Screen capture by Boch via Youtube.


Tucker Carlson hosted Raul Mendez on his show last week to tell his remarkable story of how he used his gun to stop a mass murderer this past Independence Day weekend in Arizona.

After taking a shot to the head that took out his left eye, Mendez regained consciousness enough to draw his gun, then he shoot and kill the berserk killer, ending the carnage. In the process, he saved other innocent lives including those of his wife and daughters.

Now, after months of recovery, he’s able to recount what happened that day . . .

Tucker Carlson, who appeared stunned after Mendez described what happened that night, asked if Mendez had some sort of special training to pull off such a remarkable feat. “I have no professional training,” was he reply from Mendez.

Mr. Mendez recognized some valiant heroics from others present at the time, including two women who fought with the attacker giving Mendez time to recover his wits, draw his gun and stop the threat.

The NRA is promoting Mendez’s story and for good reason.

NRA DGU defensive gun use stories
2021 published stories in America’s five largest newspapers. (Courtesy NRA)

The mainstream media love to cover — mostly with a pillow — stories that run counter to their narratives. Armed citizens stopping attackers isn’t one of their approved storylines.

As Mr. Mendez states in the NRA-produced video, over 1 million people used firearms to defend themselves and their families every year. And according to the latest, most comprehensive survey, the annual number is almost 1.7 million.

Mendez’s story is one that should be shared. Kudos to him for surviving the attack, including a gunshot wound to the head, and putting an end to a crazed killer’s carnage.  Raul Mendez stands as a bona fide American hero.


  1. There should be several hundred NRA videos on people lawfully defend themselves, Including children who defend with guns. But sadly the NRA is not interested in doing those type of videos. Except on maybe 5 or 6 occasions in the past. They could have easily run a million dollar video ad campaign. Instead the $$$ went to buy tailored suits for Wayne.

    Unfortunately the NRA has spent far too much time talking about hunting. When the second amendment has nothing to do with hunting.

    They’re stupid magazine every month list four or five examples of people using their second amendment civil rights to defend themselves and their loved ones. They are only preaching to the choir. Since you have to be a member to be able to get the magazine.

    Those stories should have been part of an ad campaign on a state, and National level, defending the Second Amendment.

    • The media does not care about remarkable life saving firearm stories because such stories do not fit their Gun Control narrative.

      The only thing the media fears is hearing the truth about their beloved Gun Control. Truth that was told in a speech on the floor of congress. A speech made by Chip Roy following Ulaldie received little press from the Gun Control crowd and even less press from those who are supposed to be on point defending the Second Amendment. That said…Perhaps there are more people than just Wayne who need to be shown the door.

  2. I thought only white supremists were allowed to join the NRA. I am very proud of you my brown brother. What you did is incredibly strong. I believe the liberals are going to find that you and I have more in common than you and the liberals. Keep up the good fight, our country is better for you being a citizen of it.

  3. These great NRA ads should never have been 2 or 3 years apart. Replace Wayne and the NRA board as well. Until then they only get Monopoly money from me.

    From 2020. video 4 min long.

    “Disabled Woman Weak to Coronavirus Issues Message to Politicians Using Pandemic to Push Gun Control”

  4. No No No No No
    When your shot in the head and live your supposed to start up a Ban The Gunms campaign.

  5. Man, that guy has a yard of guts. Raul, you deserve kudos and success in all your endeavors. You already had more than your share of bad happen to you. I hope that now there will be nothing but good.

  6. I saw this from Colion Noir last night.

    Absolutely astounding.

    Eye for an eye
    Do ya feel lucky punk? Do ya?

  7. I can certainly admire the courage of this man but the fact remains is that he was one bloody lucky guy not to have been killed BEFORE he had any chance of reacting and in 999 times out of a thousand he would have been after being shot in the head It’s certainly NOT any l kind of advertisement for the nessessity for carrying a HANDGUN.
    Can you imagine it ‘ Carry a handgun and get shot in the head BEFORE you can get to your concealed carry’ If this guy had been killed he would certainly NOT have been held as a example to follow would he?
    The two women who tackled the shooter UNARMED were far braver. That took real guts. I hope they got equal TELE time.

    • Shouldn’t you be in mourning subject? You rag on this guy from your troll hideout. How brave of you Albert…

    • Sometimes when violence breaks out you don’t have a chance to react. Sometimes you are killed or injured. If you are injured it is how you react that determines whether or not you can be considered worthy of praise. Shot in the head, lost an eye and still managed to protect himself and others. That is exceptional, yet in jolly old England he would have been prosecuted for self defense.

      No need to pretend to be from the UK. No one buys it. Your statements here show the invalidity of your view no matter who you pretend to be.

    • Albert L J Hall in a situation like this man confronted you take a chance to save lives. the fact is that 999 times out of 1000 the good guy takes out the bad guy. Seems your stats are as out of wack as the rest of your posts.

    • @Albert L J Hall

      “I can certainly admire the courage of this man but the fact remains is that he was one bloody lucky guy not to have been killed BEFORE he had any chance of reacting and in 999 times out of a thousand he would have been after being shot in the head It’s certainly NOT any l kind of advertisement for the nessessity for carrying a HANDGUN.
      Can you imagine it ‘ Carry a handgun and get shot in the head BEFORE you can get to your concealed carry’ If this guy had been killed he would certainly NOT have been held as a example to follow would he?
      The two women who tackled the shooter UNARMED were far braver. That took real guts. I hope they got equal TELE time.”

      You are so full of it.

      1. He wasn’t shot during his DGU, he was shot before his DGU. He did not react until after he was shot.

      2. He was not shot during his DGU. The defender being shot during DGU happens in 6% or less of the events.

      3. And this ignorant statement > “If this guy had been killed he would certainly NOT have been held as a example to follow would he?” WTF is wrong with you to think like that? You are one sick demented person, you think this matter of life and death is about getting a score like a video game. If he had stopped the killer before dying he would have still been a hero, and if not and had been trying he would have still been a hero for trying, which is a lot more than can be said for you. It can’t help but to be noticed that the ones like you who try to cheapen this mans life and the lives of the others, you weren’t there to defend them. Don’t think its not noticed that a sick demented anti-gun hypocrite like you is never around to stop a mass shooting.

      In over 97% of the cases where the defender is fatally shot during their DGU and killed, before they die they are successful in either stopping the bad guy cold or repelling them.

      About the only chance for stopping the killer was this man with his firearm, all other means of physical resistance and even going for cover and trying to hide or run away had failed … all the things the anti-gun hypocrites say are the best things to do had failed… but this man, wounded, got up and stopped this monster and this man and his family and others lived because of his courage because of his drive to overcome the adversity facing him and seize the odds in his favor by defensive gun use.

      4. Then this ignorant statement from you > “It’s certainly NOT any l kind of advertisement for the nessessity for carrying a HANDGUN.” – maybe you missed the part where he did stop the criminal from killing others. There is another video, the full NRA video, where its pointed out that the killer had a second gun and had gone for that gun but this man, already seriously wounded with very traumatic injury, recovering from an unconscious state, drew his own firearm and stopped the killer. It is not only a very loud and obvious “advertisement for the nessessity for carrying a HANDGUN” it shows the absolute necessity for being armed and prepared.

      5. This this stupid thing from you > “The two women who tackled the shooter UNARMED were far braver. That took real guts. I hope they got equal TELE time.” > Yes, they were very brave but they did not ‘tackle’ the killer. One of them struggled with the killer causing him to fire the remaining ammo in the gun, being out of ammo the killer then tried to strangle her and the other woman grabbed a firearm, a rifle, from a closet but was not able to load it and used it as a club. But here’s the twist not mentioned in this article video, the killer had a second gun and bought that out and by this time the defender was back up and drew his own fire arm and stopped the killer. > at 1:18 (starting a little before) in the video the man tells how the killer broke away from this struggle with the women and started going for his second gun. The Tucker Carlson interview doesn’t include this.

      Everyone who resisted this killer are hero’s. No one is taking anything from the two brave women or others who defended against the killer and if they want to come forward and be identified that’s up to them and if they do they too will be hailed publicly for their heroism. But even if they do not choose to come forward and be identified they too are still heroes.

      But the fact remains – despite the adversity to be overcome to grab the actually very good odds of survival, odds better than any other form of defense by about 94% better – with defensive gun use by this armed defender is what saved the day and stopped the killer which would have continued because he had a second gun.

      Albert, take your sick psychosis somewhere else.

  8. Fuck you Albert! You pompous British ass! No shit he was lucky, but also brave. Reckon you would have shit your self after being shot in the head. He cared more about his friends than the fact he was shot and probably thought he was going to die. Gonna be a long cold winter in the UK

  9. Years ago I attended a police course labeled: Surviving life and death incidents, I beleive the author was a researcher, Elizabeth Kubler Ross. I may be wrong on the author, However, one thing I remember from that one day class changed my thought process to survive a critical incident. The answer is to get angry, take action and fight back, anything goes, badger or wolverine rage, stabbing with a pen, keys or anything you grab. You may be hurt or injured, but taking action and fighting back you dramaticaly increase your chances of living through the incident. Most attackers are cowards, they want compliance. When you stab them in the face with a pen, they retreat and run. Oh yea, the first run of a gun fight? Have a gun!

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