

        • We may disagree on just about everything but I thank you for your reply and respect your decision.

          ETA: I don’t significantly disagree with you on the following.

          ‘And yes, there is No significant difference between a AR-15 and a M4 or 16. The ability to fire full auto in an infantry rifle is not that important. And to be honest I think a AR10 is a better millitia weapon anyways. CQB is a job for “regulars”’

          If the situation is really bothering you/pissing you off then you are wise to step back. Take care and carry on.

        • So wait, which is it? Have they “pulled the videos from the Full30 website that are responsible for the policy change on YouTube” as you said in your initial comment, or are there “videos that have been banded [sic] from YouTube that have not been uploaded to full30” as you said in this comment?

          And is it Tim’s fault, as some of your comments seem to say, or is it the content creators’ responsibility and not Tim’s fault, as this comment seems to say?

          I’m not sure it matters either way in the long run, but there’s a difference between pulling videos down and not reposting videos on one site that were removed (or banned) from another.

          I’m still pretty sure I don’t understand this whole argument you seem to be having.

    • Binder, 24 hours, and then I nuke this thread.

      You gave a bunch of nebulous accusations, some secret squirrel “I can’t give details” BS, and said to ask them directly.

      Well, Military Arms has responded, and categorically denied your allegations. I’m more inclined to believe them than you, as their track record is proven, and you’re historically an agitator.

      You have 24 hours to produce something concrete, or I’m memory-holing this nonsense. It’s a distraction from much more important conversations that need to be happening.

      • I emailed Tim direct. I will CC you in on the conversion if he OKs it. You can nuke this. Likely will be a good idea.

      • Binder is a troll.

        He’s always jabbering on about how bump stocks “change the operation of the trigger” of a rifle they are fitted to.

        Now he states that in his mind the AR-15 is identical to an M-16 or M-4.

        It never ends with him. I now think he is an anti-gun plant sent here to deliberately post such nonsense.

  2. I won’t support anyone who doesn’t support major change regarding military-type weapons being sold…. Specifically changing the laws to make them more accessible…. Let’s hope that’s what he meant.

    Seriously. You have to be an elitist to own a huge gun collection and then say that the plebs shouldn’t be allowed to have them.

  3. So I should oppose this because the NRA is a bunch of sellouts on the second amendment and Marion Hammer is past her prime and ineffective right?

    Or was that only a few weeks ago?

  4. So this Cuban billionaire has a “guns for me and none for thee” attitude?!? What else is new? Traitors are us…

    • Maybe he needs to be deported back to Cuba.

      We don’t need 1st generation immigrants telling us we need to give up our Constitional rights while they have the money to enjoy rights we can’t afford.

      It was America that gave him the opportunity to get the kind of income to allow him to buy expensive restricted machine guns.

  5. It’s very common for private sector lobbyist gun grabbers to have huge gun collections, especially of machine guns. Sly Stallone, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Arnold S. all have or had many machine guns yet advocate for disarming the tax cows.

  6. This guy’s face should be on the “Do Not Sell To” wall of every gun store. Ammo retailers should refuse to sell him ammo to feed his “colossal” gun collection.

    • Maybe we can get him “stuck” in NICS a a prohibited person.

      Set it up so when the FBI deletes his prohibited person listing and it automatically restores after about an hour.

      Maybe, in between, the ATF SWATs him.


  7. I’ll bet that Mike Fernandez also has a monster collection of fine cigars that most of us aren’t allowed to own because they come from AISOM (an Island South of Miami).

    • I probably could give him a run for his money in the Cuban cigar department. Going on 500ish.

      But seriously, screw that elitist bastard.

  8. Hammer should be on board with his views since, by her own actions and words, she shares many of them.

  9. That guy makes me just a wee bit angry. I’d probably skin him alive and pour Clorox on him if I had the chance./ Not

  10. Nothing will ruin the political this guy has capital better than to be seen as an albatross. No one wants money or support from David Duke….lets turn this guy into that kind of albatross to hang around the neck of loser Republicans.

  11. Don’t get between the NRA and its “contributions”. History strongly suggests that it will literally seek gun-control to protect its financial interests. If the fundamental natural right to keep and bear arms is not safe from the NRA, what make this “contributor” any different?

    Remember folks, we live in a post-Heller and McDonald world now. The right to keep and bear arms is no longer considered a “privilege” that is subject to the whim of gun-controllers… unless bump stock regulations pass. In that case, such will, in effect, permit the ATF to engage in all the gun-control it wants using the rulemaking process rather than congress.

    No surprise that the NRA is the one championing the bump stock gun-control measure of which “Dian [Finsateine] is very passionate about”. (quoting Trump during the 2018 “school safety meeting”) The NRA will then get all the “contributions” that they could ever dream of.


  12. Don’t place yourself between the NRA and its “contributions”. History strongly suggests that they will literally seek gun-control to protect its financial interests. If the fundamental natural right to keep and bear arms is not safe from the NRA, what make this “contributor” any different?

    Remember folks, we live in a post-Heller and McDonald world now. The fundamental natural right to keep and bear arms is no longer considered a “privilege” that is subject to the whim of gun-controllers… unless bump stock regulations pass. In that case, such will, in effect, permit the ATF to engage in all the gun-control it wants using the rulemaking process rather than congress.

    No surprise that the NRA is the one championing the bump stock gun-control measure of which “Dianne [Feinstein] is very passionate about”. (quoting Trump during the 2018 “school safety meeting”) The NRA will then obtain all the “contributions” that they could ever dream of, and will do so for an indefinite duration.

    Pathetic!!! (NRA)

  13. “I will not give one cent to anyone who does not support major change regarding military-type weapons being sold.”

    I have to ask; What kind of major change? If it’s repealing the Hughes Amendment—and especially the NFA—that would be a “major change” that I would fully agree with. But if he means more gun “control” (aka, bans for you, but not me), then that is even more reason to say “No!” with as much clarity and forcefulness as each one of us is comfortable with.

    • He’s another hypocritical “guns for me, not for thee” blowhard.

      The same hypocritical blowhard who escaped Cuban oppression who then turns around and demands we be disarmed while he can own anything he wishes.

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