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Mossy Oak has partnered with the NRA as the organization’s Official Camouflage Partner. As part of this new facet of their relationship the pair has announced a new camo pattern: Mossy Oak OVERWATCH. OVERWATCH is Mossy Oak’s first pattern designed entirely using 3D modeling to create a detailed, realistic image reminiscent of a topographic map. The NRA’s logo is embedded in the pattern itself.

Mossy Oak OVERWATCH (Courtesy Mossy Oak)

The companies released the following statements regarding the partnership:

“The NRA is proud to announce this significant partnership with Mossy Oak. Like the NRA, Mossy Oak is committed to the preservation of our 2nd Amendment rights, wildlife conservation, and safe and responsible use of firearms. With millions of members engaged in the recreational shooting sports and hunting, Mossy Oak felt it was only appropriate to show that it stands with the NRA by creating the custom OVERWATCH camouflage pattern, which will soon be available on popular clothing, firearms, and accessories,” said Doug Hamlin, Executive Director of NRA Publications.

“Our rights to manage and pursue the natural resources of this great land are something we take very seriously here at Mossy Oak,” said Toxey Haas, founder and CEO of Mossy Oak. “The NRA is the leader in preserving the opportunities we have as conservationists, hunters, and law-abiding citizens with the right to keep and bear arms. We live in a time where those topics are each facing their greatest opposition. That is why it is with great honor and excitement we are uniting with the NRA, so we can lay down our heads at night knowing that we are doing everything we can to carry out our mission to help people live their best life outdoors for years to come.”

It should be interesting to see precisely what this partnership entails. Get a closer look at the new Mossy Oak pattern here.

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  1. Glad the NRA is tackling the important stuff. After all, supposedly advocating for a Civil Right shouldn’t deter an organization from a partnership deal with a sponsor. Wait, isn’t that what liberals have been screaming – that the NRA is just a shill for firearms companies, and not a real member-driven organization?

    • Maybe that’s why they joined forces with the Second Amendment Foundation to challenge I-1639 in court.

      • No way! There is no time if they are partnering with…. oh wait… nope they can do both!? Yea… Every time I see anti-NRA/NRA hate talk from supposed 2A supporters I have to laugh out loud and shake my head. I for one am very fortunate the NRA exist.

  2. Oh.
    For a moment I thought Mossy Oak was either sponsoring or teaming up with Blizzard Entertainment…

  3. I hope Mossy Oak knows that now that they’ve “partnered” with the NRA they can never leave. Marion Hammer will throw a fit and do all the character assassination in the book if they try to stop paying.

    It’s so wonderful the NRA goes around seeking money while new gun control regulations are passing with their explicit endorsement.

      • “…the National Rifle Association is calling on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law. The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.”

        • They called for a review, which should have been a make work/delaying effort that yielded the same results. They didn’t call for a conclusion and posted responses opposing the preliminary rules from the review. At worst, it kept bump stock bans as regulation instead of having Congress make a new law about it.

        • Anymouse,
          Did you miss this part?
          ” The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.”
          They got exactly what they asked for. If you continue to support the NRA you are supporting an organization that just successfully lobbied for more national gun control. The NRA succedded where Hilary Clinton failed.

  4. Took two years of harassment and a number change before NRA left me alone, after a 3 year membership i bought during the last year of Obama. So hopefully it would show support for Republicans. I seen nothing imo to indicate they wanted anything from me but money to sit on there @$$. They have more money than i do, and do less Gun Supporting then i thought. It seems they waste more money then i would. But they dress nice, they buy conference room time to hold more functions and raise more funds, drive nicer cars than me and they likely buy plane tickets wait .. hell i bet they own a plane! They havent really helped me or the many of sportsman of Florida. Im now out this year of hunting the lands i used too, a number of hunting club lands has shrunk, open carry or constitutional carry hasnt been allowed in Florida, Chigago and a number of other locations! California and New Jersey gun laws Suck Golf Balls through a Garden hose there so terrible! NRA AND NOW MOSSY OAK CAN KISS MY BACKSIDE!!!

    • Kryptek and Optifade have my 2A loyalty. Mossy oak is for obese football coaches and children’s backpacks.

  5. Why would anyone need an “official camo partner?” That’s like university students having an “official dildo partner.”

    And the Ralph above ain’t me, babe. No no no, it ain’t me, babe.

    • I liked a lot about the comment from Ralph (Ralph3) above, but no way anybody who has been here for a few days would think that was you Ralph.

      And, yeah, a ‘camo partner’? WTF?

  6. Mossy Oak and YETI coolers…these are their priorities. Oh, and of course keeping Adam Kraut out of the Board leadership.

    It’s been nearly a week since a bill was introduced with Republican sponsors that would ban all personal gunsmithing and require mandatory registration, and the NRA has said *nothing*

    It’s been nearly a week since a federal red-flag law bill was introduced with Republican sponsors and a president that endorsed the idea 8 months ago, and the NRA has said *nothing*

    We are entering the very final stage of a vague regulatory ban on bump stock devices that Trump pushed, which as-written would cover nearly all shooting accessories, which the NRA once endorsed, and the NRA has said *nothing* about challenging it or even disagreeing with it.

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